Zou fijn zijn als dit bedrijf direct een knaller maakt met dit product. Value8 heeft al sinds eind 2009 een belang in dit bedrijf en voor zover ik lees in het jaarverslag van 2010 gaat het om een belang van 31.3% met nog 12.8% als eventuele optie. Vreemd dat Value8 geen persbericht heeft doorgezet op hun eigen website onder het kopje "persberichten investeringen". Neem aan dat er wel wat vreugde is met het vermarkten van een eerste product.

Ceradis launches MusaCare® in Costa Rica and Colombia

Wageningen, Feb 13, 2012 - Ceradis is pleased to announce the introduction of MusaCare®, a unique and patented specialty fertilizer for banana in Costa Rica and Colombia. MusaCare® is developed specifically for banana to increase yields and stimulate the natural resistance against Black Sigatoka.
MusaCare® has been developed over the past 10 years by researchers in Wageningen, the Netherlands and Bogota, Colombia. “Together with our field research in Colombia and Costa Rica, we have worked hard to develop a more environmental friendly way to higher yields in banana.” said Wim van der Krieken, CEO of Ceradis. “MusaCare® provides essential nutrient elements such as Potassium and Phosphor to banana and at the same time stimulates the natural plant defense against a large number of pathogenic fungal and oomycetal diseases”.
Research in Costa Rica and Colombia has confirmed that multiple applications of MusaCare® will reduce the need for conventional chemical fungicides in banana plantations. MusaCare® supports farmers in their integrated pest management programs and allows them to lower their fungicide use. Also in organic farming, MusaCare® can be an important tool to keep the banana plants healthy. Due to the mineral and organic nature of MusaCare®, the product is safe for user and environment and does not have residue restrictions, pre-harvest or re-entry limitations.
The unique and patent specialty fertilizer for banana, MusaCare®, is currently registered in Costa Rica and Colombia. Ceradis plans to extend the registration to Ecuador, Honduras and Guatemala in 2012. More information on the product and distribution is available through Ceradis at www.ceradis.com or on the website www.musacare.com.
About Ceradis BV
Ceradis B.V. develops and markets innovative environmental friendly solutions for plant nutrition, crop protection and post-harvest. The company Ceradis was founded in the Netherlands as a spin-off of Wageningen University and still has a close relationship with their research departments. Ceradis products have a patented formulation that guarantees optimal activity of the ingredients and excellent handling characteristics for the end-users.

Joep van den Bosch
Market Development Manager Ceradis BV
+31 6 3040 6780
