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Global carmakers to invest at least USD 90 billion in electric vehicles

Reuters reported that Ford Motor Co's plan to double its electrified vehicle spending is part of an investment tsunami in batteries and electric cars by global automakers that now totals USD 90 billion and is still growing. That money is pouring in to a tiny sector that amounts to less than 1 per cent of the 90 million vehicles sold each year and where Elon Musk's Tesla, with sales of only three models totaling just over 100,000 vehicles in 2017, was a dominant player.

With the world's top automakers poised to introduce dozens of new battery electric and hybrid gasoline-electric models over the next five years - many of them in China - executives continue to ask: Who will buy all those vehicles?

"We're all in," Ford Motor Executive Chairman Bill Ford Jr said of the company's $11 billion investment, announced on Sunday at the North American International Auto Show in Detroit. "The only question is, will the customers be there with us?"

Mr Mike Jackson, chief executive of AutoNation Inc, the largest US auto retailing chain, said that "Tesla faces real competition." By 2030, Jackson said he expects electric vehicles could account for 15-20 percent of New vehicle sales in the United States.

Investments in electrified vehicles announced to date include at least USD 19 billion by automakers in the United States, USD 21 billion in China and USD 52 billion in Germany. But US and German auto executives said in interviews on the sidelines of the Detroit auto show that the bulk of those investments are earmarked for China, where the government has enacted escalating electric-vehicle quotas starting in 2019.

Mainstream automakers also are reacting in part to pressure from regulators in Europe and California to slash carbon emissions from fossil fuels. They are under pressure as well from Tesla's success in creating electric sedans and SUVs that inspire would-be owners to flood the company with orders.

Daimler AG Chief Executive Dieter Zetsche told reporters, while Tesla is the most prominent electric car maker, "soon it will be everybody and his brother."

Daimler said that it will spend at least USD 11.7 billion to introduce 10 pure electric and 40 hybrid models, and that it intends to electrify its full range of vehicles, from minicompact commuters to heavy-duty trucks.

Source : Reuters
Ferrari to make electric super car to beat Tesla Roadster - Mr Marchionne

Bloomberg cited CEO Mr Sergio Marchionne as saying that Ferrari will make a battery-powered supercar to challenge Tesla at the high end of the electric-auto market. The race-car maker, spun off from Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, has been expanding its lineup to lift sales without losing the exclusivity of a brand associated with Italian design and super-fast roadsters. Marchionne, who heads both companies, also told reporters at the Detroit auto show on Tuesday that Ferrari will introduce its first SUV, which will be "the fastest on the market" by late 2019 or 2020.

Mr Marchionne said that “If there is an electric supercar to be built, then Ferrari will be the first. People are amazed at what Tesla did with a supercar: I’m not trying to minimize what Elon did but I think it’s doable by all of us.”

A battery-powered Ferrari would give Marchionne a chance to steal sales and attention from Elon Musk, whose Tesla Roadster and Model S defined the luxury electric-car market years ahead of rivals. So far, the 65-year-old Marchionne hasn’t invested as much as some other traditional automakers in electrification or self-driving cars, favoring partnerships with companies like Google’s Waymo while focusing first on strengthening brands.

He said that “We do it because we have to do it.” While there is work to be done, the new plan for Ferrari being released in the first half will include hybrid cars, he said, “so going from there to an electric is easy.”

The people said that Marchionne’s strategy plan will be his final one at the helm of the iconic Italian brand. Ferrari is targeting annual sales exceeding a self-imposed 10,000-car limit that until now has enabled it to operate under less-stringent fuel-economy rules, people familiar with the matter said in August. The goals include doubling operating profit to about EUR 2 billion by 2022.

Source : Bloomberg
Rechter geeft Fastned weer ongelijk

Gepubliceerd op 24 jan 2018 om 14:47 | Views: 756

DEN HAAG (AFN) - Fastned, uitbater van snellaadstations voor elektrische auto's, heeft opnieuw een rechtszaak tegen de staat verloren. Het bedrijf eiste, samen met MisterGreen Fast Charging Network, dat de overheid geen toestemming verleent voor nieuwe laadpunten bij benzinestations en wegrestaurants. Een rechter in Den Haag ging hier niet in mee.

Het gaat om plekken waarvoor al een concessie is verleend voor laadpunten van Fastned of MisterGreen.

De rechter oordeelde dat toen de Staat het toestond dat andere partijen dan benzinestations laadpunten voor elektrische auto's gingen uitbaten, dat een uitbreiding was van bestaand beleid. Ondanks dat de Staat het woord concessie gebruikte, was het dit niet, meende de rechter. Daardoor konden Fastned en MisterGreen zich ook niet beroepen op een Europese richtlijn.

In een reactie noemt een woordvoerder van Fastned het bizar dat de aanbieders van snelladers niet hetzelfde worden behandeld als pomphouders. Het bedrijf is teleurgesteld in de uitspraak en tekent beroep aan.


Fastned verloor vorige maand ook al een zaak tegen de Nederlandse staat. Toen ging het over de vergunning die Shell van de overheid had gekregen om op de A1 in Muiden ook laadstations met stroom te mogen neerzetten op plekken waar ze al een benzinestation hebben, terwijl een vergunningaanvraag van Fastned nog in behandeling was.

Ook een beroep dat Fastned aantekende tegen twee extra laadpalen door Shell bij benzinestation De Andel aan de A12 haalde niets uit
Two companies plan network of car charging stations in Europe's

AP quoted two companies as saying that they plan a network of fast-charging stations for battery-powered cars in Europe that will help drivers of electric vehicles travel among the region's main cities. Allego and Fortum Charge & Drive said that they envision 27 e-charging hubs in 20 countries that accommodate different charging methods and speeds at the same location. The idea is to connect metropolitan areas with a consistent charging network so people can drive not just within metro areas but also from one to the other - without worrying whether they can charge up.

However, Rollout is expected to start after financial details are completed in mid-2018. The project comes amid several separate efforts by auto companies, service station operators and utilities to build charging networks for longer-distance travel.

Source : AP
Chinese electric vehicle charging stations idle 85pct of time

Caixin Global reported that though China has the world’s largest electric vehicle (EV) charging network, its chargers are only used for 15% of the time on average, a senior government official revealed. The country’s total number of stationary charging points - ports for plugging in electric vehicles -reached 450,000 in 2017, including around 210,000 publicly accessible units, according to Mr Liu Baohua, deputy director of China’s National Energy Administration. But this large network suffers from low technical standards, and needs greater industry-wide coordination, said Liu, who spoke Saturday at the China EV100 industry forum.

Liu’s remarks come amid China’s attempt to transition from traditional-fuel cars to electric vehicles. In September, a high-level official announced that China was planning a ban on gasoline and diesel vehicles “in the near future.” The government has been offering subsidies for electric vehicle producers since 2010, but said it will phase them out by 2020, in response to overcapacity in the industry and growing numbers of poor-quality automakers taking advantage of the financial support.

Many EV drivers with private charging points at home or work don’t consider public charging stations their primary power source, but depend on them as a back-up option. At the same time, those who wish to use public charging sites face problems like inconvenient charging processes, or long charging times, pushing down actual usage. As a result, charging companies don’t make profits, and investor enthusiasm is diminishing, Liu said.

A Shanghai schoolteacher who drives a BYD Qin hybrid sedan told Caixin that she has thought about using public chargers near her home, but they are “all so complicated to use,” and some are “just for show” and don’t actually provide power. Competition among Chinese EV charging companies in recent years has resulted in the need for various payment methods and apps that aren’t compatible with each other.

Source : Caixin Global
Shell heeft interesse in Allego - media
Oliereus werkt al samen met exploitant van oplaadpalen.

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Royal Dutch Shell heeft interesse in een overname Allego, een exploitant van oplaadpalen. Dit meldde De Gelderlander vrijdag op basis van bronnen.

Netbeheerder Alliander meldde donderdag dat het de probleemdochter in de etalage heeft gezet "om de groei in zowel het aantal projecten als uitbreiding naar nieuwe landen in Europa verder mogelijk te maken".

Shell zou volgens de krant "zeer geïnteresseerd" zijn.

Allego, dat vijf jaar bestaat, heeft zo'n 200 medewerkers en is verantwoordelijk voor 7.500 oplaadpunten in Nederland, België, Luxemburg, Duitsland, Frankrijk en het Verenigd Koninkrijk. De afgelopen jaren werden er rode cijfers geboekt.

In juli vorig jaar startten Allego en Shell al een samenwerking om de eerste snelladers voor elektrische voertuigen bij Shell-stations te installeren en te beheren.

Het aandeel Royal Dutch Shell sloot donderdag 0,2 procent lager op 28,78 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.


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Auto Expo 2018 - Electric vehicles to take centre stage

Mint reported that at first, the Delhi Auto Expo used to be all about small, affordable cars targeted at first-time buyers. Then, as customer preferences changed, India’s only automobile show started featuring big, bulky sports utility vehicles (SUVs) aimed at an upwardly mobile, aspirational class. The trend is set to change again. The 2018 Auto Expo next month will see a marked shift towards electric cars and vehicles that run on other eco-friendly technologies.

Mr Vishnu Mathur, director general of the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers, the industry lobby group that organizes the show said “The show will be beyond just electric vehicles (EVs). Expect a host of new and futuristic technologies on the showcase.”

Automakers are shifting their medium- and long-term focus away from diesel and petrol engines as the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government pushes for an all-electric fleet of vehicles on the country’s roads by 2030, seeking to cut carbon emissions and curb oil imports.

At the 2018 Auto Expo, which will run from 9-14 February, India’s largest carmaker Maruti Suzuki India Ltd will showcase its first ever EV concept known as #Concept E-Survivor, which is expected to be introduced in the Indian market in 2020. The car is being developed by Suzuki Motor Corp., Maruti’s parent, in collaboration with Toyota Motor Corp., the world’s largest automobile maker.

Maruti will also exhibit a new hybrid vehicle which has been under development. It is known as the next-gen HEV.

Mr RC Bhargava, chairman of Maruti Suzuki, said that “This change has happened since the technology in the automobile sector is moving towards electric vehicles. Now, the pace at which it will move nobody knows and the government has made clear its willingness to shift towards electric vehicles. With this kind of a show, it is certain that carmakers are ready to embrace EV technology.”

Renault India Pvt. Ltd, the local unit of French automaker Renault SA, will showcase one pure electric car which is expected to be launched in India by 2022, according to its mid-term plan (2017-2022). The company will also display hybrid and plug-in hybrid cars.

The company said in a statement that “Being a global leader in electric vehicles, Renault will showcase its prowess from its global portfolio. Also on display would be the existing range of Renault India product portfolio with innovative themes.”

Hyundai Motor India Ltd will showcase electric cars that it sells globally under the Ioniq brand. New entrant Kia Motors Corp. is expected to display its entire range of hybrid and electric vehicles. Tata Motors Ltd will put on display as many as six electric vehicles, most of which are expected to be electric versions of its current line-up.

Mr Avik Chattopadhyay, founder of Expereal, a branding strategy firm, said that at the Auto Expo, the emphasis will be on sustainable mobility, going beyond electric vehicles.

Mr Chattopadhyay said that “Japan emphasizes plug-in hybrid vehicles while European countries are promoting hydrogen or fuel cell-run vehicles apart from electric ones. China, on the other hand, has taken the lead in terms of battery-run electric vehicles. India has to decide which way to move. The auto industry is ready to embrace the disruption and move towards zero-emission vehicles.”

Source : Mint
Off topic, maar toch belangrijk!

World’s first electric container barges to sail from European ports this summer - Report

Guardian reported that the world’s first fully electric, emission-free and potentially crewless container barges are to operate from the ports of Antwerp, Amsterdam, and Rotterdam from this summer. The vessels, designed to fit beneath bridges as they transport their goods around the inland waterways of Belgium and the Netherlands, are expected to vastly reduce the use of diesel-powered trucks for moving freight.

Dubbed the “Tesla of the canals”, their electric motors will be driven by 20-foot batteries, charged on shore by the carbon-free energy provider Eneco.

The barges are designed to operate without any crew, although the vessels will be manned in their first period of operation as new infrastructure is erected around some of the busiest inland waterways in Europe.

In August, five barges – 52 metres long and 6.7m wide, and able to carry 24 20ft containers weighing up to 425 tonnes – will be in operation. They will be fitted with a power box giving them 15 hours of power. As there is no need for a traditional engine room, the boats have up to 8% extra space, according to their Dutch manufacturer, Port Liner.

About 23,000 trucks, mainly running on diesel, are expected to be removed from the roads as a result.

At a later date, six larger 110m-long barges, carrying 270 containers, will run on four battery boxes capable of providing 35 hours of autonomous driving. Their use alone could lead to a reduction of about 18,000 tonnes per year of CO2, it is claimed.

According to the latest statistics from Eurostat, 74.9% of freight in the EU is transported by road, compared to 18.4% by rail, and 6.7% along inland waterways, although the use of water routes has been rising.

However, the barges are being developed in the Netherlands with EUR 7m in subsidies from the EU and additional funds from the ports involved. Port Liner believes it could produce about 500 barges a year to revolutionise the freight industry, although the electric motors and batteries could also be retrofitted into older boats.

Source : Guardian
Toyota Motor sells 1.52 million e-vehicles in 2017

ETAuto reported that Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota) has reached a major milestone in annual sales of electrified powertrains in 2017 with over 1.52 million sold worldwide. The figure was an increase of 8 percent over the prior record set in 2016, marking back-to-back years of growth and accomplishing one of Toyota's Environmental Challenge 2050 targets, selling more than 1.5 million electrified vehicles in a single year, three years in advance of the original target set for 2020.

Additionally, cumulative sales of electrified vehicles now exceed 11.47 million, which represents a reduction of more than 90 million tons of CO2 compared to sales of equivalent conventional vehicles.

Shigeki Terashi, executive vice president, Toyota Motor Corporation, said that “In just over 20 years, we have seen electrified new vehicle sales increase from under 500 sales to more than 1.5 million sales. This is a testament from our customers to the quality, durability and reliability of our electrified powertrains, and, thanks to them, has led us to establish a solid and sustainable foundation for mass producing a more diverse portfolio of electrified vehicles across our range moving forward.”

Since the introduction of its first commercially available electrified powertrain on the Prius in Japan in 1997, Toyota has worked at improving the technology as the basis for its electrification efforts, having launched first mass-produced Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle, the Mirai, in 2014, the fourth generation of the Prius in 2016, and the second-generation Prius Plug-In Electric Vehicle in 2017.

The company will continue the development and diversification of electrified vehicles as it now turns its sights to include the mass production of battery electric vehicles from 2020, starting in China and India, followed by Japan, the US and Europe.

Source : ETAuto
BMW close to 10-year supply deal for battery minerals - FAZ

Reuters reported that BMW is close to signing a 10-year supply contract for lithium and cobalt, the company’s procurement chief told Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung , amid an industry-wide scramble for raw materials needed for electric car batteries.

Mr Markus Duesmann told the paper that “The aim is to secure the supply all the way down to the level of the mine, for 10 years. The contracts are ready to be signed,” according to an excerpt of an article made available to Reuters on Friday.

Demand for minerals for batteries such as cobalt, nickel, manganese, graphite and lithium is forecast to soar in the coming years as governments crack down on vehicle pollution and carmakers step up their investments in electric models.

Rival Volkswagen has said it is pushing to secure long-term supply contracts to avoid material shortages as it aims to invest EUR 34 billion (USD 42 billion) in battery-powered cars by 2022 to challenge Tesla.

Separately, BMW said it had put a procurement partnership with Daimler on ice, given a probe into potential antitrust behaviour by German carmakers, FAZ said.

In a sign of the growing importance of high-grade Nickel for long-range batteries, German chemicals giant BASF has entered talks over a supply partnership with Russian miner Norilsk Nickel to produce battery chemicals in Europe.

Belgium’s Umicore, which competes with BASF and Johnson Matthey in cathode materials for automotive batteries, this week raised EUR 892 million to expand that business.

Source : Reuters
Noren staan te springen om elektrische auto's

Noorwegen pompt miljarden in subsidies voor elektrische auto's, met als doel dat er in 2025 alleen nog uitstootvrije wagens verkocht worden. Consumenten zijn er klaar voor, zegt de vereniging van elektrische autobezitters, nu de fabrikanten nog.

'Noorwegen kan de weg vooruit laten zien. Maar dan moeten de autofabrikanten wel over de brug komen', zegt Christina Bu, voorzitter van ‘s werelds grootste vereniging voor elektrische rijders, de Norsk Elbilforening.

In de vorige week gepresenteerde Nordic EV Barometer voorspelt de vereniging dat de Noren volgend jaar samen ruim 71.000 batterijauto’s gaan kopen. Dat zou een verdubbeling zijn ten opzichte van 2017 en gelijk staan aan 45% van het nieuwe wagenpark. Geen enkel land ter wereld zet zo vol in op elektrische auto’s en hun marktaandeel is nergens hoger.

Een E-Golf, klaar voor verkoop in Noorwegen, bij de laatste inspectieronde in de Volkwagen-fabriek in Dresden.Foto: Hollandse Hoogte

De volledig elektrische Volkswagen eGolf is in Noorwegen goedkoper dan de benzine- en dieseluitvoeringen van dezelfde auto — en daarom ook de populairste nieuwe auto. Vrijstelling van bijna alle belastingen hebben geleid tot een ‘e-boom’. Toekomstige e-rijders tekenen nu in op wachtlijsten of krijgen van hun dealer te horen dat ze beter over een half jaar terug kunnen komen. Juist omdat in Noorwegen elektrische auto’s zo aantrekkelijk zijn, kun je er bijna geen meer krijgen.

Duitsers snappen het niet helemaal
Hetzelfde probleem speelt in Nederland, kaartte laadstation-ontwikkelaar Fastned vorig jaar aan: 'De beschikbaarheid van sleutelmodellen is teleurstellend laag. Zowel Hyundai als Opel hebben onvoldoende productiecapaciteit om de vraag te antwoorden.'

'De Noorse consument is klaar om afscheid te nemen van de brandstofauto', zegt Bu. Haar zorg geldt de producenten. Volgens BU 'snappen ze niet hoe ontregelend deze technologie is en dat ze hun hele bedrijven moeten omgooien. Er worden nu gewoon te weinig auto’s gemaakt.'

Pijnlijk voorbeeld is de Opel Ampera-e, eigenlijk een Chevrolet Bolt met een Opel-logo erop. Een zacht prijskaartje en actieradius van 500 kilometer leidden tot 4.000 bestellingen in Noorwegen. Maar nu zit leveringen van de Ampera-e vast door de overname van Opel door Peugeot-Citroën. Opel-dealers in Noorwegen nemen voorlopig geen nieuwe bestellingen meer aan en vragen bovendien omgerekend €4.700 extra aan klanten die auto al besteld hadden. Volgens de leiding van Opel vanwege een naheffing van voormalig moederbedrijf General Motors.

Government to replace diesel engine vehicles with E-vehicles in the country -IRF

PTI reported that global road safety body IRF urged the government to replace single and double cylinder diesel engine vehicles with E-vehicles in the country. Contrary to single and double cylinder diesel engine vehicles used globally for water pumping from ground or for boat rides, in India they are used in 3-wheelers for carrying passengers and goods, International Road Federation (IRF) said.

IRF said in a statement that "It is high time, the government pushes its agenda for E-mobility in this segment, as the first alternative since the technology, has already matured."

Mr K K Kapila, IRF Chairman, said that single cylinder engines used in three wheelers for carrying goods and passengers has got extended to four wheelers in the shape of two cylinders for a bit higher capacity around 1,500 kg.

Mr Kapila said that "The one and double cylinder technology application has also got extended to personal vehicles e.g. quadracycles. At the same time these category of vehicles are so designed that they can be overloaded most of the time though they are otherwise registered for a much lower capacity."

IRF said these single and double cylinder diesel engines are also the main source of pollution in the urban environment.

It said that "Bharat stage III, IV or VI emission norms for such category of vehicles are merely a paper exercise for approval purposes as they are miserably abused in the field. Industry normally gives the excuse of enforcement of law on ground."

It added that "Three wheelers which are approved for three passengers carry 10-15 passengers which is a common sight in urban environment including the NCR, which adds to air and noise pollution."

Source : PTI
Toyota announces 1.52 million electric vehicles sells in 2017

Times of India reported that when it comes to global environmental leadership, the number of vehicles that customers buy around the world have a greater impact than the number of concept cars launched at motor shows. Toyota Motor Corporation (Toyota) announced that it reached a major milestone in annual sales of electric powertrains in 2017 with over 1.52 million sold worldwide.

The figure was an increase of 8% over the prior record set in 2016, marking back-to-back years of growth and accomplishing one of Toyota’s Environmental Challenge 2050 targets, selling more than 1.5 million electric vehicles in a single year, three years in advance of the original target set for 2020.

Additionally, cumulative sales of electric vehicles now exceed 11.47 million, which represents a reduction of more than 90 million tonne of CO2 compared to sales of equivalent conventional vehicles.

Mr Shigeki Terashi, executive vice-president, Toyota Motor Corporation, said that “In just over 20 years, we have seen electric vehicle sales increase from under 500 sales to more than 1.5 million sales.”

Source : Times of India
EESL to float another global tender for 10,000 electric vehicles for government use

ET reported that state-run Energy Efficiency Services Ltd (EESL) will soon float another global tender for 10,000 electric vehicles to be deployed across the country for government use, a senior executive has said. EESL, which is a joint venture of PSUs under the power ministry, will also sign a MoU with the government of Andhra Pradesh this week to supply 10,000 electric vehicles.

Mr Saurabh Kumar, managing director at EESL, said that “There is interest in our electric vehicle programme from virtually all parts of the country, and it’s because we have been able to provide a value proposition like no other.”

While there is demand coming in from various states, the vehicles to be supplied to Andhra government will be delivered from the lot procured through this fresh tender, which is expected to be floated around April.

Mr Kumar said that the Gujarat government has aggregated a demand of some 4,000-odd vehicles and Maharashtra for 2,000 vehicles.

With two global tenders of 10,000 electric vehicles each in less than a year, Kumar said there has been enough interest from the state and central governments on adoption of e-mobility and making it mainstream.

In the previous EV tender, which EESL floated in August last year, Tata Motors and Mahindra & Mahindra emerged as the lowest bidders. Mr Kumar said he expects a wider participation from companies in the second tender.

Source : ET
The world races towards an electric future, China takes the lead in producing batteries

swarajyamag.com reported that if there’s one future prediction that won’t readily split opinions, it would probably be the demise of fossil fuels as the biggest source of energy for mankind in the near future. China seems to have understood that - and moved to secure its place in the new battery powered world. Improvement in battery technology is fundamentally changing the world, with more and more countries trying to move away from fossil fuels and relying on alternate energy sources that rely on such batteries for uninterrupted power. Cars are going electric too, completely relying on the newer, better batteries to power them. And in its resolve to stay at the forefront of this emerging tech, China is already the biggest market for electric cars in the world.

China already leads the world in rechargeable Lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery production, hosting more than 50 per cent of the world’s capacity, the Wall Street Journal has reported.

However, raw Cobalt, essential for the production of the batteries is sourced from Congo, which produces 54 per cent of the world’s cobalt. And this is where China holds a staggering lead over all the other countries. China imported $1.2 billion worth of cobalt from Congo till September 2017, pushing India at $3.2 million to a distant second.

As the world slowly wakes to the promise of Li-ion batteries, China has already locked up the supply lines originating from Congo. The cobalt is sourced through locals who sell it to wholesale shops controlled by Chinese traders and shipped off to China to be mass produced into processed batteries. Chinese industry is now trying to control the whole ecosystem.

Source : swarajyamag.com
Electric vehicles to transform aluminium demand - CRU

By 2030, aluminium demand from Electric Vehicles will near 10 million tonnes, a ten-fold increase from 2017. The usage of primary aluminium intensive, extrusions and rolled products will be significantly higher than we see in internal combustion engine vehicles today.

Counter to that, scrap intensive secondary castings usage will fall as the shift to full battery electric vehicles occurs. In the coming years, EVs will support primary aluminium demand and impose a limit on scrap demand.

CRU forecasts global battery electric, plug-in hybrid electric and hybrid electric sales to increase to 42 million vehicles by 2030. From a share of 4% in 2017, we expect electric vehicles to account for approximately 30% of the global vehicle fleet by 2030.

A “greening” of global power and now, increasingly, transport markets has begun: sales of New Energy Vehicles for example, grew by more than 40% year on year globally in 2016. These global trends will have potentially decisive impacts on aluminium markets.

CRU has developed a comprehensive forecasting and scenario evaluation tool with which to understand these impacts and the policy, technological, macroeconomic and societal factors which shape them. This model incorporates a consistent macroeconomic framework, and considers developments in technology and power markets.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
No time-frame decided on all electric car fleet in India - Geete

Times of India reported that the government has not set any time-frame for achieving an all-electric car fleet in the country, Union Minister Anant Geete said. The minister said the government wants to encourage adoption of electric mobility by changing people's mindsets and cooperation of the automobile industry.

Geete's statement assumes significance as Union ministers, including Piyush Goyal, have in the past talked about achieving all electric car fleet by 2030.

However, secretary in the Department of Heavy Industry Asha Ram Sihag said the emissions road map in the draft Auto Policy is such that to achieve it, people will have to migrate to electric mobility.

The whole world is moving towards electric mobility therefore we also need to embrace it, else we will lag behind. But we have not decided on any time-frame, Geete said addressing a press conference.

Asked about statements being made in the past about a 2030 deadline for achieving all electric fleet, he said the Heavy Industry Ministry has not decided any timeframe on achieving it.

"Our efforts are towards encouraging adoption of electric mobility. We need to create a mindset first. We will only be able to achieve electric mobility with cooperation from the industry because they are the ones manufacturing vehicles not the government, Geete said.

Only electric car by 2030...existing cars may take a little longer to replace. But the government is working on a framework to see what we can do on promoting electric vehicle. Niti Aayog is currently tasked with preparing futuristic vision for electric vehicles," Union Minister Goyal had said earlier. Geete said the Government wants to accord priority to public transport to push mass adoption of electric mobility.

We are not in a hurry. We are giving a 10 year timeframe to the industry to achieve the emissions roadmap, Geete said. The Minister said support is being derived from PSUs like BHEL, REIL and the Centre has appealed to states to set up charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.

Source : Times of India
Electric vehicle growth could see oil demand peak by 2030 - Fitch

Electric Vehicle (EV) adoption is an increasing threat to oil demand, which could plausibly peak before 2030, Fitch Ratings says in a new report. This is not our core scenario, but developments in 2017 show how technological changes and greater product awareness could lead to annual sales of 10 million battery-powered EVs by 2025. Last year saw a slew of EV product announcements driven by technological advances such as the continued decline in battery costs, consumer preferences and environmental policy. Governments and manufacturers have set EV targets. OPEC has raised its forecast for the size of the EV fleet in 2040 to 250 million units from 140 million, and other forecasters have disclosed EV penetration assumptions for the first time.

To assess the potential impact of faster EV adoption, Fitch revisited the scenarios in its October 2016 report into the disruptive potential of battery technology and incorporated both conservative and more aggressive EV sales estimates based on car companies’ own announcements. The latter shows EV sales in 2025 slightly higher than in our extreme scenario from 2016 (which assumed a 33% CAGR of EV sales).

Of course, the path of EV sales relative to Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) vehicle sales will depend on how far consumer behaviour and public policy goals support the heavy investment in EV production needed to meet bullish estimates. But by considering a scenario where EVs’ cost and range are comparable to ICEs, consumers prefer driving EVs, policymakers mandate and support electrification, and carmakers see cost benefits of focusing on one drivetrain, it is not unreasonable to expect global EV stock by 2040 of over 1 billion, or more than half the vehicles on the road.

This is not our core expectation. The pace and pattern of EV adoption will be more nuanced. Manufacturers have a history of missing big strategic targets, the development of charging infrastructure remains a key uncertainty, environmental impact assessments and policy could change, advances in battery technology may slow, and ICE technology may itself adapt.

But we believe the new extreme scenario has become more plausible over the last year. Applying it to oil demand, in combination with International Energy Agency’s (IEA) New Policies Scenario assumptions on non-transportation use, shows oil demand peaking in 2029.

Even then, the peak is shallow, with oil demand in 2040 broadly unchanged from today, as the world still needs to consume vast amounts of oil. However, the absence of rising demand would be a significant structural change for the oil market and could make prices more volatile and, on average, lower. Most large oil companies are taking steps to diversify into natural gas, petrochemicals and alternative energy. Our ratings already take into account their production cost position, which is key in any market but would be even more important if demand weakens.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
China puts responsibility for battery recycling on makers of EV

Reuters reported that China will make manufacturers of electric vehicles (EV) responsible for setting up facilities to collect and recycle spent batteries, as part of its efforts to tackle mounting waste in the sector, say new rules published. China, which began promoting electric cars in 2009, aims to become a dominant global producer as it bids to curb vehicle emissions, boost energy security and promote high-tech industries.

But with lithium battery production already up by half in 2017 and waste set to hit as much as 170,000 tonnes this year, the government is racing to improve its recycling capabilities and stamp out what could become a growing source of pollution.

China's industry ministry issued "interim" rules that hold carmakers responsible for the recovery of new energy vehicle batteries and require them to set up recycling channels and service outlets where old batteries can be collected, stored and transferred to specialist recyclers.

The carmakers must also establish a maintenance service network allowing members of the public to repair or exchange their old batteries conveniently, the ministry said.

Measures aimed at spurring good practice among consumers, including subsidies or battery repurchase pacts, should also be adopted, the notice said.

Together with battery makers and their sales units, carmakers must also set up a "traceability" system enabling the identification of owners of discarded batteries.

Source : Reuters
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