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Ukraine Wants to Include Steel in Grain Corridor

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
20 Jan, 2023, 5:58 am

Bloomberg has reported that Ukraine wants to expand the Istanbul grain export agreements and add steel supplies to them to support the country’s economy. Ukraine’s Economy Minister Ms Yulia Svyridenko has called for the development of the agreement concluded in July 2022, which opened Ukrainian Black Sea ports blocked by Russian forces. Ms Svyridenko said at the World Economic Forum in Davos “It is important for us to add more ports, increase the volume of exports. We will focus on building more storage facilities for agricultural commodities, but what we need to do from a strategic point of view is to open sea ports. It is not only about agriculture, but also about steel.”

The Black Sea was formerly the principal transport route for Ukraine’s steel exports. Currently, only the ports of the Odessa region are able to connect to the shipment of metals. The main facilities for the export of metallurgical products are located in the ports of Odessa, Chornomorsk and Pivdennyi. Half of the world has already joined the negotiations on the continuation of the Istanbul Agreements. Currently, only the ports of the Odessa region are able to connect to the shipment of metals. As a result of the port blockages, Ukrainian steelmakers have had to use other options to deliver their products. Some sent goods to Europe by truck or rail, as well as using shipments from Black Sea ports in Romania and Bulgaria, and from Baltic Sea ports in Poland.

In 2022, the Ukrainian steel industry and exports were hit hard by the Russian invasion, which led to the destruction of almost 40% of Ukrainian steel capacities and hit export transportation hard due to port blockades. According to customs, carbon semi-finished steel exports totaled 1.9 million tonnes in 2022, down by 72% YoY while semis exports came to 6.8 million tonnes, down by 10% YoY. Pig iron exports fell 59% to 1.3 million tonnes

Similarly, Ukraine’s iron ore exports shrank by 46% YoY in 2022 to 23.9 million tonnes and ferroalloy exports fell by 48% YoY to 349,560 tonnes.
Windparken in Noordzee helpen Tata Steel: eerder staal met groene waterstof

Updated 1 uur geleden
Vandaag, 08:50

AMSTERDAM - Tata Steel Nederland kan in IJmuiden waarschijnlijk eerder staal gaan produceren met schonere waterstof, gemaakt van energie uit windparken, nu het van steenkool als hittebron af gaat op het complex met straks 130 meter hoge bebouwing.

Staal maken met steenkool historie, waterstof van wind op zee moet vanaf 2030 nieuwe aanjager worden van schonere productie. ANP/HH

Voor de start in 2030 rekende Tata Steel erop nog aardgas te moeten gebruiken, bij gebrek aan voldoende groene waterstof dat helemaal geen CO2-uitstoot. Maar dat aanbod van waterstof neemt snel toe. Tata Steel denkt die energiedrager vooral van windparken op de Noordzee te betrekken. „Of anders importeren we waterstof via Nederlandse havens zoals Amsterdam en Rotterdam. Waterstof kunnen we ook van nieuwe elektrolysers op land verkrijgen. Het aanbod groeit, de technologie gaat snel”, aldus Jeroen Klumper, directeur Duurzame Transitie bij Tata Steel.

Energie-eilanden Noordzee nieuwe stopcontacten voor groene stroom thuis

De overgang van kolen naar groene waterstof gaat pas door als het vloeibaar ruwijzer van dezelfde kwaliteit is als die uit de fabrieken in IJmuiden komt, aldus Tata. Er gaat ijzererts de Hoogovens in en er komt vloeibaar ruwijzer uit.

De waterstoftechnologie wordt steeds breder gebruikt, aldus Klumper. Tata Steel levert nu 7 miljoen ton staal per jaar. Het heeft daarvoor 4 gigawatt aan elektriciteit nodig.

Subsidie nodig
Het bedrijf polst daartoe momenteel toekomstige aanbieders van groene waterstof. Op de Noordzee plaatsen zij komende jaren nieuwe windmolenparken. „De bedrijven willen leveren, we voeren gesprekken”, aldus de directie.

Tata Steel is nu de grootste uitstoter van CO2 en stikstof in Nederland. Zijn ovens en de Vattenfall-installatie ernaast stoten bijna 12 miljoen megaton CO2 uit. Het zette zomer 2021 de knop om: productie met staal wordt vervangen door elektrische ovens, met groene waterstof opgewekt uit zon en wind als nieuwe energiedrager.

Provincie veegt milieuproblemen van het bord van Tata Steel

Om met waterstof concurrerend te kunnen produceren, moet de prijs wel fors omlaag. Staal gemaakt met waterstof is substantieel duurder dan staal gemaakt met het vuur van steenkool. Het ruwijzer komt vloeibaar uit de hoogovens en gaat in vloeibare vorm naar de staalfabriek.

Ceo Hans van den Berg hoopt dat de Nederlandse overheid in de overgangsfase het financiële verschil wil helpen verminderen. De Duitse overheid bijvoorbeeld subsidieert de plannen van concurrent Salzgitter voor 50%. „De gesprekken hierover met het ministerie van Economische Zaken lopen nog.”

EU geeft meer steun
Die steun is steeds waarschijnlijker aan het worden. De Amerikaanse overheid investeert $348 miljard in bedrijven die vergroenen. Dankzij deze subsidiepot produceren concurrenten veel goedkoper. In Texas is bijna sprake van negatieve prijzen voor waterstof. Europa kondigde deze week aan daar een groot steunpakket tegenover te stellen.

Ford stapt als eerste klant in ’groen’ staal van Tata Steel Nederland

Van den Berg: „Er is veel vraag naar groen staal. Ford heeft zich al gecommitteerd. Veel klanten hebben zich bij ons gemeld, we zijn in gesprek”, zegt hij. „Het is als een trechter: naarmate we verder ontwikkelen, komt er meer kennis beschikbaar over technologie en producten. Dan zullen meer bedrijven op basis van die kennis aan willen meedoen.”

De echte investeringsbeslissing voor de overgang van Tata op waterstof is nog niet gevallen, aldus Klumper. „Veel is nog niet bekend. Maar als we zoals in gewone projecten op alle feiten van alle onderdelen moeten wachten, dan halen we onze deadline van 2030 niet. Daarom doen we aantal dingen gelijktijdig. Zodat we onze doelstelling halen.”

Zweedse concurrentie
Het bedrijf aan de Noordzee ontwikkelt technologie in onbekend terrein en met grote haast. Het Openbaar Ministerie doet onderzoek, de Tweede Kamer eist met de provincie snelle afname van schadelijke uitstoot.

OM eist boete voor Tata Steel om overtreding milieuregels
Inspectie en milieudiensten doen onderzoek bij Tata Steel

Het Zweedse SSAB maakt bovendien al staal uit waterstof. Tata Steel Nederland heeft voor de ontwikkeling van de eigen waterstofsystemen - waarvoor nog geen standaarden zijn - en de fabrieksschetsen voor de eerste fase €65 miljoen uitgetrokken.

Er zijn echter nog geen definitieve vergunningen, die zouden in 2024 komen. Tata hoopt met tijdelijke goedkeuring door te kunnen ontwikkelen.

’Tata Steel raakt achterop bij Scandinavische groei’

HyCC gaat mogelijk in IJmuiden een fabriek van 100 megawatt opzetten op het terrein van Tata Steel. Jaarlijks moet dat 15.500 ton groene waterstof opleveren. Tata Steel weet nu al dat dit te weinig is: voor staalproductie die wereldwijd concurrerend moet zijn, zal veel meer waterstof nodig zijn.

Voor de schoonmaak van het Tata Steel-terrein in IJmuiden waar de nieuwe installaties moeten komen, en om het terrein bouwrijp te maken, heef Tata Steel €300 miljoen gereserveerd. De bouw van de ontstoffings- en Denox-installatie voor zijn pelletfabriek kost rond €200 miljoen.

Grootste uitstoter Tata Steel krijgt minder stikstofruimte

Nieuwe skyline IJmuiden
Voor overige investeringen is Tata Steel Nederland, als een zelfstandig onderdeel, op zichzelf aangewezen, benadrukt ceo Hans van den Berg. Hij rekent erop dat het miljardenproject voor groen staal op financiering vanuit de overheid kan steunen. In Europa is zo’n 40% aan subsidie niet ongewoon, aldus het bedrijf.

Tata Steel presenteerde donderdag in de Johan Cruijff ArenA verfijndere ontwerptekeningen van de fabrieken, met gebouwen die 60 meter hoog reiken, en elektriciteitsopslag op eigen terrein. Daar komt ook een grote recyclaar voor alle schroot. „Het aangezicht van Tata Steel, de skyline gaat enorm vervanderen”, aldus Laura Buil, manager project engineering.

Tata-topman: IJmuiden behouden voor groei in groen staal
Tata Steel investeert €65 miljoen in waterstoffabriek voor staalproductie
Tata Steel Transacts Steel Export to Tatmetal with CargoDocs eB/L

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Jan, 2023, 4:13 am

Tata Steel has recently completed the first-ever CargoDocs electronic Bill of Lading transaction for imports into Turkey, in a shipment involving Tata Steel Limited as the shipper and Tatmetal Çelik as the receiver. The milestone transaction covered the export of steel coils in bulk, shipped from Dhamra Port in India to the Port of Karadeniz Eregli in Turkey.

The original eB/L was handled via CargoDocs, the digital trade platform provided by essDOCS, with all key actions such as drafting, collaborative review, sign, issue, endorse and surrender carried out online via the single, secure platform, eliminating reliance on emails and error-prone manual processes, and significantly accelerating the trade. Specifically, the original eB/L was transferred throughout the entire chain in less than 48 hours, compared to days or even weeks required in a traditional paper-based transaction.

CargoDocs electronic Bills of Lading (eB/Ls) are the global industry standard, used by a rapidly expanding network spanning thousands of customers across all continents.

Simple: CargoDocs eB/Ls are based on best paper processes therefore providing a solution that is extremely intuitive and easy to use. One Master exclaims, “It is easier than online shopping!”

Easily-Accessible: Our secure Document Exchange – Exchange Title Docs – can be accessed either by web-browser on any computer or internet-enabled device, via business to business message (B2B) or, for vessels with no internet, via secure email. Access is not limited to the office, meaning users can deal with their electronic Bills of Lading on the road or even at home, if required

Industry-Led: All of our solutions have been (and continue to be) industry-led, from the market where our solutions are used, to the way features work in different markets. This industry-led approach is key to market acceptance of CargoDocs electronic Bills of Lading.

Legally Valid: A CargoDocs eB/L is the legal and functional equivalent of a paper Bill of Lading

Industry-Approved: CargoDocs eB/Ls are accepted and recognized by The International Group of P&I Clubs (IG), representing the 13 Protection and Indemnity (P&I) Clubs which insure 95% of the world’s ocean going fleet, as well as other Industry bodies such as the ITIC and TT Club

Secure: Security is at the core of CargoDocs, built to withstand all manner of external and internal threats, undergoing frequent audits to cover all vulnerabilities

Based on Data: Our eB/Ls are based on data, and as such, users can interface with CargoDocs eB/Ls to pull data directly into their shipping, operations, finance and/or ERP systems

Tata Steel’s recent shipment into Turkey marks yet another milestone in a series of successful paperless transactions initiated and completed by the Company, supporting its strategic digital trade efforts aimed at optimizing shipping & trade document processes. By using eDocs, the Company achieved significant time and cost savings, improved trade transparency and visibility, reduced the risk of fraudulent documents and eliminated the need to use charterer’s Letter of Indemnity.

In April 2021, Tata Steel executed a first-in-the-global-steel-industry blockchain-enabled paperless trade transaction involving steel export to a customer in UAE. Later in the year in November, the Company executed a blockchain enabled paperless export order with metals major in Bangladesh.

Tata Steel has been working towards incorporating new ways of transforming the order to cash cycle by executing and broad-basing blockchain-based paperless transactions in geographies like Bangladesh, Europe, and the Middle East covering three different shipment modes - Road, Breakbulk, and Containers. Many digital initiatives such as Digi-Bill (e-submission of Invoices) - a digital platform for paperless transactions for inbound material delivery, Margdarshak - for tracking and re-routing vehicles, among others have already been deployed to manage the supply chain and ease the transactions carried out by the Company’s suppliers.
Swiss Steel Named as Global Market Leader In Special Long Steel

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Jan, 2023, 4:13 am

Switzerland’s University of St Gallen’s Professor of Business Economics Christoph Müller ranks the global market leaders every year and WirtschaftsWoche magazine has published this year’s list, which includes Swiss Steel Group as one of the global market leaders in the special long steel products sector. On 1 & 2 February 2023, the Global Market Leader Summit, will be held in Schwäbisch Hall in Germany and Swiss Steel Group will be attending.

To be considered a world leader, a company must be number one or two in sales in at least one relevant market. At least 50% of annual revenue, at least EUR 50 million, must be generated abroad and on three continents. The company must have at least part of its registered offices in Germany. This also applies accordingly to Austria and Switzerland.

Swiss Steel Group is represented on 6 continents with by some 10,000 employees and has annual turnover of approx. EUR 4 billion. The Swiss Steel Group’s corporate structure is split into three divisions: Stainless Steel, Tool Steel and Engineering Steel. As a producer of high-grade steel products, Swiss Steel Group has six Production Assets and operates eight steel mills and numerous processing plants in Europe and North America, including:

Ascometal: Five locations in France for engineering steel, bearing steel.

Deutsche Edelstahlwerke: Five locations in Germany for stainless, acid and heat-resistant steel, engineering steel, tool steel.

Finkl Steel: One location in the US and in Canada for tool steel for larger dimensions.

Steeltec: Several locations in Switzerland, Germany, Turkey, Sweden, Denmark for engineering and free-cutting steel, special bright steels.

Ugitech: Several locations in France for stainless long products.

The company supports customers worldwide along the entire value-add chain. With over 70 sales and service affiliates in more than 30 countries worldwide, Swiss Steel Group is able to guarantee reliable delivery of special steels and complete customer solutions. A closely linked network of global distribution channels in key markets and an uninterrupted flow of information between Production and Sales & Services guarantees Swiss Steel Group customers customized turnkey solutions from a single source. The range of services provided by our distribution centers includes downstream processing work such as sawing, milling, hardening as well as just-in-time delivery.
Huaigang Special Steel Rolls First Bar on New KOCKS RSB

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Jan, 2023, 4:14 am

World's 6th largest steel producer and one of China's largest privately owned industrial enterprises Shagang Group’s subsidiary Huaigang Special Steel has rolled the first bar on its new KOCKS RSB 500++/4 in 5.0 design. With the installation of this biggest KOCKS block in Huaigang's existing bar mill line, the Chinese SBQ producer is extending its capacity for the production of high-quality special steel for various industries.

The advanced KOCKS 3-roll technology of the RSB will greatly benefit Huaigang Special Steel's production capabilities and improve the overall efficiency of its operations. In addition to providing the RSB 500++/4, KOCKS also supplied equipment for the roll shop and proprietary software solutions. Despite the challenges posed by the ongoing pandemic, the project team was able to successfully execute the installation of the KOCKS RSB 500++/4 in a timely and efficient manner.

The two companies already look back on a successful partnership, as this is the third KOCKS Reducing & Sizing block installation for Huaigang, following previous projects in 2010 and 2019. A fourth installation is in the process of being set up.
RINL Creates New Daily Hot Metal Production Record

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Jan, 2023, 4:14 am

Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited has created a record by achieving a daily hot metal production of 16,250 tonnes on 20 January 2023 from Blast Furnace 1 Godavari & Blast Furnace 2 Krishna combined, best daily production from both blast furnaces since inception, at more than 100% capacity utilisation.

The previous best daily hot metal production of 16,200 tonnes was achieved from Blast Furnace 1 & 2 combined on 8 December 2022.
UK Poised for GBP 300 Million Rescue Funding to British Steel

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Jan, 2023, 4:15 am

Sky News reported that British government’s Treasury is close to agreeing a GBP 300 million aid package for the UK's second-biggest steel producer British Steel in a move aimed at reducing its carbon footprint and averting the loss of thousands of industrial jobs across northern England. Sky News has learnt that UK’s Chancellor Mr Jeremy Hunt has been advised by officials to approve a request from British Steel for public money following an intervention by UK’s Business Secretary Mr Grant Shapps

Sky News quoted Whitehall sources as saying that “The government is expected to communicate a decision to the company in the coming days, which would see around GBP 300 million handed to it in instalments during the next few years. The funding would be directly linked to a project to replace British Steel's blast furnaces at its Scunthorpe site with a greener electric arc furnace. Jingye Group, British Steel's Chinese owner, would also be obliged to invest at least GBP 1 billion in the business by 2030 and make commitments relating to job retention”

Commenting on the proposed funding package for British Steel, Labour's Shadow Business Secretary Mr Jonathan Reynolds said “The UK steel sector has been left on the brink as a result of the government's failure to come up with long-term solutions. Endless sticking plaster solutions from the Conservatives have left our UK steel sector on the brink. Instead of finding a long-term solution, successive Conservative governments have lurched from crisis and bailouts with no plan to keep UK steel internationally competitive or deliver a return on tax payers investment.”

A decision to grant it will not be without controversy, given British Steel's Chinese ownership and doubts about its adherence to financial commitments made when it bought the business out of insolvency proceedings in 2020.
Danieli CMS Monitoring Rolling Mill at Aceros Arequipa

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Jan, 2023, 4:15 am

Danieli announced that full satisfaction has been expressed by Aceros Arequipa for the service and assistance provided by Danieli Service about the Danieli Condition Monitoring System in operation on rolling mill 2 in Lima in Perù, which produces 800,000 tonnes per year of plain and deformed bars, ranging from 8 to 32-mm dia. The implemented D-CMS is a Danieli-patented, consolidated system for monitoring bearings and gears condition, and learn in advance about possible damages.

Customer maintenance staff, supported by Danieli Service well-experienced team, checks the anomalies which are automatically reported by the system. Every three months Aceros Arequipa receives from Danieli a complete report describing the condition of each machine.

Engineering, installation and commissioning of the system took approx. one year, starting from the order. Both commissioning and training activities were carried out remotely.

Following this result, Danieli Service will provide two new Condition Monitoring Systems at Aceros Arequipa. One is being installed, on rolling mill 1 that produces 300,000 tonnes per year high-carbon rounds and wirerod, and another one will be installed on the new Danieli rolling mill 3, dedicated to the producion of 400,000 tonnes per year of rebar and small & medium profiles, in 2024.
Casio Adopts TranTixxii Titanium Alloy for New G-SHOCK Watch

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Jan, 2023, 4:16 am

Nippon Steel announce that the titanium alloy Super-TIX 20AFG of titanium TranTixxii collection has been adopted by Casio Computer for the bezel and band of its new G-SHOCK model GMW-B5000TCC-1, which was launched on 20 January 2023. The electronics manufacturer is using Super-TIX 20AFG for the G-SHOCK collection for the second time after it adopted this new alloy for the GMW-B5000TR-9 model launched in April 2021.

Super-TIX 20AFG is a TranTixxii titanium alloy jointly developed by the two companies for the G-SHOCK collection. This alloy has excellent workability thanks to optimal chemical composition and precise micron-level metallographic control and helps realize elegant exteriors by achieving the surface reflectance that is comparable to stainless steel.
US Steel Kosice Restarts BF 1 - Report

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Jan, 2023, 4:16 am

S&P Global Commodity Insights has reported that Slovakian steelmaker US Steel Kosice has restarted operations at its blast furnace 1 in early January, which was idled since 2 December 2022 due to high energy prices, low market demand and surging imports, and is now operating two blast furnaces.

The company has three blast furnaces and a total crude steel production capacity of 4.5 million tonne peryear. US Steel Kosice had previously idled its BF 2 on 4 September 2022 for an initial 60 days for planned outage and it would continue to adjust maintenance schedules according to demand.

A number of European steelmakers had idled a number of blast furnaces in the second half of 2022 in the attempt to prevent steel price downtrend. However, some blast furnaces have been restarted and some are planned to


ArcelorMittal has restarted 2.2 million tonne No 3 blast furnace in Poland in early January

Planned to Restart

ArcelorMittal plans to restart Blast Furnace A at its 4.5 million tonne per year Gijon plant in Spain
JSW Steel Returns to Black in Oct-Dec’22 Quarter

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Jan, 2023, 4:17 am

JSW Steel has returned to black in October-December quarter of 2022-23 with consolidated net ptofit of INR 474 crores after loss of INR 9134 crores in July-September quarter of 2022-23. The Company's financial performance during the quarter was better sequentially, mainly due to lower coking coal prices.


Consolidated Performance

Highest Ever Crude Steel Production: 6.14 million tonnes

Saleable Steel Sales: 5.63 million tonnes

Revenue from Operations: INR 39,134 crores

Operating EBITDA: INR 4,547 crores

Net profit after Tax: INR 474 crores


Standalone Performance

Highest Ever Crude Steel Production: 5.32 million tonnes

Saleable Steel Sales: 4.95 million tonnes

Revenue from Operations: INR 30,935 crores

Operating EBITDA: INR 4,030 crores

Net profit after Tax: INR 1,234 crores

JSW Steel Coated Products (Consolidated)

During the quarter, JSW Steel Coated Products, including its subsidiaries, registered a production volume (GI/GL + Tin) of 0.73 million tonnes and sales volume of 0.84 million tonnes. Revenue from operations for the quarter stood at INR 6,679 crores, and an operating EBITDA loss of INR 11 crores. Margins were impacted by lower realizations and inventory losses. The subsidiary reported a loss after tax of INR 162 crores for the quarter.

Bhushan Power & Steel Ltd

During the quarter, BPSL registered Crude Steel Production of 0.74 million tonnes and sales volume of 0.68 million tonnes. Revenue from Operations and Operating EBITDA for the quarter stood at INR 4,998 crores and INR 341 crores, respectively. BPSL reported a Loss after Tax of INR 150 crores for the quarter.

JSW Steel USA Ohio

The EAF-based steel manufacturing facility in Ohio in USA produced 47,499 net tonnes of HRC and 91,962 net tonnes of Slabs during the quarter. Sales volumes for the quarter stood at 43,936 net tonnes of HRC and 44,784 net tonnes of Slabs. It reported an Operating EBITDA loss of USD 22.8 million for the quarter, part of which is attributable to one-off net realizable value losses.

US Plate & Pipe Mill

The Plate & Pipe Mill based in Texas in USA produced 80,753 net tonnes of plates and 8,489 net tonnes of pipes, reporting a capacity utilization of 32% and 6%, respectively, during the quarter. Sales volumes for the quarter stood at 74,030 net tonnes of plates and 6,738 net tonnes of pipes. It reported an Operating EBITDA of USD 17.2 million.

JSW Steel (Italy) (Aferpi)

The Italy based Rolled long products manufacturing facility produced 78,175 tonnes and sold 89,075 tonnes during the quarter. It reported an Operating EBITDA of EUR 7.8 million for the quarter.

Update on Projects

1. The 5 million tonne per annum brownfield expansion at Vijayanagar is progressing well, with civil works underway at the site. Long lead-time items have been ordered, and Letters of Credit established. Equipment erection has commenced for all packages. The project is expected to be completed by the end of FY24.

2. The Phase-ll expansion at BPSL from 3.5 million tonne per annum to 5 million tonne per annum remains on track for completion by FY24.

3. The Company's capex spend was INR 4,114 crores during Q3 FY23, and INR 10,707 crores for 9M FY23, against the revised planned capex spend of INR 15,000 crores for FY23.

JSW Steel in outlook said “The global economic outlook has softened, with the World Bank expecting 2023 global GDP growth to decelerate to 1.7%, compared to 3% in their June 2022 forecast. This is driven by policy tightening by Central Banks and ongoing disruptions from the Russia-Ukraine conflict. That said, inflation appears to have peaked out and is moderating across most major economies. This, along with re-opening in China post the reversal of Zero Covid Strategy, is expected to provide some tailwinds in H2 2023. India's fundamental growth drivers remain robust despite the environment of global weakness. Manufacturing and Services PMI's and high frequency indicators are strong. The upcoming Union Budget is expected to continue the government's focus on infrastructure and the rural sector. Strong tax collections should support healthy spending ahead of general elections in 2024. Productive investments like NIP, PLI Schemes across various sectors, and indigenisation of defence equipment should continue to drive capex growth. The rural economy is expected to recover on the back of a better winter crop, elevated reservoir levels and falling inflation. The outlook for residential real estate, autos and renewables remains strong. However, the global slowdown and geopolitical risks remain key headwinds.”
Mr Neeraj Kant Resigns as ISWP MD, set to Head a Steel Maker

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Jan, 2023, 4:18 am

Tata Steel’s subsidiary Indian Steel & Wire Products Limited’s Managing Director Mr Neeraj Kant has resigned from his position and is set to join a large diversified group as their CEO Steel.

An IIT Kanpur graduate and MBA from University of Edinburgh, Mr Neeraj Kant has rich experience in the steel industry. He worked in SAIL for more than 15 years prior to joining Tata Steel in 2001. He is known to have majorly contributed to the Retail Business initiative of Tata Steel.

His business leadership helped a company like ISWP win TPM Consistency (Level 2) Award from the Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance in 2021. ISWP got transformed during his stint of 10 years into a progressive and efficient organization. During his regime, ISWP won many accolades for its unflinching contributions to the community particularly in the field of education.

Mr Neeraj Kant also served the cause of industry at large during his stint at the CII (Confederation of Indian Industry). He was the Jharkhand State Chairman during 2019-20 and was also a member of the CII National Committee for Ease of Doing Business.
JSW Steel Joins ResponsibleSteel

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Jan, 2023, 4:18 am

India's leading steel maker JSW Steel has joined over 130 forward-thinking organisations as a member of ResponsibleSteel, the only global multi-stakeholder standard and certification initiative for responsibly sourced and produced steel. JSW Steel’s JMD & Group CFO Mr Seshagiri Rao said “The move to join ResponsibleSteel is to collaborate and work with other businesses in creating values, tools, and policies, to accelerate the growth of the steel industry in a sustainable manner and enhance sustainability within our supply chain, so that customers are confident that the steel they use has been sourced and produced responsibly at every stage. At JSW we understand our responsibility towards making our planet better and happy to join ResponsibleSteel to demonstrate our commitment through participating in the international certification programme.”

With efficient integrated operations and a clear vision for the future, JSW is executing its strategic growth plan in line with the growing steel demand. The wide spectrum of innovation, robust ESG commitments, and a drive to be #BetterEveryday, enable JSW to consistently create responsible value, for everyone. JSW has carved a sustainability vision and has a sustainability strategy along with key focus areas, which help them, steer their way for a sustainable planet. JSW Steel has set ambitious sustainability targets of reducing its specific CO2 emissions by 42% by FY2030 from 2005, aligning its target with the Sustainable Development Scenario of the International Energy Agency and India's Nationally Determined Contributions.

A not-for-profit organisation, ResponsibleSteel is the industry’s first global multi-stakeholder standard and certification programme. Together with members from all stages of the steel supply chain, civil society and downstream users, we have developed an independent certification standard and programme via a process that aims to align with the ISEAL Codes of Good Practice.
UK Steel Industry Whisker Away From Collapse - Worker Unions

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
23 Jan, 2023, 4:19 am

BBC has reported that British steel sector’s workers union Unite has warned that UK steel industry, which supports thousands of jobs, is a whisker away from collapse. Unite has accused the government of taking little meaningful action to help the industry, leaving the sector at breaking point. Unite's Assistant General Secretary Mr Steve Turner, writing on behalf of two other unions as well Community and GMB, has written a letter to UK’s Business Secretary Mr Grant Shapps seeking an urgent meeting to push for more support.

Mr Turner wrote that “The challenges faced by manufacturers like British Steel, Tata Steel, and Liberty Steel were the consequences of direct actions by your government that have significantly undermined UK plant competitiveness in global markets. With little meaningful action on the part of government in areas of UK procurement policy, energy pricing support, green energy generation or support for investment in new plant and technologies, the industry is at breaking point. We are, in the words of many, a whisker away from collapse.”

Mr Turner wrote “UK steel employs tens of thousands of skilled workers and hundreds of apprentices, and asked for an urgent meeting to discuss current and future government policy to support the sector.”

Responding to the letter, a spokesperson for the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy said “The government recognises the vital role that steel plays within the UK economy, supporting local jobs and economic growth. It is committed to securing a sustainable and competitive future for the UK steel sector, considers the success of the steel sector a priority and continues to work closely with industry to achieve this.”
Chinese HRC expects post-holiday boom

Chinese hot rolled coil markets fell silent last week as traders and end users began their Lunar New Year holidays. Export offers however kept climbing as the Chinese domestic macroeconomic outlook is positive and quotes from other origins also remained strong, Kallanish notes.

In Shanghai on Friday afternoon, 5.5x1,500mm Q235 HRC was traded at around CNY 4,210-4,230/tonne ($621-624/t), remaining unchanged week-on-week. On the Shanghai Futures Exchange, meanwhile, the most-traded May 2023 contract for HRC lost CNY 23/t from Thursday and CNY 1/t on-week to CNY 4,201/t.

The domestic spot market was basically at a standstill last week, meaning those spot traders who were operating had little incentive to make frequent price changes. There was ultimately no negative impact from Covid or December data news, so the market remained stable.

Chinese HRC export transactions are also not expected to pick up in the short term. However, offers ran up because various stimulus policy announcements have painted a more optimistic picture for the coming months.

Chinese HRC allocation for February shipment has been almost sold out, and exporters were bullish on March sales. This also helped offers to rise despite a lack of deals.

Big mills offered SS400 HRC at $645-650/t fob China before breaking for the holiday, and over $660/t fob for SAE 1006 HRC. These quotes were negotiable and typically higher than the most competitive levels in export markets.

“I don't rule out the possibility that some traders raised their offers too much. Maybe they want to test the market reaction and make adjustments after the Chinese New Year holidays,” an exporter in eastern China commented on Friday.

Kallanish assessed 2mm SAE 1006 HRC at $650-660/t fob China on 20 January, up $20/t from the prior week.

Kallanish Asia
Pakistani Steel Makers to Shut Down Plants over LC Issues

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Jan, 2023, 5:39 am

Business Recorder reported that Pakistan Association of Large Steel Producers has warned that Pakistan’s steel sector will be forced to close down its units for an indefinite period in case the issue of Letters of Credit is not resolved within the next four days. The PALSP meeting was attended by representatives of leading players of Long Steel industry, namely Nomee Steels, Naveena Steels, Mughal Steels, Amreli Steels, Agha Steel Industries, FF Steels, Faizan Steels, Karachi Steels, Ittehad Steels, Fazal Steels, Kamran Steels, Pak Iron, and Pak Steel.

During the meeting, the documented steel sector once again urged the government to help pull it out of the crisis it has been facing due to the restrictions on opening of LCs. The members of the PALSP, who are the leading players of the steel sector, pointed out that their sector is the backbone of the economy as it has emerged as one of the country’s leading exporters.

The members were concerned especially about the curbs on opening of LCs and expressed fears that if the matter is not resolved within four business days, it would lead to indefinite closure of factories, leading in turn to massive deindustrialization and job losses.

The meeting was attended by representatives of leading players of Long Steel industry, namely Nomee Steels, Naveena Steels, Mughal Steels, Amreli Steels, Agha Steel Industries, FF Steels, Faizan Steels, Karachi Steels, Ittehad Steels, Fazal Steels, Kamran Steels, Pak Iron, and Pak Steel.

The members were concerned especially about the curbs on opening of LCs and expressed fears that if the matter is not resolved within four business days, it would lead to indefinite closure of factories, leading in turn to massive deindustrialization and job losses.
Mexico Extends AD Duty on Chinese Wire Rod Imports

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Jan, 2023, 5:39 am

The Ministry of Economy of Mexico has extended the antidumping duty of USD 490 per tonne on imports of wire rod manufactured in China or the same product imported into Mexico from any other country. The ministry announced “As of 20 January 2023, the validity of the definitive compensatory quota is extended for five more years, counted from 29 July 2021.”

The antidumping duty has been applied since July 2016 and as established by the rules of the World Trade Organization, the validity of an antidumping duty is five years. Therefore in October 2020, the Mexican government summoned the interested parties to participate in the analysis to assess the validity of countervailing duties.

The tariff will be charged to the wire rod that enters Mexico from China through the tariff sections: 7213.10.01, 7213.20.91,7213.91.03, 7213.99.99, 7227.10.01,7227.20.01 and 7227.90.99, and also to the imported under the Eighth Rule through tariff fractions 9802.00.01,9802.00.07, 9802.00.13, 9802.00.19 and 9802.00.23 of the Tariff of the General Import and Export Tax Law.
Vallourec to Supply Line Pipes for Salamanca Deep-Water Project

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Jan, 2023, 5:40 am

France headquartered leading seamless pipe leader Vallourec has will supply 25,000 tonnes of line pipe for US-based oil and gas exploration company LLOG Exploration Offshore for Salamanca deep-water project located on the US coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

The scope of supply by Vallourec includes 170,000 feet of X70 heavy-wall pipe required for the in-field flowline and riser systems, as well as 365,000 feet of X65 pipes required for the oil export and gas export flowline and riser systems. The pipes will be produced at Vallourec’s state-of-the-art Jeceaba PQF mill, with riser pipes subject to fatigue loading undergoing pipe-end laser measurement and machining at Vallourec’s end-truing facility in Barreiro. Both facilities are located in Minas Gerais in Brazil.

The Salamanca development is based on a Floating Production Unit created from the refurbishment of a previously decommissioned production facility, with a projected capacity of 60,000 barrels of oil and 40 million cubic feet of natural gas per day. Repurposing a decommissioned production unit greatly reduces both time and cost, with a 70% reduction in emissions compared to the construction of a new unit.
Ramkrishna Forgings Reports Strong Results in Oct-Dec’22 Quarter

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Jan, 2023, 5:40 am

Indian leading supplier of rolled, forged, and machined products Ramkrishna Forgings has reported total Income of INR 75.2 crores up 24% YoY, EBITDA of INR 16.6 crore up 19% & PAT of INR 5.8 crore up 28% in October-December quarter of 2022-23757 Lakhs

Operational Highlights

In Q3 FY23, domestic sales volume was 20,842 tonnes, representing a YoY increase of 8.7%. In 9M FY23, sales volume was 62,099 tonnes, representing a YoY

In Q3 FY23, export sales volume was 12,548 tonnes, representing a YoY increase of 21.3% over Q3FY22. In 9MFY23, sales volume was 33,967 tonne, representing a YoY increase of 4.5% over9MFY22.

As of December 31st, 2022, 8 contracts totaling INR 77.5 crore had been won from various geographies and business verticals

Overall capacity utilization was 86% for Q3FY23, 82% in Q2FY23 and 73% in Q3FY22


During the quarter, Ramkrishna Forgings has entered into a share purchase agreement to acquire up to 51% voting rights of TSUYO Manufacturing Private Limited, a start-up company engaged in powertrain solutions for electric vehicles.

Resolution plan to acquire JMT Auto, one of the largest Auto component manufacturers in the Eastern region having significant expertise in the auto sector, has been approved by the Committee of Creditors. This acquisition is subject to obtaining necessary approval from the Principal Bench of the National Company Law Tribunal, New Delhi.

Ramkrishna Forgings was incorporated in 1981 with the objective to manufacture forged products. The Annualized installed capacity after commissioning of Hollow Spindle Line, a new 7000 Tonne Press Line, a 2000 Tonne warm/hot Forming Press and a fabrication facility is 187,100 tonnes headquartered at Kolkata, the company has state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities at Jamshedpur along with offices at Detroit in USA, Toluca and Monterrey in Mexico, Istanbul in Turkey having warehousing facilities at Hagerstown, Louisville, Detroit in USA, Toluca, Monterrey in Mexico and Westerloo in Belgium.
US Steel Production Capacity Utilization Recovers in Week 3

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
24 Jan, 2023, 5:41 am

American Iron & Steel Institute reported that in the week ending on 21 January 2023, US’s domestic raw steel production was 1.620 million net tons while the capability utilization rate was 72.5%. Production was 1.735 million net tons in the week ending 21 January 2022 while the capability utilization then was 79.8%. The current week production represents a 6.6% decrease from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending 21 January 2023 is up 1.1% from the previous week ending on 14 January 2023 when production was 1.602 million net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 71.7%

Southern: 681,000 net ton

Great Lakes: 542,000 net ton

Midwest: 202,000 net ton

North East: 127,000 net ton

Western: 68,000 net ton

Adjusted year-to-date production through 21 January 2023 was 4.817 million net tons, at a capability utilization rate of 71.8%. That is down 7.5% from the 5.206 million net tons during the same period last year, when the capability utilization rate was 79.8%.
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