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Eni to Promote Bio Fuel Value Chain in Kenya

Eni and the Ministry of Petroleum and Mining of Kenya have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to promote the decarbonization process to tackle climate change through new industrial models of fully-integrated circular economy along the whole bio-fuel production value chain. The parties will jointly conduct feasibility studies to develop waste and residue collection as well as agricultural projects, with the purpose of establishing a wide range of feedstock sources that do not compete with food cycles, to be transformed into bio-fuels and bio-products that might contribute to feed Eni’s bio-refineries in Gela and Venice, Italy. The parties will also assess the opportunity of converting Mombasa refinery into a bio-refinery, as well as the construction of a new plant for second-generation bio-ethanol from waste biomass, leveraging on Eni technologies Ecofining e Proesa.

The agricultural development project focuses on the development of sustainable oil crop cultivations - namely, low ILUC (indirect land use change) feedstock such as cover crops, castor in degraded lands, croton trees in agro-forestry systems and other agro-industrial co-products.

The waste and residue collection would be focused to promote and implement a collection system for used cooked oil (UCO) and of other agro-processing residues.

This initiative will contribute to diversifying Kenya’s energy mix and supporting the overall de-carbonization process, while also decreasing the Country’s dependence from imports of petroleum products. Other expected benefits include developing sustainable agricultural activities and circular economy, producing power from renewable sources, fostering the economic competitiveness of the local industry and creating new jobs.

The agreement contributes to the objectives of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The projects also contribute to the implementation of the Kenya Bioenergy Strategy, Updated Nationally Determined Contribution, Kenya’s National Development Plans, including Kenya Vision 2030. Also, the initiatives are in line with Eni’s commitment to play a pivotal role in the decarbonization process and with the Company’s target to become palm-oil free by 2023 and to double bio-refineries capacity to around 2mln tons by 2024.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Maersk Invests in WasteFuel to Develop Green Bio Methanol

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
15 Sep, 2021, 6:30 am

Three weeks after the announcement of an e-methanol sourcing agreement in Europe, AP Moller Maersk invests in California-based WasteFuel, a start-up focused on turning waste into sustainable aviation fuel, green bio-methanol, and renewable natural gas. This investment is made through Maersk Growth, the corporate venture arm of AP Moller Maersk. Copenhagen, Denmark and Los Angeles, USA- Maersk’s investment will enable WasteFuel to develop biorefineries that utilise the most effective technologies available to produce sustainable fuels from unrecoverable waste that would otherwise degrade, and release methane and other harmful emissions into the atmosphere.

Maersk is confident that green bio-methanol is one of the promising fuels of the future as it can be scaled up and play an important role in decarbonising supply chains within the next 10-15 years. For each feedstock and project, we evaluate its sustainability as well as the emission reductions, using lifecycle analysis including all greenhouse gases.

WasteFuel is also developing projects in Asia and the Americas including a biorefinery in Manila, Philippines, to produce low-carbon fuels. The company has announced an offtake agreement with NetJets – the world’s largest private jet company owned by Berkshire Hathaway.
Eni & Aeroporti di Roma to Develop Biofuels for Aviation

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Sep, 2021, 6:30 am

Eni and Aeroporti di Roma have signed a strategic agreement to promote decarbonization initiatives in the aviation sector and accelerate the ecological transition of airports. The agreement includes the development of decarbonization and digitalisation projects to boost the transition of ADR-managed airports to smart hubs. A notable feature of the agreement will see the introduction of sustainable fuels for aviation and for ground handling over the coming months. This will lead to lower CO2 emissions compared to fossil fuels. A joint programme for the development of sustainable mobility and distribution services to end customers will also be established, as well as energy integration projects in line with the most advanced transition and digitalisation models.

Eni has been producing Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil biofuel in its Venice and Gela bio-refineries since 2014 via its proprietary Ecofoning technology; it can also produce sustainable aviation fuels from waste and plant-based raw materials using the same technology.

Eni's new “net zero carbon by 2050” strategy will enable it to provide a range of fully decarbonized products, combining environmental and financial sustainability. Key drivers in its path towards decarbonization include: the recent merger of the renewable and retail businesses, the development of biorefineries and biomethane production, and the sale of low-carbon energy carriers and mobility services at service stations.

ADR, the leading Italian airport hub and best airport in Europe for the past there years, has been carbon neutral since 2013 and has committed to eliminating all its emissions by 2030.
Shell to build one of Europe’s Biggest Biofuels Facilities

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Sep, 2021, 6:30 am

Royal Dutch Shell plc announced a final investment decision to build an 820,000-tonnes-a-year biofuels facility at the Shell Energy and Chemicals Park Rotterdam, the Netherlands, formerly known as the Pernis refinery. Once built, the facility will be among the biggest in Europe to produce sustainable aviation fuel and renewable diesel made from waste. A facility of this size could produce enough renewable diesel to avoid 2,800,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions a year, the equivalent of taking more than 1 million European cars off the roads.

The new facility will help the Netherlands and the rest of Europe to meet internationally binding emissions reduction targets. It will also help Shell to meet its own target of becoming a net-zero emissions energy business by 2050, in step with society’s progress towards achieving the climate goals of the Paris Agreement. Advanced production methods will be used to make the fuels. The facility is expected to use technology to capture carbon emissions from the manufacturing process and store them in an empty gas field beneath the North Sea through the Porthos project. A final investment decision for Porthos is expected next year.

The Rotterdam biofuels facility is expected to start production in 2024. It will produce low-carbon fuels such as renewable diesel from waste in the form of used cooking oil, waste animal fat and other industrial and agricultural residual products, using advanced technology developed by Shell.

A range of certified sustainable vegetable oils, such as rapeseed, will supplement the waste feedstocks until even more sustainable advanced feedstocks are widely available. The facility will not use virgin palm oil as feedstock.
RWE’s Markinch CHP Biomass Plant Implements Noise Technology

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
29 Sep, 2021, 6:30 am

RWE has invested GBP 200,000 on new noise abatement technology for its Markinch Power Station in Fife. The 55MW CHP biomass plant has the ability to generate power for 100,000 homes and has been operational since 2015, most recently investing in a state-of-the-art Energy Centre that provides heat to the Glenrothes Energy Network.

In 2019, RWE conducted a noise assessment and identified a low frequency tonal noise associated with the Steam Turbine Generator. Although the noise is within all operational limits, RWE has been working with SEPA to find a solution to minimise any audible background noise. RWE identified a material that can act as an acoustic jacket around the Generator and the installation was fitted during the first half of 2021. The technology is fitted externally therefore the station’s operations were not impacted. Following a series of noise performance tests on and offsite by an external specialist, results confirm that the insulation has significantly reduced the low frequency tonal noise.
CBS: energieverbruik uit biomassa neemt toe

Het energieverbruik uit biomassa is vorig jaar met 10 procent toegenomen ten opzichte van een jaar eerder. Dat komt vooral doordat kolencentrales steeds meer biogas, biobenzine, groen huishoudelijk afval of houtproducten verstoken. Volgens het Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS) is biomassa goed voor 6 procent van het totale energieverbruik in Nederland.

Redactie 30-09-21, 00:43

Het statistiekbureau benadrukt dat biomassa ook de grootste bron van hernieuwbare energie is met een aandeel van 54 procent. Wind is goed voor bijna een kwart van de hernieuwbare energie en zonne-energie heeft een aandeel van 14 procent.

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Volgens het CBS is het gebruik van biomassa sinds 2016 sterk toegenomen, geholpen door onder andere subsidies en internationale afspraken. Doordat kolencentrales meer biomassa zijn gaan bijstoken, nam hier het verbruik van biomassa met 150 procent toe. Daarnaast leveren afvalverbrandingsinstallaties een belangrijke bijdrage.

Biomassa wordt vooral gebruikt om warmte te produceren. Dat gebeurt meestal door de verbranding van hout. Daarnaast wordt biomassa ook gebruikt voor het opwekken van elektriciteit en voor het vervaardigen van biobrandstoffen.

Afgelopen zomer zetten Greenpeace, het Wereld Natuur Fonds en andere natuur- en milieuorganisaties een streep door afspraken met de energiesector over biomassa als bron van hernieuwbare energie. De aanleiding hiervoor was een rapport van de Stichting Onderzoek Multinationale Ondernemingen (SOMO) naar de houtproductie in Estland, uitgevoerd in opdracht van Greenpeace. Volgens onderzoekers wordt hout hier allesbehalve duurzaam geproduceerd en valt het niet uit te sluiten dat dit ook in Nederlandse kolencentrales en andere biomassacentrales wordt verbrand.

Het demissionaire kabinet besloot eerder al om geen nieuwe subsidies meer toe te kennen voor zulke ‘houtige biomassa’. Daarmee werd een wens ingelost van de Tweede Kamer, die de afgelopen jaren steeds kritischer is geworden over hoe duurzaam biomassa is.

ElbBLUE Bunkers Green Synthetic Natural Gas at Elbe Port

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
05 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

In a world-first for the maritime sector, the containership, ‘ElbBLUE’, owned by German shipowner Elbdeich Reederei and operated by charterer Unifeeder, has bunkered some 20 tons of green Synthetic Natural Gas at the Elbe port in Brunsbüttel in Germany. MAN Energy Solutions held a ceremony to mark the event, which marks the first time ever that synthetic fuel, generated from 100% renewable energy via power-to-X technology, has been employed in commercial shipping.

Formerly known as the ‘Wes Amelie’, the 1,036-teu feeder container ship previously made headlines in 2017 when its MAN 8L48/60B main engine was retrofitted to its current, four-stroke MAN 51/60DF unit to enable dual-fuel operation. The first such conversion of its type globally, it showed that existing engines could be converted to LNG operation with a tremendous effect on exhaust emissions and the environment. The ElbBLUE sails in the North and Baltic Seas.

Power-to-X is a number of electricity conversion, energy storage, and reconversion pathways that use surplus electric power, typically during periods where fluctuating, renewable-energy generation exceeds load. Power-to-X conversion technologies allow for the decoupling of power from the electricity sector for use in other sectors.
Rio Tinto Developing Steel Making Technology Using Biomass

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Oct, 2021, 4:49 am

Australian mining giant Rio Tinto is progressing an innovative new technology to deliver low carbon steel, using sustainable biomass in place of coking coal in the steelmaking process, in a potentially cost-effective option to cut industry carbon emissions. Over the past decade, Rio Tinto has developed a laboratory-proven process that combines the use of raw, sustainable biomass with microwave technology to convert iron ore to metallic iron during the steelmaking process. The patent-pending process, one of a number of avenues the company is pursuing to try to lower emissions in the steel value chain, is now being further tested in a small-scale pilot plant. If this and larger-scale tests are successful, there is the potential over time for this technology to be scaled commercially to process Rio Tinto’s iron ore fines.

Rio Tinto’s process uses plant matter known as lignocellulosic biomass, instead of coal, primarily as a chemical reductant. The biomass is blended with iron ore and heated by a combination of gas released by the biomass and high efficiency microwaves that can be powered by renewable energy. Lignocellulosic biomass includes agriculture by-products (i.e. wheat straw, corn stover, barley straw, sugar cane bagasse) and purpose-grown crops, which would be sustainable sources for the process. Importantly, the process cannot use foods such as sugar or corn, and Rio Tinto would not use biomass sources that support logging of old-growth forests.

Rio Tinto researchers are working with the multi-disciplinary team in the University of Nottingham’s Microwave Process Engineering Group to further develop the process.

The use of raw biomass in Rio Tinto’s process could also avoid the inefficiencies and associated costs of other biomass-based technologies that first convert the biomass into charcoal or biogas.
Koning opent eerste Nederlandse bio-LNG-installatie

Koning Willem-Alexander opent donderdag 14 oktober de eerste Nederlandse bio-LNG-installatie in Amsterdam. Dat maakt de Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst (RVD) bekend. De bio-LNG-installatie is gebouwd op het terrein van Renewi in Amsterdam Westpoort, en levert een belangrijke bijdrage aan de verduurzaming van het wegtransport.
Redactie / Amsterdam
De drie initiatiefnemers Renewi, Nordsol en Shell hebben elk een eigen rol in de productie van de biobrandstof. Renewi haalt in heel Nederland organisch afval op, zoals producten van supermarkten die over de datum zijn. Vervolgens verwerkt de recycler het afval en zet het in de eigen vergisters om in biogas.

De nieuwe bio-LNG-installatie van Nordsol werkt het biogas op tot bio-LNG. Shell levert deze bio-LNG aan haar klanten op haar LNG-tankstations in Nederland. Daarnaast wordt tijdens de productie van bio-LNG CO2 uit het biogas verwijderd en vloeibaar gemaakt voor hergebruik in kassen.

De nieuwe installatie produceert naar verwachting zo’n 3,4 kiloton bio-LNG per jaar waarmee het de uitstoot van ruim tien kiloton fossiele CO2 voorkomt, genoeg voor dertien miljoen wegkilometers.

Beeld: Nordsol

Eni, ANPG & Sonangol to Develop Agro Biofuel in Angola

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
15 Oct, 2021, 6:31 am

During a meeting between the President of the Republic of Angola João Gonçalves Lourenço and the CEO of Eni Claudio Descalzi, Eni Angola, ANPG and Sonangol signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the joint development of the agro-biofuel sector in the country. Under the MoU, Eni, ANPG and Sonangol will develop a de-carbonization path for the Republic of Angola through a circular economy approach, assessing in particular the development of low-ILUC (indirect land-use change) cultivations such as castor beans on degraded lands and cover crops in rotation with cereals. As part of the MoU, the parties will also evaluate business opportunities in the areas of waste-collection, with the purpose of valorizing the organic fraction, and bio-refining.

The MoU is in line with Eni’s commitment to accelerate the energy transition in fossil-fuel producing countries, promoting the integration of the African continent into the biofuel value chain through agribusiness and industrial development initiatives aimed at the production of advanced biofuels, helping the decarbonisation of the transport sector and promoting development opportunities.

As part of the meeting, Mr Descalzi also updated President Lourenço on the New Gas Consortium which is now approaching FID, a milestone allowing the valorization of non-associated gas reserves in the country, accelerating local development through the utilization of domestic gas, and contributing significantly to Angola’s path to de-carbonization.

President Lourenço and Mr Descalzi also reviewed the progress of Eni’s activities in the country, and particularly the key targets for 2022: the start-ups of the Gasoline production increase project at Luanda Refinery, and of the Caraculo photovoltaic plant in Namibe province, and a major FID for the development of a third production hub in block 15/06.
Repsol Produces Renewable Hydrogen with Biomethane

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
15 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

Repsol has produced renewable hydrogen using biomethane as raw material for the first time. This renewable hydrogen was used to manufacture fuels with a low carbon footprint, such as gasoline, diesel, or kerosene for aviation. This milestone took place at Repsol’s Cartagena Industrial Complex, where 10 tons of renewable hydrogen were produced from 500 MWh of biomethane, thus avoiding the emission of about 90 tons of CO2.

In this way, Repsol replaces conventional natural gas with biomethane of sustainable origin to produce renewable hydrogen in its industrial complexes and thus decarbonize its processes and products.

The biomethane used as raw material was obtained from urban solid waste. This is an example of Repsol’s commitment to the circular economy and state-of-the-art technologies that transform waste into high value added products with a low carbon footprint.
Biomethane to Power Sant’Agata Plant of Lamborghini

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
21 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

Automobili Lamborghini has announced the implementation of a biomethane installation to power its Sant’Agata Bolognese site. The system will deliver nearly four million cubic meters per year, equating to around 65% of the company’s current gas requirements, and will enable a reduction in CO2 emissions from the current 37% to around 80%, equivalent to a total of over 11,000 tons of CO2 a year. This push on the route to sustainability continues the concrete actions by Lamborghini that will lead to a significant reduction in emissions in the space of just a few years.

From the creation of a park with 10,000 oak trees to bio-monitoring projects with bees, from the construction of one of the largest photovoltaic systems in Emilia-Romagna to the creation of a trigeneration and district heating plant, as well as the recent launch of the sustainable logistics project, Lamborghini is a company that views sustainability as an ethical responsibility.

With the objective of building an even more sustainable future, it is involved in an ambitious program from now until 2030 known as “Direzione Cor Tauri”, which takes its name from the brightest star in the Taurus constellation, the bull being the symbol of the brand. A dramatic transformation process driven by the largest investment in its history (EUR 1.5 billion over four years), will lead to the entire product range being completely hybrid by 2024, and to the introduction of a fourth fully electric model by 2030.
Repsol’s Coruña Manufactures Biofuel from Used Cooking Oil

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
10 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

Repsol increases its capacity for production of renewable diesel from waste through the processing of 500 tons of cooking oil of national origin as raw material for the manufacture of hydrobiodiesel. The A Coruña Industrial Complex, located in northwestern Spain, has successfully carried out the manufacture of the first batch of this type of biofuel, applying used cooking oil that is mixed in the production process with vegetable oil and other components and processed in a desulfurization unit to be transformed into hydrobiodiesel.

This product is, thus, added to the industrial complex's already consolidated production of other fuels with a low carbon footprint. Bioethanol is used in the biogasoline process and vegetable oil is used as raw material in the manufacture of hydrobiodiesel. Fatty acid methyl ester is also incorporated in our products.

With this new production of hydrobiodiesel, a further step is taken in the decarbonization of fuels for road transport by processing waste generated in Spain, given that the manufacture and use of this biofuel in a vehicle engine reduces up to 90% of the CO2 emissions, compared to the use of mineral diesel.
Valmet Automotive Building Biogas Terminal at Uusikaupunki Plant

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
10 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

Valmet Automotive has signed an agreement to build a biogas terminal on the Uusikaupunki plant site. The terminal is an important part of the company’s strategic sustainability program and it plays a decisive role in realizing CO2 neutrality of the Uusikaupunki site by eliminating CO2 emissions, reducing energy consumption and improving energy efficiency. In the biogas project, the light fuel oil used for heating the furnaces of the car plant’s paint shop will be completely replaced by natural gas and biogas. The biogas terminal will initially use liquefied natural gas, but as soon as biogas is available in volumes required for the paint shop operations, the aim is to switch to using only biogas.

In addition, the heating system of the paint shop’s furnaces will be renewed, which will further contribute to improving the energy efficiency of car plant operations. The biogas project is estimated to reduce the Uusikaupunki site’s energy consumption by 5–10 percent from the current level.

Valmet Automotive’s goal is carbon neutral production at the Uusikaupunki plant by the end of 2021. The current emissions are caused by using light fuel oil in the paint shop furnaces, and these emissions will be eliminated through the introduction of biogas. For the time being, the few remaining CO2 emissions from the plant will be compensated with certified projects.

Earthworks on the biogas terminal site will begin as soon as possible. The planned construction will be a 120 cubic meter storage and evaporation terminal for liquefied natural gas (LNG) and biogas that produces energy for the Uusikaupunki plant. Deployment is scheduled for the second half of 2022.
Repsol & Iberia Make First Flight with Biofuel Produced from Waste

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
15 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

Repsol and Iberia have made the first flight using biofuel produced from waste in Spain. The biojet used belongs to the batch produced last August at the Petronor Industrial Complex, which is located near Bilbao and belongs to the Repsol Group. The scheduled flight IB 426 was operated with an Airbus A320neo aircraft of the Spanish airline, with a capacity of 180 passengers and currently one of the most efficient aircrafts in the world. Equipped with Leap-1st CFM engines, Iberia's A320neo aircrafts reduce noise by 50% and are more environmentally friendly, emitting 5,000 tons of CO2 less per year and 50% less NOx. The flight also performed more efficiently through a flight operation that improves fuel efficiency by reach-ing the optimum altitude level in the climb and descent phases.

On the Madrid-Bilbao route, this flight has managed to reduce the emission of 1.4 tons of CO2, thanks to the improved fuel efficiency provided by the aircraft, together with the use of the sustainable biofuel. In addition, a zero-emissions electric-powered aviation fuel supply vehicle has been used for refueling. All ground operations (loading and unloading of baggage, assistance to the aircraft, and towing to the runway) have used the most efficient vehicles that Iberia Airport Services has deployed throughout its network of airports in Spain, such as the mototok, an advanced electric vehicle controlled by remote control to perform the push back maneuver to the aircraft. On board, Iberia is also testing different packaging solutions to replace single-use plastics.

The batch of jet biofuel used is the third manufactured by Repsol and the first on the Spanish market produced from waste as raw material. The energy company thus integrates circular economy instruments in the process, transforming waste into high added-value products such as low carbon footprint fuels. Two previous batches were produced from biomass at Repsol's industrial complexes in Puertollano and Tarra-gona.
Eni & BF to Develop Bio Refining

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Nov, 2021, 5:30 am

Eni and the BF Group are partnering to develop sustainable agricultural products for biofuel production. Through an equal joint venture (50% Eni, 50% BF), projects will be developed to research and experiment with agricultural seeds from oil plants to be used as feedstock at Eni's bio-refineries. Furthermore, the agreement between the companies provides for the purchase by Eni of a minority stake in BF Bonifiche Ferraresi's subsidiary and for Eni's entry into BF's share capital by means of a reserved capital increase.

The agreement builds on a strong track record of collaboration between Eni and BF in the agricultural sector for the development of economic diversification initiatives, skill transfer and support for entrepreneurship in Italy and abroad.

The agreement is of strategic importance as Bonifiche Ferraresi, at 7,750 hectares, is the largest Italian farm in terms of utilised agricultural surface area and Eni produces advanced biofuels at its bio-refinery in Gela and Venice Porto Marghera, one of the tools to help contain CO2 emissions in the transport sector. As of 2023, Eni will no longer use palm oil in its production processes.

The testing and experimentation activities of the joint venture will be carried out at Bonifiche Ferraresi’s “Open Sky Laboratories” in Sardinia and will be aimed at assessing the ability to replicate production processes currently used in Italy in the other countries in which Eni operates, Africa in particular. The joint venture will also focus on the development of training programmes for personnel for agro-feedstock project development sectors.

The identification of the most suitable plant species will comply with the sustainability criteria defined in the European Directive on biofuels, promoting sustainable cultivation, protecting the soil and not taking away land that could be used for food production, thus promoting the sustainable economic development of marginal land in Italy and abroad.

The initiative is part of Eni's strategy for achieving full carbon neutrality by 2050, which includes green refining as a strategic element, with production capacity expected to double to around 2 million tonnes by 2024 and a further increase to 5/6 million tonnes expected by 2050.
TotalEnergies & Clean Energy Start Construction of Biogas Unit

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
10 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Through their joint venture, TotalEnergies and its US partner Clean Energy are launching the construction of their first biomethane production unit, in Friona, Texas. The biomethane will be used as an alternative fuel for mobility, thus contributing to decarbonize road transportation. Located on the Del Rio Dairy farm, the facility will be fueled by the onsite supply of livestock manure to produce more than 40 GWh of biomethane per year. The biomethane will be distributed in the United States by Clean Energy through its network of fueling stations, enabling the supply of renewable gas to between 200 and 300 trucks per year.

By processing cow manure, a significant source of methane emissions, and substituting fossil fuels with renewable energies, the project will avoid some 45,000 tonnes of CO2e emissions per year1.

Through the acquisition of an interest in Clean Energy in May 2018, TotalEnergies became the largest shareholder of the US leader in natural gas vehicle fuels, with a stake of some 19% today. In March 2021, the two partners set up a 50/50 joint venture to speed up the development of biomethane production in the United States.

Biomethane is a renewable gas that has a key role to play in the energy transition. TotalEnergies is the segment leader in France, with close to 500 GWh of production capacity, and aims to become a major player in biomethane internationally by partnering with market leaders in other geographies, such as Clean Energy in the United States and Adani in India. The Company is active across the entire biomethane value chain, from project development to marketing of biomethane and its by-products (biofertilizers, bioCO2). It aims to produce 2 TWh of biomethane per year by 2025 – equivalent to the average annual consumption of 670,000 U.S. consumers, and a reduction in CO2 emissions of 400,000 tonnes.
Gasum to Supply Biogas to Tool Steel Maker Uddeholms in Sweden

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
14 Dec, 2021, 5:17 am

The Nordic energy company Gasum will supply 250 tonnes of liquefied biogas to leading manufacturer of tool steel for industrial tools Uddeholms AB for their sustainability week in mid-December. The biogas will be delivered to Uddeholms’ plant in Hagfors in Sweden. The steel production in Hagfors has a large energy consumption. The energy comes from a mix of different sources such as liquefied natural gas, electricity and other sources. During Uddeholms sustainability week both the electricity and the gas will be switched to even more sustainable options. The LNG will be replaced with 250 tons LBG from Gasum, equaling approximately 3.8 GWh.

This is not the first time biogas has been used in the production of steel in Hagfors. During 2018 Gasum supplied biogas to the plant for one day as a sustainability pilot project. Now the company expands the pilot to a week of biogas with drastic reductions in carbon emissions. Uddeholms has lowered the CO2-emissions by 46% since 1990. Now they are ready for the next step starting by using LBG during their sustainability week. The use of biogas will reduce carbon dioxide emissions with up to 90 percent

Gasum operates 17 biogas plants in Sweden and Finland. Its goal is to reach cumulative carbon emission reductions of million tons by increasing its biogas production. By 2025 the energy company intends to make 4 TWh of biogas available on the market from the company’s own production and that of its certified European partners.

Biogas is a 100 percent renewable fuel that can be used in the same infrastructure as natural gas. Using it can reduce the fuel’s life cycle carbon dioxide emissions up to 90 percent when compared to conventional industry fuels such as oil or LPG. Biogas is produced from organic waste such as household bio waste, manure and agricultural and food industry’s side streams. The nutrient residues from biogas production are utilized as fertilizers in fields. Using the residue as fertilizer reduces the need to use conventional artificial fertilizer.
Gujarat Alkalies & GAIL to Set Up Bioethanol Plant in Gujarat

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
20 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Gujarat Alkalies Chemicals Limited and GAIL (India) Limited have joined hands to set-up a Bioethanol plant of 500 KLD capacity. This plant will be using corn & broken rice as feedstock with eco-friendly technology and it will produce 500 KLD Bioethanol, which will be used for blending in petrol. As by-products from this plant, 135 KTPA Protein-rich Animal feed and 16.50 KTPA of Corn Oil while using corn as feedstock are also expected to be produced.

Dahod, Panchmahal, Aravalli and Mahisagar are major corn-producing districts in Gujarat and hence the project is likely to come up in one of these districts. A Detailed Feasibility Study through a third party is in progress for the project.

The estimated project cost is to the tune of INR 1,000 crores and it is expected to generate annual revenue of approximately INR 1500 crores.

An estimated savings of USD 70 million per year in Foreign Exchange outgo is expected through this project. Beyond the savings, this project will also generate direct and indirect employment for around 700 individuals. Long term supply contract for corn would encourage corn farming with sustainable, multi-fold income for farmers through increased productivity and assured market. Steps will also be taken to improve the productivity of corn in the State with the help of the Maize Research Centre in Godhra.

Eni Versalis & BTS Biogas to Develop Biogas Technology

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
22 Dec, 2021, 5:30 am

Eni's chemical company Versalis and Italian company in the building and managing sector of biogas plants BTS Biogas have agreed to develop and commercialise an innovative technology for the production of biogas and biomethane from residual lignocellulosic biomass. This technology will integrate Versalis' proprietary technology for the thermomechanical processing of biomass with BTS Biogas' technology for the fermentation production of biogas and biomethane.

BTS Biogas has expertise in the production of biogas and biomethane from various biomass sources and the research and development infrastructure to evaluate their processing capacity and yields on an experimental basis. Versalis, as part of Eni's broader decarbonization strategy, has launched a transformation plan that aims to diversify its activities and products, and increase its contribution to technological development for increasingly sustainable industrial solutions.

The partnership will enable the production of biogas and advanced biomethane with high yields from residual lignocellulosic biomass, thereby contributing to the large-scale development of advanced biomethane production with reduced greenhouse gas emissions and no agronomic impact.
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 Gold spot 2.304,94 -2,99%
 EUR/USD 1,0804 -0,80%
 WTI 75,58 +0,01%
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer


BESI +2,85%
Nedap N.V. +2,60%
Alfen N.V. +2,55%
Sligro +2,36%


Arcadis -5,00%
CTP -2,50%
WDP -2,48%

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer, streaming powered by: Infront