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Een grote meerderheid der amerikanen is het volgens de enquetes volslagen ONEENS met president Bush inzake diens goedkeuring voor een arabische overname van een zestal havens.

Al is dat best te begrijpen, maar het zal zeer waarschijnlijk desastreuze gevolgen met zich meebrengen voor de amerikaanse dollar, en de amerikaanse schatkist mocht Jerry Lewis zijn zin krijgen.

(Jerry Lewis, who chairs the powerful House of Representatives appropriations committee, is introducing emergency legislation to halt the takeover.)

Arsabieren die WEL olie mogen leveren, maar vervolgens de voor die olie ontvangen dollars NIET mogen gebruiken, zoals zij dat zelf willen, zouden weleens kunnen overgaan tot het zich volledig terugtrekken uit die dollar.

Amerika kan zich zoiets niet veroorloven ..........
tenzij chinese havens WEL toegestaan worden .....

[Modbreak Thijs (forum@iex.nl): De titel van dit bericht is deels verwijderd. Gelieve geen beledigingen te gebruiken om aandacht te trekken voor uw berichten.]
Vroeger of later, moet je bloeden voor het feit dat je honderden miljarden MEER uitgeeft, dan je eigenlijk hebt. Dit kan misschien nog best overwaaien, maar het gaat helaas niet weg .....

[Modbreak Thijs (forum@iex.nl): Een deel van dit bericht is, net als vele vervolgberichten, verwijderd. Gelieve anderen niet te beledigen.]

Hans in Benidorm schreef:

Vroeger of later, moet je bloeden voor het feit dat je honderden miljarden MEER uitgeeft, dan je eigenlijk hebt. Dit kan misschien nog best overwaaien, maar het gaat helaas niet weg .....
alsof wij veel rijker zijn. Wij hebben dezelfde relatief te hoge salarissen als de Amerikanen en denk AMmerika even weg en wij hebben een enorm handelstekort. Alsof die CHhinezen om de diensten van onze ambtenaren in onze opgeblazen overheid zitten te wachten, of op de diensten van onze miljoen WAOers. Wie is er hier kortzichtig en dom in zijn arrogantie ? Wij draaien op olie uit het midden oosten en goedkope consumptiegoederen uit azie. De aex bestaat voornamelijk uit financieele dienstverleners.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. House of Representatives committee on Wednesday voted overwhelmingly to block an Arab-owned company from managing American ports, defying President George W. Bush who has vigorously supported the deal.

By a vote of 62-2, the House Appropriations Committee approved a measure to stop the state-owned United Arab Emirates company Dubai Ports World from managing six U.S. ports.

A vote by the full House could come next week on the legislation, which was attached to a must-do bill providing more emergency funds for the war in Iraq and for rebuilding Southern states hit by hurricanes last year.

Earlier on Wednesday, White House spokesman Scott McClellan told reporters in New Orleans, where Bush was again assessing Hurricane Katrina rebuilding efforts, "the president's position has not changed" on the fight over the Dubai company's role in managing U.S. ports.

White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said the administration was "actively soliciting the views of members of Congress, as well as state and local officials" as part of a 45-day review of the deal.

Bush enjoys the support of at least one key Republican, Thad Cochran of Mississippi, who chairs the Senate Appropriations Committee and will shepherd the emergency spending bill through the Senate.

"I support him (Bush) in upholding the contract with Dubai Ports World," Cochran said, adding he was convinced the company's "management techniques will improve the efficiency of the ports and will not jeopardize national security."

The House committee's vote on Wednesday was a reaction reacting to what members said was broad opposition to the deal by constituents. House Majority Leader John Boehner on Tuesday called it a "very hot political potato."

On the other side of the Capitol, Sen. Charles Schumer, a New York Democrat, offered a measure as an amendment to a sweeping Senate lobby-reform bill to block the ports deal.

It was unclear if Schumer's proposal would even come for a vote in the Republican-led Senate where Majority Leader Bill Frist has said he would oppose consideration of any such measure until the 45-day review is done.

Since word of the deal broke last month, lawmakers have complained about security risks if ports management was turned over to firms from countries that in the past were sympathetic to terrorist activities.
"We want to make sure the security of our ports is in America's hands," said House Appropriations Committee Chairman Jerry Lewis, a California Republican. Lewis' amendment did not try to force broader controls on foreign investment in U.S. facilities, as some lawmakers have suggested.

Lewis' amendment targets just the Dubai ports deal by blocking use of federal funds to implement it and barring the acquisition of leases or contracts of British-based P&O by Dubai Ports World. The Arab company's takeover of the global assets of P&O -- including ports such as New York and New Jersey -- sparked the controversy.

One of the committee members arguing against blocking the port deal was Rep. James Moran, a Virginia Democrat, who said, "Dubai is a staunchly pro-American, pro-business nation whose objectives are entirely the opposite of Osama bin Laden."

Moran, like Bush, said that working with Middle East companies such as Dubai Ports World would further American goals of modernizing and Westernizing the Arab world.

The other committee opponent, Rep. Jim Kolbe, an Arizona Republican, argued, "American ports are going to be just as insecure after we pass this amendment as they were before."

Over the past year or so, Democrats have accused Bush and the Republican-controlled Congress of seriously underfunding U.S. port security efforts, including checking ship containers for possible weapons of mass destruction.

The Bush administration says concerns about the deal are unwarranted and the United Arab Emirates has been a valuable ally in fighting terrorism after the September 11 attacks.

Management of the U.S. ports was included in a $6.85 billion deal in which Dubai Ports World would take over the global assets of Britain-based port operating company P&O.

Tis maar dat ik het niet uit mijnen duim zuig...

China Lashes Back at U.S. on Human Rights

BEIJING - China on Thursday lashed out against U.S. criticism of its human rights record, saying racial discrimination and crime were still rife in the United States and prisoners were being abused at U.S.-run detention centers abroad.

The State Council, China's cabinet, denounced the United States for what it said were rampant violence and widespread discrimination against minorities — especially blacks — in its annual response to the State Department's report on human rights worldwide.

"For a long time, the life and security of the people of the United States has not been under efficient protection," the Chinese report said.

Blacks are given heavier criminal penalties, arrested more frequently and are more likely to be targeted for hate crimes, the report said.

It also criticized American troops for brutality at prisons in
Iraq and the detention camp for terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

"As in previous years, the State Department pointed the finger at human rights situations in more than 190 countries and regions, including China, but kept silent on the serious violations of human rights in the United States," it said.

It is "an act that fully exposes its hypocrisy and double standard on human rights issues," said the report which drew mostly from stories and statistics in the American press.

The response came one day after the State Department said the Chinese government's human rights record "remained poor, and the government continued to commit numerous and serious abuses."

The U.S. report said repression worsened in China in 2005, with a trend toward "increased harassment, detention, and imprisonment" of people seen as threats to the Chinese government. It also mentioned tightened controls over print, broadcast and electronic media and censorship of online content.

The State Department study, published each year since 1977, offers a comprehensive analysis of all countries in the world except the United States.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said Washington's report ignored China's progress in human rights, which he claimed "not only met with the satisfaction of the Chinese people but also has been widely affirmed by the international community."

"We express our strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition," Qin said, adding that Washington should "immediately end the erroneous practice of interfering in other country's internal politics."

A large section of the Chinese report was devoted to racial discrimination, which it said had "long been a chronic malady of American society."

It said the country's blacks and other minorities had much lower living standards and incomes and faced job discrimination. Blacks were also more likely to receive the death penalty for serious crimes, it said.

Since the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, Muslims have been targeted for arrests and detention under "the banner of 'anti-terrorism,'" the report said.

It also criticized American foreign policy and detailed prison abuse by American troops in Iraq and Guantanamo Bay, accusing them of using "various kinds of torture" while trying to "extract information."

The report also touched on:

• private gun ownership in America, saying the "unchecked spread of guns has caused incessant murders."

• secret wire taps and surveillance on American citizens under the Patriot Act.

• the poverty rate and the problem of homelessness.

"No country in the world can claim to have a perfect state of human rights," the Chinese report said.

"We urge the U.S. government to look squarely at its own human rights problems, reflect what it has done in the human rights field and take concrete measures to improve its own human rights status."


Wie opereert eigenlijk de Nederlandse havens? Zou het ook Dubai zijn?


Beste Ab,


Ik snap ook niet goed wat je nou wil duidelijk maken hoor Hans.
En waarom zo'n suggestieve header?



WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. trade deficit swelled to a record $68.5 billion in January, as America's ravenous appetite for foreign goods hit new heights and overpowered record exports, a government report showed.

The monthly trade gap widened 5.3 percent from a revised estimate of $65.1 billion in December and surprised Wall Street analysts who had forecast less of a surge.

It prompted renewed calls for government action -- ranging from tougher enforcement of U.S. trade laws to a surcharge on manufactured goods imports -- to narrow the gap.

The January trade gap followed the record annual trade deficit of $723.6 billion in 2005.

Another annual record of more than $800 billion would be set in 2006 if the trade gap continued to run at the pace set in the first month of the year.

"The trade deficit, if you can still use the term deficit to describe the GDP of a small country, just keeps getting wider. This is the Energizer bunny on steroids as it keeps growing and growing and growing," said Joel Naroff, president and chief economist of Naroff Economic Advisors.

The January gap was "little short of a disaster" that could trim U.S. economic growth in the first quarter if it remains as large in coming months, said Paul Ashworth, senior international economist at Capital Economics.

Economists estimated economic growth could be trimmed up to 1 percentage point if the trade gap does not narrow.

Major financial markets shrugged off the trade data, instead focusing on monetary policy changes in Japan and the U.S. employment report scheduled for Friday.

Sen. Byron Dorgan, a North Dakota Democrat, linked the enormous shortfall to the Bush administration's controversial decision to allow a state-owned Dubai company to take over some terminal operations at U.S. ports.

"The only way for the United States to keep financing $2 billion a day in trade deficits is to sell off U.S. assets and now that apparently includes our security assets," he said.

Dubai Ports World acquired the rights to manage the ports as part of its acquisition of British company P&O.

U.S. imports rose 3.5 percent in January to a new high of $182.9 billion, as American companies and consumers lapped record volumes of foreign goods in categories ranging from food, animal feed and beverages to autos and auto parts.

High prices for imported oil, which increased more than 4 percent in January to $51.93 per barrel, helped push the trade gap to a new high. The United States ran an $8.4 billion deficit with the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, growing 11.6 percent from December.

However, many analysts focused on the trade gap for non-petroleum goods, which was a record $49.6 billion.

"You can't blame it all on energy because the trade deficit excluding petroleum rose faster than the overall deficit. The main culprit once again continues to be that imports are growing faster than exports," said Michael Sheldon, chief market strategist at Spencer Clarke in New York.

The monthly trade gap with China widened 9.9 percent to $17.9 billion in January as U.S exports to that country slipped and imports grew.

The persistent deficit with China, the largest U.S. gap with any single country, has fueled charges in Congress that China is an unfair trader that manipulates its currency to gain a trade advantage. Manufacturers and politicians have demanded that Beijing revalue its yuan currency.

In a sign of improved economic growth overseas, U.S. exports increased in January to a record $114.4 billion, up 2.5 percent from the prior month. The export rise was led by record shipments of industrial supplies and materials, capital goods and auto and auto parts.

Although exports have risen steadily in recent years, they have not been able to match the growth in imports, keeping the trade deficit on an ever-widening path.

Separately, a Labor Department report showed the number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits rose unexpectedly last week to 303,000, the highest level since the start of the year, from 295,000 the prior week. Economists had expected claims to fall to 290,000.

Een land dat het geld van andere landen ZO nodig heeft als de Verenigde Staten, kan het zich niet veroorloven, die landen tegen zich in het harnas te jagen. Zonder de bereidwillendheid van China, Rusland en de OPEC landen stort de dollar als een kaartenhuis in elkaar. En, daarmee, tevens een belangrijk stuk van de wereldeconomie. Amerika moet wel buitenlandse beleggingen, cq overnames toelaten, een boycot, oftewel een situatie waarin genoemde landen de dollar in de steek zouden laten zou rampzalig zijn. Het toelaten van die buitenlandse overnames is uiteraard alleen maar uitstel, van het onvermijdelijke: de dollarkoers zal gaan zakken, de interest in amerika zal omhoog moeten ......
Gewoonweg simpele makro economische prietpraat, maar, helaas wel de waarheid.

Het is een goede zaak voor de wereldeconomie, en voor de Verenigde Staten in het bijzonder, dat China structureel nog zoveel zaken nodig heeft. Vliegtuigen, computers enz enz die worden gekocht voor een belangrijk deel in de VS, hetwelk de handelstekorten nog enigszins in toom houden, maar, eens houdt dat op. Dan beginnen de echte problemen pas.

De amerikanen zijn dus DOM, omdat ze dat niet in wensen te zien.

de key zit volgens mij hier: The only way for the United States to keep financing $2 billion a day in trade deficits is to sell off U.S. assets and now that apparently includes our security assets,"
Zouden jullie zo vriendelijk willen zijn om die AMERIKAANSE PB in Nederlands te willen typen? bvd.
Ik ben dom en kan geen engels. haha
de FEITEN, en niet het pro-amerikaanse ge-oh van velen, laten gewoon zien dat de Verenigde Staten een oude, tandenloze leeuw zijn. Een paar nagels heeft het beestje nog, maar de kracht neemt snel af. Het handelstekort van de Verenigde Staten is zodanig desastreus, dat al gedurende lange tijd de economische grootmachten er alles aan doen, om het uit de publiciteit te halen. Voor de super-dommen onder u, heeft men zelfs de assen van het grafiekje omgedraaid, zodat alles 'beter' lijkt.

Je KUNT niet elke dag 2 miljard MEER uitgeven, dan je hebt. Dat houdt gewoon een keer op.

Ik heb verder ook heel uitgesproken ideeën over persvrijheid, vrijheid van meningsuiting, oorlogsmisdaden, misdaden tegen de mensheid, enz enz maar, ik vind dat IEX niet het forum is, om die specifiek te bespreken. Al vind ik persoonlijk wel, dat economische sancties zouden moeten uitgesproken tegen de VS. De VS van George Bush zijn NIET de VS van 1952, zijn NIET mijn VS .....



Rep. Sue Myrick (Republican-North Carolina) put it in a letter to President Bush this week,

“Dear Mr. President: In regards to selling American ports to the United Arab Emirates, not just NO but HELL NO!”

Goed zo!


A Dubai-owned firm is already providing shipping services in the United States, it has emerged.
Inchcape Shipping Services, whose clients include the US Navy, has been owned since January by the United Arab Emirates investment firm Istithmar.

Fellow Dubai firm Dubai Ports World has agreed to cede control of US ports acquired in its takeover of P&O to a "US entity" after a political outcry.

The US Congress threatened to block the takeover on security grounds.

'Rigorous security'

Republican and Democrat politicians both claimed that the deal would make key US assets more vulnerable to terrorist attack.

However, as Dubai Ports World conceded the deal would not go ahead as planned, it emerged that Inchcape Shipping Services (ISS) has had extensive interests in the US for many years.

ISS arranges pilots, tugs and dock workers for shipping companies and works with the US Customs to ensure the smooth arrival and departure of vessels at ports such as New York, New Jersey and San Francisco.

ISS was bought by Istithmar, an investment firm ultimately owned by the Dubai royal family, for $285m in January.

Following the takeover, ISS maintained its global headquarters in London, where the firm's management is based.

In a statement, ISS said all its staff working at US ports were fully vetted and cleared before being employed.

"As a company, ISS has undergone rigorous external security checks, as well as having comprehensive internal policies on security," it said.

Dubai Ports World has not explicitly said it will sell the subsidiaries responsible for US ports although the White House has suggested that this will be the end result.

Despite this apparent concession, leading US politicians have called for a comprehensive review of ownership of key transport assets.

"I would like to see us move toward really focusing on our critical infrastructure that is controlled, owned or operated by any foreign government," Senator Hilary Clinton said on Thursday.

Public opinion

US public opinion was opposed to Dubai Ports World's takeover of US ports, leading critics to express concerns about rising Islamaphobia.

According to a recent opinion poll, many Americans hold increasingly negative views about Islam.

More than 45% people surveyed for a Washington Post-ABC poll said they had a negative view of Islam, up 7% since the 11 September 2001 attacks in New York and Washington.

Trade experts said the Dubai Ports World saga would set a damaging precedent for other Middle Eastern firms planning to invest in the US.

"It is just assuming that if a company is from the Middle East it is de facto disqualified from investing in the United States, and I think that is a terrible message to send," said Daniel Griswold, director of the Cato Institute's Centre for Trade Policy Studies.


stier schreef:

Laten we het maar meteen met z'n allen toe geven :
Amerikanen zijn zeer domme mensen.
Hopelijk zijn we nu van dat gezeur af.

groeten stier
het is jammer dat de openingsdraad op gaat aan gekissebis onderling.

Ik denk dat door het afblazen van die havens overname door arabieren namelijk een grote crisis is voorkomen.

Iets anders is dat dit op termijn natuurlijk niet zonder gevolgen gaat blijven. Arabische investeringsmaatschappijen voelen zich terecht gediscrimineerd lijkt mij.

Wie "de val vd dollar" heeft gezien weet dat arabieren zeer gróóte belangen hebben in de VS.

Dat 9 vd 10 Amerikanen dat blijkbaar niet weten en zich met hand en tand verzetten tegen die havens overname is wel een beetje dom eigenlijk.

Met die belangen in de VS hebben zij namelijk wel degelijk invloed op de dollar en de gehele economie. Een enorme schuldenpositie en kwetsbare dollaar is geen goede sistuatie om met je grootste investeerders ruzie te gaan maken of ze als ongewenst te typeren.

Dat het volk dit niet weet is al vreemd, maar dat politici hier 100% in meegaan, bang om impopulaire maatregelen te nemen is bijna hetzelfde als je eigen graf graven.
Ik vind dat je wel beter bijvoorbeeld arabieren kan laten investeren in jou eigen belangen. Want als arabieren economische belangen hebben in jouw economie dan hebben ze hebben ze dus ook een economisch belang om jouw economische belangen te verdedigen in hun invloedsgebied. Wederzijdse economische belangen bevorderen de vrede omdat vrede dan ieders economisch eigenbelang is. Want volgens de econoom Adam Smith is het zo dat als iedereen zijn eigenbelang nastreeft toch vanzelf hieruit het algemeen belang uit voortvloeit. En aangezien amerika het meest kapatalische land is en dus de economische doctrine van Adam Smith aanhangt lijkt het mij toch logisch om deze theorie niet alleen op individuele niveau toe te passen maar ook op geografisch niveau. Want niemand gaat immers zijn eigen belang aanvallen. Dit is ook altijd de reden geweest waarom Zwitserland buiten de 2de wereldoorlog is gebleven. Want alle leiders, zowel geallieerde en nazi leiders hadden daar hun gelden gestald. Na wereldoorlog twee waren er veel communistische leiders die hun geld daar gestald hadden, oa chasescou enz. Daarom moet je potentiële vijanden laten investeren in jouw economische belangen. Dan zullen ze zich wel twee keer bedenken voor ze je aanvallen.

Hanging Man schreef:

Ik vind dat je wel beter bijvoorbeeld arabieren kan laten investeren in jou eigen belangen. Want als arabieren economische belangen hebben in jouw economie dan hebben ze hebben ze dus ook een economisch belang om jouw economische belangen te verdedigen in hun invloedsgebied. Wederzijdse economische belangen bevorderen de vrede omdat vrede dan ieders economisch eigenbelang is. Want volgens de econoom Adam Smith is het zo dat als iedereen zijn eigenbelang nastreeft toch vanzelf hieruit het algemeen belang uit voortvloeit. En aangezien amerika het meest kapatalische land is en dus de economische doctrine van Adam Smith aanhangt lijkt het mij toch logisch om deze theorie niet alleen op individuele niveau toe te passen maar ook op geografisch niveau. Want niemand gaat immers zijn eigen belang aanvallen. Dit is ook altijd de reden geweest waarom Zwitserland buiten de 2de wereldoorlog is gebleven. Want alle leiders, zowel geallieerde en nazi leiders hadden daar hun gelden gestald. Na wereldoorlog twee waren er veel communistische leiders die hun geld daar gestald hadden, oa chasescou enz. Daarom moet je potentiële vijanden laten investeren in jouw economische belangen. Dan zullen ze zich wel twee keer bedenken voor ze je aanvallen.
Interessante posting. Als meest kapitalistische land van de wereld zou je idd juist moeten onderschrijven dat wereldeconomie en kapitaalsstromen geen geografische grenzen kennen.
jist, ik dacht altijd dat het begrip globalisatie daarop gebaseerd was. Zorg er gewoon voor dat het eigen bealg en algemeen belang met elkaar samenvalt en in deze specifieke kwestie; dat het arabische economische belang samenvalt met het amerikaanse economisch belang.
Opinion polls have shown an overwhelming majority of Americans think the White House is wrong to back the deal.

With an election due in November and the popularity of both the president and Congress low, some Republicans apparently fear that Democrats could use the deal against them.

overwhelming majority ....... hmmmmmmmm
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