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UNSW SMaRT Uses Spent Coffee Grounds & Hydrogen for Green Steel

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Mar, 2022, 4:50 am

University of New South Wales’s Centre for Sustainable Materials Research and Technology has published three scientific papers that show that waste coffee grounds and hydrogen from other wastes can be used as part of its patented Green Steel technology. In the latest research breakthroughs on SMaRT@UNSW's Green Steel Polymer Injection Technology, industrial trials with partner Molycop have shown various wastes can be used to more sustainably make steel in electric arc furnaces. Wastes including plastic and coffee grounds now join waste rubber tyres as alternative sources of coke and coal as previously vital ingredients as carbon sources for steel making, and can provide the element hydrogen which vastly improves the efficiency and energy required for the manufacturing process.

UNSW SMaRT Centre Director Professor Ms Veena Sahajwalla said “Steelmakers have to meet the demands of quality requirements. The metal that gets produced doesn’t have any memory of whether the parent material that went in was coal or coffee. It gives you the kind of productivity requirements that any commercial operator will want. We’ve proven that it does the job at a comparable level, so we’re going to be at least sitting at an equivalent performance. If I’m going to be so bold and brave, I’d love to show that it can do even better. We are leaders in the space globally. We’re the first to be able to take all of these technological advances and show that it can be done.”

Professor Ms Veena added “The ideal would be if we completely eliminate the coke. If you have a combination of materials, you get a better outcome because you’re able to finetune and customise green steel and take the kinds of materials that do the best job. This is not waste, it’s a really useful resource. It’s going to be an interesting shift towards valuing our waste resources and thinking about those inno­vative supply chains where recycling and manufacturing can be coupled together.”

Scientific paper 1 - Regeneration of hydrogen through thermal micronisation of end-of-life polymers for sustainable reduction of iron oxide

Scientific paper 2 - Synthesis of value-added ferrous material from electric arc furnace slag and spent coffee grounds

Scientific paper 3 - A novel reforming approach of utilizing spent coffee grounds to produce iron
Steel Dynamics Expects Historically Strong Earnings in Q1 of 2022

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Mar, 2022, 4:53 am

Steel Dynamics Inc has provided first quarter 2022 earnings guidance in the range of USD 5.55-5.59 per diluted share. Excluding the impact from costs associated with the startup of the company's Sinton Texas Flat Roll Steel Mill growth investment of an estimated USD 83 million, the company expects first quarter 2022 adjusted earnings to be in the range of USD 5.85-5.89 per diluted share.

First quarter 2022 profitability from the company's steel operations is expected to be historically strong, but significantly lower than record fourth quarter 2021 results, driven by lower earnings from the company's flat roll steel operations, as average expected flat roll pricing is expected to decline by more than 10 percent, more than offsetting anticipated higher shipments and lower average scrap prices. Flat roll steel prices have recently firmed with extending lead-times and expectations for further improvements based on higher input costs and global flat roll steel supply disruptions, coupled with a continuing strong demand environment. The automotive, construction, and industrial sectors continue to lead steel demand.

First quarter 2022 earnings from the company's metals recycling operations are expected to be aligned with sequential fourth quarter results, based on improved metal margins offsetting modestly lower volume.

First quarter 2022 earnings from the company's steel fabrication operations are expected to almost double sequential record fourth quarter results, as significantly higher selling values and strong shipments, more than offset marginally higher steel input costs. The non-residential construction sector remains strong as evidenced by robust order activity, resulting in a historically strong order backlog with record forward-pricing for the company's steel fabrication platform. The company anticipates this momentum to continue through 2022 based on these dynamics.
Hoa Phat Group Secures Funding for Dung Quat 2 Steel Project

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Mar, 2022, 4:56 am

Eight commercial banks have signed a deal with Vietnamese steel maker Hoa Phat Dung Quat Steel, granting credit of VNÐ 35 trillion (USD 1.53 billion) to its Hoa Phat Dung Quat 2 Steel Integrated Complex Project. Eight commercial banks in the deal comprise of the deal initiator Vietcombank, as well as BIDV, VietinBank, Agribank, MB, TPBank, VPBank and MSB as they see bright prospects for the project’s viability.

Speaking at the signing ceremony at Hanoi on 17 March 2022, Hoa Phat Group Chairman Mr Tr?n Ðình Long underlined the project as the group’s most significant programme with a total outlay of VNÐ 85 trillion (USD 3.72 billion) and a capacity of 5.6 million tonnes of hot rolled coil steel per year. He believes that his group would become the most significant domestic HRC steel producer once the project came into operation.

The project is expected to raise the annual steel output of the group to 14 million tonnes and create 8,000 new jobs.
NLMK Makes Payment of Coupon Income on Bonds Maturing in 2024

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Mar, 2022, 4:59 am

Russian steel maker NLMK announced that the scheduled coupon payment on bonds XS1577953174 maturing in 2024 was successfully processed on 21 March 2022 and that NLMK has fulfilled its obligations under the bonds in good faith in accordance with their terms. NLMK said “The company received confirmation that coupon payments have begun to flow into the accounts of foreign bondholders.”

NLMK also said “At the same time, bondholders based in Russia did not receive coupon payments. This is due to the fact that the International Central Securities Depositories Euroclear and Clearstream no longer settle transactions with the Russian National Settlement Depository. At this time, we see no legal grounds to prevent Euroclear and Clearstream from processing payments to Russian residents.”

NLMK added “NLMK is fully committed to its intention to fulfill its obligations to bondholders regardless of jurisdiction. We are currently considering alternative ways to pay coupon income to bondholders based in Russia.”

NLMK is Russia’s largest steel maker with 2021 production of 17.4 million tonnes. Mr Vladimir Lisin is the Chairman and majority shareholder of Novolipetsk. Mr Lisin got his first job in 1975 working as a mechanic in a Soviet coalmine, and after studying at the Siberian Metallurgic Institute got a job working as a welder foreman at Tulachermet Metals Works. He rose through the ranks to become section manager, shop manager in 1979 and deputy chief engineer in 1986. In 1992, he joined a group of traders the Trans-World Group who won control of Russia's steel and aluminium industry. When the partners split in 2000, he received 13% of the firm and later achieved a controlling share. His former boss was named the Minister for Russian Metallurgy, and Mr Lisin became the sole owner of Novolipetsk Steel in 2000. With a wealth of USD 19.3 billion, Mr Lisin is involved in steel and logistics in Russia, and is an authority on metallurgy, with over 100 articles and monographs on the subject. His other companies include Freight One, the largest freight rail in the country, UCL Port BV, which operates port facilities and shipping company VBTH.
Mr Wolfgang Eder is the New Chairman of voestalpine AG

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Mar, 2022, 5:02 am

The Supervisory Board of Austrian steel maker voestalpine AG has elected Mr Wolfgang Eder as their new Chairman to take effect on 1 April 2022, the start of the new business year. Mr Wolfgang Eder has worked at voestalpine for over 40 years, 15 of which (2004 to 2019) were spent as Chairman of the Management Board. He was elected to the Supervisory Board in July 2019. Following an extended cooling-off period of almost three years, he now takes over as Chairman of the Supervisory Board of this global steel and technology Group.

Mr Eder succeeds Mr Joachim Lemppenau who steps down after 18 years as Chairman of the supervisory body. Mr Lemppenau will continue to serve the Group as a member of the Supervisory Board until his current term of office officially ends at the 2024 Annual General Meeting.

voestalpine is a globally leading steel and technology group with a unique combination of materials and processing expertise. voestalpine, which operates globally, has around 500 Group companies and locations in more than 50 countries on all five continents. It has been listed on the Vienna Stock Exchange since 1995. With its top-quality products and system solutions, it is a leading partner to the automotive and consumer goods industries as well as the aerospace and oil & gas industries; it is also the world market leader in railway systems, tool steel, and special sections.
Builders Threaten to Halt Construction due to Rise in Steel Prices

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Mar, 2022, 5:05 am

India’s construction industry, which claims to be the second largest employer in the country, has warned that real estate developers will not be able to absorb uncontrollable steel price rise, from INR 42,000 per tonne a year ago to INR 84,900 per tonne now, and many projects will be delayed or halted in the absence of intervention which will directly affect the consumers

Moneycontrol News reported that claiming that prices of raw materials have increased by almost 40-45%, Credai Maharashtra has said that it is left with no option but to temporarily stop the purchase of input materials and shut construction work. CREDAI Maharashtra President Mr Sunil Furde said “The prices of steel, cement and other construction materials have been rising steadily over the last two years. These have now skyrocketed at a level, beyond the affordability of many developers, especially in the tier 2 & 3 cities. As many as 61 city association members who form a part of Credai Maharashtra have been left with no option but to temporarily stop purchases and shut down the construction activities.”

CREDAI Maharashtra has also requested Maharashtra Real Estate Regulatory Authority Chairman Mr Ajoy Mehta to extend the last date of completion of projects by six months at least so that developers will get time to hold on till prices rationalize.

Moneycontrol News also reported that developers in Delhi-NCR have decided to follow suit. CREDAI-NCR President Mr Pankaj Bajaj said "The costs of key raw materials such as steel and cement used in construction have gone up amidst global supply chain disruptions. After COVID-19, the current crisis is a dual blow on real estate developers as they are finding it extremely tough to deliver projects within the projected timelines and costs. For steel particularly, the situation is so bad that suppliers are not willing to take orders even at elevated prices. The sudden and rapid rise in costs has eaten into the thin margins of realty projects and rendered them unviable. The developers have decided to halt the purchase of materials fearing these elevated costs will ultimately result in projects getting stalled.”

The Confederation of Real Estate Developers' Associations of India is the apex body of private Real Estate developers in India with 21 State Chapters & 221 City Chapters having 13,000+ members.
Voestalpine to Start Construction for Green Steel Project in 2022

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Mar, 2022, 5:08 am

The Supervisory Board of Austrian steel maker voestalpine AG took the first important decision on its path from the coal-based blast furnace route to steel production using electric arc furnaces powered by green electricity. In summer of 2022, voestalpine will start clearing the necessary construction areas and converting infrastructure at its two sites in Linz and Donawitz. The estimated investment costs during this first phase fall in the low triple-digit million-euro range. Next year the Supervisory Board will take the final decision to invest in the two electric arc furnaces, construction of which will begin in 2024. By early 2027, one electric arc furnace at each Linz and Donawitz site should commence operations. From today’s standpoint, the total investment costs will run to around one billion euros. Converting to EAFs allows carbon emissions to be significantly reduced, by around 30%. This corresponds to a saving of around 3 to 4 million tonnes of CO2 a year, or almost 5% of Austria’s annual carbon emissions.

A market for green steel is emerging in Europe. A particular driver behind this development is the European automotive industry and greentec steel is the clear plan voestalpine has developed to decarbonize steel production, and is broadly ready to start. However, the corresponding framework conditions, such as sufficient quantities of renewable energy at competitive prices and efficient power grids, are needed if voestalpine is to adhere to this timetable.

voestalpine has reduced its air emissions and energy consumption to the minimum technologically possible over the past decades. Only a radical technological transformation will allow any further significant reduction in carbon emissions. greentec steel is voestalpine’s contribution to achieving the climate goals. Specifically, in a first step from 2027, the steel and technology group is planning to gradually shift from the coal-based blast furnace route to steel production using green electricity. Over the long term, voestalpine’s mission is carbon neutral steel production using green hydrogen, for which it is already undertaking intensive research into promising breakthrough technologies.
ArcelorMittal Forms Renewable Energy Partnership with Greenko

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Mar, 2022, 5:11 am

ArcelorMittal has established a strategic partnership with India’s leading energy transition company Greenko Group to develop a round the clock renewable energy project with 975 MW of nominal capacity. The USD 0.6 billion project will combine solar and wind power and be supported by Greenko’s hydro pumped storage project, which helps to overcome the intermittent nature of wind and solar power generation. The project will be owned and funded by ArcelorMittal. Greenko will design, construct and operate the renewable energy facilities in Andhra Pradesh in Southern India. Project commissioning is expected by mid-2024.

ArcelorMittal’s joint venture company in India, ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India will enter into a 25 year off-take agreement with ArcelorMittal to purchase 250 MW of renewable electricity annually from the project. This will result in over 20% of the electricity requirement at AM/NS India’s Hazira plant coming from renewable sources, reducing carbon emissions by approximately 1.5 million tonnes per year. AM/NS India CEO Mr Dilip Oommen said “The strategic renewable energy project reinforces our firm commitment towards sustainability that lays strong emphasis on decarbonization of steel. The partnership is the right step towards our quest to reduce carbon footprint, enabling India to accelerate the transition towards a green economy.”

The project offers AM/NS India the dual benefits of lower electricity costs and lower CO2 emissions, and it also provides an attractive return on investment for ArcelorMittal.

Greenko is one of India’s leading Renewable Energy companies, replacing fossil fuels with integrated decarbonized energy and grid assets enabling sustainable and affordable energy, with a net installed capacity of 7.5 GWdc across 15 States in India.
US Replaces Section 232 Tariffs with Quota for Steel Mills in UK

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Mar, 2022, 5:14 am

The United Kingdom has noted the announced partial removal of US Section 232 tariffs on steel and aluminium, and full removal of Section 232 tariffs on derivative articles. While this is a step in the right direction, the UK continues to consider these tariffs incompatible with World Trade Organization rules. Steel from any UK steel production facility will be admitted into the United States at the in-quota rate under the applicable tariff rate quota for UK steel, until such time as that quota is exhausted, provided it is melted and poured in the UK and imported into the United States from the UK or the EU. Further to the US partial removal of Section 232 tariffs on UK exports, the UK will suspend the additional tariffs imposed on US goods in response to the Section 232 action. The UK will keep the suspension under review in light of new developments, for instance developments that could deteriorate the situation for UK exports subject to the US Section 232 steel and aluminium measures.

UK’s International Trade Secretary Ms Anne-Marie Trevelyan said “Today’s announcement is good news for our steel and aluminium industries who have been unfairly hit by these tariffs, and the 80,000 people employed across the sector. It means our manufacturers can now enjoy a high level of tariff-free access to the US market once again.”

UK Steel’s Director General Mr Gareth Stace said “This deal is the culmination of months of dedicated work from Anne-Marie Trevelyan and her department, removing long-standing export barriers and opening up access to the important and high-value US steel market. The benefits of this deal will be felt by steel companies and their employee’s right across the UK and is immensely welcome.”

British Steel’s Chief Commercial & Procurement Officer Mr Allan Bell said “British Steel has a long-standing history of supplying quality steel into the US, and we welcome this agreement and the opportunities it will bring. We’ll work with UK Government to provide any necessary information and look forward to further strengthening relations with our US customers to deliver the products they require.”

Given the joint desire of the United States and the United Kingdom to address non-market excess capacity so as to preserve their critical steel and aluminum industries, the United States and the UK will implement the following arrangement

a. Customs Cooperation: Both sides agree to expand US UK coordination involving customs matters. The United States and the UK will also share publicly available information and best practices, as appropriate, on topics including how detection of fraud, evasion and circumvention of duties is approached

b. Trade Remedy Cooperation: The United States and the UK agree to share publicly available information on trade remedies and best practices, including on possible self-initiation of trade enforcement actions.

c. Monitoring: The United States and the UK will monitor steel and aluminum trade between them.

d. Cooperation on Non-Market Excess Capacity and Carbon Intensity: Both countries recognize that these actions alone are insufficient to address the global market distortions caused by carbon intensive non-market excess capacity. The UK and the United States will confer on non-market excess capacity and on the situation in global steel and aluminum markets, including market trends and price differences between markets, domestic industry’s conditions, and analysis on import and export data, including as to third-country markets.

e. Review: The United States and the UK agree to review the operation of this arrangement, and ongoing cooperation, on an annual basis, including in light of changes in the global steel and aluminum markets, US demand, and imports.
Global Crude Steel Production in February 2022 Shrinks by 6% YoY

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Mar, 2022, 5:17 am

World Steel Association announced that global crude steel production for the 64 countries reporting to worldsteel was 142.7 million tonnes in February 2022, a 5.7% decrease compared to February 2021 & down 7.9% as compared to January 2022, mainly due to 10% YoY shrinkage in Chinese crude steel production to about 75 million tonnes


Crude Steel Production by Region – February 2022


Africa -1.3 million tonne, up 4.1% YoY

Asia & Oceania – 102.6 million tonne, down 7.1% YoY

CIS – 7.7 million tonne, down 5.8% YoY

EU (27) - 11.7 million tonne, down 2.5% YoY

Europe, Others – 3.8 million tonne, down 2.7% YoY

Middle East - 3.5 million tonne, up 2.8% YoY

North America – 8.8 million tonne, up 1.8% YoY

South America - 3.3 million tonne, down 7.0% YoY


Top 10 Steel-Producing Countries– February 2022


1. China – 75.0 million tonne, down 10.0% YoY

2. India - 10.1 million tonne, up 7.6% YoY

3. Japan - 7.3 million tonne, down 2.3% YoY

4. United States – 6.4 million tonne, up 1.4% YoY

5. Russia – 5.8 million tonne, down 1.4% YoY

6. South Korea -5.22 million tonne, down 6.0% YoY

7. Germany -3.2 million tonne, up 3.8% YoY

8. Turkey - 3.0 million tonne, down 3.3% YoY

9. Brazil - 2.7 million tonne, down 6.9% YoY

10. Iran - 2.8 million tonne, up 3.7% YoY
De Verenigde Staten en het Verenigd Koninkrijk hebben een akkoord bereikt over het afbouwen van de wederzijdse importheffingen, onder meer op staal en aluminium. Oud-president Trump besloot in 2018 tot de extra belasting, naar eigen zeggen ter bescherming van de Amerikaanse economie, waarna Europa ook heffingen op Amerikaanse producten doorvoerde.

Een deel van de Britse export van staal en aluminium wordt nu vrijgesteld van de Amerikaanse heffingen. In ruil daarvoor schrapt het Verenigd Koninkrijk importheffingen op Amerikaanse goederen zoals sterke drank en landbouwproducten, met een totale waarde van 500 miljoen dollar.

Het VK kan voortaan maximaal 500.000 ton staal en 900.000 ton aluminium naar de VS exporteren, zonder dat daar respectievelijk 25 procent en 10 procent aan importbelasting op wordt geheven.

Al eerder akkoord met EU
De heffingen kwamen destijds als een onaangename verrassing voor verschillende bondgenoten van de Amerikanen. De Amerikaanse minister van Handel Gina Raimondo benadrukte vandaag in een persverklaring dat de regering-Biden de banden met die landen weer wil aanhalen.

Vorig jaar oktober bereikten de VS en de EU al een akkoord over het afbouwen van de importheffingen. Maar vanwege de Brexit gold dit niet voor de Britten.

Volgens Raimondo is het nu de bedoeling dat de bondgenoten samen optrekken tegen wat de VS ziet als concurrentievervalsing door China.
Tata Steel & IGSTC sign MoU for Scientific Cooperation Partnership

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Mar, 2022, 4:46 am

Avenue Mail reported that Tata Steel has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Indo-German Science and Technology Centre to leverage collaboration opportunity with IGSTC to establish a joint collaborative Research & Innovation framework to facilitate new technology development, conduct thought leadership workshops and support human capital development. This collaboration partnership will be in the globally relevant technology & innovation areas of climate change, emerging technologies in new materials, joint research & innovation for emerging technologies and technology development for scaling-up. The objective of this collaboration is three folds

1. Developing a human intellect bridge between India and Germany

2. Developing cutting-edge sustainable technologies for global good

3. Supporting women in science and giving industry exposure to bright young scholars through hands-on industry research.

The methodology will be in the form of global workshops wherein, challenge statements will be articulated and both industry and academia will be called to jointly participate in the projects relevant to the challenge statement identified.”
Ratnamani Tubes Bags Major Pipe Order from Oil & Gas Sector

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Mar, 2022, 4:49 am

Ratnamani Metals & Tubes Ltd announced that it has received a new Domestic Line Pipe Order for INR 591 crores from the Oil & Gas Sector, to be executed during August 2022 to March 2023.

Ratnamani Metals & Tubes Ltd is a multi-location, multi-product Company, in India, manufacturing Tubes & Pipes in Stainless Steel & Exotic material and also Carbon Steel Pipes, in wide size ranges, for wide spectrum of applications. Ratnamani's manufacturing facilities are located at Chhatral & Indrad (near Ahmedabad) and Bhimasar near Gandhidham in Kutch in Gujarat.

The state-of-the-art manufacturing & testing facilities produces a wide range of Nickel Alloy & Stainless Steel Seamless Tubes, Stainless Steel Welded Tubes, Titanium Welded Tubes, Carbon Steel Welded Pipes and Stainless Steel & Carbon Steel Pipes with Coating.
Worthington Industries Commits to SBTi for Emissions Reduction

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Mar, 2022, 4:52 am

Columbus Ohio based leading US steel processor Worthington Industries has announced plans to set greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets that are aligned with a 1.5 degree Celsius science-based target, setting a pathway to net-zero emissions by 2050. The Company will apply to the Science Based Targets initiative to attain formal verification later this year.

Worthington also announced that the Company will strategically focus on products and services that support reductions in GHG emissions including its automotive lightweighting technologies, electrical steel laminations for electric vehicles, transformers and wind turbines, gas containment systems for the growing hydrogen ecosystem and connected products that support reduced fuel consumption.

Worthington is in the process of conducting an environmental, social and governance materiality assessment and assessments of Scopes 1, 2 and 3 calculations that will be used as a basis for emissions reduction targets and to identify priorities for future action. After assessments are complete, Worthington will begin the target setting process and develop a roadmap for emission reductions.

The Science Based Targets initiative is a global body enabling businesses to set ambitious emissions reduction targets in line with the latest climate science. It is focused on accelerating companies across the world to halve emissions before 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions before 2050. The initiative is collaboration between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, World Resources Institute and the World Wide Fund for Nature and is one of the We Mean Business Coalition commitments. The SBTi defines and promotes best practices in science-based target setting, offers resources and guidance to reduce barriers to adoption, and independently assesses and approves companies’ targets

Headquartered in Columbus in Ohio, Worthington operates 58 facilities in 16 states and nine countries, sells into over 90 countries. Worthington is North America’s premier value-added steel processor and producer of laser welded solutions and electrical steel laminations that provide light weighting, safety critical and emission reducing components to the mobility market.
Kardemir Completes Relining of Blast Furnace

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Mar, 2022, 4:55 am

Turkish steel maker Kardemir Karabuk Demir Celik Sanayi ve Ticaret announced that the relining works for its blast furnace No 1, which were started at the end of 2021, have been completed and that the blast furnace has been recommissioned before the planned date. The investment cost of the 117-day works was approximately USD 18 million.

The capacity of the blast furnace is expected to increase by 25% with the latest relining works & Kardemir aims to achieve annual steel production of 3.5 million tonnes.
Swiss Steel Appoints Mr Marco Portmann as CFO

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Mar, 2022, 4:57 am

Lucerne Switzerland headquartered Swiss Steel Holding’s Board has appointed Mr Marco Portmann as new Chief Financial Officer & member of the Executive Board of Swiss Steel Group as of 1 April 2022. The current CFO Dr Markus Böning has decided to resign from his position as of 31 March 2022.

Mr Portmann is currently Vice President Corporate Accounting, Controlling, Tax and Risk Management at Swiss Steel Holding AG. He has spent the majority of his career within Swiss Steel Group, working at the Swiss production site of Steeltec AG in various positions for ten years, last as Head of Accounting & Cash Management, and, after a brief employment outside of the Group, served in various senior finance positions on Corporate level for another six years.

Mr Portmann is a Swiss Chartered Expert in Financial and Managerial Accounting and Reporting.

The Swiss Steel Group is leading providers of special long steel products. The Group is one of the leading manufacturers of tool steel and non-corrosive long steel on the global market and one of the two largest companies in Europe for alloyed and high-alloyed quality and engineering steels.
Algoma Steel Expects Lower Shipments in Q4

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Mar, 2022, 5:00 am

Sault Ste Marie Ontario based Canadian steel maker Algoma Steel expects that shipments are expected to be in a range of 540,000-550,000 tons in fiscal fourth quarter 2022 and Adjusted EBITDA in a range of CAD 310-320 million. The slight sequential decrease in expected shipments and, to a lesser extent production levels, as compared to the fiscal third quarter 2022 is largely due to challenges across the logistics supply chain and COVID-related impacts.

The fourth quarter outlook includes the impact of the work stoppage at Canadian Pacific Railway that began March 20, 2022. While there have been subsequent positive announcements regarding the resolution of this labor disruption, some adverse impact is expected as the Company had made preparations to mitigate against a potentially prolonged outage.

Additionally, Algoma expects to end the quarter with above average work in process and finished goods inventories to fulfill deferred shipments in future periods. The Company continues to generate significant cash flow and remains confident in its cash generating potential in fiscal 2023 and beyond.
SEPIDES & ArcelorMittal Pact Allows Removal of High Voltage Lines

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Mar, 2022, 5:02 am

Work will begin to remove the high-voltage lines that run south of the Coke Battery farm and around the town of Garages of Avilés as an agreement was reached between Sepides and ArcelorMittal. The elimination of these power lines will put an end to the concern of the residents of the town about their environmental impact.

SEPIDES and ArcelorMittal, in an act of public-private collaboration, before the cessation of the activity, signed a Collaboration Agreement for the safe transfer of the area and the provision of supplies and services after the closure of Coke Batteries. Subsequently, in January 2020, the parties sign the final act of delivery and availability of the facilities and plots, which establishes the maintenance of a series of easements, including overhead power lines. This process of dismantling the high-voltage overhead lines is yet another step, necessary for the consolidation of the demolition, decontamination and urban development process in the area of Batteries.

The demolition and refurbishment of the Batteries area represents a new industrial development milestone for SEPIDES, through its company Parque Empresarial Principado de Asturias SL in Asturias. As part of the commitment made for years with Asturias, and specifically with Avilés and its surroundings, it is facing the environmental transformation and recovery of the field of Coke Batteries. The conversion project of the old Coke Batteries will entail the creation of more than 200,000 square meters of finalist land in a privileged, sustainable space surrounded by industry and innovation in which to establish business initiatives.
Salzgitter Update on Hydrogen, Heat Treatment Line & Electrolyser

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Mar, 2022, 5:06 am

Hydrogen Campus Salzgitter - In September 2020, Salzgitter AG signed a collaboration agreement with its partners, the town of Salzgitter, Projektbüro Südostniedersachsen represented by the Office for regional State Development, the regional Network Alliance for the Region, MAN Energy Solutions, Bosch, Alstom, WEVG Salzgitter and the Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films, in order to set up a Salzgitter hydrogen campus to promote the subject of hydrogen in the region by implementing specific, joint projects already underway and establishing a suitable legal entity in 2021. The substantive targets set by the Hydrogen Campus Salzgitter were largely met in 2021. In spite of the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, various overarching projects were launched. We also succeeded by means of active, targeted public relations work in shifting the subject of hydrogen further into the spotlight in the Salzgitter region. It was not possible to complete the target defined in the 2020 Non-Financial Report of converting the Hydrogen Campus to the structure of an association due to the degree of complexity which the project has now assumed.


Heat Treatment Line at Ilsenburger Grobblech GmbH


After the construction started in 2018, 200,000 tonnes of plate steel are to be refined in energy efficient processes from 2021 onward. The use of modern technology prevents significant loss of exhaust heat, by comparison with previous technology, and allows a substantial reduction in the volume of material transports by rail to be achieved by moving the heat treatment line from Salzgitter to Ilsenburg. The heat treatment line was commissioned in spring 2021, followed by technical acceptance for production by the end of the year. By 2023, the availability of ILG’s high-quality range will be more than doubled.


Electrolyzers to Generate Hydrogen at Salzgitter Flachstahl


The construction of a 2.5-megawatt PEM electrolysis plant will complete an important step toward achieving hydrogen-based steel production at the Salzgitter facility. Together with the high-temperature electrolysis plant with a nominal output of 720 kWel, launched at the end of 2020 as part of the innovation project GrInHy2.0, both plants are expected to be sufficient to meet the entire current hydrogen requirement for SZFG’s annealing processes. Today, this requirement is still produced elsewhere from natural gas and transported to Salzgitter by truck. The PEM electrolysis plant went into partial operation in the middle of the reporting year but is not yet supplying the hydrogen production volumes budgeted. Hydrogen production in the high-temperature electrolysis plant in the GrinHy2.0 project, on the other hand, almost reached its targeted level in 2021.
ArcelorMittal South Africa’s Saldanha Steel Plant Restart Unlikely

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Mar, 2022, 5:09 am

Moneyweb reported that South African energy supplier Eskom has approached energy regulator Nersa for approval of a special pricing agreement that could lead to the reopening of the ArcelorMittal South Africa’s Saldanha Steel plant on the Cape West Coast of South Africa. ArcelorMittal South Africa’s request for a three-year special pricing agreement has been processed by Eskom and now just needs Nersa’s approval to implement it. Nersa has published the application for public comment. But, Nersa’s approval is however only one of the hurdles AMSA will have to clear. The other essential requirement is tariff support for rail and port logistics from Transnet Freight Rail, as well as a commitment by ArcelorMittal South Africa for the required capacity & a reliable service.

ArcelorMittal South Africa requested this assistance from Transnet Freight Rail in 2020 but received an unfavorable response. Transnet Freight Rail responded that it does not have the capacity to service the logistic requirement of the steel mill and cannot offer a reduced tariff. The two parties are still trying to find a solution, but the timeline is unclear.

ArcelorMittal South Africa’s Saldanha Steel closed down in 2020 when it was unable to compete internationally with other producers & 900 people working for lost their jobs. Since then, the plant has been in care and maintenance. ArcelorMittal South Africa resolved that it could utilize the plant for the processing of scrap metal to produce 600,000 tonnes of ultra-thin steel products, provided it gets the required concessions from Eskom and Transnet as well as support from the Saldanha Bay local municipality and the Western Cape government.
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