groene appel schreef op 28 december 2021 22:03:
Investment Analysts’ Weekly Ratings Changes for Celyad Oncology (CYAD)
Posted by ABMN Staff on Dec 28th, 2021
Celyad Oncology logoCelyad Oncology (NASDAQ: CYAD) recently received a number of ratings updates from brokerages and research firms:
12/24/2021 – Celyad Oncology was downgraded by analysts at Zacks Investment Research from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating. According to Zacks, “Celyad SA is a biopharmaceutical company. The Company develops and commercializes cell based regenerative therapies to treat illnesses where cardiac tissue is lost due to chronic or acute injury. Celyad SA is based in Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium. “
12/22/2021 – Celyad Oncology was downgraded by analysts at UBS Group AG from a “neutral” rating to a “sell” rating.
12/15/2021 – Celyad Oncology was upgraded by analysts at Zacks Investment Research from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating. They now have a $4.75 price target on the stock. According to Zacks, “Celyad SA is a biopharmaceutical company. The Company develops and commercializes cell based regenerative therapies to treat illnesses where cardiac tissue is lost due to chronic or acute injury. Celyad SA is based in Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium. “
12/10/2021 – Celyad Oncology had its price target lowered by analysts at HC Wainwright from $15.00 to $13.00. They now have a “buy” rating on the stock.
11/16/2021 – Celyad Oncology was downgraded by analysts at Zacks Investment Research from a “buy” rating to a “hold” rating. According to Zacks, “Celyad SA is a biopharmaceutical company. The Company develops and commercializes cell based regenerative therapies to treat illnesses where cardiac tissue is lost due to chronic or acute injury. Celyad SA is based in Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium. “
11/15/2021 – Celyad Oncology was upgraded by analysts at Zacks Investment Research from a “hold” rating to a “buy” rating. They now have a $4.75 price target on the stock. According to Zacks, “Celyad SA is a biopharmaceutical company. The Company develops and commercializes cell based regenerative therapies to treat illnesses where cardiac tissue is lost due to chronic or acute injury. Celyad SA is based in Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium. “
Shares of CYAD opened at $3.87 on Tuesday. The company has a quick ratio of 1.42, a current ratio of 0.97 and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.10. The stock’s fifty day simple moving average is $4.23 and its 200 day simple moving average is $4.41. Celyad Oncology SA has a twelve month low of $3.53 and a twelve month high of $9.26.
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A hedge fund recently bought a new stake in Celyad Oncology stock. OLD Mission Capital LLC acquired a new stake in Celyad Oncology SA (NASDAQ:CYAD) during the 2nd quarter, according to its most recent Form 13F filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The firm acquired 11,323 shares of the company’s stock, valued at approximately $60,000. OLD Mission Capital LLC owned 0.07% of Celyad Oncology at the end of the most recent reporting period. 1.83% of the stock is owned by institutional investors and hedge funds.