Hoop dat ik het goed zeg !
HERE heeft vertrouwen in de toekomst:
Despite the challenging market conditions, we won more new business in 2020 than in 2019. 0ur Bookings, or the estimated lifetime revenue of deals closed within the calendar year, were close to EUR 1.7 billion, a slight increase year year.
Maar de aandeelhouders lijken de tekorten niet zomaar meer te willen aanvullen:
HERE International B.V entered into a subordinated shareholder loan agreement in May 2020 with There Holding B.V. and Intel Holdings B.V. to provide liquidity support In 2020, the HERE Group borrowed EUR 125 million, received in three tranches: EUR 60 million in May 2020, EUR 40 million in June 2020, and EUR 25 million in August 2020. The interest rate on th1s loan is 6.25%, with principal and interest both payable at the earlier of July 31, 2023 or the date falling six months after all outstanding balances on its main debt agreement are repaid in full. In January 2021, HERE borrowed a fourth tranche in the amount of EUR 25 million.
HERE kijkt naar mogelijkheden om meer geld op te halen:
For 2021, we target a return to strong sales growth. However, to fully exploit the opportunities in front of us over the long-term, we are presently exploring a wide range of options for raising additional capital to accelerate the company's growth and value creation. The assessment includes the possibility of accessing funding through public and private equity markets.
Dus geen renteloze lening, alleen pas rente en aflossing in 2023.
Niet Intel, maar Intel en There holding BV.
Wat blijft er aan automotive over als alles vers snel en online gaat.
2018 814
2019 796
2020 610 daling tov 2019 is 24%
Automotive Tom Tom
2018 235
2019 265.7
2020 227,2 daling tov 2019 14%.
Verder ben ik er van overtuigd, dat Intel op voorspraak van Microsoft, Mobileye kocht in mrt 2017, een belang nam in Here in jan 2017 en Moovit kocht in 2020.
Begin 2017 zag de toekomst van Here er anders uit dan in 2019 en daarna :-)