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'Salmonella alarmeert lichaam op aanwezigheid tumoren'

Gepubliceerd: 18 februari 2017 02:47 Laatste update: 18 februari 2017 11:42

De salmonellabacterie kan volgens Zuid-Koreaanse wetenschappers helpen in de bestrijding van tumoren. Een genetisch aangepaste salmonella direct gespoten in de tumor zou het lichaam op de hoogte stellen van de aanwezigheid van kanker. Het immuunsysteem zou daardoor sneller in actie komen om de tumor te bestrijden.

Onderzoekers aan de Chonnam National University Hwasun Hospital in Gwangju, zo schrijft The Telegraph, zouden hebben aangetoond dat de salmonellabacterie gebruikt kan worden als een soort Trojaans paard. Dat infiltreert in de kankercellen en het lichaam vertelt dat deze cellen moeten worden bestreden.

Eerdere onderzoeken waren gericht op de mogelijkheden om bacteriën zoals salmonella te gebruiken als transportmiddel om kankermedicijnen in tumoren te krijgen. Volgens de wetenschappers is het de eerste keer dat er geprobeerd is om de eigen reactie van het lichaam op salmonella te gebruiken in de bestrijding van tumoren.

Het onderzoeksteam ontdekte deze mogelijkheid per toeval bij een andere test. Het viel de wetenschappers op dat de salmonella een eiwit produceerde dat een sterke immuunrespons veroorzaakte.


Testen met de bacterie als alarmmiddel op muizen met darmkanker waren volgens de wetenschappers zo succesvol dat ze nu op mensen willen testen. Meer dan de helft van de muizen zouden volledig genezen zijn zonder bijwerkingen.

"We zijn ervan overtuigd dat deze onderzoeken baanbrekend zijn. Immuuncellen kunnen nu tumoren bestrijden", zegt een professor microbiologie van de Zuid-Koreaanse universiteit.


Kankercellen zijn zeer goed in het misleiden van het immuunsysteem. Dat komt omdat kankercellen eigen cellen zijn die door mutaties blijven delen. Het immuunsysteem pakt deze cellen niet uit zichzelf aan, omdat het ze niet ziet als binnendringer. Om een immuunreactie op te wekken in een tumor moeten mutaties genoeg afwijken van gezonde cellen, zodat het lichaam deze niet meer als lichaamseigen ziet. Dat komt omdat DNA-codes niet overeenkomen.

De onderzoekers zouden een veilige vorm van de salmonella hebben ontwikkeld die een miljoen keer minder krachtig zou zijn dan de originele bacterie die voedselvergiftiging veroorzaakt. Doordat het afweersysteem direct de bacteriën ziet als niet-lichaamseigen gaat het deze bestrijden, inclusief de tumorcellen.

In the pharmaceutical and biotechnology world, companies have seen a lot of mergers and acquisitions the last several years.

The research and development groups at large pharmaceutical companies are not as efficient and innovative as a startup company, which often has an original product.

“They have not been developing new products,” Christopher Molineaux, president and CEO of Life Sciences Pennsylvania, a nonprofit trade association in Wayne, said of large companies. He also noted companies have not been receiving as much federal funding for research.

Instead, bigger companies innovate by acquiring smaller companies and their products.

“They’ve been more open to external sources of innovation,” Molineaux said.

“I think what we will see is a continued reliance on large companies to acquire smaller companies and/or license technologies from small companies and universities,” he said.

Sometimes, the company doing the acquisition or merger just wants a particular product and not the entire company, he added.

Kom maar op met dat bod.
Chinezen hebben geduld. Laten zich niet ophaasten. Voor een goed bod zijn wat meerdere geinteresseerden nodig. Maargoed, tot op heden nog geen briefjes met bedragen door de brievenbus geschoven in Leiden. Al moet er 1 de eerste zijn. Vermoed dat de FDA gesprekken belangrijk zijn.

Answering Some Recent Questions From The Biotech Mailbag
Feb. 20, 2017

"The best way out is always through." ? Robert Frost

Robert Frost

I hope the entire SeekingAlpha community is enjoying a long & relaxing President's today weekend. In tomorrow's post I will address the myriad suggestions for future Spotlight features that came in on this article. Today, we will look more at some inquiries I have recent lately more on the macro level.

The amount of questions I am getting on the biotech sector and some stocks within this area of the market has had a notable rise over the past few weeks. This make sense as the biotech sector has been on a terror in the first few weeks of February. Given this, I thought I would dedicate today's column to answering some common questions I have been getting lately from readers and subscribers on this volatile but exciting part of the market.

What Is Behind The Rally?

The first few weeks of February has seen a seven to eight percent climb across the major biotech indices & ETFs. The rally was kicked when the new president met with major biotech and pharma CEOs and pledged to streamline the FDA and speed approval times. These would be welcome events for the industry if they happened.

In addition, any tax & regulatory reform that the administration is able to enact will also benefit the industry. This is especially true of any tax reform that allows these drug giants to bring home the hundreds of billions of dollars stranded in their overseas operations because of our high corporate tax rates compared to other developed countries. These funds could be used to increase R&D, dividend hikes, stock buybacks and to fuel further M&A activity.

Increased deal volume is probably the core factor behind February's rally to this point. Three significant deals (over $5 billion) have already happened in 2017 and many smaller transactions have taken place as well. Buyout speculation is also definitely on the increase, boosting the "animal spirits" in the sector. Even Bristol - Myers Squibb (NYSE: BMY) has been the subject of takeout rumors. This would be an over $100 billion transaction and could really ignite a fire under the sector if it occurred.

I think we need M&A activity to continue to percolate for this rally to continue to strengthen. As we are getting up to the ~300 level on the iShares Nasdaq Biotechnology ETF (NASDAQ:IBB) which is the largest and probably most followed biotech ETF. This approximate point served as a ceiling throughout 2016 and a few rallies have already failed at this level over the past year. If we break decisively above 300 level here, I think the rally can continue

What Is My Favorite Long Term Growth Play?

There are a lot of good large cap concerns that make good buy and hold candidates in the current market including Amgen (NASDAQ: AMGN) which is a nice combination of growth and yield. However, if I was going to be stuck on a desert island for 3-5 years with no internet access, I think Celgene (NASDAQ: CELG) has the most visible growth trajectory in the sector right now.

Its blood cancer drug Revlimid is already a blockbuster and is getting approved for additional indications. The compound did $7 billion in revenue last year and should do $8 billion to $8.5 billion this year and looks on its way to being the best-selling oncology product on the market in a few years. The company gets $100 million to $300 million a quarter from several other products in its portfolio including fast growing Otelza.

In addition, the company has dozens of collaboration deals with smaller players in myriad disease areas. The company acts almost as a venture capitalist to the industry and will share in development success in the coming years. Analysts have Celgene earning $11 to $12 a share by 2020 and the company is targeting $13 a share. At under a $120.00 a share, the stock is cheap based on its growth trajectory.

Note: The Insiders Forum portfolio continues to CRUSH the return of our benchmark since its launch some seven months ago now. As of the market close yesterday, the model Insiders Forum portfolio is up 42.93%, compared with the return of 15.41% from the Russell 2000. Since the end of June when we launched this Marketplace service we have taken an initial 15-stock $150,000 model portfolio and transformed it into a 19-stock $214,000+ model portfolio. This is the only service of its kind out of the 70 offerings available via SeekingAlpha's Marketplace.

We would love for you to join our 500+ member and growing community. In that vein, we are enabling 14 day free trials to allow all to take a risk-free whirl of the benefits of joining the Insiders Forum. To take advantage of this offer, please click HERE. We look forward to having you as part of our expanding group of like minded investors.

What Small Caps Are Buyable Here?

We have seen some massive runs in some of the small cap biotech stocks I have profiled on these pages over the past year including oncology play Exelixis (NASDAQ: EXEL) which is up more than 400% since May. I would not chase a lot of small caps that have huge rises as they might be vulnerable to some profit taking at some point.

However, I would buy other names at current levels. These include Aratana Therapeutics (NASDAQ: PETX) which has become oversold after announcing a two-quarter delay in the rollout of its recently approved veterinary drug Entyce as its switches manufacturing facilities. However, it has two other recently approved drugs just hitting the market. Approximately $100 million of its ~$250 million is cash on the balance sheet as well.

I also like Omeros (NASDAQ: OMER) which has just started to show some recent strength after being in oversold territory. The company recently implemented changes that should accelerate sales of its one approved drug Omidria which already is doing some $50 million in annual sales. The company's pipeline is promising especially a compound OMS721 that has significant potential and is aimed at multiple indications in mid-stage trials. The shares right at $11.00 a share with a market capitalization of approximately $475 million. The stock's 52-week high is north of $16.00 a share.

Thank You and Happy Hunting

Bret Jensen

Founder, Biotech Forum & Insiders Forum
ADVM-053 is our gene therapy product candidate designed for the treatment of patients with hereditary angioedema (HAE). ADVM-053 is an AAV based gene transfer vector that aims to provide persistent levels of human C1-esterase inhibitor (C1-INH) to potentially correct the deficiency state that can lead to life threatening attacks.

Preclinical trials in Hereditary angioedema in USA (Parenteral)
Vermeldenswaardig: SOBI de huidige distributeur van Ruc in EU sluit een deal met Valeant de voormalige distributeur van Ruc in de USA.
Voor de goede orde: NIET voor Ruc maar voor een ander preparaat.

Sobi inks Ammonul distribution deal with Valeant

Feb. 21, 2017
Swedish Orphan Biovitrum (OTC:BIOVF) enters a three-year agreement with Valeant Pharmaceuticals (NYSE:VRX) for the distribution of Ammonul (sodium phenyl acetate a sodium benzoate) injection in Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. The deal replaces the current distribution agreement with Valeant Pharmaceuticals North America LLC for the same territory.

Sobi will have exclusive rights in the three regions through 2019 for named patient use programs (pre-approval access scheme). Ammonul is approved in the U.S. for the treatment of acute urea cycle disorders.

Twinkie schreef op 21 februari 2017 14:43:

ADVM-053 is our gene therapy product candidate designed for the treatment of patients with hereditary angioedema (HAE). ADVM-053 is an AAV based gene transfer vector that aims to provide persistent levels of human C1-esterase inhibitor (C1-INH) to potentially correct the deficiency state that can lead to life threatening attacks.

Preclinical trials in Hereditary angioedema in USA (Parenteral)
Aha, die kende ik nog niet. Weer een nieuwe potentiële mededinger in het veld van de HAE-medicatie.
Bedankt Twinkie!
Beursblik: MDxHealth realiseert stevige omzetgroei

Omzetgroei op jaarbasis van 83 procent verwacht KBC Securities.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) MDxHealth heeft in 2016 de omzet stevig zien groeien, mede door mijlpaalbetalingen en royalties en ConfirmMDx. Dit stelden analisten van KBC Securities woensdag in aanloop naar de definitieve jaarcijfers van het Belgisch-Nederlandse biofarmaceutische bedrijf.

KBC Securities verwacht dat MDxHealth in het afgelopen jaar een omzet heeft gerealiseerd van 32,2 miljoen dollar, goed voor een groei van 83 procent ten opzichte van 2015. In januari stelde MDxHealth nog op koers te liggen om over 2016 een omzetgroei te behalen van meer dan 60 procent, mede door een "aanzienlijke" toename in de goedkeuring van de vergoeding voor ConfirmMDx. ConfirmMDx is een prostaatkankertest van het concern uit Herstal die vorig jaar door diverse Amerikaanse verzekeraars werd opgenomen in hun pakket.

Het grootste deel van de omzetgroei zal volgens KBC Securities dan ook toe te schrijven zijn aan ConfirmMDx. Verder ontving de biofarmaceut mijlpaalbetalingen en royalties van ExactSciences en Cologuard, zo merkten de marktvorsers op.

KBC Securities mikt op een brutowinst van circa 21 miljoen dollar, maar ook op een stijging van de operationele kosten van 25 miljoen dollar in 2015 naar 34 miljoen dollar in 2016. Volgens de analisten investeerde MDxHealth afgelopen jaar meer in marketing. Als gevolg zal het operationeel resultaat met 13,5 miljoen dollar lager uitvallen dan de 14,5 miljoen dollar een jaar eerder.

De kaspositie van MDxHealth zal naar schatting van de analisten ultimo 2016 rond de 31 miljoen dollar zijn uitgekomen, mede door de kapitaalverhoging van 22,6 miljoen dollar in november vorig jaar.

Volgens KBC Securities zal de winstgevendheid van de onderneming in de komende jaren verbeteren, waarbij AssureMDx de eerste verkoopresultaten zal laten zien. De marktvorsers hopen hierover meer duidelijkheid te krijgen in de jaarcijfers van de biofarmaceut, die donderdag voorbeurs worden gepubliceerd.

Op een groene beurs verloor het aandeel MDxHealth woensdag 0,5 procent op 5,53 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Early-stage study shows encouraging results for Shire's candidate for hereditary angioedema; shares ahead 1% premarket

Results from a Phase 1b study assessing Shire plc's (NASDAQ:SHPG) lanadelumab for the treatment of a rare genetic disorder called hereditary angioedema (HAE) showed a promising treatment effect with no serious adverse events or discontinuations. The data were just published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The trial randomized 37 subjects to receive either two doses of lanadelumab (four different dosing groups) or placebo separated by 14 days, then followed for 120 days post-dose. The primary endpoints were safety and tolerability of multiple subcutaneous administrations of lanadelumab. Secondary endpoints included an evaluation of immunogenicity and assessments of HAE attack frequency and use of acute attack therapy.

In patients with at least two attacks in the three months prior to enrollment who received two doses of 300 mg or 400 mg of lanadelumab, the rate of attacks was reduced by 100% and 88%, respectively, compared to placebo.

Lanadelumab is a human monoclonal antibody that binds to (inhibits) an enzyme called plasma kallikrein that plays a key role in blood pressure regulation, thrombosis and inflammation.

HAE, affecting about 1 in 50K people, is characterized by localized swelling in the extremities, GI tract and upper airways.

A Phase 3 study evaluating lanadelumab as a long-acting prophylactic treatment for HAE is currently underway.

Shire obtained the rights to the candidate via its $6.5B acquisition of Dyax in January 2016.

Shares are up 1% premarket on light volume.
Galapagos reports strong financial results and
newsflow-rich pipeline
Key 2016 results:
? Group revenues increased by €91.0 million to €151.6 million
? Operating loss reduced by €77.9 million to €11.5 million
? Net profit of €54.0 million, compared to a net loss of €118.4 million in 2015
? Cash balance increased by €632.7 million to €980.9 million at year-end
? Start of three Phase 3 studies with filgotinib
? Competitive patient data in CF program and good progress towards triple
combination therapy
Financial guidance 2017:
? Cash burn of €135-155 million
Webcast presentation tomorrow, 24 February 2017, at 14.00 CET/8 AM ET,
+32 2 400 6926,
Mechelen, Belgium; 23 February 2017, regulated information – Galapagos NV
(Euronext & NASDAQ: GLPG) presents financial results and highlights the key events
for the full year 2016.
“Galapagos remains on track to become an integrated biopharmaceutical company. In collaboration
with Gilead, three Phase 3 programs with filgotinib were launched last year. Our FITZROY studies
demonstrated the potential for filgotinib in Crohn’s disease, with encouraging endoscopy and
histopathology results. We initiated critical path safety studies for our triple combination therapy
in cystic fibrosis, keeping us on track to evaluate safety of our triple combination in the first half of
this year, with a goal to move into patient evaluations by mid-2017. The CF program was
substantially strengthened by the competitive patient data shown in the SAPHIRA Phase 2 studies.
We ended the year with a rich portfolio of late stage programs in which we expect to generate new
patient data over the next 18 months. We are in a very strong position, both financially and
operationally,” CEO Onno van de Stolpe commented.
Bart Filius, CFO, added: “Galapagos had an extraordinary year with strong financial results. We
ended 2016 with the largest cash balance in our history, and with cash burn well under control.
Our cash balance now exceeds the cumulative investments made by all investors in Galapagos
since its inception in 1999. We will continue to ramp up our late stage development activities this
year, as we plan to increase our investments in filgotinib and CF and initiate more clinical studies
with our proprietary programs. All this will contribute to our financial guidance for operational cash
burn of €135-155 million for full year 2017.”.

Zie verder:
Sterke kaspositie Galapagos

Omzet gespekt door succesbetalingen.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Galapagos heeft de cashburn in 2016 conform verwachting zien uitkomen bij een sterke kaspositie en zag bovendien de omzet toenemen terwijl er onder de streep winst resteerde. Dit meldde het Belgische-Nederlandse biofarmaceutische concern donderdagavond.

"We bevinden ons in een zeer sterke positie, zowel financieel als operationeel," zei CEO Onno van de Stolpe in een toelichting. "We liggen op schema om een geïntegreerd biofarmaceutisch bedrijf te worden", aldus de topman.

De kaspositie is sterk, met 980,9 miljoen euro eind december 2016, tegen 939 miljoen euro eind september en 348,2 miljoen euro eind december 2015. "Op dit moment is onze kaspositie hoger dan de som van alle investeringen gedaan door investeerders in Galapagos sinds haar oprichting in 1999", zei CFO Bart Filius.

Het concern startte afgelopen jaar onder meer een Fase 3 studie met filgotinib als behandeling tegen reuma en de ziekte van Crohn. De kosten voor onderzoek en ontwikkeling (R&D) kwamen circa 10 miljoen euro hoger uit dan in 2015, op 139,6 miljoen euro.

De omzet steeg van 60,6 miljoen naar 151,6 miljoen euro, gespekt door succesbetalingen van samenwerkingspartners, terwijl het operationele verlies afnam van 89,4 miljoen tot 11,5 miljoen euro.

Onder de streep resteerde winst, van 54,0 miljoen euro, waar in 2015 nog een nettoverlies van 118,4 miljoen euro in de boeken kwam.


In 2017 verwacht Galapagos een cashburn van 135 miljoen tot 155 miljoen euro, wat hoger is dan de cashburn in de jaren 2015 en 2016, toen die ruim onder de 130 miljoen euro bleven.

"We zullen onze ontwikkelingsactiviteiten dit jaar verder opvoeren en meer gaan investeren in de ontwikkeling van filgotinib en CF; ook gaan we meer klinische studies starten in programma's die volledig onze eigendom zijn", zei Filius over de verwachte hogere cashburn.

Nu de laatste fase studie met filgotinib loopt, richt het concern zich dit jaar meer op de ontwikkeling van het taaislijmziekteprogramma. Galapagos hoopt nog dit jaar te starten met een studie naar een drievoudige combinatiebehandeling.

Donderdagavond kondigde het concern de eerste dosering aan van een combinatie van de corrector GLPG2222 en potentiator GLPG2451 in een Fase 1 studie, waarbij de veiligheid en verdraagzaamheid worden onderzocht bij 40 gezonde vrijwilligers.

Op een rode beurs sloot het aandeel Galapagos donderdag 0,5 procent lager op 65,70 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.

Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

Copyright ABM Financial News. All rights reserved

(END) Dow Jones Newswires
Phase 1b results for investigational treatment published
Phase 1b results for investigational treatment published

The New England Journal of Medicine has just published the results from the Phase 1b study of lanadelumab (SHP643; formerly DX-2930) from Shire plc.

Lanadelumab is a subcutaneously administered, human monoclonal antibody that specifically binds and inhibits plasma kallikrein, and it is being investigated for the prevention of angioedema attacks in patients with HAE.

“In this Phase 1b study, no serious adverse events or discontinuations due to adverse events were observed at all doses studied. Pre-specified efficacy analyses in patients with at least 2 attacks in the 3 months prior to enrolment demonstrated that from day 8 to day 50, the administration of two doses of lanadelumab (300 or 400 mg) 14 days apart, reduced the rate of attacks by 100% and 88% respectively, when compared with placebo. In addition, all subjects were attack-free in the 300 mg group and 82% were attack-free in the 400 mg group, compared to 27% in the placebo group,” said Dr. Aleena Banerji, Associate Professor, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston.

“The overall results of this study are encouraging; it should be noted that while the duration of treatment was relatively short and only a small number of patients were investigated, the results supported further Phase 3 investigations, which are currently ongoing,” added Dr. Paula Busse, Associate Professor, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York.

“Despite improvements in the management of HAE in recent years, there is still a need for long-acting prophylactic treatment options. At Shire we are proud of our history in HAE and ongoing commitment to the clinical development of lanadelumab, an investigational prophylactic therapy for this rare genetic disease,” said Philip J. Vickers, Ph.D., Global Head of Research and Development at Shire.

A pivotal Phase 3 trial evaluating the safety and efficacy of lanadelumab as a long-acting prophylactic treatment for HAE is currently underway.

With the clinical development of lanadelumab, Shire is building on its legacy in HAE and as the world leader in rare diseases.

The multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multiple-ascending dose study enrolled a total of 37 patients randomized to receive lanadelumab or placebo across four different dosing groups of 30, 100, 300, or 400 mg. Each subject received two doses of lanadelumab or placebo, separated by 14 days, and was followed for 120 days post-dose. The primary objective of the study was to assess the safety and tolerability of multiple subcutaneous administrations of lanadelumab at different dose levels in HAE patients. Secondary and tertiary objectives included characterization of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of lanadelumab, evaluation of immunogenicity, and assessments of HAE attack frequency and use of acute attack therapy.

There were no serious adverse events or discontinuations due to adverse events reported in patients treated with lanadelumab. A total of 29% of the patients who received lanadelumab and 38% of those who received placebo had an adverse event that was considered by trial investigators, who were unaware of the trial-group assignments, to be treatment-related. The most common treatment-related adverse events were injection site pain (25% lanadelumab, 23% placebo) and headache (8% lanadelumab, 15% placebo).

In HAE patients, the pharmacokinetic profile of lanadelumab is linear, dose-dependent, and exhibits a half-life of approximately 14 days, typical of a human monoclonal antibody. The pharmacodynamic profile of lanadelumab was assessed by plasma levels of cleaved high molecular weight kininogen (cHMWK). Pharmacodynamic results confirm plasma kallikrein inhibition in a dose and time-dependent manner, and suggest doses of 300 mg or greater have the potential to normalize cHMWK levels based on levels of cHMWK approaching that observed in healthy subjects.

(Source: Shire)
27/02/2017 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 27/02/2017 11:04
BioCryst Reports Positive Interim Results From Its APeX-1 Trial
Reduction of 63% in overall attack rate in HAE patients with severe disease (p=0.006)
RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, N.C., Feb. 27, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:BCRX) today announced results from an interim analysis of its Phase 2 APeX-1 trial in hereditary angioedema (HAE). APeX-1 is a dose ranging trial designed to evaluate the efficacy, safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of orally administered once daily (QD) BCX7353 for 28 days, as a preventative treatment to reduce the frequency of attacks in HAE patients.
'The results of this interim analysis are extraordinarily encouraging,' said Dr. Emel Aygören-Pürsün, MD, principal investigator for the APeX-1 trial and Head of Interdisciplinary Competence Center for Hereditary Angioedema, and Specialist in Internal Medicine and Hemostaseology Department of Child and Adolescent Medicine, Goethe University Hospital Frankfurt. 'Confirmation of the results would lead to a huge step forward in the treatment of hereditary angioedema, towards an effective, safe and easy to administer prophylaxis for the debilitating attacks connected with this condition.'
'We are extremely excited to have such a strong treatment effect in reducing HAE attacks with our once daily oral therapy,' said Jon Stonehouse, Chief Executive Officer & President of BioCryst. 'What is even more encouraging is the dramatic benefit seen in the reduction of peripheral attacks and mixed peripheral and abdominal attacks. A once daily oral therapy with an 88% reduction in these attacks has the potential to make a huge difference in HAE patients' lives.'
Twenty-eight subjects, randomized equally to receive BCX7353 350 mg QD or placebo for 28 days, were included in the interim analysis. The baseline attack rate was approximately 1/week, and average C1 inhibitor levels were less than 20% of the normal mean, indicating a severely affected patient population. Baseline characteristics were generally well balanced between the two groups with the exception of prior androgen use, which was more common in the BCX7353 group (11 of 14 compared with 6 of 14 on placebo). Compliance with study drug dosing was excellent ( > 98%).
The pre-specified per-protocol (PP) interim analysis included data on 24 subjects with confirmed Type 1 or Type 2 HAE completing 28 days of treatment (11 treated with BCX7353 and 13 with placebo). The mean rate of independently-adjudicated angioedema attacks for the pre-defined effective dosing period (weeks 2 through 4) in BCX7353-treated subjects was 0.34/week compared to 0.92/week for placebo, a reduction of 0.57/week (63%), p = 0.006. In the intent-to-treat (ITT) population of 28 subjects, the rates of attacks for the effective dosing period for BCX7353 and placebo groups were 0.44/week and 0.91/week, a reduction of 0.47/week (52%), p = 0.035.
A pre-planned analysis of peripheral and abdominal attacks showed reductions of 88% and 24%, respectively, for BCX7353 compared with placebo (PP analysis, weeks 2 through 4). To understand this difference, patient diaries were reviewed and abdominal attacks (n = 9, BCX7353 and n = 14, placebo) were subdivided into two groups: attacks with abdominal symptoms only and attacks with a combination of abdominal and peripheral symptoms (mixed attacks). This post-hoc analysis showed that there were 2, 2 and 7 peripheral, mixed and abdominal-only attacks on BCX7353 compared with 22, 12 and 2 attacks, respectively, for placebo. Based on this distribution, it is likely that subjects recorded transient abdominal adverse events as HAE attack symptoms in their diary.
Steady state BCX7353 plasma levels in HAE subjects were similar to those in healthy subjects administered the same dose in a previously completed Phase 1 trial. Steady state trough drug levels (24 hours after dosing) were 11 - 32 times the 50% effective concentration (EC) for plasma kallikrein inhibition.
Daily oral dosing with BCX7353 strongly inhibited plasma kallikrein throughout the 24 hour dosing interval; the degree of inhibition was similar to that seen with this dose in the healthy subject Phase 1 trial.
Oral BCX7353 350 mg once-daily for 28 days was generally safe and well tolerated in subjects with HAE. There were no serious adverse events (AEs) and no related severe AEs. Two subjects in the BCX7353 treatment group discontinued study drug before day 28, one due to an unrelated pre-existing condition, and one due to an adverse event of gastroenteritis associated with elevated liver enzymes. Treatment-emergent adverse events occurring in at least 2 subjects overall, enumerated by treatment group (BCX7353 [n=14] and placebo [n=14]), were: common cold (3, 4); diarrhea (4, 2); flatulence (2, 0); and fatigue (2, 0).
No clinically significant changes in hematology parameters, renal function tests, electrolytes, or urinalysis were observed. One subject treated with BCX7353, with pre-existing colitis, hepatic steatosis (fatty liver) and more than 20 years of prior androgen use, had an elevation of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) > 3 times the upper limit of normal at the end of treatment, which resolved.
The efficacy, safety and tolerability profile of BCX7353 observed in this interim analysis strongly supports its continued investigation as a prophylactic treatment for HAE. The steady state drug levels observed far exceeded the proposed therapeutic target range of 4 - 8 times the EC, supporting evaluation of lower doses. Therefore, the APeX-1 trial has been amended to add a 62.5 mg QD dose level and to increase the number of subjects at the 125 mg QD and 250 mg QD dose levels, in order to more fully characterize dose response.
Conference Call and Webcast
BioCryst's leadership team will host a conference call and webcast with Dr. Emel Aygören-Pürsün, MD and Prof. Bruce Zuraw, MD, Division Chief, Professor of Medicine UC San Diego School of Medicine and Director of the U.S. HAEA Angioedema Center today, February 27, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time, to discuss its APeX-1 interim analysis and to respond to questions on the APeX-1 interim results and the Company's full year 2016 financial results. To participate in the conference call, please dial 1-877-303-8027 (United States) or 1-760-536-5165 (International). No passcode is needed for the call. The webcast can be accessed by logging onto Please connect to the website at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the conference call to ensure adequate time for any software download that may be necessary.
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