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Pharming week 10 wie niet weg is is gezien

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Nog ff wachten schreef op 2 maart 2015 17:25:


Nog een paar maanden en dan zijn er de cijfers van het eerste kwartaal er. Dan dondert het aandeel echt naar beneden. Koers ergens tussen de € 0,08 en € 0,015 gaat het heen.
Schrikkelkoers wordt er hier al gezegd.Koers zegt me niets;koerswaarde nu en potentie in de toekomst.Daar gaat het om.

En daar is nog steeds heel weinig over te denken anderen daar anders over.

Nog ff wachten schreef op 2 maart 2015 17:25:


Nog een paar maanden en dan zijn er de cijfers van het eerste kwartaal er. Dan dondert het aandeel echt naar beneden. Koers ergens tussen de € 0,08 en € 0,015 gaat het heen.
O als die rond de 0,15 blijf hangen heb ik nog winst
Mooi dagje zo, 1,46% in de plus. Op laatst werd het nog even zichtbaar dat iemand de koers gerricht probeert te drukken. Een verkoop order van 100 000 stuks op 0,346 sprong naar 0,347 toen de 0,346 leeggekocht werd om 17:28. De eindveiling laat ook zien welke richting het op wil.

Het was vandaag ook opvallend hoezeer marketviewer uit de pas liep met de IEX platform. Dan ook nog een hele reeks trades allemaal van precies 3494 stukken om 12:34 -12:35 en later op de dag een hele reeks trades van 8589 stukjes tussen 13:07-13:23. Allemaal alleen terug te vinden op marketviewer.

Het lijkt erop dat zommigen op dit niveau heelwat in willen slaan. Ben benieuwd wat morgen brengt.
Highlights of Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) Data at the 2015 AAAAI Meeting

The excitement over hereditary angioedema (HAE) at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology Annual Meeting (AAAAI) Annual Meeting this year mostly evolved around multiple medications, which were just approved or in development. Biocryst, CSL Behring, and Shire all presented data. Biocryst presented their results of the phase 2 trial of their oral kallikrein inhibitor. CSL presented on two new products in development to include preclinical data on their new Factor-12 inhibitor and data on the new subcutaneous C1-inhibitor for prophylaxis. They also presented data from their phase 4 post-marketing safety study. Lastly, Shire presented their data on the phase three study of C1-inhibitor and hyaluronidase combination for subcutaneous injection and data on the post marketing survey of icatibant.

Biocryst’s BCS4161
Biocryst’s new therapy for prophylaxis is BCX4161, which is an oral therapy that inhibits kallekrein leading to decrease production of bradykinin. The trial was a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over comparing 400 mg TID of BCX4161 to placebo in 24 patients. In those subjects with serum levels above 24ng/ml there was a reduction of 0.5 attacks per week compared to placebo. Adverse events were not reported. These data suggest efficacy, but only in those that achieve adequate serum levels, which is complicated by the poor bioavailability of BXC4161. Dose ranging phase two studies have also been completed and phase three studies are presently underway. (1)

CSL Behring’s Berinert and New F12 Antibody
CSL Behring presented two sets of data from their post-marketing study on intravenous C1-inhibitor (Berinert). The first was on 48 patients and 4111 infusions. From this cohort 82 adverse events (AE) were reported from 16 patients. Only 3 of the AE were thought to be secondary to Berinert. These included non-cardiac chest pain, post infusion headache and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). (2) The latter was in a patient with a central indwelling port, which has been demonstrated to predispose to DVT. (3) A second poster presented data on 14,819 infusions in 318 patients. 95% of the patients self-infused at home. Adverse event profile is similar to the cohort presented above. (4)

One of the most exciting posters included data on a new CSL product that is a monoclonal antibody against Factor 12. The monoclonal, anti-FXIIa mAb 3F7, specifically targets F12, with high affinity, and inhibits its proteolytic function, which prevents the activation of the contact system. 3F7 was effective at preventing edema in a murine model in this preclinical study. The importance of these data are that this drug may be a specific medication for prophylaxis of HAE with deficient C1-inhibitor and HAE with dysfunctional C1-inhibitor, but also for those with HAE and normal C1-inhibitor, previously called HAE type 3.

Shire’s Combination Therapy
Shire presented their data on the use of C1-inhibitor (Cinryze) combined with recombinant Human Hyaluronidase (rHuPH20) for subcutaneous injection to prevent attacks (prophylaxis). The study was a double-blind, dose-ranging, cross-over study comparing 1000 units C1-inhibitor combined with 24,000 units of rHuPH20 to 2000 units C1-inhibitor combined with 48,000 units of rHuPH20 given subcutaneous every 3 to 4 days. The higher dose appeared to yield 2 fold higher levels of C1-inhibitor function, which would be expected to improve efficacy. Unfortunately the study was terminated due to antibody production against rHuPH20. It appears that Shire will abandon this product and instead focus on using a more concentrated solution to reduce the needed volume for subcutaneous injection. (6)

Shire also presented their post marketing data from their “Icatibant Outcome Survey”. The outcome survey included 353 patients with a total of 1716 treated attacks. 81% of injections were self-administered. Most initiated therapy within 1 hour of start of attack. Symptom resolution occurred on average in 4.9 hours. No significant adverse events were reported. (7)

Other Highlights

Multiple other oral and poster presentations were presented on HAE at the 2015 AAAAI; however, the ones noted above seem to suggest this disease space, which already has 5 specific drugs approved, will have a few new ones in the next few years. Present therapies include androgens, fresh frozen plasma, ecallantide, icatibant, c1-inhibitor (Berinert and Cinryze) and the newly approved recombinant C1-inhibitor called Ruconest, but this list will soon grow. I was surprised very little was presented on Ruconest despite the recent approval for treatment of acute HAE attacks. As noted above 5 drugs are presently being investigated. Subcutaneous Cinryze study has been terminated. Dyax’s monoclonal in in phase 2 studies. CSL Behring’s subcutaneous Berinert is in phase three studies. Biocryst has an on going phase three study with their oral kallikrein inhibitor. Lastly, CSL Behring’s preclinical research on a monoclonal that targets Factor-12 may advance into phase 1 trials soon.

HAE is a rare disease that affects 1 in 20,000-50,000 patients and accounts for 5000 to 15000 patients in the USA; however, may soon have more therapies than can be counted on 2 hands.

knaap1 schreef op 2 maart 2015 17:49:


O als die rond de 0,15 blijf hangen heb ik nog winst
Sterker nog, we geloven je

zjeeraar schreef op 2 maart 2015 17:37:


Knappe onderbouwing moet ik zeggen.....wat een niveau...............
Wie weet wat er allemaal achter de schermen bij Pharming gebeurt, daar hebben wij allemaal geen weet van.

Beur schreef op 2 maart 2015 17:51:

Highlights of Hereditary Angioedema (HAE) Data at the 2015 AAAAI Meeting

The excitement over hereditary angioedema (HAE) at the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology Annual Meeting (AAAAI) Annual Meeting this year mostly evolved around multiple medications, which were just approved or in development. Biocryst, CSL Behring, and Shire all presented data. Biocryst presented their results of the phase 2 trial of their oral kallikrein inhibitor. CSL presented on two new products in development to include preclinical data on their new Factor-12 inhibitor and data on the new subcutaneous C1-inhibitor for prophylaxis. They also presented data from their phase 4 post-marketing safety study. Lastly, Shire presented their data on the phase three study of C1-inhibitor and hyaluronidase combination for subcutaneous injection and data on the post marketing survey of icatibant.

Biocryst’s BCS4161
Biocryst’s new therapy for prophylaxis is BCX4161, which is an oral therapy that inhibits kallekrein leading to decrease production of bradykinin. The trial was a double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over comparing 400 mg TID of BCX4161 to placebo in 24 patients. In those subjects with serum levels above 24ng/ml there was a reduction of 0.5 attacks per week compared to placebo. Adverse events were not reported. These data suggest efficacy, but only in those that achieve adequate serum levels, which is complicated by the poor bioavailability of BXC4161. Dose ranging phase two studies have also been completed and phase three studies are presently underway. (1)

CSL Behring’s Berinert and New F12 Antibody
CSL Behring presented two sets of data from their post-marketing study on intravenous C1-inhibitor (Berinert). The first was on 48 patients and 4111 infusions. From this cohort 82 adverse events (AE) were reported from 16 patients. Only 3 of the AE were thought to be secondary to Berinert. These included non-cardiac chest pain, post infusion headache and deep vein thrombosis (DVT). (2) The latter was in a patient with a central indwelling port, which has been demonstrated to predispose to DVT. (3) A second poster presented data on 14,819 infusions in 318 patients. 95% of the patients self-infused at home. Adverse event profile is similar to the cohort presented above. (4)

One of the most exciting posters included data on a new CSL product that is a monoclonal antibody against Factor 12. The monoclonal, anti-FXIIa mAb 3F7, specifically targets F12, with high affinity, and inhibits its proteolytic function, which prevents the activation of the contact system. 3F7 was effective at preventing edema in a murine model in this preclinical study. The importance of these data are that this drug may be a specific medication for prophylaxis of HAE with deficient C1-inhibitor and HAE with dysfunctional C1-inhibitor, but also for those with HAE and normal C1-inhibitor, previously called HAE type 3.

Shire’s Combination Therapy
Shire presented their data on the use of C1-inhibitor (Cinryze) combined with recombinant Human Hyaluronidase (rHuPH20) for subcutaneous injection to prevent attacks (prophylaxis). The study was a double-blind, dose-ranging, cross-over study comparing 1000 units C1-inhibitor combined with 24,000 units of rHuPH20 to 2000 units C1-inhibitor combined with 48,000 units of rHuPH20 given subcutaneous every 3 to 4 days. The higher dose appeared to yield 2 fold higher levels of C1-inhibitor function, which would be expected to improve efficacy. Unfortunately the study was terminated due to antibody production against rHuPH20. It appears that Shire will abandon this product and instead focus on using a more concentrated solution to reduce the needed volume for subcutaneous injection. (6)

Shire also presented their post marketing data from their “Icatibant Outcome Survey”. The outcome survey included 353 patients with a total of 1716 treated attacks. 81% of injections were self-administered. Most initiated therapy within 1 hour of start of attack. Symptom resolution occurred on average in 4.9 hours. No significant adverse events were reported. (7)

Other Highlights

Multiple other oral and poster presentations were presented on HAE at the 2015 AAAAI; however, the ones noted above seem to suggest this disease space, which already has 5 specific drugs approved, will have a few new ones in the next few years. Present therapies include androgens, fresh frozen plasma, ecallantide, icatibant, c1-inhibitor (Berinert and Cinryze) and the newly approved recombinant C1-inhibitor called Ruconest, but this list will soon grow. I was surprised very little was presented on Ruconest despite the recent approval for treatment of acute HAE attacks. As noted above 5 drugs are presently being investigated. Subcutaneous Cinryze study has been terminated. Dyax’s monoclonal in in phase 2 studies. CSL Behring’s subcutaneous Berinert is in phase three studies. Biocryst has an on going phase three study with their oral kallikrein inhibitor. Lastly, CSL Behring’s preclinical research on a monoclonal that targets Factor-12 may advance into phase 1 trials soon.

HAE is a rare disease that affects 1 in 20,000-50,000 patients and accounts for 5000 to 15000 patients in the USA; however, may soon have more therapies than can be counted on 2 hands.
De moraal van dit verhaal: er komen een heleboel concurrerende middelen bij, er komen pillen tegen HAE en de prijzen gaan dus hard omlaag.

Pharming is voor de zoveelste keer TE LAAT en zal nooit echte winst maken.

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 2 maart 2015 18:42:


De moraal van dit verhaal: er komen een heleboel concurrerende middelen bij, er komen pillen tegen HAE en de prijzen gaan dus hard omlaag.

Pharming is voor de zoveelste keer TE LAAT en zal nooit echte winst maken.
Vandaar dat Beur het plaatst zonder commentaar. Vooral die laatste zin intrigeert mij.

"I was surprised very little was presented on Ruconest despite the recent approval for treatment of acute HAE attacks. As noted above 5 drugs are presently being investigated."

bammie schreef op 2 maart 2015 18:44:


Vandaar dat Beur het plaatst zonder commentaar. Vooral die laatste zin intrigeert mij.

"I was surprised very little was presented on Ruconest despite the recent approval for treatment of acute HAE attacks. As noted above 5 drugs are presently being investigated."
Zijn deze medicijnen op bloedplasma gemaakt dat is voor de amerikanen een wezenlijk verschil. Minder risico
lucas D
Geen concurrentie, begrijp ik goed dat die 5 medicijnen nog onderzocht worden? Dus nog niet zijn goedgekeurd zijn?

lucas D schreef op 2 maart 2015 19:25:

Geen concurrentie, begrijp ik goed dat die 5 medicijnen nog onderzocht worden? Dus nog niet zijn goedgekeurd zijn?

Biocryst presented their results of the phase 2 trial of their oral kallikrein inhibitor. CSL presented on two new products in development to include preclinical data on their new Factor-12 inhibitor and data on the new subcutaneous C1-inhibitor for prophylaxis. They also presented data from their phase 4 post-marketing safety study. Lastly, Shire presented their data on the phase three study of C1-inhibitor and hyaluronidase combination for subcutaneous injection and data on the post marketing survey of icatibant.

Even tellen en dan komen we tot 5.

Acute martk meerdere middelen
Profylactisch martk 1 middel

Ik kan niet opmaken waar de andere bedrijven zijn op de profylactische behandeing, daar kan Pharming nog goed geld verdienen.
Omzet CINRYZE 400 mijoen.

DZR praat voor zijn beurt zonder onderzoeken of data van trails te noemen.

zjeeraar schreef op 2 maart 2015 17:07:

In het verleden moest Pharming keer op keer aankloppen bij de aandeelhouder voor vers kapitaal.
Dit zal niet snel weer gebeuren, verwacht de topman, hoogstens wanneer er in de toekomst extra geld nodig zou zijn om een nieuw onderzoek op te starten of een bestaand onderzoek te versnellen. Een emissie om te overleven is niet nodig.

Dan kan je de stukjes tegen de huidige schrikkelkoers maar beter hebben.
Het blijft een risico, echter nu verwacht ik toch wel dat het de goede kant op gaat.

Succes allemaal en deze week weten we eindelijk eens hoe Pharming er voorstaat.
Met de eerste zin heb ik nogal wat moeite, omdat Pharming zijn kapitaal altijd heeft opgehaald bij zogenaamde ïnstitutionals", en natuurlijk tegen een vriendenprijs, maar de aandeelhouder heeft de daaropvolgende koersval moeten verteren, en een RS niet te vergeten.

Meneer de Vries presteerde het om 100 mio aandelen weg te zetten tegen 0,12 euro, en dat vlak voor een opinie van de EMEA, en met een koers toen van 0,40 Euro.

Maar ik ben blij dat jij vol vertrouwen bent.

Zullen we eens wat oneliners van PB,s voor de rest van het jaar doornemen.

Pharming kondigt het einde van de samenwerking met commerciele Partner VS aan.
Pharming plaats 100 miljoen aandelen bij institutionals.
Pharming kondigt Bava aan.
Aandeelhouders akkoord met alle punten uit de agenda van de Bava.
Pharming kondigt RS aan.
Pharming plaatst 100 miljoen aandelen bij Institutionals.

Je snapt hem al denk ik, de cirkel is weer rond.

Vriendelijke groet.
Dat heeft jou toch ook gekost Voda, die emissie toen op 0,12 euro.

Maar we gaan fullstop verder. ???......??????..........????????????

Vriendelijke groet.
john steed

john steed schreef op 2 maart 2015 20:53:

Half jaartje weggeweest maar nog net zo gezellig op dit forum!

cheerio !
How about Mrs (or miss) Peel?
Ik vind Roel Bents vd Berg ook wel iets.
(al hoop ik dat de naam goed schrijf). Stoffer & Bents. Legendarisch.
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