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Shire (SHPG): Positive Topline Phase 3 Results for Lanadelumab (SHP643) in Patients With Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) - Slideshow
May 23, 2017

Shire Is Poised To Dominate The HAE Market After Strong Phase III Data For SHP643
May 22, 2017 by HealthBlogger

-Hereditary Angioedema, or HAE, is a key growth franchise for Shire.
-On May 18, 2017, Shire has announced strong Phase III results for SHP643 (lanadelumab) from the HELP study.
-SHP643 offers better efficacy and more convenient dosing for patients suffering from HAE.
-I believe Shire will dominate the HAE market for the foreseeable future.

I have discussed in my previous article why Hereditary Angioedema, or HAE, is a key growth franchise for Shire (NASDAQ:SHPG), as well as the next key catalysts to watch in this space.

Source: Shire's presentation on SHP643 Phase III data

I will provide here an update on my thoughts on this market, because I think that the recent developments in the HAE market have definitely strengthened Shire's position in this therapeutic area.

In fact, on May 18, 2017, Shire has announced strong Phase III results for SHP643 (lanadelumab) from the HELP study. According to a press release from Shire:

This study met its primary endpoint and all secondary endpoints with highly statistically significant and clinically meaningful results for all three lanadelumab treatment arms compared to placebo. The 300 mg dose administered once every two weeks resulted in a statistically significant reduction in mean HAE attack frequency of 87% compared to placebo (p <0.001).

Source: Shire's presentation on SHP643 Phase III data

As I discussed in the past, Shire acquired this assets from Dyax after excellent Phase I results to protect its HAE franchise from the incoming competition of CSL (OTCPK:OTCPK:CSLLY) and Biocryst (NASDAQ:BCRX).

Comparing the clinical results from these 3 assets, I think it’s clear that Shire has the best assets and that the results from the Phase III trial for SHP643 have been a best case scenario for the company:

SHP643 showed the best efficacy compared to HAEGARDA and BCX7353. In details, Shire reported 87% reduction in mean HAE attacks frequency for SHP643 (300 mg every 2 weeks), vs. 84% mean reduction for HAEGARDA and 52% mean reduction for BCX7353.

The efficacy of Haegarda published by CSL looks not comparable with Shire for two key reasons:

CSL announced that Haegarda showed a reduction of HAE attack of 95% at highest dose, but this measure was based on “median attack” and not on “mean attack”. Thus, the key data on the efficacy of Haegarda, to make a fair comparison with SHP643, was the 84% mean reduction of HAE attack, as published on March 2017 by the New England Journal of Medicine from CSL’s Phase III COMPACT study.
CSL measured the efficacy of HAEGARDA excluding the first 2 weeks of the clinical trials, while Shire measured the efficacy trough all the 26 weeks of the trial. It’s clear that Shire’s metric looks cleaner and less biased than the CSL’s one.

SHP643 will benefit from the most convenient dosing. The best efficacy was showed by the 300mg dosed every 2 weeks, but a remarkable efficacy was also reported by the 150mg dosed every 4 weeks. This potential monthly dosing is impressive compared to Haegarda which needs to be dosed twice per week.

SHP643 reported also that the Phase III results were consistent regardless the baseline attack rate. This comment is really important because it implies that the drug can be an attractive option for both mild and severe patients affected by HAE.

Lastly, SHP643 showed a clean safety profile. 43% of patients reported injection site pain, but there was no serious adverse event reported. The worst profile has been showed by BCX7353 which suffered from two patients discontinuation for some liver safety adverse signal, which needs to be more investigated in the subsequent trials.

In conclusion, SHP643 offers better efficacy and more convenient dosing for patients suffering from HAE, and there won’t be any product from the competitors that looks at least comparable to this asset, so I think Shire will dominate the HAE market for the foreseeable future.

Disclosure: I am/we are long SHPG.

I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

BioCryst Reports Additional Positive Results From the Second Interim Analysis of Its APeX-1 Trial
Thu May 25, 2017


RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., May 25, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (BCRX) (NASDAQ:BCRX) today announced results from a second interim analysis of its Phase 2 APeX-1 clinical trial in hereditary angioedema (HAE). APeX-1 is a 3-part dose ranging trial designed to evaluate the efficacy, safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of orally administered once-daily (QD) BCX7353 for 28 days, as a preventative treatment to reduce the frequency of attacks in HAE patients. This second interim analysis evaluated data from all patients in Parts 1 and 2 of the trial. The first interim analysis evaluated data from 28 of 36 patients in Part 1.

“These data support our hypothesis regarding the initial findings seen from the first interim analysis,” said Jon Stonehouse, Chief Executive Officer & President of BioCryst. "We are delighted to see that a daily dose of 125 mg of BCX7353 results in a high level of efficacy with an improved tolerability profile compared to the 350 mg dose observed in the first interim analysis. We look forward to completing Part 3 of the trial to select appropriate doses for our pivotal program.”

This second interim analysis of pooled data from Parts 1 and 2 evaluated doses of BCX7353 125 mg (n=7), 250 mg (n=6) and 350 mg (n=18) QD versus placebo (n=20) for 28 days. The baseline attack rate was approximately 1/week. Baseline characteristics were generally well balanced between the treatment groups. Compliance with study drug dosing was excellent (= 98%).

The pre-specified per-protocol (PP) interim analysis included data on a total of 44 subjects with confirmed Type 1 or Type 2 HAE completing 28 days of treatment. The percentage reductions by treatment group in the mean rate of independently-adjudicated angioedema attacks for the pre-defined effective dosing period (weeks 2 through 4) in BCX7353 treated subjects were: 125 mg QD, 73% (p=0.002); 250 mg QD, 37% (p=0.128) and 350 mg QD, 58% (p=0.001) compared to placebo. In the intent-to-treat (ITT) population, corresponding reductions by treatment group were: 125 mg QD, 73% (p=0.004); 250 mg QD, 44% (p=0.090) and 350 mg QD, 45% (p=0.014) compared to placebo.

A pre-planned analysis of peripheral and abdominal attacks showed reductions in peripheral attacks of 74% (125 mg QD), 54% (250 mg QD) and 90% (350 mg QD) compared with placebo (PP analysis, weeks 2 through 4) and reductions in abdominal attacks of 72% (125 mg QD), 10% (250 mg QD) and 8% (350 mg QD) compared with placebo (PP analysis, weeks 2 through 4). Based on this distribution, it is likely that subjects in the 250 mg and 350 mg arms recorded transient abdominal adverse events (AEs) as HAE attack symptoms in their diary. In contrast, a consistent reduction in attacks regardless of anatomical location was observed in the 125 mg arm.

Oral BCX7353 once-daily for 28 days was generally safe and well tolerated in subjects with HAE. There were no serious AEs and no severe AEs. Three subjects in the BCX7353 350 mg treatment arm, two of which were previously reported, discontinued study drug before day 28. A third subject in this arm discontinued study drug due to vomiting and abdominal cramps concurrent with menses. The most common treatment-emergent adverse events were the common cold and diarrhea. The gastrointestinal AEs previously observed in the 350 mg arm were not seen at the 125 mg dose. Additionally, no significant laboratory abnormalities were observed in the two lower dose groups.

Steady state BCX7353 plasma levels and kallikrein inhibition levels in HAE subjects were similar to those seen in healthy subjects administered the same doses in a previously completed Phase 1 trial. Steady state trough drug levels (24 hours after dosing) greatly exceeded the target therapeutic range at the 250 mg and 350 mg dose levels. Trough levels for the 125 mg dose were generally within the target range.

The efficacy, safety and tolerability profile of BCX7353 observed in this interim analysis strongly supports its continued investigation as a prophylactic treatment for HAE. Enrollment into Part 3 of the trial is progressing well. Completion of Part 3 will enable a full evaluation of the dose response necessary to select doses for a pivotal program.

Conference Call and Webcast

BioCryst's leadership team will host a conference call and webcast today, May 25, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time, to discuss its APeX-1 second interim analysis and to respond to questions on the APeX-1 interim results. To participate in the conference call, please dial 1-877-303-8027 (United States) or 1-760-536-5165 (International). No passcode is needed for the call. The webcast can be accessed by logging onto Please connect to the website at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the conference call to ensure adequate time for any software download that may be necessary.

About BioCryst Pharmaceuticals

BioCryst Pharmaceuticals designs, optimizes and develops novel small molecule drugs that block key enzymes involved in rare diseases. BioCryst has several ongoing development programs: BCX7353 and other second generation oral inhibitors of plasma kallikrein for hereditary angioedema, and galidesivir, a broad spectrum viral RNA polymerase inhibitor that is a potential treatment for filoviruses. RAPIVAB® (peramivir injection), a viral neuraminidase inhibitor for the treatment of influenza, is BioCryst's first approved product and has received regulatory approval in the U.S., Canada, Japan, Taiwan and Korea. Post-marketing commitment development activities for RAPIVAB are ongoing, as well as activities to support regulatory approvals in other territories. For more information, please visit the Company's website at
This press release contains forward-looking statements, including statements regarding future results, performance or achievements. These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which may cause BioCryst’s actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performances or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. These statements reflect our current views with respect to future events and are based on assumptions and are subject to risks and uncertainties. Given these uncertainties, you should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Some of the factors that could affect the forward-looking statements contained herein include: that developing any HAE drug candidate may take longer or may be more expensive than planned; that ongoing and future preclinical and clinical development of HAE second generation drug candidates (including APeX-1 and ZENITH-1) may not have positive results; that BioCryst may not be able to enroll the required number of subjects in planned clinical trials of product candidates; that the Company may not advance human clinical trials with product candidates as expected; that the FDA may require additional studies beyond the studies planned for product candidates, or may not provide regulatory clearances which may result in delay of planned clinical trials, or may impose a clinical hold with respect to such product candidate, or withhold market approval for product candidates; that BioCryst may not receive additional government funding to further support the development of galidesivir; that galidesivir development may not be successful; that BARDA and/or NIAID may further condition, reduce or eliminate future funding; that revenue from peramivir injection is unpredictable and may never result in significant revenue for the Company; that the Company may not be able to continue development of ongoing and future development programs; that such development programs may never result in future products; that actual financial results may not be consistent with expectations, including that 2017 operating expenses and cash usage may not be within management’s expected ranges. Please refer to the documents BioCryst files periodically with the Securities and Exchange Commission, specifically BioCryst’s most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K, Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, and Current Reports on Form 8-K, all of which identify important factors that could cause the actual results to differ materially from those contained in BioCryst’s projections and forward-looking statements.

¨... results in a high level of efficacy...¨

Bij ruconest spreekt men van ¨excellent level¨, toch beter lijkt me.
ViewPoints: Second look at POC data raises expectations and question marks for BioCryst’s BCX7353
BioCryst’s provided a second interim look at Phase II results for its BCX7353 that would have been considered a massive breakthrough as little as six months ago. However, the bar for prophylactic hereditary angioedema (HAE) agents is about to go way up, intensifying the focus on some lingering uncertainties about the dataset.
I thought you may be interested in i2 Pharmaceuticals Acquires Antibody and Protein Engineering Technology Portfolio from Sea Lane Biotechnologies on FirstWord Pharma.
Voor mijn records:

Pharming: gaat er dan eindelijk geoogst worden?

Pharming Group N.V. is voor het eerst in haar geschiedenis operationeel winstgevend. De verkoop van haar enige vermarktbare geneesmiddel Ruconest groeit beetje bij beetje. Pharming verwacht hiermee steeds meer marktaandeel te kunnen veroveren.
Cor S
De oogst kan enorm worden:
- VS: nu 3% van 850 milj.
- VS: extra markt/potentieel preventief 750 milj.
- En dan hebben we nog xx milj. buiten de VS....

De totale markt voor geneesmiddelen voor de bestrijding van acute angio-oedeem bedraagt in de grootste markt, die van de VS, toch zo'n 850 miljoen euro. Pharming heeft hierin nu een aandeel van ongeveer 3 procent.

Pharming probeert het potentieel van het middel aanmerkelijk te vergroten. Allereerst door ook goedkeuring te krijgen voor de toepassing ervan als preventief geneesmiddel. Ter illustratie toonde De Vries in de vergadering de testresultaten van door de toezichthouder goedgekeurde geneesmiddelen van concurrenten naast de resultaten van preventieve toepassing van het eigen middel. Het lijkt veel beter te werken. Bovendien met een geringere kans op vervelende bijwerkingen. Slaagt deze aanpak, dan ligt een extra markt in de VS open ter grootte van 750 miljoen dollar.

Herfinanciering 100 milj.:
Herfinanciering is positief en als als de groei en oprerationel winst toeneemt kwartaal over kwartaal (wat aannemelijk is), zien we snel netto winst.
Topman Perrigo na jaar vertrokken

Gepubliceerd op 6 jun 2017 om 08:28 | Views: 871

ALLEGAN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De topman van farmaceut Perrigo stapt een jaar na zijn aanstelling weer op. John Hendrickson maakte bekend het bedrijf te zullen verlaten op het moment dat er een opvolger is gevonden. Daarna zal hij de nieuwe bestuursvoorzitter nog zestig dagen bijstaan.

Hendrickson werd in april vorig jaar aangesteld als de opvolger van Joseph Papa, die naar branchegenoot Valeant vertrok. Volgens Hendrickson was het geen makkelijke beslissing. Verder gaf hij aan dat het een eer was om het bedrijf te leiden in ,,uitdagende tijden", waarbij het volgens hem is gelukt Perrigo in rustiger vaarwater te krijgen.

Vorig jaar nam Starboard een belang in Perrigo, waarbij de activistische investeerder aangaf de boel bij Perrigo eens ,,flink op te schudden". Starboard verweet de farmaceut onder meer slechte operationele en financiële prestaties.

kippekop schreef op 6 juni 2017 16:42:

Galapagos creeert nieuw warrantsplan.

Ruim 1 miljoen nieuwe warrants

Gaarne een linkje, ik geloof hier namelijk niets van!

voda schreef op 6 juni 2017 16:45:

Gaarne een linkje, ik geloof hier namelijk niets van!
Zie nieuws Galapagos.

kippekop schreef op 6 juni 2017 16:52:


Zie nieuws Galapagos.
Is weliswaar van 17 mei, maar las hier niets over.

kippekop schreef op 6 juni 2017 16:59:


Is weliswaar van 17 mei, maar las hier niets over.
Je bedoelt deze?


Galapagos creëert nieuw warrantplan

Gepubliceerd op 17 mei 2017 om 22:15 | Views: 2.343 |

MECHELEN (AFN) - Galapagos heeft ruim een miljoen warrants gecreëerd onder een nieuw warrantplan. Ze zijn bedoeld voor werknemers, toekomstige werknemers, bestuurders en een consulent van de onderneming en haar dochtervennootschappen.
De warrants hebben een uitoefentermijn van 8 jaar vanaf de datum van het aanbod en een uitoefenprijs van 80,57 euro. Ze zijn niet overdraagbaar en kunnen in principe niet worden uitgeoefend vóór 1 januari 2021.

Elke warrant geeft het recht om bij uitoefening in te schrijven op één nieuw Galapagos-aandeel. De warrants zelf zullen niet worden genoteerd aan een beurs.
BioCryst's Lead Candidate BCX7353 To Treat Hereditary Angioedema Inches Closer To The Market
Jun. 7, 2017


BioCryst announced positive data from a second interim Phase 2 clinical trial, APeX-1, evaluating its lead product candidate BCX7353.

Initial pre clinical experiments suggests BioCryst’s BCX4430 can eliminate Zika virus from the blood.

BioCryst announced positive first quarter financial results.

BioCryst Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:BCRX) is notorious for spiking during viral outbreaks, when it invariably lets lose a storm of content on how it is developing a cure/vaccine/treatment for the virus of the day. As the epidemic subsides, so does the stock - and investors are left to wonder about long term potential of the stock.

While that may be a little simplistic, the company did assuage investor fears when it announced positive data from a second interim Phase 2 clinical trial, APeX-1, evaluating its lead product candidate BCX7353 as a preventative treatment to reduce the frequency of attacks in patients with hereditary angioedema, or HAE. The efficacy, safety and tolerability profile of BCX7353 is observed in this interim analysis and the data strongly supports its development as a treatment for HAE. Enrollment into Part 3 of the trial is still in progress. Completion of Part 3 will enable a full evaluation of the dose response necessary to select doses for a pivotal program.

APeX-1 is a Phase 2, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, dose ranging trial to evaluate the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and efficacy of BCX7353 as a preventative treatment to eliminate or reduce the frequency of angioedema attacks in HAE patients. APeX-1 has three component parts evaluating 28 days of dosing with BCX7353 versus placebo. Part 1 evaluated a dose of 350 mg once daily. Part 2 will evaluate 250 mg and 125 mg doses once daily and Part 3 will further evaluate 250 mg and 125 mg versus 62.5 mg once daily.

Results from 44 patients who completed 28 days of treatment showed a 73% reduction in HAE attacks for the 125 mg dose, 37% reduction for the 250 mg dose and a 58% reduction for the 350 mg dose compared to placebo. There were no serious adverse effects. The most common treatment-emergent adverse events were common cold and diarrhea. Part 3 of the APeX-1 trial is designed to determine the desired dose as a lower dose 62.5 mg is included in this third part of the trial, the 125 mg dose looks like it may be the most desired dose for preventing HAE attacks.

BCRX has developed a class of kallikrein inhibitors that suppress bradykinin production, which controls acute swelling attacks in HAE patients. HAE is a rare genetic disease which has very less treatment option to avoid swelling of various parts of the body. BioCryst's Structure-guided drug design aims to create a molecule that will bind to the active site of a targeted enzyme, thereby preventing the normal chemical reaction and ultimately halting the progression of the disease.

BioCryst's core development programs include BCX7353 and additional 2nd generation oral inhibitors of plasma kallikrein for hereditary angioedema; and BCX4430 (Galidesivir), a broad spectrum antiviral for hemorrhagic fevers. BioCryst's discovery team is also designing drug candidates against two undisclosed rare disease targets.

Initial pre clinical experiments suggests BCX4430 can eliminate Zika virus from the blood. BioCryst Pharmaceuticals has a U.S. government funded program for treatment of Ebola, and Zika. Research and development of a Zika vaccine is mainly conducted on government laboratories. BioCryst is developing BCX4430 in collaboration with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).

In September 2013, NIAID contracted with BioCryst for the development of BCX4430 as a treatment for Marburg virus disease and potentially for other filoviruses, including Ebola virus disease. The total funding from NIAID could be up to $26.3 million over five years, if all contract options are exercised. In March 2015, BioCryst announced that the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) has awarded BioCryst a contract for the continued development of BCX4430 as a potential treatment for diseases caused by ribonucleic acid (RNA) pathogens, including filoviruses. This ASPR/BARDA contract includes a base contract of $12.1 million to support BCX4430 drug manufacturing, as well as $22.9 million in additional development options that can be exercised by the Government, bringing the potential value of the contract to $35.0 million.

The first quarter financial results of Biocryst looks promising. For the three months ended March 31, 2017, revenues increased to $9.4 million from $4.8 million in the first quarter of 2016. The increase in revenue was primarily due to a $4.4 million increase in royalty revenue from Shionogi & Co. Ltd., Green Cross Corporation and Seqirus, and a $2.0 million milestone payment associated with the Canadian regulatory approval of RAPIVAB. Research and Development expenses for the first quarter of 2017 decreased to $16.8 million from $20.6 million in the first quarter of 2016, following the termination of avoralstat development for the treatment of hereditary angioedema and, to a lesser extent, a decrease in BCX4430 expenses under U.S. Government development contracts.

The competition to develop a treatment option for HAE is fierce as earlier BCRX saw a decline in share price due to positive results from a competitor's treatment for Hereditary Angioedema . Now it has reported positive results from its APeX-1 phase 2 trial, which resulted in a rise in its share price. Like we said before, the company seems to thrive on the hemorrhagic fever outbreaks such as Zika and Ebola. However, the HAE focus will help investors because the company now has a non-virus related product candidate that adds value to it while it works to develop its vaccine portfolio.
Wat mot ik met dit bleude epistel,het koersje is echt niet umheug te lulluen,hoor.Zonde van Uw kostbare tijd,mien jong.Verzin es iets,wat het koersje doet euverkeuken,dan verdienen we teminste ook hier eens wat,i.p.v.altied maer die Nedsense,Duckdata,Esperite. Grmpfffft.
Beursblik: medicijn Galapagos blijft relevant

Te vroeg om verregaande conclusies te trekken volgens KBC Securities.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Hoewel farmagigant AbbVie liet weten goede testresultaten te hebben gerealiseerd met het reumamiddel Upadacitinib, doet dit vooralsnog geen afbreuk aan de potentie van het soortgelijke medicijn dat concurrent Galapagos ontwikkelt. Dit stelde analist Sandra Cauwenberghs van KBC Securities vrijdag, die haar koopaanbeveling op Galapagos herhaalde met een koersdoel van 80,00 euro.

AbbVie behaalde met het reumamiddel Upadacitinib alle vooropgestelde einddoelen in een fase III test. Met deze resultaten nemen de Amerikanen een voorsprong op concurrent Galapagos, die deze laatste testen nog moet afronden.

Cauwenberghs bleek te spreken over de resultaten van AbbVie en merkte op dat er geen grote veiligheidsrisico's in de studie naar voren kwamen, zoals het gevaar op infecties, al gaf de farmagigant hier geen details over.

Volgens Cauwenberghs heeft het vergelijkbare medicijn van Galapagos, Filgotinib, nu al een "indrukwekkend veiligheidsprofiel", zeker in het licht van eerdere twijfels over JAK-inhibitors en de "veelbelovende" resultaten uit een fase II studie.

Gezien AbbVie de kaarten dicht tegen de borst houdt, is er volgens de analist vooralsnog geen reden om aan te nemen dat Filgotinib minder relevant is geworden door de testresultaten van AbbVie. Pas aan het einde van de rit moet blijken welke partij het grootste marktaandeel zal veroveren, aldus Cauwenberghs.

Op een groen Damrak koerst het aandeel Galapagos vrijdagochtend kort na opening van de beurzen 0,8 procent hoger op 70,25 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
EU stemt in met overname Actelion door J&J

Gepubliceerd op 9 jun 2017 om 13:41 | Views: 293 |

BRUSSEL (AFN) - De Europese Commissie heeft onder voorwaarden ingestemd met de overname van het Zwitserse farmacieconcern Actelion door het Amerikaanse medische bedrijf Johnson & Johnson (J&J). De twee bedrijven bereikten in januari overeenstemming over een overname voor 30 miljard dollar.

De voorwaarden moeten ervoor zorgen dat de ontwikkeling van innovatieve middelen tegen slapeloosheid door blijven gaan. Op dat vlak zijn beide bedrijven actief. Dat geldt ook voor de ontwikkeling van medicijnen tegen multiple sclerosis, maar daarbij ontstaan volgens Brussel geen concurrentiebezwaren.

De twee bedrijven meldden eerder dat de onderzoeks- en ontwikkelingsfaciliteit van Actelion zal verdergaan als zelfstandig, beursgenoteerd bedrijf. Die tak is ook verantwoordelijk voor het onderzoek naar slapeloosheid.
Kiadis Pharma haalt 5 miljoen euro op

Gepubliceerd op 13 jun 2017 om 09:05 | Views: 1.341

Kiadis Pharma 15:51
6,55 -0,95 (-12,70%)

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - Kiadis Pharma heeft 5 miljoen euro opgehaald met het plaatsen van nieuwe aandelen bij institutionele beleggers. Dat meldde het in Amsterdam genoteerde biotechnologiebedrijf dinsdag. Het geld wordt gebruikt voor de verdere ontwikkeling van leukemiemedicijn ATIR101 en voor algemene bedrijfsdoeleinden.

Het bedrijf bracht 746.269 nieuwe aandelen onder bij een ,,kleine groep" bestaande, maar ook nieuwe aandeelhouders. Deze stukken werden voor 6,70 per aandeel in de markt gezet. Die prijs betekende een korting van circa 11 procent ten opzichte van de slotkoers van maandag.

De nieuwe aandelen vertegenwoordigen circa 5,3 procent van het uitstaande kapitaal. Daarmee komt het totaal aantal uitstaande aandelen op ruim 14,7 miljoen.
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