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Aperam presteert in lijn met verwachtingen in vierde kwartaal

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Aperam (056997440.LU) heeft in het laatste maanden van 2015 in lijn met de verwachtingen gepresteerd en voorziet voor het huidige kwartaal een lichte winstverbetering. Dat maakt de producent van roestvast staal woensdag nabeurs bekend.

Aperam had ook in het vierde kwartaal te maken met uitdagende marktomstandigheden en prijsdalingen voor nikkel, waardoor afnemers bestellingen uitstelden. Het bedrijf wist dit net als in eerdere kwartalen te compenseren met kostenbesparingen.

"Vooruitkijkend blijven we voorzichtig, gezien de wereldwijde economische onzekerheid. We hebben echter vertrouwen in de weerbaarheid van Aperam en blijven ons richten op uitvoering van onze zelfhulpstrategie", zei topman Timoteo Di Maulo.

Sinds de start in 2011 heeft het kostenbesparingsprogramma een totaal van $478 miljoen bijgedragen aan het operationele resultaat. Tegen eind 2017 is het de bedoeling dat dit oploopt tot $575 miljoen.

Het operationele resultaat (EBITDA) daalde in het laatste kwartaal van 2015 tot $105 miljoen van $117 miljoen in dezelfde periode een jaar eerder. Aperam had zelf gerekend op een stabiel resultaat ten opzichte van de $108 miljoen die in het derde kwartaal werd gerealiseerd. De nettowinst steeg naar $33 miljoen van $19 miljoen.

De omzet daalde tot $1.081 miljoen van $1.291 miljoen.

Een consensusverwachting van dataverzamelaar FactSet kwam uit op een operationeel resultaat van $100 miljoen en een omzet van $1.067 miljoen.

Behalve een lichte toename van het EBITDA-resultaat rekent Aperam ook op een lichte stijging van de nettoschuld. De schuldenlast werd in 2015 flink verlaagd naar $316 miljoen aan het einde van het jaar van $536 miljoen eind 2014.

De onderneming melde bij de derdekwartaalresultaten weer dividend uit te gaan keren, nadat dit in de voorgaande twee jaren was opgeschort. Het basisdividend bedraagt $1,25 per aandeel en Aperam is van plan om dit te laten stijgen in lijn met een toename van de winstgevendheid.

Het aandeel is woensdag 1,2% lager gesloten op EUR25,72.

Door Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

Niet om het één of ander, maar dit is toch een knap dividend rendement zeg!

Aperam restates a base dividend of $1.25 per share, and anticipated to progressively increase over time as the company continues to improve its sustainable profitability benefiting from its strategic actions. The company targets a Net Financial Debt/EBITDA ratio of <1x (through the cycle). In the (unlikely) event that Net Financial Debt/EBITDA exceeds 1x, the Company will suspend the cash dividend. The dividend will be paid in four equal quarterly installments of $0.3125 (gross) per share.

Ik wil niemand overhalen om in Aperam te stappen, maar de cijfers waren indrukwekkend!


Ik heb geen positie in Aperam. (ook niet in Arcelor Mittal)
Moody's negatiever over Europese staalsector - Market Talk

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Moody's heeft zijn outlook voor de Europese staalsector gewijzigd naar negatief, omdat de sterke dalingen van staalprijzen zwaar op de winstgevendheid blijven wegen.

De kredietbeoordelaar verwacht dat het tenminste 18 maanden zal duren voordat de winstniveaus van 2014 weer zijn bereikt. "Stabilisatie van de prijzen op lage niveaus, trage of afnemende groei van de vraag buiten Europa en hoge Chinese importen zullen de staalprijzen onder druk blijven zetten voor ten minste het komende jaar", zei analist Hubert Allemani van Moody's.

De vraag in Europa vertoont een gematigde groei, maar dit wordt volgens de marktvorsers volledig teniet gedaan door de dalende prijzen en de goedkope import. De invoer van goedkoper staal vanuit China en de rest van Azie leidt tot een daling van de marges van Europese staalfabrikanten die zo niet kunnen profiteren van de lagere kosten voor grondstoffen. Volgens Moody's kunnen Europese staalbedrijven hun winstgevendheid alleen verbeteren via capaciteitsverminderingen en/of kostenbesparingen.

De kredietbeoordelaar merkt op dat Russische staalmakers beter met de dalende prijzen om kunnen gaan, omdat zij met lagere kosten werken dan de Europese sectorgenoten, vooral vanwege de gedaalde roebel.

Op het Damrak verliest ArcelorMittal rond 15.00 uur 6,2%, terwijl de AEX 2,7% daalt.

Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

Winst mijnbouwer Rio Tinto gehalveerd

Gepubliceerd op 11 feb 2016 om 07:31 | Views: 3.485

LONDEN (AFN) - Mijnbouwer Rio Tinto heeft zijn onderliggende winst in 2015 door de lage grondstofprijzen met 51 procent zien dalen, tot 4,5 miljard dollar. Het concern gaat verder snijden in de kapitaaluitgaven en kosten om de moeilijke marktomstandigheden het hoofd te bieden.

Volgens Rio Tinto moeten de kosten dit jaar met nog eens 1 miljard dollar omlaag, gevolgd door een vergelijkbare besparing in 2017. Verder worden de investeringen beperkt tot 4 miljard dollar in 2016 en 5 miljard dollar volgend jaar. Dat is een vermindering van 3 miljard dollar in vergelijking met een eerdere prognose.

Het op een na grootste mijnbouwbedrijf ter wereld gaf aan zijn dividendbeleid onder de loep te nemen in verband met de aanhoudende onzekerheid in de markt. In de afgelopen vijf jaar werd meer dan 25 miljard dollar aan de aandeelhouders uitgekeerd.
BLM Group USA delivers tube & sheet processing machine to Advanta Industries

BLM Group USA, Wixom, Mich, has announced the sale of its LC5 laser tube and flat sheet processing machine to Petersburg, Mich.-based Advanta Industries for its Manning, S.C., facility.

Advanta Industries designs and manufactures returnable steel racks and offers custom packaging systems using totes, bulk bins, and steel containers. The machine is part of an expansion at the Manning facility.

The compact, high-production unit, equipped with power up to 5 kW, processes both tube and flat sheet and features automatic loading and unloading. It can handle bar up to 21 ft. long and tube to 4.75 in. dia. Processing of sheet metal up to 5 by 10 ft. is fully automatic. The fiber laser can cut both mild steel and highly reflective materials such as stainless steel and aluminum.

Source :
voestalpine reports higher earnings after the first nine months of the business year 2015/16

Although the economic environment became increasingly more challenging during the course of the year, the voestalpine Group successfully held its ground in the first nine months of the business year 2015/16 (April 1, to December 31, 2015). Revenue rose compared with the same period of the previous year by 1.5%, going from EUR 8.3 billion to EUR 8.4 billion; at the same time, earnings increased, even when non-recurring effects are excluded.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
US steel shipments in 2015 dip by 11.9% YoY

The American Iron and Steel Institute has reported that for the month of December 2015, U.S. steel mills shipped 6,556,342 net tons, a 1.5 percent increase from the 6,457,870 net tons shipped in the previous month, November 2015, and a 17.8 percent decrease from the 7,978,310 net tons shipped in December 2014.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Tata Steel warns MP over granting China Market Economy Status

Wales Online reported that Tata Steel warned that the UK steel industry could face an even greater blow if it becomes harder to stop Chinese dumping. It said that Europe could be sleepwalking into an even greater crisis for the steel industry if China is granted a status which will make it harder to stop it dumping cheap products in our markets

Tata Steel Europe’s Head of Public Affairs, Mr Tim Morris, left the Welsh Affairs Committee in no doubt about his opposition to granting China Market Economy Status. Aberavon Labour MP Stephen Kinnock asked: “Would you agree that giving Market Economy Status to China would dramatically reduce the scope for taking anti-dumping measures against China?” Tata's Mr Morris was adamant it would and the steelworkers' union warned it could be the “final nail in the coffin for UK steelmaking”.

Mr Morris said “Tata Steel, alongside the steel industry in Europe in general, is deeply concerned about Europe apparently sleepwalking into potentially an even greater steel crisis by the granting of Market Economy status to China. [Imports] into Europe directly from China – or indeed imports into Europe from the likes of Russia which are displaced by Chinese steel flowing round the world – are probably the largest factor in our current deeply challenging situation.”

If MES is granted, he argued, there would be much greater pressure to trust data provided by Chinese steel producers and it would be “more difficult to bring a case”.

MES, he said, “substantially reduces the effectiveness of anti-dumping regimes, policies and practices that Europe already has in terms of Chinese steel”.

Source : Wales Online

ISA urges government to rein in API GrB HRC imports

Economic Times reported that Indian Steel Association has urged the government to rein in growing imports of higher grades of steel in the guise of base grades of steel that are exempt from a 20% safeguard duty which has led to significant duty evasion in the last three months.

ISA said it had apprehended this misuse and in a letter to revenue secretary Hasmukh Adhia, ISA's secretary general and executive head, Sanak Mishra had said such structural steel is likely to get classified in the guise of API grade circumventing provisional safeguard duty.

The imports of this particular variety of steel, API 5L-Grade B, have surged over 150% over the last three months ever since safeguard duty became applicable. The imports have surged to around 60,000 tonnes in January 2016 from 23,000 tonnes in November 2015. During this period, price of this grade of steel went down by over USD 70/tonne from USD 383/tonne to USD 318/tonne now.

Incidentally, the base grade IS 2062 and API 5L grade B have similar chemistry and enduse application and are commercially substitutable.

Since the domestic steel industry had excluded API grade steel in its petition and therefore it is exempt from safeguard duty.

Source : Economic Times
Mr David Cameron accused of failing UK steel after EU proposal rejected

The Guardian reported that Mr David Cameron has been accused of failing the British steel industry after the government confirmed it was blocking proposals from other EU members to tackle dumping of cheap product by China. Mr Sajid Javid, the business secretary, said it would not be right for the EU to scrap regulations known as the “lesser duty rule”, which some countries want to end in order to allow higher tariffs on Chinese steel.

The decision to block the proposals drew fierce criticism from Labour and the remnants of the UK’s steel industry, which has shed 5,000 jobs since last summer. But Mr Javid said getting rid of the rule would lead to higher prices for UK consumers of steel, as the current arrangements balance the interests of producers and buyers of a product.

He said “I think when we look at this, a responsible government would look at the impact overall to British industry and British jobs. If duties are applied that are disproportionate, it would have an impact, in Britain and elsewhere, on the consumers of steel as well. There are many British companies ... that would tell you if duties got out of control ... then it would cost them jobs and growth and it would certainly cut their exports.”

He added: “I think to go further, much further, might sort of, in the short term, sound like a way to go to try and protect a certain industry, but we also have to remember that in the UK, as well as manufacturers of steel, there are also companies that consume steel as part of their production process, and the impact that might have on to them.”

Only last week, Javid signed a joint letter from European ministers “to use every means available and take strong action” against China and Russia, which have been accused of dumping cheap steel on the market.

Source : The Guardian
ILVA attracts 29 expressions of interest

ANSA reported that there have been 29 expressions of interest in purchasing troubled ILVA steelmaker assets and affiliates. The deadline for filing under terms of a government decree signed last month was February 10.

They include offers from ArcelorMittal, Arvedi Group, EUSIDER. Marcegaglia Group and state controlled investment bank Cassa Depositi e Prestiti

Extraordinary commissioners, managing ILVA as the firm undergoes a massive environmental cleanup and financial turnaround project, have begun assessing the offers.

A court this year declared ILVA insolvent, with debt totalling nearly three billion euros.

The government took over administration of the loss-making Ilva last year to try to save some 16,000 jobs and clean up its polluting factories in the southern Italian city of Taranto.

Source : ANSA
EU opens public consultation over China trade status

Reuters reported that the European Union on Wednesday launched a public consultation into whether to relax trade defences against China, as pressure mounts from the steel sector that is fiercely opposed to a move that would make it harder to impose anti-dumping duties.

The online consultation with industry, member states and trade partners is due to run for 10 weeks and sets the stage for the EU executive to make policy recommendations around July.

Europe's steel industry is bleeding jobs as prices have hit decade lows due to overcapacity, shrinking demand and a flood of cheap imports, mostly from China.

The EU's top trade official has warned China, whose exports to the EU have doubled in the past 18 months, that it will open three new anti-dumping investigations this month on steel imports from China.

Source : Reuters
Lay Offs - Evraz NA – 230 jobs to go at Portland pipe mill in April

The Oregonian reported that Evraz North America said Wednesday the company will close its steel pipe plant in North Portland on April 9, laying off 230 employees there indefinitely. The facility makes most of the large-diameter pipe in the United States for the energy industry, which has been buffeted by falling energy prices.

Evraz also blamed the closure on pipe manufactured in other countries and imported in the US, import duties on American pipe shipped to Mexico, and delays on regulatory approval for pipelines in the US and Canada.

Evraz also has a steel plate facility on the same site in North Portland, which will continue operating. Layoffs could begin as soon as Saturday, according to the company, which said 400 will remain at the site after the pipe operation shuts down. Workers will receive at least 60 days of pay from the time they are notified their jobs will be eliminated.

Evraz has paid USD 2.35 billion in 2007 to buy Oregon Steel, which was founded in Portland in 1928. Four years later the company moved the headquarters for Evraz North America from Portland to Chicago. The spiral pipe mill closed in July 2009 but Evraz announced plans to reopen it in 2011

Source : The Oregonian
India may impose MIP on 40 more steel products - Report

BTV in an exclusive report said that the Indian government may impose minimum import price on 40 more steel products during its bi-monthly review in April as the Commerce Ministry is considering imposing MIP on some value added products as well. The report quoted some sources close to the development as saying that the MIP list is not exhaustive and there may be further additions even during the interim period for which it is being levied.

An official said “Right now we have only put products and their mirror products on the list. Some products may have been overlooked. We will consider adding those during the bi-monthly review.”

He said “Although value added products are priced higher, we may have to impose Minimum Import Price on products such as stainless steel pipes and tubes. This could mean that over forty more products can potentially face an imposition of Minimum Import Price.”

Sources also said that it will not be feasible to carry on imposing Minimum Import Price on steel products beyond six months and the domestic industry needs to file anti-dumping cases for longer term resolution of this issue.

Source : BTV
Balance 7.76 million tonnes of iron ore in last phase of auction in Goa reported that a total of 7.76 million tonnes of stacked iron ore will be up for e-auction in the 15th and the final phase of e-auction, undertaken as per Supreme Court directives. The date for the final phase is yet to be announced.

The Directorate of Mines and Geology had identified 15 million tonnes of ore, stacked at jetties, lease sites, ports, for e-auction, of which 7.24 million tonnes have been auctioned till date, bringing in revenue of over INR 910 crore.

DMG in an order issued on Monday listed the entire remaining stock of 7.76 million tonnes for e-auction, which is expected to be held in another 12 days. The last e-auction was held on December 24, last year.

The grade of the ore ranges between 62 Fe content to as low as 38 Fe content and is stacked at 379 lots. The e-auction process that started in February 2014 drew a poor response from bidders as a result of falling international prices of low grade ore coupled with 10 percent export duty.

In the last two years, DMG managed to e-auction only 7.24 million tonnes of ore, of which more than 50 percent continue to remain at the sites. Hardly three million tonnes of ore have been either exported to China or transported for local consumption in States like Karnataka and Chhattisgarh.

The e-auction is undertaken under supervision of the Apex Court appointed Committee headed by Dr U V Singh. As per SC directives, DMG has to reimburse extraction cost incurred by the mining companies and traders, whose ore was e-auctioned.

Source :
Ms Gina Rinehart Hancock Prospecting's Roy Hill iron ore company takes control of the Pilbara operation

Sydney Morning Herald reported that Hancock Prospecting's Roy Hill iron ore company has taken control of the Pilbara operation from head contractor Samsung C&T, which has suffered heavy losses developing the mine, rail and port. In a statement issued by Roy Hill chief executive Mr Barry Fitzgerald said Roy Hill had taken over the mine, rail and port operations from Samsung on February 1.

However, the project has not reached practical completion, a key milestone that when reached is expected to trigger financial obligations struck under Roy Hill's $US7.2 billion debt package ($10.2 billion).

Court proceedings in a dispute between Samsung and Roy Hill put the practical completion deadline at May 31. Roy Hill has not confirmed a date for practical completion.

Taking control of the project from Samsung will allow Roy Hill to drive the ramp-up to 55 million tonnes per annum, a quest that has become more important amid weaker iron ore prices.

Gina Rinehart's Hancock Prospecting owns 70 per cent of Roy Hill. The remainder is owned by Marubeni, Posco and China Steel Corporation.

Source : Sydney Morning Herald

voda schreef op 11 februari 2016 17:17:

Ms Gina Rinehart Hancock Prospecting's Roy Hill iron ore company takes control of the Pilbara operation

Sydney Morning Herald reported that Hancock Prospecting's Roy Hill iron ore company has taken control of the Pilbara operation from head contractor Samsung C&T, which has suffered heavy losses developing the mine, rail and port. In a statement issued by Roy Hill chief executive Mr Barry Fitzgerald said Roy Hill had taken over the mine, rail and port operations from Samsung on February 1.

However, the project has not reached practical completion, a key milestone that when reached is expected to trigger financial obligations struck under Roy Hill's $US7.2 billion debt package ($10.2 billion).

Court proceedings in a dispute between Samsung and Roy Hill put the practical completion deadline at May 31. Roy Hill has not confirmed a date for practical completion.

Taking control of the project from Samsung will allow Roy Hill to drive the ramp-up to 55 million tonnes per annum, a quest that has become more important amid weaker iron ore prices.

Gina Rinehart's Hancock Prospecting owns 70 per cent of Roy Hill. The remainder is owned by Marubeni, Posco and China Steel Corporation.

Source : Sydney Morning Herald

He Voda,(Hans)

Blijf die klerezooi zakken?
Graag jouw mening.

de kat.

Willem 007 schreef op 11 februari 2016 20:21:


He Voda,(Hans)

Blijf die klerezooi zakken?
Graag jouw mening.

de kat.
Gezien het totaal verziekte sentiment, wereldwijd, en de komende claim emissie, vrees ik dat de koers verder naar beneden gaat.

De laatste 5 weken zijn er al tientallen miljarden in rook opgegaan. Geen idee waar de bodem ligt.
gerrit 69

do 11 feb 2016, 17:46
Hoogovens naar Brussel voor protest
Tata Steel IJmuiden, het voormalige Hoogovens, doet mee aan een grote demonstratie van Europese staalbedrijven. Die gaan maandag in Brussel protesteren tegen de dumping van Chinees staal in Europa. Ook pleiten ze tegen het toekennen van de zogeheten markteconomiestatus aan China.
Tata Steel reist vanuit Nederland met ongeveer driehonderd medewerkers af naar de Belgische hoofdstad. Ook topman Karl Köhler van Tata Steel Europe en de directievoorzitter van het concern in Nederland Theo Henrar lopen in de protestmars mee.
Chinese staalproducenten worden er al geruime tijd van beticht dat zij hun producten onder de kostprijs dumpen op de Europese markt. "Er is duidelijk sprake van oneerlijke concurrentie", stelt Tata Steel.
De Europese Commissie beslist binnenkort of zij China de status van markteconomie gaat geven. De staalbedrijven vrezen dat als China die status krijgt, er bijna geen mogelijkheden meer bestaan om Europese bedrijven te beschermen.
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