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VIDEO: German Chancellor Angela Merkel is in Moscow for bilateral talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The confrontation between Washington and Tehran and turmoil in Libya are set to dominate the talks

JP Samosa

luchtschip schreef op 11 januari 2020 16:12:


Het lijkt mij angstaanjagend, te bedenken dat de US een atoombom heeft en er een President is die de beschikking heeft op de knop te drukken. Een President, die op 13 jarige leeftijd van school is verwijderd, omdat hij de lessen niet meer kon volgen en zich baldadig ging gedragen.

Jeugd en opleiding
In de tijd dat het gezin Trump in Jamaica Estates woonde, bezocht hij The Kew-Forest School in Forest Hills, waar zijn vader lid was van het schoolbestuur. Enkele broers en zussen gingen ook naar die school. Op zijn dertiende werd Trump door zijn school geschorst wegens slecht gedrag.

En toch met 70 jaar ,president van de US,
een Veel jongere en aantrekkelijke vrouw.

Weinig studiebollen die dit presteren.


Iraniërs gaan de straat op om te protesteren tegen het neer schieten van het Oekraains vliegtuig

Iranians are furious over the regime's downing of the Ukraine Int'l Airlines flight #PT752, killing all 176 on-board.

Jan 11 - Tehran, #Iran
Amir Kabir University
Crowd is chanting, "Death to the dictator!" in a reference to

Protesten burgers Iran tegen neerschieten passagiers vliegtuig.

Jan 11 - Tehran, #Iran
Students of Amir Kabir University are chanting during a large rally: "IRGC shame on you! Let go of the country!"

This rally follows today's acknowledgement by the IRGC of downing a Ukrainian airliner.

More footage from today's ongoing protests against the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) in Tehran.

Iranian authorities had used all resources possible to draw crowds to #Soleimani's funeral.

But people now are out despite not having any resources. This is called "organic" protest.

Dringend: speciale Iraanse strijdkrachten gebruiken traangas om de demonstranten tegen Khamenei in Teheran te verspreiden.
klik op tweet vertalen

Jan 11 - Tehran, #Iran
Amir Kabir University students holding a banner with pictures of their classmates killed in the Ukraine plane crash.
The banner reads:
"F*** you & your mistake!"
A senior IRGC official said today they "mistakenly" shot down the plane.


JP Samosa schreef op 11 januari 2020 17:01:


En toch met 70 jaar ,president van de US,
een Veel jongere en aantrekkelijke vrouw.

Weinig studiebollen die dit presteren.

Het gaat wat makkelijker met steun van de (Russische) maffia.
Een aantrekkelijke jonge vrouw is helemaal niet moeilijk. Het is handelswaar van de maffia.

President worden gaat wat moeilijker maar met steun van de (Russische) maffia, die genoeg ervaring heeft om samen met Putin Rusland leeg te roven en het geld naar shell companies in belasting paradijzen te sturen.
Het in bezit nemen van Rusland door een kliek misdadigers, een president en een aantal oligarchen vormt een blauwdruk om de USA in bezit te nemen.

Lees het Mueller rapport maar goed.

U.S. Warns Iraq It Risks Losing Access to Key Bank Account if Troops Told to Leave.

Loss of access to New York Fed account, where international oil sale revenue is kept, could creating cash crunch in Iraq’s financial system


luchtschip schreef op 11 januari 2020 16:12:

......Op zijn dertiende werd Trump door zijn school geschorst wegens slecht gedrag.
Er zijn veel, uiterst succesvolle personen die vroegtijdig van school zijn verwijderd. Waarschijnlijk wegens afwijkende persoonlijkheid en eigenzinnigheid. Kan een eigenschap zijn die je boven het maaiveld uit tilt.

Disclaimer: niet ieder lastig figuur wordt later IEMAND, dat dan ook weer niet. Neem mij nou..... ;-)

Handelen met voor kennis, voorafgaand aan de uitschakeling van Soleimani /

Misschien een verzoek doen aan :
the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Commodity Futures Trading Commission to investigate the suspicious trading

the U.S. drone strike that killed Qasem Soleimani at around 1 a.m. local time in Baghdad on Friday, January 3. That was around 5 p.m. in Washington.

It took the Pentagon another five hours or so—just before 10 p.m.—before it released its official statement telling the world that Soleimani had been killed

E-minis stop trading on the CME atabout 4 p.m. New York time (3 p.m. Chicago time) each day. There is then an hour of what’s known as aftermarket trading. Then there is a one-hour break in trading. Night trading in E-minis begins at 6 p.m. New York time, hours before the Pentagon made its official announcement about Soleimani’s killing.

For the first two and a half hours of the night trading on January 2, the volume in the E-mini market was around 1,000 contracts every 10 minutes, according to the trading records from that night made available to me. Nothing particularly remarkable.

But then, around 8:30 p.m. ET, or still some 90 minutes before the Pentagon made its announcement, trading picked up considerably. The S&P 500 index was then at 3260.

Suddenly, a trader or group of traders—but most likely not a single trade or trader—began making big bets that the S&P index would fall by selling the March 2020 E-mini futures contract. At 8:30 p.m. ET, 2,250 E-mini contracts were sold; at 8:40 p.m. ET, 5,790 E-mini contracts were sold; 10 minutes later, 7,113 E-mini contracts were sold.

In sum, in the 70 minutes between 8:30 p.m. ET and 9:40 p.m. ET, 76,000 E-mini contracts were sold. By then, the S&P 500 index had dropped to 3236.

After the attack was announced, the S&P 500 index dropped to 3206, a drop of around 50 points.

A 50-point drop in the index generates a profit of $2,500 per contract, assuming those contracts were sold short, which in this case they were. 76,000 contracts sold short, at a gain of around $2,500 per contract, equals some $190 million in profit—on paper anyway—for whomever, or group of whomevers, was clever enough or lucky enough or informed enough about the impending bombshell news out of the Pentagon that the important Iranian leader had been killed.

“Did someone or a group foresee the execution of top general of Iran?” an E-mini trader wondered in an email sent to me the other day. “…When volume goes from 1,000 every 10 minutes and jumps to as high as almost 17,000 in 10 minutes, something is going on.”



Nieuw gerechtelijk onderzoek Trump's tax returns door New York

Major red flags found in Trump’s taxes — and now New York City wants a criminal investigation

New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said Friday that he had asked Manhattan’s district attorney to investigate discrepancies ProPublica and WNYC revealed last fall between what President Donald Trump’s company reported in filings to city tax officials and what it reported in loan filings. The discrepancies made his properties seem more profitable to a lender and less profitable to the city’s tax authorities.

The referral related to Trump’s historic downtown skyscraper at 40 Wall Street, a city spokeswoman added.

"Trump furious over House War Powers vote, sources say" zegt CNN tenminste.


en een "democrate" doet ook een duit in het zakje, gisteren nog:

"Tulsi Gabbard: Trump has gone to war with Iran" net nu het met een sisser dreigt af te lopen.

Al Kipone
On the day the U.S. military killed a top Iranian commander in Baghdad, U.S. forces carried out another top-secret mission against a senior Iranian military official in Yemen, according to U.S. officials.?The strike targeting Abdul Reza Shahlai, a financier and key commander in Iran’s elite Quds Force who has been active in Yemen, did not result in his death, according to four U.S. officials familiar with the matter.?The unsuccessful operation may indicate that the Trump administration’s killing of Maj. Gen. Qasem Soleimani last week was part of a broader operation than previously explained, raising questions about whether the mission was designed to cripple the leadership of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps or solely to prevent an imminent attack on Americans as originally stated.?U.S. military operations in Yemen, where a civil war has created the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, are shrouded in secrecy. U.S. officials said the operation against Shahlai remains highly classified, and many declined to offer details other than to say it failed.


Trump claims Saudi Arabia has already deposited one billion dollars “in the bank” in exchange for US troops being sent. He then goes on to talk about South Korea paying $500 million for US troops defending them against North Korea.


Aanklacht tegen de Trump Administratie wegens het scheiden van kinderen van hun ouders bij de grens

The SPLC and its allies have filed a lawsuit challenging the Trump administration policy that has separated and traumatized thousands of migrant families.

The lawsuit, filed this week on behalf of two immigrant parents separated from their children by immigration officials at the U.S. border, describes how the government deliberately terrorized these families by separating them under this policy, which began in 2017. The policy itself was a callous attempt to deter future migrants from entering the United States.

“The Trump Administration’s inhumane and unlawful family separation policy caused deep and lasting harm to children and their parents,” said Michelle Lapointe, SPLC senior supervising attorney. “Multiple internal government investigations have already exposed the reckless implementation and devastating impact of this policy, which was designed and executed to inflict the maximum amount of cruelty possible on vulnerable people, like our clients.”

“I never dreamed that the United States would treat my son and me this way,” said A.P.F., one of the plaintiffs. “We came looking for safety, and instead, we were caged like animals. No one answered my calls for help when my son grew more and more sick [before we were separated]. He was taken from me and I had no idea what was happening to him. When I learned that he was abused by other boys, I was sick with grief. No one deserves this cruelty.”



High-level pro-Iran militia commander in Iraq is killed by unknown gunmen (cough)
Taleb Abbas Ali al-Saedi


A prominent pro-Iran militia commander has been killed by unidentified gunmen in Iraq.

High-level Popular Mobilization Forces leader Taleb Abbas Ali al-Saedi was shot dead late on Saturday in Karbala, a city about 62 miles southwest of Baghdad.

Local media reported that al-Saedi was 'assassinated' by unknown gunmen, but no further details about the shooters were immediately available.

Al-Saedi was the commander of the Karbala Brigade, a unit within the Iran-backed Shiite PMF umbrella group.



Het regiem in Iran laat de Islamic Regime Police optreden tegen mensen die bij de universiteit Amir Kabir in Teheran protesteren.

#BREAKING: Special Pasdaran Unit of #Iran's Islamic Regime Police is now brutally attacking & suppressing #AmirKabir university students who are protesting against #Iran's Islamic Regime over shot-down of Flight #PS752 of #Ukraine International Airlines by #IRGC|ASF's Tor-M1.


Veel van de Canadezen, van Iraanse afkomst, in het neergeschoten toestel in Iran, waren hoog opgeleiden van diverse universiteiten in Canada.

The Iran plane crash dealt a huge blow to Canadian universities.

Here are some of the bright minds that were lost

university researcher developing a deeper understanding of a deadly microscopic parasite that causes a disease affecting millions.
A graduate student researching how climate change affects lake systems in southern Ontario.
And a college teacher who worked tirelessly to improve electrical engineering tech courses for students, whom he always welcomed to his office with a warm smile.

They are among 50 members of university and college communities across the country whose lives were cut short Wednesday when a jetliner crashed in Iran.
All 176 people on board were killed, among them 138 who were en route to Canada.

It’s estimated that 46 students, researchers and faculty from 19 universities, and four from three colleges, perished when the Ukraine International Airlines jet exploded.

"This is a national tragedy for Canada,”


luchtschip schreef op 11 januari 2020 23:19:

Veel van de Canadezen, van Iraanse afkomst, in het neergeschoten toestel in Iran, waren hoog opgeleiden van diverse universiteiten in Canada.

The Iran plane crash dealt a huge blow to Canadian universities.

Here are some of the bright minds that were lost

university researcher developing a deeper understanding of a deadly microscopic parasite that causes a disease affecting millions.
A graduate student researching how climate change affects lake systems in southern Ontario.
And a college teacher who worked tirelessly to improve electrical engineering tech courses for students, whom he always welcomed to his office with a warm smile.

They are among 50 members of university and college communities across the country whose lives were cut short Wednesday when a jetliner crashed in Iran.
All 176 people on board were killed, among them 138 who were en route to Canada.

It’s estimated that 46 students, researchers and faculty from 19 universities, and four from three colleges, perished when the Ukraine International Airlines jet exploded.

"This is a national tragedy for Canada,”


luchtschip schreef op 11 januari 2020 22:34:

Het regiem in Iran laat de Islamic Regime Police optreden tegen mensen die bij de universiteit Amir Kabir in Teheran protesteren.

#BREAKING: Special Pasdaran Unit of #Iran's Islamic Regime Police is now brutally attacking & suppressing #AmirKabir university students who are protesting against #Iran's Islamic Regime over shot-down of Flight #PS752 of #Ukraine International Airlines by #IRGC|ASF's Tor-M1.


''(...) Om de regering van de premier Mossadeq omver te werpen, bekokstoven de Britse geheime dienst MI6 en de Amerikaanse CIA achter de schermen een gedetailleerd plan met de naam: ''Operatie Ajax''. Bedoeld om Iran te ontwrichten en het Mossadeq onmogelijk te maken. De CIA manipuleert Iraanse media door journalisten om te kopen en betaald mensen om onrust te stoken in het land. Gevolg: rellen. Het Iraanse leger grijpt hard in, op het eerste oog tegen zijn eigen burgers dus. Het volk keert zich daarom tegen hen en Mossadeq verliest de grip. (...)''


asti schreef op 12 januari 2020 01:04:


''(...) Om de regering van de premier Mossadeq omver te werpen, bekokstoven de Britse geheime dienst MI6 en de Amerikaanse CIA achter de schermen een gedetailleerd plan met de naam: ''Operatie Ajax''. Bedoeld om Iran te ontwrichten en het Mossadeq onmogelijk te maken. De CIA manipuleert Iraanse media door journalisten om te kopen en betaald mensen om onrust te stoken in het land. Gevolg: rellen. Het Iraanse leger grijpt hard in, op het eerste oog tegen zijn eigen burgers dus. Het volk keert zich daarom tegen hen en Mossadeq verliest de grip. (...)''

En wat is je boodschap?

Dat dit de reden is dat de Iraniërs de Amerikanen haten?

nee hoor, Het regiem vertelt dat de US de vijand is van de Iraniërs.

Hoor het de Iraniërs zelf vertellen, tijdens hun protesten :

They(the protestors) are chanting: "The regime told us our enemy is the US. But actually, our enemy is right here" [in reference to the regime itself].

Protests continue in Tehran. Protesters are chanting many of the same slogans from #IranProtests of November 2019


Ook in Isfahan, Iran
“Our enemy is right here;
They lie when they say it’s the US”

#Iranprotests in Esfahan
January 11, 2020

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