Betreft Automotive
Harold Goddijn - TomTom NV - Chief Executive Officer, Member of the Management Board
So, we see two things, a short-term downward provision of production numbers and also some delays in new products, new vehicles, and their SOP dates. Now, a delay in SOP does not necessarily need to be a problem if you are the incumbent, but if you are winning market share, of course,
then the transition from the old supplier to the new supplier will take more time. And that's hitting our top line in this case as well, with two of our customers introducing models later than that we had initially anticipated. So, it's a combination of those two effects.
If I look at our position in the market and our credibility in the market, I think all the signs are on green. We're talking to more customers, a lot of
customers that we have not been speaking to for some time. There are great opportunities opening up for contract wins. The engagements we
have are healthy, at the right seniority level within the companies as well. So, I'm happy with the credibility we have gained, the interest in
TomTom Orbis Maps, but also the interest in the Overture Maps Foundation and what it means for the long-term shape of the location industry
Dus er rollen minder auto s van de band en de start van nieuwe modellen is vertraagd.
De start ( SOP ) van nieuwe modellen bij een bestaande klant is niet zo erg.
Maar bij een nieuwe klant wel.( gaat marktaandeel winnen )
Alle seinen staan op groen.
2 nieuwe klanten hebben dus hun SOP uitgesteld.
We spreken met klanten, waar we lang niet mee hebben gesproken op SENIOR niveau.
Dus geweldige mogelijkheden om hier contracten van te maken.