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Slechtste belegger ooit
Viveve Medical Inc, op basis van welke overweging is die bullish?
Welke informatiebron heb je gehanteerd?
Slechtste belegger ooit

Stier de Beer schreef op 2 februari 2021 10:50:

$SNDL vliegt de lucht in
Klopt, mooie stijging weer vandaag. Zit er ook in met een bescheiden aantal.
Ik vraag me af welke invloed Corona op hun producten gehad heeft?
Is verbouwing of verkoop hierdoor ook gestagneerd, vertraagd? De daling vanaf 2019 is bizar.
Ik heb geen info over emissies of verwatering gezien, iemand?
Ncyt mcap £580 million vs Braveheart £15 million

Paraytec's target is to detect less than 1000 virions per millilitre of sample, which would represent a market leading performance"

"Detection tests show that Paraytec's aptamer based viral capture system completely traps target material in 300 seconds or less, confirming that its test platform is on target to deliver a test result within a five-minute timeframe"

"We are very pleased with the rapid performance of our sample capture device. Together with the analytical sensitivity and speed of the optical system, we are on track to deliver a robust test that will support the level of infection control required globally."

"We are very pleased with the rapid performance of our sample capture device" MEANING capture device is well on TRACK and to DELIVER what paraytec / professor have been saying all this time....looks like we are TUNING this device to make it even better and FASTER....WATCH THIS SPACE.....dont get caught out on next rns....which can come much earlier than late FEB

"Together with the analytical sensitivity and speed of the optical system, we are on track to deliver a robust test that will support the level of infection control required globally."

"The objective is to develop a portable test, which can generate a result in a matter of minutes from a swab provided at the test location and which requires no specialist skills for its operation. If successful, it could be used in airports, transport hubs, large workplaces and similar settings, where rapid screening of large numbers of people for presence of COVID-19 or any future emerging pandemic, is required."


YVES11 schreef op 4 februari 2021 09:22:

Acteos 3.72 ritje naar 4 en meer
Atari 0.382 cijfers volgende week
Atari 0.402!
Reuters heeft bekendgemaakt dat Vive zal uitbreiden in Koreaanse verzekeringsportofolio. Dit zal zorgen voor een grotere marktpositie.

fsleeking schreef op 4 februari 2021 11:00:

Waar is dan te vinden dat Atari volgende week de cijfers presenteert?
ATARI : résultats semestriels dévoilés le 9 février
15/01/2021 | 09:34
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Le Groupe Atari annonce que la publication de ses résultats financiers semestriels pour la période close le 30 septembre 2020 aura désormais lieu le 9 février 2021. L’Assemblée générale se tiendra à huis-clos le 15 février 2021, à 17 heures.
BioSolar Inc. (BRSC)

Dec. 14, 2020
BioSolar, Inc. (BSRC)By: Meghavi Singh, SA News Editor

BioSolar (OTCPK:BSRC) formed a wholly owned subsidiary, NewHydrogen, to develop an electrolyzer technology to lower the cost of green hydrogen.

The JV will run parallel and complementary to the Company’s existing lithium-ion technology development targeting the high-growth battery electric vehicle (BEV) sector.

In a 2020 research report, Goldman Sachs estimates that green hydrogen will be a “once in a lifetime” market opportunity worth more than $12T and electrolyzer technology is the only commercially available solution for doing so.

"While we embark on this new program in the high growth category of green hydrogen production, we remain committed to our existing battery technology development program with the focus of commercializing a silicon anode capable of improving the efficiency and lowering the cost of battery electric vehicle design and production," says Dr. David Lee, CEO of BioSolar.
BioSolar plans to change corporate name to NewHydrogen

Jan. 14, 2021 BioSolar, Inc. (BSRC)By: Khyathi Dalal, SA News Editor

BioSolar (OTCPK:BSRC +46.8%) announced that it plans to change its corporate name to NewHydrogen in order to better reflect the company's focus on reducing the cost of green hydrogen production.

"With our increased focus on green hydrogen, we believe that NewHydrogen is a more appropriate name for our public company. Therefore, we plan to use the name of our recently launched green hydrogen venture as our parent company name," CEO Dr. David Lee commented.


BioSolar -- NewHydrogen

NewHydrogen expands green hydrogen technology focus

By Molly Burgesson Jan 19, 2021

NewHydrogen, a wholly owned subsidiary of BioSolar, is exploring additional cost reduction opportunities in hydrogen electrolysers beyond its current research project at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).

In a statement released today (19th Jan) the clean energy technologies company said it has identified additional components and materials in electrolysers where meaningful cost reductions can be performed.

The current sponsored research program at UCLA is focused on replacing iridium, a precious metal found only in asteroids, with earth abundant materials that meet or exceed the performance characteristics of iridium.

“We selected UCLA because they are one of the top research institutions in the country with a deep pool of talented researchers and state of the art facilities, and because they already have a high-performance catalyst candidate from a different program that positions us well for growth,” said Dr. David Lee, CEO of BioSolar.

“The UCLA team has extensive experience in nanoscale materials and nanotechnology to impact a wide range of technologies including materials synthesis, catalysis, fuel cells, biomedical and devices applications. With a strong research foundation in place, we are excited for what comes next.”

“We intend to aggressively expand our research programs to reduce the cost of these major material components to significantly reduce the cost of green hydrogen production,” Dr. Lee continued.

“Whether doing more at UCLA, or building out our in-house team, partnering with other top research institutions, we are fully committed to a future powered by Green Hydrogen. Goldman Sachs calls Green Hydrogen a ‘once in a lifetime’ $12 trillion market opportunity. We are excited to be a part of this revolution to establish a more sustainable future.”


Stier de Beer schreef op 2 februari 2021 10:50:

$SNDL vliegt de lucht in
Vliegt straks nog veel hoger ;-)
Ik volg deze aandeeltjes niet, maar toevallig viel mijn oog hier op.
Wat is hier met dit spul aan de hand????

Zitten hier mensen in pennystocks ivm psychedelic therapies?
Ik zit zelf in Mind Medicine (75%), Numinus Wellness (15%) en Compass Pathways (10%).

Zou jullie thoughts wel eens willen horen, of ben ik de enige?

rivo schreef op 4 februari 2021 22:45:

BioSolar -- NewHydrogen

NewHydrogen expands green hydrogen technology focus

By Molly Burgesson Jan 19, 2021

NewHydrogen, a wholly owned subsidiary of BioSolar, is exploring additional cost reduction opportunities in hydrogen electrolysers beyond its current research project at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA).

In a statement released today (19th Jan) the clean energy technologies company said it has identified additional components and materials in electrolysers where meaningful cost reductions can be performed.

The current sponsored research program at UCLA is focused on replacing iridium, a precious metal found only in asteroids, with earth abundant materials that meet or exceed the performance characteristics of iridium.

“We selected UCLA because they are one of the top research institutions in the country with a deep pool of talented researchers and state of the art facilities, and because they already have a high-performance catalyst candidate from a different program that positions us well for growth,” said Dr. David Lee, CEO of BioSolar.

“The UCLA team has extensive experience in nanoscale materials and nanotechnology to impact a wide range of technologies including materials synthesis, catalysis, fuel cells, biomedical and devices applications. With a strong research foundation in place, we are excited for what comes next.”

“We intend to aggressively expand our research programs to reduce the cost of these major material components to significantly reduce the cost of green hydrogen production,” Dr. Lee continued.

“Whether doing more at UCLA, or building out our in-house team, partnering with other top research institutions, we are fully committed to a future powered by Green Hydrogen. Goldman Sachs calls Green Hydrogen a ‘once in a lifetime’ $12 trillion market opportunity. We are excited to be a part of this revolution to establish a more sustainable future.”

Klinkt goed, ik ga er meer over lezen.

Ik kan dit aandeel via geen enkele broker vinden. Welke broker gebruik jij?

simidoc schreef op 5 februari 2021 07:01:

Ik volg deze aandeeltjes niet, maar toevallig viel mijn oog hier op.
Wat is hier met dit spul aan de hand????

[quote alias=Mits id=13164852 date=202102051046]
Klinkt goed, ik ga er meer over lezen.

Ik kan dit aandeel via geen enkele broker vinden. Welke broker gebruik jij?

Verkrijgbaar bij Binck (BSRC)
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