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Masdar completes Morocco off-grid solar project

Abu Dhabi renewable energy company Masdar has completed an off-grid solar project that will bring electricity to 19,438 homes in more than 1000 rural villages in Morocco. The Morocco Solar Home Systems project is a partnership between Masdar and Morocco’s Office National de l'Electricité et de l'Eau Potable. The initiative is part of Morocco drive to electrify all rural areas in the country.

Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi, Masdar chief executive, at Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week said that “Morocco is a showcase for progressive policies and regulations that enable the adoption of renewable energy, and for effective public-private cooperation. This has paved the way for our partnership with ONEE to deliver the Morocco Solar Home Systems.”

He added that “off-grid solar has the capacity to deliver electricity access to remote regions practically and cost-efficiently”.

Abderrahim El Hafidi, acting director general of ONEE said that “The solar home systems project will help us provide over 99 per cent of our rural communities in Morocco with electricity. These remote, off-grid communities are often faced with challenging conditions in energy access, but this initiative is providing over 95,000 people with electricity through customized renewable energy solutions.”

Each of the installed systems delivered for the project consists of 290-watt solar panels and batteries, with sufficient storage capacity for up to three days. Each home is also provided with energy-efficient LED lamps and a 165-litre refrigerator.

Masdar will maintain the solar home systems for two years through its EPC contractors. After this time, ONEE will manage the network for an additional eight years. Each home-owner contributes a small monthly fee towards the upkeep of the technology.

Masdar has also signed a share purchase agreement with French renewables independent power producer Akuo Energy to take a 49 per cent stake in the Krnovo Wind Farm, Montenegro’s first wind project.

The agreement was signed by Niall Hannigan, Madar chief financial officer, and Eric Scotto, his counterpart at Akuo Energy, during Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week.

Under the terms of the deal, Masdar will acquire 49 per cent of Krnovo Green Energy, a subsidiary of Akuo Energy and Montenegro-based LLC which owns the 72 MW onshore wind farm.

Source : Power engineering Int
ADFD approves USD 25 million for solar projects in Mauritius and Rwanda

Abu Dhabi Fund for Development, the leading national entity for development aid, and the International Renewable Energy Agency, the global platform for international cooperation on renewable energy announced that USD 25 million in concessional loans from ADFD have been earmarked for two solar PV projects, one each in Mauritius and Rwanda.

Announced at the Eighth Session of the IRENA Assembly, both projects beneficiaries of the fifth funding cycle are being financed through the IRENA/ADFD Project Facility. Established in 2013, this seven-cycle Facility offers USD350 million in consessional loans from ADFD to help developing countries access low-cost capital for renewable energy projects.

The projects have the potential to significantly transform the lives of over 2.5 million people and alleviate poverty by bringing affordable energy to low-income communities. Renewable energy can positively impact the whole sustainable development spectrum in terms of improved health and education outcomes, better livelihoods and working conditions, and lower air pollution. The loans cover up to 50% of project costs, leveraging additional funding from other sources. Since 2014, ADFD has allocated USD 214 million to 21 projects, attracting over USD 420 million in additional co-financing from governments and development funds.

IRENA Director-General Adnan Z. Amin said that “For developing countries, renewable energy is a triple win: it provides a cost-effective means of providing electricity to families, fuels economic growth, and supports energy independence and security. However, many developing countries have trouble accessing financing for renewable energy investment. We are delighted that our continued partnership with ADFD will provide a stable, low-cost source of financing to help Mauritius and Rwanda achieve a sustainable energy future.”

His Excellency Mohammed Saif Al Suwaidi, Director General of ADFD, said that “Our collaboration with IRENA articulates ADFD's core mandate to support sustainable economic and social progress across developing countries through financing development projects that serve vital economic sectors. ADFD priorities renewable energy as a catalyst for inclusive economic and social development.”

He added that“At ADFD, we believe that through the widespread promotion of sustainable energy projects in countries with immense clean energy potentials, we can contribute to the long term economic prosperity of communities across the word. We are confident that the latest projects selected for funding in Mauritius and Rwanda will deliver sizeable benefits for the economies of local communities.”

In Mauritius, the ADFD loan of USD 10 million will help the Central Electricity Board install solar PV systems on rooftops of 10,000 households as part of the government’s efforts to alleviate poverty whilst contributing to the national target of achieving 35% of renewable electricity in the energy mix by 2025. An estimated 35,000 people in low income communities will benefit from significant electricity bill savings. The project will bring 10 megawatts of new renewable energy capacity online, resulting in savings of over USD 35 million in fossil fuel imports over the project lifetime and improvements in the energy security of the country.

In Rwanda, the ADFD loan of USD 15 million will contribute to the installation of 500,000 off-grid solar PV home systems across the country, providing clean electricity for lighting, mobile phone and radio charging. The project is a major part of the government’s rural electrification strategy and is one of the most affordable payment schemes in Africa. It employs a flexible mobile payment platform, essential in areas poorly served by banking and transportation infrastructure. 2.5 million people in rural communities are expected to benefit from improved electricity acccess, and more than 2,000 local jobs will be created.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Shell plans to acquire shares in Nashville-based solar company

Chron com reported that a unit of Shell Oil Co announced that it has signed an agreement to acquire nearly half of a Nashville-based solar developer Silicon Ranch Corporation.

Shell will pay between USD 193 million and USD 217 million if the deals meets regulatory approval, and Shell will also be able to increase its ownership of the company after 2021. Initially, Shell hopes to acquire 43.83% of Silicon Ranch.

Silicon Ranch has developed utility-scale solar projects in Missouri, Colorado and Tennessee, among other places, according to the company's website. The company has around 1,900 megawatts of projects in operation or under contract, according to Shell. (One megawatt is enough to power 200 homes on a hot Texas day.)

In recent years, major European oil companies such as Shell, BP and France's Total have invested in renewable energy projects in Texas and around the world. In June, Wood Mackenzie, an energy research firm, told the Houston Chronicle that it believes major oil companies will shift USD 1 for every USD 5 they spend on drilling today into solar panels and wind turbines.

Source : Chron.com
Azure Power Bags 200MW Solar Power Proj Via SECI Auction

Azure Power announced bagging of a 200 MW solar power project through an auction conducted by Solar Energy Corporation of India. The company said that “The 200 mw allocation is the largest by SECI in this auction, 80% of the total.”

The company said that it will enter into a power purchase pact with SECI to supply power at a tariff of INR 2.48 per kWh for 25 years.

The solar plan, it said, will be set up at Bhadla Solar Park in Rajasthan and may be commissioned next year.

Azure Power founder, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Inderpreet Wadhwa said that “We are delighted to make this contribution towards realisation of Prime Minister’s commitment towards clean and green energy, through solar power generation.”

In 2015, Azure Power developed a 100 mw solar power plant outside a solar park in Rajasthan, which was SECI’s first allocation and also the largest solar power project under India’s National Solar Mission at commissioning.

Azure Power, a leading independent solar power producer in India has a portfolio of over 1,600 mw across several states and Union Territories.

Source : Energy Infra
EBRD to provide loan for French company to build a solar power plant

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is supporting French company Urbasolar SAS in its plans to build a solar power plant in Kazakhstan, a country which leads this field in Central Asia. The new Zadarya solar power plant will add 14MW of solar capacity to Kazakhstan’s energy mix, bringing the total amount of existing and planned renewable energy to 365 MW.

All large-scale renewable energy projects in Kazakhstan under project finance structure have been supported by the EBRD. The Bank also works closely with the government on green energy laws, regulations and other carbon-reduction programmes.

The EBRD will provide a loan in local currency, Kazakh tenge, up to an equivalent of USD 8.8 million, and the Clean Technology Fund will lend up to USD 3.9 million for the solar plant in the South Kazakhstan region, near the city of Shymkent. The solar park project will be implemented by a special purpose company, Kaz Green Tek Solar LLP, incorporated in Kazakhstan and majority owned by Urbasolar.

Loan agreements and a project support agreement were signed at the 8th Session of the Assembly of IRENA, the international renewables body, in Abu Dhabi on 13 January 2018.

To date, the EBRD has invested over US$ 8.7 billion in the economy of Kazakhstan.

Source : AKI Press
Abu Dhabi to invite bidders for second solar power plant by mid-2018 - official

REUTERS reported that Abu Dhabi is pushing ahead with a second solar power plant and will invite bidders by the middle of the year. The world's largest said that last year the Abu Dhabi Water & Electricity Authority closed a USD 872 million financing package for its first solar power plant with capacity of 1,177 megawatts. The first plant is scheduled for completion in the second quarter of 2019.

Saif Saleh al Sayari, acting director-general of Adwea told Reuters at a renewable energy summit that "We plan to invite bidders by the middle of 2018. The capacity will be the same as the first solar plant, if not more.” He said that details of the project will be announced in the coming months.

Abu Dhabi aims to generate 7 % of its energy from renewables by 2020; the government's green energy firm Masdar has launched renewable energy projects including solar plants in other countries.

Source : Reuters
Belastingdienst: extra drukte door btw-teruggave zonnepanelen

De Belastingdienst meldt dat zij momenteel extra drukte ervaart door de verruimde btw-teruggaveregeling voor eigenaren van zonnepanelen.

Hierdoor duurt de afgifte van btw-nummers volgens de Belastingdienst in de maanden januari en februari langer dan men gewend is.

De Belastingdienst meldt hierover: “Als u zich aanmeldt als nieuwe ondernemer, krijgt u normaal gesproken binnen 5 werkdagen een brief met uw btw-nummer van ons. In januari en februari duurt dat langer: binnen 15 werkdagen. U krijgt hiermee te maken als u zich hebt aangemeld met het formulier 'Opgaaf zonnepaneelhouders' of het formulier 'Opgaaf startende onderneming', of als u zich hebt ingeschreven bij de Kamer van Koophandel.”

In januari heeft de Belastingdienst extra veel formulieren 'Opgaaf zonnepaneelhouders' ontvangen. Dit is het gevolg van een uitspraak van de Hoge Raad op 15 december jongstleden. Door deze uitspraken mogen mensen die in 2012 zonnepanelen hebben aangeschaft de btw nog terugvragen in 2017.

De Centrale BTW Teruggave en branchevereniging Holland Solar meldden afgelopen november nog dat de btw-teruggaveregeling voor zonnepanelen voorlopig onveranderd blijft nadat er geruchten waren over een mogelijk op handen zijnde afschaffing van de regeling.

Westerstorm blaast op tientallen plaatsen zonnepanelen van het dak (video's)
De redactie van Solar Magazine krijgt momenteel tientallen meldingen van zonnepanelen die van daken vliegen, al dan niet met dak en al. Een greep uit de ontvangen video's en berichten.

Voor video's zie link!


Bizar dit, nog nooit gezien.
Universiteit Groningen: ontdekking rond ‘hete elektronen’ verdubbelt efficiëntie van pervoskietzonnecellen

Onderzoekers van de Universiteit Groningen hebben een oplossing voor ‘hete elektronen’ ontdekt die in de komende jaren de efficiëntie van zonnecellen en daarmee ook zonnepanelen aanzienlijk moeten verhogen.

De efficiëntie van zonnepanelen heeft te lijden onder een ‘Goudhaartje probleem’: fotonen moeten een hoeveelheid energie hebben die precies goed is om te worden omgezet in vrije elektronen die voor elektrische spanning zorgen. Te weinig energie en de fotonen vliegen dwars door de zonnecel heen. Te veel en de extra energie verdwijnt als warmte.

Pakketjes lichtenergie, oftwel fotonen, waarvan de energie-inhoud groter is dan wat een halfgeleider kan absorberen produceren naemlijk zogeheten ‘hete elektronen’. Het teveel aan energie dat die bij zich dragen gaat snel verloren door omzetting in warmte – en dus niet in elektrische spanning. RUG hoogleraar Fotofysica en Opto-elektronica Maria Antonietta Loi heeft nu een materiaal ontdekt waarin deze hete elektronen hun energie langer vasthouden. Dat maakt het mogelijk om meer van die energie om te zetten in stroom in perovskietzonnecellen.

Loi werkt aan een speciaal type zonnecellen, gemaakt van organisch/anorganisch hybride perovskiet. Nu bevatten de meeste zonnecellen op basis van perovskiet ook het giftig lood. De groep van Loi heeft onlangs een artikel gepubliceerd in Nature Communications waarin ze een efficiëntie van 9 procent beschrijven in een hybride perovskiet zonnecel met tin in plaats van lood, een record voor hybride perovskieten. ‘Toen we dit materiaal wat nauwkeuriger onderzochten zagen we iets vreemds’, vertelt zij. Wat Loi zag was alleen te verklaren wanneer de hete elektronen in dit tin-houdende hybride perovskiet de extra energie ongeveer duizend keer trager afgaven dan gebruikelijk.

‘De hete elektronen verloren de extra energie na enkele nanoseconden, in plaat van na een paar honderd femtoseconden. De ontdekking van zulke relatief lang levende hete elektronen is iets waar al mijn vakgenoten op hoopten’, zegt Loi. Die langere levensduur maakt het mogelijk om de extra energie te oogsten voordat deze is omgezet in warmte. ‘Dan zouden we met de hoogenergetische elektronen een hogere spanning kunnen produceren in de zonnecel.’ Berekeningen laten zien dat door het oogsten van hete elektronen de maximale efficiëntie van hybride perovskiet zonnecellen van 33 naar 66 procent gaat.

De volgende stap is uitzoeken waarom in een hybride perovskiet met in het verval van hete elektronen is vertraagd. Dan zou het mogelijk zijn gericht nieuwe perovskieten te ontwerpen die dat verval nog sterker vertragen. ‘Deze tin-houdende hybride perovskieten zijn mogelijk een doorbraak in dit veld en kunnen uiteindelijk een grote bijdrage gaan leveren aan de productie van duurzame energie.’

1.400 zonnepanelen Verschuren Interieurbouw in beeld

Verschuren Interieurbouw heeft afgelopen kalenderjaar een pv-installatie van 470 kilowattpiek in gebruiken. De 1.400 zonnepanelen voorzien bijna in de volledige elektriciteitsvraag.

Het bedrijf heeft de zonnepanelen, die met SDE+-subsidie en door Ikaros Solar geplaatst zijn, nu in beeld gebracht via onderstaande video.

Solisplan wint aanbesteding stichting ZAAM voor 1.436 zonnepanelen

SolisPlan uit Sint-Oedenrode heeft de aanbesteding van de stichting ZAAM gewonnen voor de plaatsing van 1.436 zonnepanelen.
Onder de stichting ZAAM, oftewel Interconfessioneel Voortgezet Onderwijs Amsterdam Zuidoost, vallen ruim 20 scholen in het voortgezet onderwijs in de regio Amsterdam.

Solisplan is zowel verantwoordelijk voor het ontwerp, engineering, in tekening brengen, aanbrengen, installeren als het gedurende 15 jaar in stand houden van de zonnepanelen en bijbehorende installaties op de daken van de locaties van het Amsterdams Beroepscollege Noorderlicht en het Comenius Lyceum.

Als je dan toch solarmagazine citeert...

Westerstorm blaast op tientallen plaatsen zonnepanelen van het dak.


(Als je dacht dat ze 25 jaar mee gaan kan dat wel eens tegen vallen..)

Bowski schreef op 18 januari 2018 17:20:

Als je dan toch solarmagazine citeert...

Westerstorm blaast op tientallen plaatsen zonnepanelen van het dak.


(Als je dacht dat ze 25 jaar mee gaan kan dat wel eens tegen vallen..)
Was al om 14.05 geplaatst hoor. :-)

BTW, mijn installatie heeft de storm doorstaan (10 panelen met 1000 kg ballast). En ik woon aan de kust. Het was heftig vanochtend.
Gefeliciteerd voda, (ik had je plaatsing gemist).

hier in het Brabantse land was het voor lokale begrippen pas echt heftig: www.bd.nl/
Chinese imports edge out domestic solar players

Times Of India reported that National Solar Mission may have set a target of 20 million m2 (metre square) solar thermal capacity with ‘Make in India’ panels, but the government’s proposed incentives package has left this segment of the domestic solar industry out in the cold even though it is getting swamped by cheaper Chinese imports.

The renewable energy ministry has proposed a slew of incentives only for domestic solar PV (photovoltaic) industry, ignoring the fact that solar thermal sector once the only 100% indigenised solar technology has lost 60% market share to cheaper supplies from Chinese companies.

Solar Thermal Federation of India estimates India’s annual solar thermal market to be of nearly one million m2, valued at INR 1,000 crore. Except a few big players such as Tata Power Solar, solar thermal manufacturers are largely in the small or medium scale segment and provide about one lakh jobs. In contrast, solar PV units are either promoted or have connections with projects of large energy market players riding on the government’s target of 100 GW (giga watt) solar power capacity by 2022, providing some four lakh employment opportunities.

The government is considering imposing 70% safeguard duty to protect the domestic solar PV industry but has ignored the solar thermal industry’s demand for similar protection. STFI’s demand for setting up quality testing facility for imported units or components has also not evoked any response.

This runs contrary to the government’s aim of promoting green energy as part of its climate mitigation commitments. Solar thermal plants earlier based on flat panels but now using tubular technology are considered more efficient than solar PV (photovoltaic) cells used for generating electricity, with every one million m2 of installed solar thermal capacity estimated to save peak load of 10 GW.

Source : Economic Times
RINA takes the measure of 1.4GW TerraForm solar portfolios

RINA, a global corporation providing certification testing, inspection and consulting engineering services across the Energy, Marine, Certification, Transport & Infrastructure and Industry sectors, has provided technical advisory services to evaluate global solar portfolios totaling 1.4GW. The work, delivered on behalf of Brookfield Asset Management (Brookfield), has informed one of the largest deals by capacity in the renewable energy sector to date, with the asset manager taking a 51% controlling stake in Terraform Power and acquiring fellow SunEdison yieldco Terraform Global.

Ahead of any major investment involving operational and construction-phase renewable energy sites, extensive due diligence efforts are required to ensure that the assets in question are both valued appropriately and capable from a technical and financial perspective to perform in line with expectations. This work is essential to ensure a smooth transition of the assets to new owners while minimizing long-term risks.

The significance of a thorough, independent project assessment - based on regional expertise is even greater for portfolios on a global scale where a range of territory specific concerns may affect the risk profile of the development and the operation.

Terraform Power and Terraform Global have a combined renewable energy asset base of around 4.5GW of operational and/or under development projects in a wide variety of markets including the USA, Chile, Brazil, India, South Africa, Malaysia, Thailand and Uruguay. This total includes solar portfolios of 1GW and 400MW.

By engaging RINA, Brookfield was able to capitalize on the technical advisor’s international expertise supporting major acquisitions in the renewable energy sector. With project teams based out of North and South America, Europe, Africa, India and Australasia, over the past 12 months RINA has substantially grown its global portfolio, supporting large-scale multi-million dollar transactions and financing deals at innovative projects worldwide.

Mr Kimball Osmars, SVP of Business Development, Brookfield Renewable said that “As we continue to position the Brookfield renewable energy business for future growth, it has been essential to start on the right footing with a thorough analysis and evaluation of the existing asset base.”

“RINA has been able to provide substantial insight and technical expertise to not only establish the performance of these extensive solar portfolios, but also to ensure that we’re well-placed to achieve expected returns on a long-term basis.”

Sion Haswell, Business Development and Operations Manager (Americas) at RINA, added that “Large-scale asset acquisitions are creating significant momentum in the international solar market but bring unique challenges. We are pleased to have supported this latest deal which illustrates the growing capacity of the sector to bring major deals to fruition.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Chinese solar boom sparks global renewables boon - Study

A Chinese boom in solar panel installation last year helped drive global investment in renewable clean energy technology to record levels. According to the Bloomberg New Energy Finance study, after a dip in 2016, overall global investment in the sector rose 3.0 percent to a total USD 333.5 billion, offsetting falls in Japan, Germany and Britain. That was the second best annual showing to date after USD 360.3 billion in 2015.

BNEF chief executive Jon Moore said that "The 2017 total is all the more remarkable when you consider that capital costs for the leading technology solar continue to fall sharply.”

The study said that Solar investment came in at USD 160.8 billion in 2017, a rise of 18% despite per megawatt capital costs falling by around a quarter, with China accounting for around half the overall total at USD 86.5 billion up 24%.

Mr Justin Wu, BNEF head of the Asia-Pacific region, as the Chinese notably showed off the world's first photovoltaic expressway said that "China installed about 20 GW more solar capacity in 2017 than we forecast.”

Investment in wind power slipped back 12% last year, however, to USD 107.2 billion after a strong rise in 2016.

Solar and wind power remain far out in front in terms of renewable energy forms ahead of the likes of biomass, geothermal and small scale hydroelectricity which each attracted less than USD 5 billion last year.

Well behind China, the United States landed investments of USD 56.9 billion a rise even so of 1.0% despite an unfavourable political climate with President Donald Trump sceptical of climate change and withdrawing his country from the Paris climate agreement.

The study highlighted what it termed Washington's "less friendly tone towards renewables."

A handful of countries saw investments more than double, including Sweden to USD 4 billion and Australia to USD 9 billion.

Egypt saw a 495% increase to USD 2.6 billion while investment in the United Arab Emirates enjoyed a dizzying 23-fold rise to USD 2.2 billion.

Europe saw a notable decline in renewables investment to USD 57.4 billion, the fall-off hitting 26 percent in Germany and 56% for the United Kingdom on energy policy changes

Japan saw a 16% drop, while India was down 20% to USD 11 billion.

BNEF estimated last year saw a record 160 gigawatts of renewable power installed, not counting hydroelectricity, comprising 98 GW of solar and 56 GW of wind power.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
70pct safeguard duty on solar will put INR 12,000 crore projects at risk

Economic Times reported that levying 70% provisional safeguard duty on imported solar panels and modules from China and Malaysia, as recommended by the Directorate General of Safeguards, will put solar power projects of around 3,000 Megawatt capacity worth over INR 12,000 crore at risk.

Research and ratings agency CRISIL said that India auctioned around 4,000 Mw of solar projects last year (2017) which are currently under implementation now. Orders for modules are typically placed with a lead time of one year. Around 3,000 Mw of capacities would be yet to tie up their module requirements, assuming 1,000 Mw of excess inventory to be in transit.

As these projects were auctioned at low tariffs, any rise in equipment cost after the safeguard duty would crimp the cushion that developers have to service debt. Mr Subodh Rai Senior Director, CRISIL Ratings said that "The proposed 70 per cent safeguard duty will also inflate project costs by 25% and crank up viable tariff to INR 3.75 per unit from around INR 3 estimated earlier, making solar power less attractive to discoms. That would also be more than the average power purchase cost of 10 out of 14 discoms last fiscal.”

CRISIL said that Modules account for around 55% of a solar project's cost and 80% of them are imported from China and Malaysia. With few alternatives available, the proposed safeguard duty would drive a sharp rise in the landed price of modules, adding such solar power projects typically have a 'Change in Law' clause under which developers can seek relief but this is yet to be tested and will likely face legal and regulatory hurdles.

The agency also said a timely final order resolving the duty uncertainty is necessary to balance the targets of renewable energy and domestic manufacturing industry, while preserving the feasibility of projects under development.

The Ministry of Finance, through its Standing Board of Safeguards, will take a final decision on the imposition of safeguard duty either on the provisional or the final recommendations of the Directorate General of Safeguards.

Mr Manish Gupta, Director at CRISIL Ratings said that "Prolonged uncertainty on the quantum and timing of implementation of the safeguard duty will reduce developer interest in future bids and also impact investor confidence in terms of certainty of returns.”

According to the ratings agency, retrospective application of safeguard duty on which the viability of the 3,000 Mw of solar power projects hinges would be a key monitorable going forward.

Source : Economic Times
India to set up fund to finance solar power projects

Reuters reported that India will set up a USD 350 million fund to finance solar projects, Power Minister Mr RK Singh said, as the country steps up efforts to achieve its ambitious target of adding 175 gigawatts in renewable energy by 2022. India will need at least USD 125 billion to fund a plan to increase the share of renewable power supply in the country's grid by 2022, underlining the immense financing challenge ahead.

The country, which receives twice as much sunshine as European nations, wants to make solar central to its renewable expansion. It expects renewable energy to make up 40% of installed power capacity by 2030, compared with 18.2% at the end of 2017.

Mr Singh on Wednesday at an event organised by the International Solar Alliance in Abu Dhabi said that "The country would achieve its target of 175 GW of installed renewable energy capacity well before 2020.”

Installed renewable power capacity is currently about 60 GW, and India plans to complete the bidding process by the end of 2019/20 to add a further 115 GW of installed renewable energy capacity by 2022.

India's Yes Bank Ltd has committed to financing solar projects worth USD 5 billion, while state-run NTPC Ltd will contribute USD 1 million to an ISA fund, the power ministry said in a statement.

India wants foreign capital to account for a bulk of its investments to meet its renewable energy target.

But industry experts say most of the financing for the country's renewables drive so far has come from domestic banks and such banks have to account for the lion's share of new renewable investments in the future.

Source : Reuters
Yes Bank to mobilise USD 1 billion by 2023 for solar power projects

Economic Times reported that private sector lender Yes Bank said it will mobilise USD 1 billion by 2023 for financing solar energy projects in India. The announcement was made at the International Solar Alliance conference at Abu Dhabi.

In a release, the bank said it made an announcement for "mobilising USD 1 billion till 2023 and USD 5 billion till 2030 towards financing solar energy projects in India.”

Yes Bank signed five solar energy co-financing Letters of Intent with Tata Power Delhi Distribution, Hero Future Energy, Greenko Group, Amplus Solar and Jakson Group for their solar projects in India to be completed by 2023.

The ISA was jointly launched in November 2015 by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the then President of France Francois Hollande, on the sidelines of UNFCCC COP21 at Paris.

It is a treaty-based alliance of 121 prospective solar rich member nations and aims at accelerating development and deployment of solar energy globally.

Source : Economic Times
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