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Outlook for the Daimler Group

Based on the generally positive development of unit sales, Daimler assumes that Group revenue will increase slightly in the year 2018. Significant revenue growth is anticipated for the Daimler Trucks and Daimler Financial Services divisions, while only a slight increase is now expected at Mercedes-Benz Vans. At Mercedes-Benz Cars, the expected exchange-rate developments and lifecycle effects of some models will dampen the development of revenue, so the division is expected to post full-year revenue at the high level of 2017. Daimler now anticipates revenue in the magnitude of the previous year also for the Daimler Buses division.

In late March 2018, Daimler and the BMW Group announced their intention, subject to review and approval by the relevant competition authorities, to combine and strategically expand their existing services for on-demand mobility in the areas of car sharing, ride hailing, parking, charging and multimodality. To those ends, the two companies signed an agreement on the merger of their business units for mobility services. Each company will hold 50% of the shares in the planned joint ventures for the mobility services of both companies. Subject to the approval of the competition authorities, the establishment of the joint ventures would lead to significant positive changes to net assets and earnings at Daimler Financial Services, which are taken into consideration in the following EBIT outlook.

Due to several factors, some temporary restrictions occurred in the availability of Mercedes-Benz Cars vehicles in the third quarter and will also partially affect the fourth quarter. These factors include, among others, the previously announced suspension of delivery for some diesel models. Furthermore, the certification of vehicles in Europe and some international markets currently requires longer than usual. For a longer time period, Daimler has been working intensively on software updates, the changeover to the new European test standard WLTP, as well as the technical and legal clarification of open questions.

Inventories have increased temporarily. Based on high demand for Mercedes-Benz vehicles, Daimler continues to expect, however, that the situation will return to normal in the fourth quarter and that inventories can be reduced again by the end of this year.

The described factors apply in the same way to Mercedes-Benz Vans and thus also affect the business development of the van division.

On October 19, 2018, as a result of current developments, Daimler reassessed its earnings outlook for the year 2018 for the Mercedes-Benz Cars and Daimler Buses divisions and for the Daimler Group. The main factor is an increase in expected expenses in connection with ongoing governmental proceedings and measures taken in various regions with regard to Mercedes-Benz diesel vehicles. In addition, Mercedes-Benz Vans is posting lower unit sales due to delays in vehicle deliveries. Furthermore, against the backdrop of a recent ruling by the European Court of Justice, provisions have been recognized for the possible need to take action on certain vehicles still operating with the previously used refrigerant R134a. Additionally, Daimler Buses is facing decreasing demand in some markets.

On the basis of these effects as well as expected market developments and the current assessments of the divisions, Daimler now assumes that Group EBIT in 2018 will be significantly lower than in the previous year.

The individual divisions have the following expectations for EBIT in the year 2018:

– Mercedes-Benz Cars: significantly below the prior-year level,

– Daimler Trucks: significantly above the prior-year level,

– Mercedes-Benz Vans: significantly below the prior-year level,

– Daimler Buses: significantly below the prior-year level and

– Daimler Financial Services: in the magnitude of the prior year.

Despite a further increase in advance expenditure for new products and technologies, the free cash flow of the industrial business should be significantly higher than in 2017 and also higher than the dividend distribution in 2018. It must be taken into consideration, however, that the free cash flow of the industrial business in 2017 was reduced by an extraordinary contribution of €3 billion to the German pension plan assets of Daimler AG.

In order to achieve its ambitious growth targets, the Group will slightly increase its already very high investment in property, plant and equipment in the year 2018 (2017: €6.7 billion). Capital expenditure in 2018 at both Mercedes-Benz Cars and Daimler Trucks will be primarily for successor generations for existing products, new products, global component projects, the expansion of production capacities and the optimization of the international production network. Another focus at Mercedes-Benz Cars will be on the expansion of the worldwide production network for electric mobility.

With research and development activities, a total volume is anticipated slightly above last year’s spending of €8.7 billion. Key projects at Mercedes-Benz Cars include successor models for the current S-Class and C-Class. In addition, the division is investing in new, more efficient engines, alternative drive systems and vehicles, autonomous driving and connectivity. At Daimler Trucks, the main areas of investment are for improved fuel efficiency and emission reductions, as well as for tailored products and technologies for important growth markets. In addition, the future technologies of electric mobility, connectivity and automated driving continue to gain importance.

Source : Strategic research institute
Daimler announced Q3 result

Daimler AG systematically continued to set the strategic course for the Group’s future in the third quarter of 2018. As expected, the Group’s financial development was strongly influenced by external factors. From July through September, Daimler sold 794,700 cars and commercial vehicles worldwide, which is 4% fewer than in the third quarter of last year (Q3 2017: 824,100), whereby Daimler Trucks and Daimler Buses were both able to increase their unit sales. Group revenue amounted to EUR 40.2 billion in the reporting period (Q3 2017: EUR 40.7 billion). Adjusted for exchange-rate effects, revenue was at the prior-year level.

The Daimler Group achieved third-quarter EBIT of EUR 2,488 million in 2018, which is significantly below its prior-year earnings of EUR 3,409 million. Net profit of EUR 1,761 million was significantly below the prior-year figure of EUR 2,237 million. Net profit attributable to the shareholders of Daimler AG amounted to EUR 1,689 million (Q3 2017: EUR 2,146 million); this led to a decrease in earnings per share to EUR 1.58 (Q3 2017: EUR 2.01).

EBIT at the Mercedes-Benz Cars division was significantly lower than in the third quarter of last year, due in particular to a decrease in sales volume and expenses in connection with governmental proceedings and measures for diesel vehicles. Daimler Trucks achieved significantly higher earnings than in the prior-year period, primarily as a result of increased unit sales in the NAFTA region. Mercedes-Benz Vans did not achieve EBIT of the third quarter of 2017. Daimler Buses’ earnings in the third quarter of 2018 were slightly lower than in the prior-year period. The increased level of interest rates was the main reason for a decrease in earnings at Daimler Financial Services. Exchange-rate effects had an overall negative impact on the Group’s operating profit.

Mr Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Head of Mercedes-Benz Cars said that “The automotive industry and thus also Daimler are still in a very challenging environment. The continued high demand from our customers makes us confident for the fourth quarter.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Daimler doesn't rule out future cooperation with Tesla - Report

Reuters reported that Daimler AG does not rule out cooperating with Tesla Inc in future even though the German luxury car producer sold its stake in the US electric vehicles company, Daimler's chief executive told a Polish newspaper. Dieter Zetsche told the daily Rzeczpospolita that “After selling the Tesla shares he never regretted it. This does not exclude a cooperation in a future."

The Stuttgart-based maker of Mercedes-Benz cars sold its 4 % stake in Tesla in 2014. Last month it unveiled its electric SUV to compete with Tesla, which has dominated the fast-growing market for premium battery cars.

Source : Reuters
Autodeeldiensten BMW en Daimler mogen fuseren

Gepubliceerd op 7 nov 2018 om 20:53 | Views: 156

BRUSSEL (AFN) - Automakers BMW en Daimler mogen hun autodeeldiensten DriveNow en car2go samenvoegen van de Europese Commissie. De Duitse bedrijven moeten dan wel in vijf Duitse steden en in Wenen concurrenten verbinden met hun app.

Daimler en BMW kondigden de fusie van hun mobiliteitsdiensten, waar de autodeeldiensten bij horen, in maart aan. Ook onderdelen van beide automakers die zich bezighouden met taxidiensten, parkeren en opladen van elektrische auto's worden samengevoegd in in totaal zes fusiebedrijven. Daimler en BMW krijgen elk een belang van 50 procent in de zes fusiebedrijven.

In Nederland zijn de bedrijven onder meer actief met parkeerdienst Parkmobile, die vorig jaar door BMW werd gekocht, en car2go. Die deelautodienst heeft in Amsterdam elektrische Smarts rondrijden.
Mercedes-Benz begins fourth quarter with new sales record

Mercedes-Benz started the fourth quarter with a new record in unit sales. Worldwide, the brand with the three-pointed star delivered 190,021 vehicles, surpassing the previous best October unit sales from last year by 3.9%. In the first ten months of the year, deliveries of 1,905,108 units by Mercedes-Benz were slightly above the high prior-year level (+0.3%). As planned, progress was made last month with worldwide vehicle availability in order to meet the ongoing high demand for the cars with the star. However, unit sales continued to be affected by model changes – for example in the high-volume segment of compact cars and for the C-Class – and by delays with certification in some international markets. In the past month, the brand with the three-pointed star maintained its market leadership in the premium segment in the markets Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Portugal, South Korea, Japan, Australia, Canada and the USA, among others.

Mr Britta Seeger, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG responsible for Mercedes-Benz Cars Marketing and Sales said that “Thanks to the worldwide intensive efforts of the entire Mercedes-Benz Cars team, we started the fourth quarter with a new sales record. We will continue to drive this positive development forward together until the end of the year. Our goal is clear: We want to delight our customers with their desired cars as quickly as possible. The new C-Class Coupé and Cabriolet are already having an impact: More than 12,500 dream cars delivered worldwide ensured a golden October for the Coupés, Cabriolets and Roadsters from Mercedes-Benz. In Germany alone, unit sales of those models posted a substantial increase of more than 25%.”

Mercedes-Benz unit sales by region and market
In Europe, Mercedes-Benz increased its unit sales compared with the previous year and sold 79,994 vehicles last month, representing growth of 3.9%. In the first ten months of the year, a total of 768,950 units were sold (-3.9%). In Germany, Mercedes-Benz delivered 29,203 cars with the star last month (+16.7%). The new A-Class was especially popular with a strong sales growth in the domestic market of 86.7% in October. Among others, in France, Spain, Belgium, Switzerland, Poland, Denmark, Finland and Hungary, more cars of Mercedes-Benz were sold than ever before in an October.

In the Asia-Pacific region, sales reached a new record of 72,429 units last month (+7.9%) and Mercedes-Benz delivered 787,027 cars to customers in the first ten months of the year (+8.1%). And with 50,231 units in China, the biggest market, more vehicles were delivered than ever before in an October (+9.2%). In the period of January to October, Mercedes-Benz delivered 550,938 vehicles to customers in China – more than ever before in the first ten months of a year (+12.7%). Mercedes-Benz set more records for unit sales in the first ten months also in India, Thailand and Malaysia.

In the NAFTA region, 32,778 vehicles were delivered to customers last month (-4.0%). From January to October, unit sales there totalled 304,722 Mercedes-Benz cars (-5.8%). In the United States, 27,537 cars were handed over to customers in October (-4.9%) and 252,921 in the first ten months of the year (-6.7%). Thanks to ongoing strong growth rates, Mercedes-Benz set new sales records in Mexico in October as well as in the first ten months.
Mercedes-Benz unit sales by model

In October, more than 12,500 dream cars were delivered by Mercedes-Benz. The good weather in Europe last month was one of the factors with a positive effect on sales, resulting in an overall worldwide increase of 1.4%. The C-Class Coupé and Cabriolet as well as the S-Class Coupé were particularly popular in October. The new C-Class had its market launch in Europe in July and has been available also in the United States and China since September.

Sales of the compact cars set a new October record last month: More than 54,500 models of the A-Class, B-Class, CLA, CLA Shooting Brake and GLA were delivered worldwide (+8.1%). The compact cars are within a changeover to the next generation of those models. The A-Class Saloon and the new B-Class will be launched in the coming months as representatives of this generation. The A-Class, of which the new model has been available from dealers since May, achieved in October a double-digit growth of over 20%.

A new record was set by the SUVs in October: Worldwide, approximately 68,000 units of the GLA, GLC, GLC Coupé, GLE, GLE Coupé, GLS and G-Class were delivered. The midsize SUVs continued their success. Approximately every other SUV delivered in October was a GLC or a GLC Coupé. The G-Class was also popular, with sales reaching a new record level for an October.

In October, a total of 11,202 customers were delighted to take delivery of their new two-door or four-door urban microcar (+3.0%). The smart brand increased its unit sales last month especially in its main markets, Germany (+22.8%) and Italy (+19.0%). In addition, smart models were very popular in October also in Portugal and Austria, with a double-digit sales growth in both countries. In the first ten months of the year, 107.586 cars of the smart brand were sold (-3.5%). Unit sales of the electric smart models reached new records worldwide both in October and in the first ten months.

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Source : Strategic Research Institute
Daimler will open new R&D center in China

Reuters reported that Daimler plans to invest CNY 1.1 billion (USD 158.23 million) in a second research and development center in Beijing to help accelerate localization of Mercedes-Benz vehicles in China. The automaker said the new tech center will be situated close to Daimler's engine and vehicle assembly hub in China's capital and is expected to start operations in 2020.

China, the world's biggest auto market, is Daimler's single largest market globally. The company's existing tech center in Beijing was established in 2014.

Mr Hubertus Troska, Daimler's chief for greater China operations, said that "We remain positive for further growth opportunities in China... and will continue with our investment here.”

Source : Reuters
Mercedes-Benz Rastatt plant starts production

At the Mercedes-Benz Rastatt plant the series production of the second latest-generation compact model has begun in the form of the B-Class. Mercedes-Benz is continuing the tourer’s success story. The B-Class is once again setting standards with regard to its look and functional equipment. The ramp-up of the A-Class compact Sedan took place in Rastatt several months ago, followed in short succession by the plants in Kecskemét (Hungary), Uusikaupunki (Finland) and the A-Class Sedan in September in Aguascalientes (Mexico).

Mr Markus Schäfer, Member of the Divisional Board Mercedes-Benz Cars, Production and Supply Chain said that “The B-Class ramp-up marks a further milestone in the ramp-up cascade of our next compact car generation. Our lead plant Rastatt is exclusively producing the tourer for the global market. Innovative Industry 4.0 technologies are being used here.”

The family of compact cars currently comprises seven models: A-Class (Compact Sedan, Sedan), B-Class, CLA, CLA Shooting Brake, GLA and the A-Class L Sedanwith a long wheelbase, which will in future be produced in Beijing specifically for the Chinese market.

Mr Thomas Geier, Site Manager of the Mercedes-Benz Rastatt plant said that “Our entire team is proud of the fact that Rastatt will remain inextricably linked with the B-Class in future, too. A start of production is always a highlight for a plant. For this one particularly, we have prepared ourselves intensively. Among other things, a hall was completely rebuilt. Thanks to our experience with the A-Class we are optimally acquainted with the production architecture and can use synergies.”

Mr Michael Lehmann, Deputy Chairman of the Works Council at the Mercedes-Benz Rastatt plant said that “Today’s start of production is a strong signal for the future of the site Rastatt. The exclusive production of the new B-Class will secure employment at our plant and in the entire region for years to come. This success is mainly down to the commitment of our employees.”

Source : Strategic research Institute
Daimler to start making electric cars in China in 2019

Reuters reported that Daimler will start building electric cars in China next year as a way to meet Beijing's stringent anti-pollution quotas for carmakers, even as demand for conventional models like the Mercedes-Benz Maybach remains strong.

Daimler China chief Hubertus Troska said that China has introduced minimum sales requirements for so-called new energy vehicles (NEV's) and Daimler is on track to meet the quota for 2018.

Mr Troska said that "We are very confident about fulfilling the NEV quotas adding that a new fully electric vehicle will be added to local production. We begin production end of next year, the Mercedes-Benz EQC electric model.”

Mr Troska said that Chinese customers are still buying high end Maybach models at a rate of 600 vehicles a month.

Mr Troska told a briefing in Stuttgart that sales of Mercedes-Benz passenger cars will continue to grow next year, given that consumer demand for premium cars has bucked an overall trend of flagging sales in the world's largest auto market.

Source : Reuters
Daimler wil Chinees belang vergroten - media

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Daimler AG wil zijn belang in de joint venture met zijn Chinese partner BAIC Motor vergroten tot een meerderheidsbelang, om meer grip te krijgen op de Chinese automarkt. Dat meldde persbureau Bloomberg dinsdag.

Volgens één van de anonieme bronnen zou Daimler interesse hebben laten blijken in een uitbreiding van het huidige belang van 49 procent tot ten minste 65 procent.

De gesprekken met het staatsbedrijf BAIC zijn in een verkennende fase en zullen mogelijk niet tot een overeenstemming leiden, aldus Bloomberg.

Daimler, dat onder andere auto's van het merk Mercedes maakt, gaf geen commentaar aan het persbureau en zei tevreden te zijn met de huidige configuratie in China. Een woordvoerder van het Chinese bedrijf ontkende dat er gesprekken lopen over een groter belang voor Daimler.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Mercedes-Benz November sales grow worldwide

Mercedes-Benz has once again set a new sales record towards the end of this year despite a volatile market environment: 198,545 vehicles with the three-pointed star were delivered to customers all over the world last month. Under ongoing challenging conditions, Mercedes-Benz sold more units than ever before in a November (+1.5%). Further progress with vehicle availability, particularly in some international markets, had a positive impact on sales development in the three core regions. In the first eleven months of the year, 2,103,653 Mercedes-Benz passenger cars were handed over to customers, which is slightly above the high level of the prior-year period (+0.4%). Last month, the brand with the star maintained its market leadership in the premium segment in markets including Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Portugal, South Korea, Japan, Australia and the USA.

Mercedes-Benz unit sales by region and market
In Europe, Mercedes-Benz sold a total of 82,007 vehicles in November, an increase of 2.6% and a new record. In the first eleven months of the year, 850,957 units were sold (-3.3%). The development in Germany was particularly pleasing. Mercedes-Benz sold 29,188 passenger cars with the three-pointed star in its domestic market last month, another double-digit increase of +12.5%. Once again, the new A-Class was very popular in Germany: sales of the compact car doubled compared to last year’s November. In France, Switzerland, Poland, Denmark, Portugal and Hungary, more cars with the three-pointed star were sold last month than in any November before.

Mercedes-Benz set new records in the Asia-Pacific region: 75,392 vehicles were hand over to customers in November (+1.5%) and 862,419 in the first eleven months (+7.5%). In China, the biggest sales market, 52,151 Mercedes-Benz passenger cars were sold last month (+2.6%). In the period of January to November, Mercedes-Benz achieved growth of +11.7% and sold 603,089 units. This November, together with the models delivered by the smart brand, the car division of Daimler AG became the first premium automobile manufacturer to pass the milestone of 600,000 vehicles delivered in China within one year. Mercedes-Benz achieved further sales records in November in the markets of South Korea, India, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.

In the NAFTA region, Mercedes-Benz sold a total of 35,842 vehicles in November (-1.8%). In the first eleven months of this year, 340,564 Mercedes-Benz passenger cars were handed over to customers in that region (-5.4%). In the United States, a total of 31,022 customers were delighted to receive their new model with the star last month, an increase of 0.6%. This means that a total of 283,943 vehicles were delivered in the United States in November (-6.0%). In Mexico, Mercedes-Benz set a new sales record in the first eleven months of the year.

Ms Britta Seeger, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG responsible for Mercedes-Benz Cars Marketing and Sales said that “With more than 198,000 vehicles delivered worldwide, Mercedes-Benz has achieved its best-ever November sales. In a challenging market environment, we’ve been able to increase unit sales slightly also since the beginning of the year. In China, we have delivered more than 600,000 Mercedes-Benz and smart vehicles since the beginning of this year. We are particularly pleased to be the first premium carmaker to achieve this sales milestone in China within one year.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Daimler buys battery cells in a total volume of EUR 20 billion

Daimler is taking the next step towards securing its CASE corporate strategy. The company already plays a leading role in all four areas of connectivity, autonomous, shared & services and electric. The combination of the individual fields plays a decisive role, especially in the transformation to electric mobility. Dr Dieter Zetsche, Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG and Head of Mercedes-Benz Cars said that “Our electric offensive continues to gain momentum. After investing billions of euros in the development of the electric fleet and the expansion of our global battery network, we are now taking the next step: With the purchase of battery cells for more than 20 billion euros, we are systematically pushing forward with the transformation into the electric future of our company. We plan a total of 130 electrified variants at Mercedes-Benz Cars by 2022. In addition, we will have electric vans, buses and trucks.”

The company is investing ten billion euros in the expansion of the Mercedes-Benz Cars electric fleet and another billion euros in the global battery production network within the worldwide production network.

Mr Wilko Stark, Member of the Divisional Board Mercedes-Benz Cars said that “With extensive orders for battery cells until the year 2030, we set another important milestone for the electrification of our future electric vehicles of the EQ product and technology brand. In this way, together with our partners, we ensure the supply of our global battery production network today and in the future using the latest technologies.”

Source : Strategic Research institute
Mercedes ranks highest in JD Power vehicle sales customer satisfaction

Economic Times reported that German luxury carmaker has grabbed the top position in after sales customer satisfaction index with 903 points as per global market research firm JD Power. Following Mercedes, BMW and Audi secured second and third positions with scores of 900 and 888, respectively. The study is based on responses from 250 new-vehicle owners who purchased their vehicle from September 2017 through August 2018, as per J D Power 2018 India sales satisfaction index (luxury).

It measures overall satisfaction by examining six factors dealership facility, delivery process, dealer sales consultant, paperwork completion, working out the deal and dealership website.

The study also concluded that luxury car buyers in India are deeply involved in the pre-purchase shopping process. The proactiveness of these buyers to be better informed requires dealership staff to be more prepared in interacting with these customers.

More than one-fourth (28 per cent) of luxury car buyers shopped around for other models before making a purchase decision, with 65 per cent of them using the internet as one of their key information sources, it noted.

Besides, 49 per cent of luxury car buyers contacted the dealer directly prior to their first physical visit of the dealership and 52 per cent of these buyers compared prices of the same model across multiple dealerships, it said.

Nearly two-thirds of buyers rely on friends and family as their primary source of information while deciding on the vehicle brand or model to purchase, the study said.

Source : Economic Times
Mercedes-Benz cuts China prices – Report

Reuters reported that German luxury carmaker Mercedes-Benz would offer discounts on cars imported into China from the United States until March 31 after Beijing suspended additional tariffs on US made cars. Daimler AG-owned company said on its microblog that prices of four models were cut by between 36,000 yuan (USD 5,219.96) and 135,000 yuan.

China will temporarily suspend additional 25 percent tariffs on US-made vehicles and auto parts starting January 1, the finance ministry said on Friday, following a truce in a trade war between China and the United States.

Source : Reuters
Daimler and BMW are mulling cooperation on key car components

Auto News reported that Daimler AG and BMW AG are considering joining forces on making key automotive components, a move that would tie the traditional luxury-car rivals more closely than ever before and reflect the fundamental changes sweeping the industry. German manufacturers are exploring options such as joint vehicle platforms, batteries and autonomous-car technology, people familiar with the matter told Bloomberg. Collaboration would be restricted to technology that’s not brand-specific, but deliberations are in their early stages and the timing of any decisions are unclear, the people said. Daimler and BMW declined to comment.

Under pressure to invest in self-driving, electric cars, automakers are increasingly reaching out to competitors in an effort to cut costs. Volkswagen AG is in negotiations with Ford Motor Co. to cooperate on vans and potentially autonomous vehicles. Partnerships are also a way to become more agile in the race to dominate digital services such as ride hailing to counter cash-rich technology giants like Alphabet Inc.

Strains have been evident and Mercedes-Benz parent Daimler and BMW have both cut profit targets this year, blaming trade tensions as well as rising development investments. Daimler is adding a suite of 10 electric vehicles over the next four years, while BMW said it will offer 12 battery-only models by 2025.

Joining forces on automotive technology would significantly deepen Daimler and BMW’s existing cooperation efforts. The German manufacturers already work on components purchasing and bought digital-mapping company HERE Technologies for 2.5 billion euros (USD 2.9 billion) in 2015 together with VW's Audi. This year, the pair agreed to combine their respective car-sharing platforms Car2Go and DriveNow a deal which received regulatory approval in the U.S. on Wednesday.

The merger of their mobility operations includes plans to add other services and has boosted prospects for more initiatives, the people said. Relations had soured last year after allegations surfaced that German carmakers had potentially breached antitrust regulations in Europe. The ongoing probe into suspected collusion between BMW, Daimler and Volkswagen may complicate new cooperation projects, one of the people said.

Given the complex nature of product and technology cycles, the eventual payoff from a partnership could take years to realize, the people said. Building new cars can involve decade-long planning, making cooperation notoriously difficult. In 2013, General Motors sold its stake in PSA Group after failing to find savings through joint purchasing and product development, while an alliance of Volkswagen and Suzuki Motor Co. broke down in 2016.

BMW currently works with Toyota Motor Corp to jointly make the Z4 and Supra sports cars, as well as conduct research on hydrogen cars. Daimler, meanwhile, has a cross share-holding with Renault SA and Nissan Motor Co. involving engine sharing and joint vehicle production.

Source : Auto News
Daimler told regulators about coolant-related recall – Report

Daimler told European regulators late last month that it will have to recall 127,847 Mercedes-Benz vehicles to replace the R134a coolant. The company's third-quarter earnings were hit by a provision taken after a court ruling confirming a ban on the R134a air conditioning fluid used in Mercedes cars.

Daimler had a brief battled against a refrigerant five years ago. Due to the EU’s Mobile Air Conditioning Directive that took effect in early 2013, automakers were forbidden to use R134a refrigerant in all-new vehicles because it had a global warming potential roughly 1,300 times worse than CO2.

The entire industry agreed to switch to the only known and available alternative capable of meeting the MAC Directive, a fluorine gas called R1234yf. Its production was controlled by partners Honeywell and DuPont.

Daimler argued that R1234yf was not safe and broke EU rules for roughly six months, selling about 130,000 mainly compact cars with the old refrigerant before the German type approval authorities granted the automaker a retroactive change in their homologation. On Oct. 8, the court ruled that Germany had violated the directive by allowing Daimler to sell those roughly 130,000 cars.

Daimler said in October that it could no longer rule out the possibility it would have to recall the vehicles and book provisions to cover the unplanned costs.

Source : Auto News
Video: Cees Smit tipt voor 2019

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Vermogensbeheerder Cees Smit van Today's Groep tipt General Electric en Daimler, in combinatie met een short op Nederlandse uitgevers als RELX en Wolters Kluwer. Smit licht toe.


Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

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Daimler Trucks sells well over 500,000 trucks in 2018

Daimler Trucks, the world’s leading truck manufacturer, achieved one of the best sales years in its history in 2018: Based on initial data, unit sales of the Mercedes-Benz, FUSO, Freightliner, Western Star, Thomas Built Buses and BharatBenz brands increased to well over 500,000 vehicles in 2018 (2017: 470,700). The exact sales figures will be announced by Daimler AG at its annual press conference on February 6, 2019. In a generally positive market environment, the Daimler Group’s trucks division had already increased its unit sales by eleven percent to approximately 466,900 units by the end of November, significantly more than in the same period of the previous year (January – November 2017: 422,500).

Mr Martin Daum, Member of the Board of Management of Daimler AG responsible for Trucks & Buses said that “2018 was one of the most successful years in the history of Daimler Trucks. As previously announced, our worldwide unit sales are significantly higher than in the previous year. With well over 500,000 trucks, we have achieved our highest unit sales of the past ten years. This success shows that we offer our customers around the globe strong products backed by an equally strong team. I would like to thank all my colleagues for their outstanding commitment over the past year. In 2019, we will continue pursuing the goal of making our customers – and ultimately society as well – more successful every day with innovative transport solutions. This also includes the technological transformation of our industry, which we are resolutely pushing forward with automated, electric and connected trucks.”

Strongest sales growth was in NAFTA region
Most of Daimler Trucks’ largest sales markets developed positively in the past year, with the highest growth achieved in the NAFTA region. Sales of the Freightliner, Western Star and Thomas Built Buses brands increased by 15 percent to a total of approximately 172,700 units in the first eleven months (prior-year period 150,600). With a recent market share of 38.3 percent in weight classes 6 – 8, Daimler Trucks was by far the undisputed market leader for medium- and heavy-duty trucks in North America once again in 2018. Freightliner’s flagship, the New Cascadia, played a key role in the market success: More than 76,500 of this model have been sold since the start of production in late 2016.

In June 2018, Daimler Trucks presented the heavy-duty Freightliner eCascadia and the medium-duty Western Star eM2, the first all-electric series-produced trucks for the North American market. The first vehicle, a Freightliner eM2, was handed over to the major US customer Penske Truck Leasing Corp. on December 20, 2018 for use in real customer operations. In the coming months, an innovation fleet of 30 all-electric trucks from Freightliner will be put into operation. Together with the Saf-T-Liner C2 electric school bus from Thomas Built Buses and the FUSO eCanter, Daimler Trucks offers the widest range of electric commercial vehicles on the North American market.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Mercedes edges BMW for 2018 in US

Automotive News reported that Mercedes-Benz kept the US luxury sales crown for the third year in a row in 2018, beating rival BMW by just under 5,000 vehicles. Mercedes sales were down 6.3 percent to 315,959, while BMW reported a rise of 1.7 percent to 311,014. Lexus volume dropped 2.2 percent to 298,310 and Audi deliveries fell 1.4 percent to 223,323. Tesla sold 182,400 cars, up from 48,000 the year before. Overall, US luxury sales fell 0.3 percent to 2 million vehicles, even as overall industry volume edged up 0.6 percent.

Acura leapfrogged Cadillac, selling 158,934 vehicles and topping Cadillac by 4,232 units.

Among other luxury brands, US sales in 2018 rose at Land Rover, Porsche, Alfa Romeo, Acura and Volvo but slipped at Jaguar, Infiniti, Genesis and Cadillac.

Mr Akshay Anand, executive analyst at Kelley Blue Book said that "Luxury will remain as hot as ever in 2019, with a slew of new product and new segment entries. The sales crown may mean a lot to automakers, but to consumers, what matters is finding the best bang for their buck in a time when most vehicles out there are rock-solid."

Source : Automotive News
Daimler Trucks invests half a billion Euros in highly automated trucks

Daimler Trucks announced that it will invest EUR 500 million over the next years and create more than 200 new jobs in its global push to bring highly automated trucks (SAE level 4) to the road within a decade. Highly automated driving is characterized as automated travel in defined areas and between defined hubs without any expectation of the system that a user will respond to a request to intervene. In commercial trucking, level 4 is the natural next step after level 2, increasing efficiency and productivity for customers, cutting costs per mile significantly. In doing so, Daimler Trucks is skipping the intermediate step of conditionally automated driving (level 3). Level 3 automated driving does not offer truck customers a substantial advantage compared to the current situation as there are no corresponding benefits to compensate for the technology costs.

The new Freightliner Cascadia offers partially automated driving features (level 2), making it the first-ever partially automated series production truck on North American roads. It also made its world premiere during today’s presentation of Daimler Trucks at CES.

Daimler Trucks has been a pioneer of automated truck development for years. In 2014, the world’s leading truck manufacturer presented the Mercedes-Benz Future Truck 2025, the world’s first automated truck, and was the first to demonstrate the technological opportunities and great potential that automated trucks have for the economy and society.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Geely ontkent halvering belang in Daimler - media

Daimler AG
48,285 -1,005 -2,04 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
Daimler AG
48,685 -0,595 -1,21 % Gruppo Borsa Italiana
Daimler AG -OTCPK-
$ 57,05 0,00 0,00 % OTC USA

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Geely heeft vrijdag ontkend dat het belang in de Duitse autofabrikant Daimler is gehalveerd. Dit schreef Bloomberg vrijdag.

Eerder vandaag meldde het persbureau op basis van bronnen juist dat het Chinese Geely het belang van 9,7 procent in Daimler zou hebben verlaagd door de verkoop van een belang van 5,4 procent.

Het aandeel Daimler leverde vrijdag 1,1 procent in.

Door: ABM Financial News.
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