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1st Hyperloop Transportation Technologies full-scale project under construction
Published on Tue, 24 Oct 2017

Clean technica reported that sitting at a Hyperloop Transportation Technologies presentation at Autonomy, it was fun listening to Chairman Mr Bibop G. Gresta talk about transportation problems and then how hyperloops can help solve them. He’s a funny guy, and he put the problems of current transportation methods into stark terms (using pictures and videos from the real world, of course).

However, the big surprise was that he announced during the presentation that construction had just begun on the first full-scale Hyperloop Transportation Technologies project - in Toulouse, France.

Mr Bibop also highlighted the tremendous work and progress Hyperloop Transportation Technologies has been doing via the support of the Abu Dhabi government.

After his presentation, I spend some time one on one with Bibop to discuss why and how Toulouse ended up being the first to help Hyperloop Transportation Technologies get a full-scale project off the ground (er in the ground), similarities with Abu Dhabi (UAE) government that has led to the quick progress there, challenges in California, and discussions/developments underway in India.

I think there’s a lot of insightful commentary — exciting reflections on HTT’s progress to date — in these videos, but you can judge for yourself! Check all of that out in the two exclusive CleanTechnica videos below!

Let us know if you have any extra questions for Mr. Bibop Gresta. Perhaps we’ll do a follow-up interview via text or in Abu Dhabi in a few months.

Update: Apologies, but Mr. Bibop Gresta’s 25 minute presentation had to be removed due to some sensitive material. It will soon be added back to the article after a new, 21 minute version is published. Enjoy the video interview in the meantime!

Update #2: The video presentation is added again, but I had to publish it on YouTube at a lower resolution than normal since WiFi in the conference venue, the hotel, and now our Tesla Shuttle has been too weak. I will publish a higher-resolution version again once I have really good WiFi.

Source : Clean technica
Hyperloop start-up announces project locations
Published on Mon, 27 Nov 2017

Global Construction Review reported that eight projects involving Hyperloop Transportation Technologies one of two start-ups attempting to harness the technology are underway around the world, the company’s chairman will tell a conference in Dubai next week. One of these is a feasibility study with Abu Dhabi’s Department of Transportation, which would allow passengers to travel from Abu Dhabi to Dubai in 12 minutes.

Mr Bibop G Gresta chairman and co-founder of HTT, will unveil the future of Hyperloop at The Big 5’s Excellence in Construction Summit on 26 November 2017 at the Dubai World Trade Centre.

Ahead of his presentation next week, Gresta said that “We are currently working on eight projects around the world.”

The French city of Toulouse, along with Abu Dhabi, Jakarta, Seoul, and India’s Andhra Pradesh, are all working towards building a Hyperloop TT system, he will say.

The first passengers will be able to travel in a Hyperloop 36 months after the conditional permit approval.

Hyperloop is seen as potentially safe, fast and efficient: the drastic reduction of air in the tube along with magnetic levitation and electric propulsion allows capsules to move through the tube with nearly zero friction, accelerating to airplane speeds on the ground.

HTT is one of the two earliest start-ups to try to harness the concept developed by Elon Musk, the other being Hyperloop One in which Sir Richard Branson took a stake in October.

Terms of the agreement were not disclosed but Branson takes a seat on the Hyperloop One board and the company will change its name to Virgin Hyperloop One.

Source : Global Construction Review
Coalitiepartijen willen geld voor hyperloop

Dertig meter lange testfaciliteit voor de hyperloop in Delft.AP/Mike Corder
VVD, CDA en D66 willen dat er geld wordt uitgetrokken voor de hyperloop. Dat bleek dinsdag tijdens de behandeling van de begroting voor Infrastructuur en Waterstaat. Eerder deze maand bepleitte een groep van bedrijven en semioverheden al overheidssteun voor het transportsysteem waarmee passagiers met snelheden tot 1200 kilometer per uur door een vacuüm gezogen buis kunnen reizen. Een 3 tot 5 kilometer lange testfaciliteit voor de hyperloop bij Lelystad kost volgens kennisinstituut TNO circa €120 mln en is publiek-privaat te financieren.

VVD-Kamerlid Remco Dijkstra wil 'ruim baan en ondersteuning' voor de hyperloop, 'zeker in de beginfase'. Rob Jetten (D66) sprak van 'het wonder' waar in Delft aan wordt gewerkt. Ook het CDA wil dat de hyperloop overheidssteun krijgt. Van de coalitiepartijen zweeg alleen de ChristenUnie over de innovatie. Oud-minister Melanie Schultz (VVD) toonde interesse in de hyperloop, maar liet een besluit over steun over aan haar opvolger.

Op andere onderdelen toonden de coalitiepartijen minder eensgezindheid. Zo prezen D66 en ChristenUnie, samen met een groot deel van de Kamer, de €100 mln die het kabinet uit wil trekken voor het fietsgebruik. Als de gemeenten en provincies dat geld voor fietsinfrastructuur en fietsenstallingen verhogen kan volgens D66 een 'investeringsfonds voor de fiets' ontstaan.

‘Het filemonster moet een kopje kleiner worden gemaakt’• VVD-Kamerlid Remco Dijkstra

De prioriteiten van VVD en CDA liggen duidelijk elders. 'Al het extra geld moet ten dienste staan van het voorkomen van files', betoogde Maurits von Martels (CDA) over de €2 mrd die het kabinet extra wil uittrekken ter verbetering van de infrastructuur. Dijkstra (VVD) wil dat 'het filemonster een kopje kleiner wordt gemaakt'.

'Asfalt werkt', stelde Dijkstra. Daar was Jetten het niet mee eens. De D66-parlementariër wil naast investeringen in openbaar vervoer en de fiets 'slimmere oplossingen' voor automobilisten en noemde langere op- en afritten en het prikkelen van automobilisten om later naar hun werk te gaan.

Eindhoven Centraal
Eenzelfde verdeeldheid toonde de coalitie bij de discussie over het spoor. Dijkstra (VVD) vindt investeringen in het spoor 'duur' en prees marktinitiatieven als Flixbus, waarmee goedkoop internationaal kan worden gereisd. Maar CDA-Kamerlid Mustafa Amhaouch riep juist op tot investeringen in het spoor. Hij hoopt op steun vanuit Brussel voor grensoverschrijdende spoorverbindingen en voor het opknappen van station Eindhoven Centraal.

Woensdag komen minister Cora van Nieuwenhuizen (VVD) en staatssecretaris Stientje van Veldhoven (D66) aan het woord.

Minister: bedrijfsleven aan zet bij ontwikkelen hyperloop

Minister Cora van Nieuwenhuizen (VVD) is niet van plan veel geld uit te trekken om een faciliteit te steunen waar de hyperloop wordt getest. Van Nieuwenhuizen wil dat het bedrijfsleven het initiatief neemt. Dat zei ze woensdag op de tweede dag van de behandeling van de begroting voor Infrastructuur en Waterstaat.

Van Nieuwenhuizen acht alleen 'een bescheiden bijdrage' van overheden, Brussel of ondernemersloket Invest NL verstandig. 'Een testbaan is alleen nuttig als er ontwikkelpotentie is. Ik steun het initiatief, maar een goede, stevige businesscase is een voorwaarde om hier in te stappen.'

Kansen pakken
Dinsdag riepen coalitiepartijen VVD, CDA en D66 op om als overheid de hyperloop te steunen, het transportsysteem waarmee passagiers met snelheden tot 1200 kilometer per uur door een vacuüm gezogen buis kunnen reizen. VVD-Kamerlid Remco Dijkstra noemde het 'een kwestie van kansen pakken en je nek uitsteken. Als het ergens kan, dan is het in Nederland.'

Kennisinstituut TNO becijferde dat een bij Lelystad aan te leggen, drie tot vijf kilometer lange testfaciliteit voor de hyperloop circa €120 mln moet kosten. Het idee is populair geworden toen Tesla-oprichter Elon Musk wedstrijden hield onder internationale studententeams voor het beste plan. De TU Delft was een van de winnaars.


ff_relativeren schreef op 12 oktober 2017 19:28:

Hyperloop One wordt (Richard Branson) Virgin Hyperloop One :
www.cnbc.com/2017/10/12/richard-brans... .

Hyperloop One, dat in oktober Virgin Hyperloop One werd, haalt $ 50 miljoen op uit Dubai en Rusland ;

www.cnbc.com/2017/12/18/virgin-hyperl... .
Hyperloop routes identified in UAE - Mr Al Tayer
Published on Mon, 26 Feb 2018

Construction Week Online reported that routes to operate Hyperloop technology have been identified in the UAE, according to Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (RTA). RTA and Virgin Hyperloop One, the Richard Branson-backed transportation disruptor, have "made considerable progress" with the project, which is one of RTA's initiatives under its Dubai Future Accelerators programme.

Revealing additional updates about Hyperloop in the UAE, Mr HE Mattar Al Tayer, director-general and chairman of the RTA's board, said both firms had reviewed the technical, engineering, and economic feasibility studies for the project.

He said that "Progress made also included identifying the routes for operating Hyperloop, along with its initial design model. Hyperloop boasts deluxe interiors, cutting-edge broadcasting and display of information and entertainment materials, and leather seats."

Designs for the system will be revealed by RTA as one of its initiatives under the UAE Innovation Month programme.

The technology uses an electromagnetic propulsion system to move through a vacuum tube.

Mr Al Tayer said the system is designed to assist the levitation of the capsule "slightly off the track within the tube", and move it at speeds of up to 1,200km/h.

Consequently, the UAE's Hyperloop could travel between Dubai and Abu Dhabi in 12 minutes, and lift around 10,000 passengers per hour in both directions.

Source : Construction Week Online
India's first Hyperloop transportation facility likely to be introduced in Andhra Pradesh
Infra News - Published on Tue, 27 Feb 2018
Image Source: financialexpress.com

IANS reported that India's first Hyperloop transportation facility is likely to be introduced in Andhra Pradesh, connecting Vijayawada with upcoming state capital Amaravati. The state government is currently studying the feasibility of the project and if introduced, the 40 km distance between the two cities can be covered in just six minutes. Hyperloop Transportation Technologies chairman and co-founder, Bibop Gresta, told reporters on the sidelines of the ongoing CII Partnership Summit here that the technology has the potential to transform the mass transportation system in the country.

Hyperloop, an idea originally floated by Tesla CEO and SpaceX Founder Elon Musk, involves a futuristic and technology-intensive transportation system that propels a pod-like vehicle through a near-vacuum tube at nearly 1,100 km per hour.

The Los Angeles-based company "Hyperloop One" announced a proposal in March last year to evaluate construction of five Hyperloop lines in India. The five proposed lines include Bengaluru to Chennai, Mumbai to Chennai via Bengaluru, Bengaluru to Thiruvananthapuram, Mumbai to Delhi and Mumbai to Kolkata.

However, if the Hyperloop line is completed, people can travel from Bengaluru to Chennai in 20 minutes. The 1,102 km Mumbai to Chennai via Bengaluru line will cover the distance in 50 minutes.

Mr Gresta claims that their technology is radically different from the existing ones. "Our system uses a combination of renewable energy to generate more electricity than it consumes. This ensures affordable cost of construction and maintenance. The capsule can move at a very high speed consuming very little energy, making the system highly efficient," he said.

Source : IANS
Gelukkig steekt de Nederlandse overheid er geen geld in, ondanks de stevige lobby van 'kennisinstituten' zoals TNO en het bedrijfsleven.
Gratis geld wil iedereen wel, maar het feit blijft dat gewone tunnels in Nederland al een uitdaging zijn. Een hyperlooptunnel is waarschijnlijk een stap te ver.
'n eenvoudige snelheidstrein ala mini-TGV : Adam-Brussel is al niet eens gelukt: wel dure tunnel in Groen Hart van 8 km ervoor aangelegd:) Nederland is TE klein voor dat soort dingen
World’s first full scale Hyperloop under construction in France
Infra News - Published on Mon, 16 Apr 2018
Image Source: vox-cdn.com

Hyperloop Transportation Technologies (HyperloopTT) announced the arrival of the first set of tubes designed to move both people and freight to their research and development center in Toulouse, France. With an interior diameter of 4.0 meters, the system is optimized both for passenger capsules and shipping containers. The first phase includes a closed 320 meter system that will be operational this year. In addition, a second full-scale system of 1 km elevated by pylons at a height of 5.8 meters will be completed in 2019.

Both systems are fully upgradeable and will be utilized by both HyperloopTT and partner companies. The full-scale passenger capsule, currently near completion at Carbures in Spain, is scheduled for delivery to the facility this summer for assembly and integration.

HyperloopTT CEO Dirk Ahlborn, said that “Five years ago we set out to solve transportation’s most pressing problems; efficiency, comfort and speed. Today we take an important step forward to begin to achieve that goal. Hyperloop is more than just displays of rapid acceleration and more than just breaking speed records. The real opportunity is to create an efficient and safe system with an unparalleled passenger experience.”

Bibop Gresta, HyperloopTT Chairman, said that “Building in full-scale means we’re committed to innovation in the long-term. We’ve pioneered the technology, proved feasible and insurable by the world’s largest reinsurance company, Munich RE. We have agreements in place in nine countries where we’re working on feasibility and regulations. We have a research center for freight and logistics in Brazil and a facility in Toulouse where we’ll deliver the first full-scale passenger capsule. Hyperloop is no longer a concept, it has become a commercial industry.”

Meanwhile, Hyperloop Transportation Technologies Inc. (HTT, HyperloopTT) is an innovative transportation and technology company focused on realizing the Hyperloop, a system that moves people and goods at unprecedented speeds safely, efficiently, and sustainably.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Hyperloop in 2020 in bedrijf in Abu Dhabi. De hyperloop moet de 2020 expo en de internationale luchthaven met elkaar verbinden ;

www.cnbc.com/2018/04/18/hyperloop-com... .

ff_relativeren schreef op 19 december 2017 14:38:

Hyperloop One, dat in oktober Virgin Hyperloop One werd, haalt $ 50 miljoen op uit Dubai en Rusland ;

www.cnbc.com/2017/12/18/virgin-hyperl... .

Dubai havenbedrijf ; Hyperloop binnen enkele jaren als ultra snel vrachttransport.
www.cnbc.com/2018/04/29/virgins-brans... .
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