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Energie in EU: produktie, bronnen etc

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France plans to triple wind power capacity by 2030

Reuters reported that France plans to triple its onshore wind power capacity by 2030 and multiply by five its solar power generation, enabling it to boost the share of renewables in its energy mix to 40 percent. French President Emmanuel Macron said the government would increase spending on renewables development to 8 billion euros (USD 9.05 billion) annually from 5 billion to take total spending to 71 billion euros between 2019 to 2028.

Nuclear-dependent France has lagged behind other European nations with only around 20 percent of electricity consumption coming from renewables.

Macron said in a televised speech that "By 2030, the production of the onshore wind farm will be tripled and the amount of energy produced from solar photovoltaic multiplied by five.”

France is on track to meet its target of 15 Gigawatt of installed wind power capacity by the end of the year, but installation of solar panels would likely fall short of the 10.2 GW target by the end of the year.

Macron said the government would make sure power prices from renewables projects are kept low for consumers while developing more power interconnectors with European neighbours so as to always benefit from the least-cost power.

Source : Reuters
Belgian nuclear plant may breach EU law - Judge

Euractiv reported that a European Court of Justice advocate-general has cast doubt on Belgium’s decision to extend the life of one of its ageing nuclear power plants, suggesting that environmental impact assessments may not have been carried out properly. In an opinion issued on 29 November, Advocate-General Juliane Kokott insisted that extending the operating lifespan of two of the Doel plant’s reactors without a proper audit of environmental concerns means EU rules “have been infringed”.

Mr Kokott concluded that the Espoo and Aarhus conventions, international treaties governing transboundary environmental issues and public participation in decision-making processes, had not been respected.

But Mr Kokott also suggested that “overriding grounds of public interest” like security of power supply legitimately played a part in the Belgian authorities’ decision and said keeping the decision on the extension “is not ruled out”.

Doel reactors 1 and 2, located near the Belgian-Dutch border, were scheduled to go offline permanently in 2015, in keeping with a decision made in 2003 to shut down nuclear plants that reach 40 years of age.

But the government decided later in 2015 to extend both reactors by 10 years, provided that operator Electrabel would invest €700 million in improving the security of the atom smashers.

Source : Euractiv
Fortum to install 5 MW battery at Swedish HPP

Renewables Now reported that finnish utility Fortum Oyj will install what it says is the Nordic’s biggest battery to date, with an output of 5 MW and storage capacity of 6.2 MWh, at a hydropower plant in Sweden. Mr Martin Lindstrom, Head of Asset Management Hydro at Fortum, said that the EUR-3-million (USD 3.4m) project will be used for quick balancing and should improve the Forshuvud hydroelectric plant’s ability to function as regulating power for the Nordic electricity network.

Fortum said it will make use of the experience gained through a similar project at its combined heat and power (CHP) plant in Jarvenpaa, but this time will use a larger battery.

Construction is seen to begin early next year with the goal of completion the system in the first half of 2019.

Source : Renewables Now
Siemens Gamesa strengthens its presence in the onshore market with new projects totaling 263 MW

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy continues to reinforce its strong market position with the supply of 263 MW* to onshore wind projects in Sweden, Norway, Germany and Turkey. The turbines types are within a performance range between 2.3 and 4.1 MW. In Northern Europe, the company will provide 34 wind turbines with a total capacity of 137 MW to its clients Arise, Eolus and Saxovent. In Turkey, Siemens Gamesa will provide Afken Renewable Energy A.? with 37 wind turbines with a total capacity of more than 125 MW.

In Sweden, Siemens Gamesa has sealed a deal with its new client Arise Windpower AB for the supply of 20 turbines for a total capacity of 82 MW. Eleven of these machines will be installed in the wind farm Bröcklingberget and the other nine in Enviksberget. Both projects will be commissioned in autumn 2019 with a 20-year operation and maintenance service agreement.

In Norway, the company will provide Eolus Vind AB with seven turbines for a total capacity of 30 MW for its Stigafjellet Wind Farm, south of Stavanger. The wind park will be commissioned in 2020 with a five-year full service agreement.

Siemens Gamesa will also supply the German Windpark Mautitz Süd with seven machines for a total capacity of more than 25 MW. This is the first contract with Saxovent Ökologische Investments and it includes a 20-year full operation and maintenance service agreement. The turbines will be manufactured in Denmark and the project will be commissioned in December 2018.

In addition to that, in Turkey, the company will provide Afken Renewable Energy A.? with 37 wind turbines with a total capacity of more than 125 MW* for two wind projects in the east of the country: 22 turbines for the Denizly wind farm and 15 for Hasanoba, both of which will be commissioned in 2019. The contract includes a maintenance and service agreement for 15 years.

Siemens Gamesa is present in North Europe & Middle East, where the company employs 1.500 people and has an installed base of 13.6 GW. More than 93% of the installed base in this region was achieved in the last 5 years in 18 countries. The United Kingdom is the country with the highest installed base, with more than 4 GW, which is 33% of the market share in that country. In Norway, 50% of the market share belongs to SGRE, in Denmark nearly 25% and in Sweden 19%.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Wat je ook doet qua besparen, betalen zal je!!

Energierekening wordt volgend jaar 360 euro duurder

Stijgende tarieven en fors hogere belastingen drijven de energienota komend jaar omhoog. Een gemiddeld gezin gaat in 2019 liefst 360 euro meer betalen, becijfert energievergelijker Gaslicht.com.

David Bremmer 05-12-18, 06:00
Helaas wordt de energieno­ta flink duurder in 2019

Stegen de energiekosten dit jaar al met gemiddeld 190 euro, in 2019 moeten consumenten nog dieper in de buidel tasten.

Eneco, één van de drie grote energiebedrijven, verhoogt op 1 januari zowel de stroom- als de gasprijs. Stroom wordt drie cent duurder per kilowattuur, gas 7 cent per kubieke meter. Een drie persoons gezin (3.500 kilowatt uur stroom en 1.500 kuub gas) is daardoor in 2019 ruim 200 euro extra kwijt, heeft Gaslicht.com berekend.

Eneco spreekt zelf over een stijging van gemiddeld 13 euro per maand. ,,De energierekening wordt vanaf januari helaas een stuk duurder,” zegt woordvoerder Kim Vogten. ,,De inkoopprijs van gas is momenteel zeer fors, CO2-emissierechten zijn duurder geworden, de energievraag is door de goed draaiende economie hoog.”

Essent, Nuon
Wat niet meehelpt is dat meerdere Belgische kernreactoren door problemen stilliggen. Onze Zuiderburen kopen daardoor meer stroom in Nederland, wat de prijs opdrijft.

Geeft Eneco openheid, Nuon en Essent weigeren hun consumententarieven te onthullen. Gaslicht.com voorziet voor hen echter soortgelijke stijgingen.

Bij Essent wijzen de nieuwe zakelijke tarieven daar eveneens op. Die liggen beduidend hoger. Desgevraagd wil Essent toch summier reageren. ,,Goedkoper zullen de tarieven inderdaad niet worden,” erkent een woordvoerder.

Energie wordt duurder bij Eneco, Essent en Nuon zullen volgen, verwacht Gaslicht.com.
Energie wordt duurder bij Eneco, Essent en Nuon zullen volgen, verwacht Gaslicht.com. © ANP XTRA
Duurzame energie
Naast de energietarieven nemen de belastingen ook hard toe. In 2019 betaalt een gemiddeld huishouden 160 euro meer.

Meer specifiek neemt de gastaks toe met 54 euro op jaarbasis. De zogenaamde ‘opslag duurzame energie’ - bedoeld om de overgang op groene energie te betalen - groeit met 68 euro. Het kabinet verlaagt verder de belastingvermindering op energie: huishoudens krijgen daardoor volgend jaar 61 euro minder korting.

Dan zijn er nog de netbeheerkosten: deze tarieven stijgen met 7 euro, een overigens zeer bescheiden toename. Een klein voordeeltje voor consumenten is er ook: de stroomtaks daalt net als vorig jaar met 30 euro.

© Thinkstock
Met name gas duurder
Ben Woldring, directeur van Gaslicht.com is niet verbaasd. ,,We zagen dit aankomen. De gasprijzen zijn flink gestegen dit jaar. En om de klimaatdoelen te halen zijn flinke investeringen nodig in groene energie en de elektriciteitsnetten.”

Al met al bestaat de energierekening inmiddels voor tweederde uit belastingen en netbeheerderskosten. Het valt Woldring op dat met name gas steeds duurder wordt. ,,De belasting op stroom blijft dalen, terwijl gas een steeds groter deel van de energierekening vormt.” De Groninger is kritisch op de steeds hogere gaskosten. ,,Het is logisch dat we van het gas af moeten, maar het gaat nu wel erg snel.”


voda schreef op 5 december 2018 06:28:

Wat je ook doet qua besparen, betalen zal je!!

Energierekening wordt volgend jaar 360 euro duurder

Onderaan rechsts staat een staatje over Kosteneffectiviteit van het besparingspotentieel.
Niet-huishoudens zijn verantwoordelijk voor 83% van het totale energieverbruik.
Heel merkwaardig dat bij de grootverbruikers als industrie en kassen volgens de presentatie bijna niets te halen valt.
Mij lijkt het niet aannemelijk dat zelfs de wildste maatregelen bij de huishoudens tot een significante CO2 reductie van NL's verbruik leiden, omdat daar maar 17% van het totaal geconsumeerd wordt.
Waarom houdt men zo nadrukkelijk de bedrijven buiten schot?

Bowski schreef op 5 december 2018 10:09:


Waarom houdt men zo nadrukkelijk de bedrijven buiten schot?
Waarom vraag je het ze niet?
Ik heb niet zo veel op met clubs als zoals Mileudefensie, Natuur en milieu, Greenpeace.
Zij zitten aan de Klimaattafels. Ik zie ze vooral als vertegenwoordigers van 'het volk' tegenover de industrie.
Persoonlijk verwacht ik weinig effect van CO2-reductie om het klimaat te redden. Maar ongebreideld fossiel verstoken is op den duur niet houdbaar alleen al gezien milieueffecten in de directe omgeving.
Zonnepanelen zijn zo goedkoop geworden dat een daaromheen gebouwde wereldwijde infrastructuur een goed alternatief biedt. Ik ben dus 'om'.
Ik heb zelf ervaren hoeveel besparing in de priveomgeving mogelijk is: mijn stroomverbruik is in 10 jaar tijd met 50% gereduceerd! En dat zonder zonnepanelen, gewoon door energieslurper(-tje)s te elimineren.
Als de industrie dit ook zou doen kan men zó met 25% minder toe.

Daarom dring ik er nu op aan dat die linkse clubs nou eens echt hun poot stijf houden en de industrie aanzetten tot verminderd energieverbruik. Het kan!

Door mij gerespecteerde econoom Bas Jakobs roept op tot CO2 beprijzing.
Zonder vrijstelling voor industrie, landbouw, ... want bij niet-huishoudens valt verreweg het meeste te winnen.

Siemens Gamesa to supply 487 MW SeaMade offshore wind power project in Belgium

Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy received the order for the 487 MW SeaMade offshore wind power project in Belgium from customer Seamade NV. It includes supply and commissioning of 58 units of the SG 8.0-167 DD offshore wind turbine and a 17-year Service agreement. The project consists of the two combined sites: Seastar, a 252 MW offshore wind power plant with 30 SG 8.0-167 wind turbines and Mermaid, a 235 MW offshore wind power plant with 28 SG 8.0-167 wind turbines.

SeaMade NV is a partnership formed of the Otary RS NV (70%), Engie Electrabel NV (17.5%) and Eneco Wind Belgium SA (12.5%). Offshore construction is to commence in 2019 and be completed in 2020. SGRE will provide the logistics solution along with remote monitoring and diagnostics for the following 17 years in order to ensure their long-term availability and performance.

Mr Andreas Nauen, CEO of the Offshore Business Unit of Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy said that “We are very pleased that our preferred supplier agreement announced in March 2018 has now become a fully confirmed order with SeaMade NV. Combining the two project areas into one project shows excellent leadership by our customer to drive down the cost of energy from offshore wind through economies of scale. We look forward to the next steps in the project, helping meet the Belgian government’s 2020 climate objectives.”

The 252 MW SeaMade Seastar site is located 40 km off the Belgian coast, and features water depths up to 38 meters. The 30 SG 8.0-167 DD offshore wind turbines will be installed on monopiles, and supply approximately 260,000 Belgian households with electricity.

The 235 MW SeaMade Mermaid site is located approximately 54 km off the Belgian coast, and features water depths up to approximately 40 meters. The 28 SG 8.0-167 DD offshore wind turbines will also be installed on monopiles. It will supply approximately 230,000 households with electricity.

Mr An Stroobandt, Managing Director of Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy BVBA/SPRL in Belgium said that “I am pleased that after a successful installation of the Rentel offshore wind power plant – our first in Belgium – that we can now start our next project. This will allow us to further expand our service business in Ostend and remain an important Offshore service player in the country.”

The SG 8.0-167 DD offshore wind turbine has a rated capacity of 8.0 MW, and a rotor with a 167-meter diameter. It has a swept area of 21,900 m2, and utilizes the SGRE B81 blades, each measuring 81.4 meters. By 2020, more than 1,000 SGRE Direct Drive offshore wind turbines will be installed globally.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Wind Energy beats solar in Danish green energy auction

Reuters reported that wind emerged as the most competitive power source in Denmark's first auction where wind and solar competed for state subsidies on equal footing to deliver power at the lowest price. Subsidies awarded to the winning projects in the auction were six times lower than the previous support scheme. Project developers who put in the lowest bids for state supports won and the results showed that the average subsidies for the wind projects came in lower than the solar projects. Energy minister Lars Chr. Lilleholt said that "I am very content with the result of the tender, which underlines how fast the technology development happens and how much it helps when subsidies are put to competition.”

The winners were three onshore wind projects with a capacity of 165 megawatts (MW) and three solar projects totalling 104 MW. When built, this would cover electricity consumption for 160,000 Danish households. In total, 17 projects with a capacity of 540 MW competed in the tender.

Subsidies which have underpinned the growth of renewable energy are cooling as governments around the world opt for more competitive contract tenders, favouring project developers that submit the lowest bids. Denmark, which hopes to end green subsidies altogether before 2030, has adopted new rules under which wind and solar projects compete on equal terms in tender auctions for subsidies over the next two years to cut state support further.

The experiences of auctions this year and next will be used to set up a long-term subsidy scheme and a further 4.2 billion Danish crowns ($640 million) has been earmarked for the 2020-2024 period.

Source : Reuters
Taaleri Energia invests in a 23.4 MW wind farm in Sweden

Taaleri Energia announced that it has reached financial close on its first wind farm investment in Sweden. This follows the acquisition of the project rights from a consortium of local developers. The Slageryd wind farm, with a total installed capacity of 23.4 MW, will consist of six 3.9-MW Nordex N131 turbines and will produce approximately 71 GWh of electricity per year. The project is estimated to decrease greenhouse gas emissions by 50,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions each year.

Taaleri Energia will make the investment into the wind farm located in the municipality of Vetlanda, in southern Sweden, from the Taaleri SolarWind I Fund. The construction of the project will start immediately, and the wind farm is expected to reach full operations by year end 2019. BayWa r.e., a Munich-headquartered renewable energy company with a global footprint, will be delivering the turnkey wind farm under a fixed-price, date-certain contract. BayWa r.e. will also have a long-term day-to-day role in the operation of the wind farm post completion. The debt financing for the investment is being provided by Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB), a leading project finance provider in the Nordic region.

Mr Kai Rintala Managing Director said that “Taaleri is delighted to make its first investment in Sweden and to be working together with BayWa r.e. and SEB. We view this investment in Sweden as the first of many more to come. As the largest private equity owner-operator of wind farms in Finland, with 110 turbines in operation, we are very comfortable with operating in the NordPool power market. Our investors also greatly appreciate the fact that we can structure Swedish wind power investments in Euros.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Gazprom’s gas exports to Hungary in 2018 exceed last year’s total

A working meeting between Mr Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Gazprom Management Committee, and Mr Norbert Konkoly, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Hungary to the Russian Federation, took place in St. Petersburg. Also present was Gyorgy Kobor, who had been appointed as Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of the Hungarian energy company MVM in October 2018.

The meeting touched upon, inter alia, gas exports to Hungary. It was noted that, from January 1 through November 28, 2018, Gazprom had delivered 7.1 billion cubic meters of gas to the country, topping the total for 2017 (7 billion cubic meters of gas).

The parties discussed the diversification of Russian gas supply routes to Europe, focusing on the progress of the TurkStream and Nord Stream 2 projects and the development of the Hungarian gas transmission infrastructure.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Germany to back Russian gas link despite Ukraine tensions

Reuters reported that Germany will not withdraw its political support for the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline with Russia, as some lawmakers suggested curtailing the project to punish Moscow for its seizure of Ukrainian ships and their crew. But Foreign minister Heiko Maas, a member of the Social Democrats, junior partners in Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition, told reporters the pipeline was a commercial project that would continue even if German firms pull out. He said “Remaining part of the project gave Germany political influence, including over Russian energy policy towards Ukraine. It would still be built, but there would not be anyone advocating for alternative gas transit through Ukraine. That is why we consider it important to remain engaged politically."

Russia is resisting international calls to release three Ukrainian ships seized last month in the Kerch Strait, which controls access to the Sea of Azov near the Crimea region that Moscow annexed from Ukraine in 2014. Moscow accuses the 24 sailors of illegally entering Russian waters by trying to pass through the strait. Kiev says the sailors did nothing wrong, and its ships have the right to pass through the strait to reach Ukrainian ports in the Sea of Azov.

Source : Reuters
Belgische en Britse stroomnet voortaan met elkaar verbonden
Vandaag om 15:56 door pvm | Bron: BELGA

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Belgische en Britse stroomnet voortaan met elkaar verbonden
De stroomkabel werd vanop een bobijn op het schip Maersk Connector in de Noordzee afgerold Foto: Elia
Een woensdag ingehuldigde onderzeese stroomkabel tussen België en het Verenigd Koninkrijk - Nemo Link - moet het risico op stroomtekorten in ons land verkleinen.

Nemo Link is een 140 kilometer lange, dubbele elektriciteitskabel, waarvan 130 kilometer onder de zee ligt. Aan beide zijden van de Noordzee, in Herdersbrug en Richborough, staan conversiestations.

Over de kabel kan in beide richtingen 1.000 MW aan elektriciteit worden vervoerd, ongeveer het vermogen van een kerncentrale. Er kan over de kabel zowel stroom worden in- als uitgevoerd.

De interconnectie met Groot-Brittannië moet bijdragen tot de bevoorradingszekerheid van ons land. Zo kan door de kabel bijvoorbeeld stroom die werd opgewekt door de vele Britse windmolenparken naar ons land vloeien. Die bevoorradingszekerheid staat vandaag onder druk, als gevolg van het uitvallen van verscheidene kerncentrales.

Ons elektriciteitsnet was al verbonden met Nederland, Frankrijk en Luxemburg. Aan een interconnector met Duitsland wordt volop gewerkt.
Aanleg Vlaams stopcontact op zee op schema

Staatssecretaris van de Noordzee Philippe De Backer heeft een bezoek gebracht aan de werf van het Modular Offshore Grid (MOG), het schakelplatform dat vanaf 2019 de kabels van de offshorewindparken gezamenlijk aan land zal brengen. Terwijl de funderingsvoet onlangs in zee is geïnstalleerd, is de constructie van het immense schakelplatform nog volop aan de gang. Het MOG zal een essentiële rol spelen bij de verdere ontwikkeling van hernieuwbare energie op de Noordzee.

De realisatie van België’s allereerste Stopcontact op zee is daarmee opnieuw een stap dichterbij. Vorige week werd de funderingsvoet succesvol geplaatst op zee en ook de constructie van het immense schakelplatform verloopt volgens planning. De ambitieuze timing om in het voorjaar van 2019 ook het schakelplatform op zee te installeren wordt hiermee gerespecteerd. Het stopcontact zal de geproduceerde elektriciteit van 4 windparken (Rentel, Seastar, Mermaid en Northwester 2) bundelen en via gezamenlijke onderzeese kabels aan land brengen. Het stopcontact komt op 40 kilometer van de kust.

Philippe De Backer, staatssecretaris voor Bestrijding van Sociale Fraude, Privacy en de Noordzee: ‘Met de wind van de Noordzee maken we energie die de helft van de Belgische huishoudens van groene energie kan voorzien. Daar zet ik in de toekomst nog meer op in door de capaciteit van de windturbines op onze Noordzee te verdubbelen. De ontwikkeling van het stopcontact op zee kadert in de langetermijnstrategie: op termijn kunnen we de nieuwe windmolenparken ook aansluiten op het stopcontact op zee. Op lange termijn geloof ik zelfs dat andere Europese landen hun energie ook kunnen aansluiten op het Belgische stopcontact op zee. Zo kan onze Noordzee een echte energiehub worden in West-Europa.’

De gecombineerde kabelinfrastructuur laat toe dat de windparken de geproduceerde elektriciteit maximaal aan land kunnen brengen. In totaal gaat het om 130 kilometer aan 220-kilovolt-kabels die het schakelplatform verbinden met het Stevin-hoogspanningsstation in Zeebrugge. Het platform bestaat uit 2 delen: het bovenste gedeelte waar de elektrische apparatuur wordt ondergebracht (topside) en de steuninfrastructuur die op de zeebodem rust (jacket).

1,2 miljoen voor project om vogelsterfte door windmolens te beperken

Een project onder leiding van onderzoekers van de Universiteit van Amsterdam heeft 1,2 miljoen euro subsidie ontvangen van NWO-TTW om onderzoek te doen naar mogelijke sterfte van duizenden vogels door botsingen met draaiende wieken van windmolenparken op zee. De subsidie wordt gebruikt voor onderzoek naar het vogelgedrag boven de Noordzee, om zo op wetenschap gebaseerde mitigatiemaatregelen te ontwikkelen.

Het project haalde al eens het nieuws omdat het gebruikmaakt van vogelradars. ‘Die kun je vergelijken met de functie van de populaire website Buienradar’, legt projectleider dr. Judy Shamoun-Baranes uit. Zoals de Buienradar radarbeelden van wolken gebruikt om nauwkeurig te voorspellen wanneer het ergens gaat regenen, worden de vogelradars ingezet om te zien waar grote aantallen vogels zijn, hoe snel ze zijn en in welke richting ze bewegen.

Aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam wordt al 15 jaar fundamenteel onderzoek gedaan naar het vlieggedrag van vogels en naar vogeltrek, onder andere met behulp van kleine GPS-trackers (red. zogenaamde UvA-BiTS). Die kennis kan nu gebruikt worden om een bijdrage te leveren aan een natuur-inclusieve energietransitie.

Shamoun-Baranes: ‘We gaan niet alleen naar trekvogels kijken. We onderzoeken ook het gedrag van individuele meeuwen, de bewegingen van meeuwen rond verschillende broedgebieden en de mogelijk impact van windparken op broedpopulaties. Uiteindelijk brengen we gegevens van de vogelradars, weerdata, het gedragsonderzoek met GPS-trackers, en allerlei andere variabelen samen en kijken we of we er een voorspellingsmodel mee kunnen maken.’

Al dat onderzoek is nodig om uiteindelijk zo precies mogelijk te kunnen voorspellen wanneer grote hoeveelheden vogels door windmolenparken zullen trekken. Die precisie is noodzakelijk omdat er vooralsnog maar één effectieve manier bekend is om de vogels te redden: het tijdelijk stilzetten van de windmolen. Het wegvallen van de stroom van een aantal grote windparken kan echter de stabiliteit van het hele Europese elektriciteitsnetwerk beïnvloeden.

Polish coal imports jump as Russia biggest supplier - ARP

Data from the state-run Industrial Development Agency (ARP) showed that Poland's thermal coal imports for the first nine months of the year almost doubled versus the same period in 2017 to 11.8 million tonnes, most of which came from Russia. While Poland's ruling Law and Justice party (PiS) has said it will reduce reliance on Russian oil and gas, coal imports from Russia rose to 9.3 million tonnes from the start of the year until the end of September from 5.2 million over the same period a year ago. Coal imports from Russia in the first three quarters of the year are already higher than in 2017 and 2016 when Poland bought from Russia 8.7 million tonnes and 5.2 million tonnes respectively.

Poland's annual coal imports had already risen in 2017 to almost 13 million tonnes from 8.3 million in 2016 as domestic production fell because of limited investment in Polish state mines. Poland also turned to the United States for increased supplies.

In the first three quarters of this year, Poland's thermal coal imports from the US increased to 771,253 tonnes from 151,083 tonnes a year earlier. Poland, which is hosting U.N. climate talks over the next two weeks, generates most of its electricity from coal.

The PiS, which won the 2015 election partly on promises to maintain coal, plans to reduce the use of the polluting fuel, but gradually. A draft version of Poland's long-term energy strategy lays out plans to reduce the share of coal in power production to around 60 percent by 2030 from around 80 percent now.

Source : Reuters
Aquila Capital wins financing for 147.6 MW of Swedish wind

Renewables Now reported that German lender HSH Nordbank and the Netherlands’ Cooperatieve Rabobank have provided project debt for Aquila Capital's 147.6-MW Thor wind farm in Sweden. The financing was announced by Watson Farley & Williams, which advised lead arranger HSH Nordbank in the financing deal. Both HSH Nordbank and Rabobank have extended long-term financing for the project. The debt is backed by Germany’s KfW IPEX-Bank.

The Thor wind park, located near the town of Gallivare in Lapland province, in Sweden's northernmost parts, was constructed by Swedish wind projects developer OX2, while a fund managed by Aquila Capital bought it in October 2016. The facility uses 41 of Vestas’ V126-3.6 MW turbines, the output of which is being sold to Internet giant Google under a long-term power purchase agreement.

Source : Renewable Now
Dutch to run subsidy free offshore wind energy tender in March

Reuters reported that Netherlands will launch a tender for the construction of two 350 megawatt offshore wind farms in March, offering no subsidy on electricity prices. Dutch government said that we were among the first to offer a zero subsidy tender for wind power last year, with Vattenfall winning the right to build a 700 MW wind farm without price support.

The March 2019 tender is the fourth of five being held by the Dutch government in a push to create 3,500 MW of offshore wind power by 2023.

It saw the price needed to attract builders drop dramatically since the first two auctions in 2016, as surging demand for wind energy, technological progress and competition among turbine makers made construction considerably cheaper.

The Netherlands plans to add a further 7,000 MW in offshore wind capacity between 2024 and 2030, as it seeks to turn around a track record as one of the most polluting countries in Europe.

Source : Reuters
Waar bemoeien die Yanken zich mee?

Russian-European gas pipeline project despite criticism coming from the US - Report

Sputnik reported that Germany has repeatedly defended its participation in the Russian-European gas pipeline project despite criticism coming from the US, its European allies and Ukraine. After the recent incident off the coast of Crimea, when the Russian border control confronted Ukrainian ships, some conservatives in Germany claim this stance should be revised. Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas has spoken out against the country’s withdrawal from the venture project of Russia’s Gazprom and several European energy giants Nord Stream 2. He rebuffed criticism from lawmakers calling on the German government to drop out of the project in order to punish Moscow for seizing three Ukrainian ships in the Kerch Strait near Crimea late in November. Russia accused them of violating the Russian sea border and failing to react to legal demands to abandon dangerous manoeuvres.

The diplomat, representing the Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats’ coalition partner Social Democrats (SPD), argued that the pipeline would be built even if Berlin pulled out. At the same time, in the case of leaving the project, Germany would lose its leverage to influence Russia’s energy policy, including gas transit via Ukraine.

Maas told journalists that "It would still be built, but there would not be anyone advocating for alternative gas transit through Ukraine. That is why we consider it important to remain engaged politically."

Nord Stream 2 is a joint venture between Russia's Gazprom and five Western European energy concerns, including Germany's Uniper and Wintershall, France's Engie, Austria's OMV, the Dutch-UK Royal Dutch Shell. The $10.9 billion project aims to build a capacity for the delivery of up to 55 billion cubic meters of additional Russian natural gas to Germany via the Baltic Sea, and is expected to become operational by the end of 2019.

The project, which has received approval for construction in the territorial and exclusive economic zone waters of Russia, Finland, Sweden, and Germany, has yet to receive Denmark's agreement. Last month, Nord Stream 2 AG, the construction company building the structure, reported that it had already laid about 250 km of pipeline.

Source : Sputnik
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Markt vandaag

887,44  +8,73  +0,99%  03 mei
 Germany40^ 18.017,10 +0,67%
 BEL 20 3.913,37 +0,52%
 Europe50^ 4.930,44 +0,18%
 US30^ 38.691,83 0,00%
 Nasd100^ 17.893,96 0,00%
 US500^ 5.127,53 0,00%
 Japan225^ 38.326,05 0,00%
 Gold spot 2.301,75 0,00%
 EUR/USD 1,0762 +0,34%
 WTI 78,11 0,00%
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer

Aandelenadviezen van IEX.nl

  1. Premium
    Advieswijziging ASML
  2. Premium
    Iets langer geduld met Besi
  3. Premium
  4. Premium
    Tijd om het aandeel Adyen op te vissen?
  5. Premium
    Uitstekende cijfers Flow Traders


Flow Traders +4,87%
BESI +4,11%
Brunel +3,91%
UMG +3,62%


Aperam -4,56%
AMG Critical ... -3,16%
Kendrion -2,75%
CM.COM -2,24%

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer, streaming powered by: Infront