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Klockner & Co to Offer H2 Green Steel to Clients in Europe

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
08 Oct, 2021, 6:04 am

German distributors of steel and metal products Klockner & Co SE has partnered with the Swedish start-up H2 Green Steel and secured unique access to substantial volumes of green steel, ie steel that is considered almost free of CO2 emissions. H2GS will produce the steel with more than 95% lower gross CO2 emissions than conventional production methods. With this collaboration, Klockner & Co is boosting its offering of sustainable products and services significantly. The company is taking the strategic opportunity to deeply integrate the new and attractive business activities arising from green steel into its business model.

Klockner & Co is securing significant quantities of green steel for its customers at an early stage. Starting in 2025, the initial partnership defines the delivery of annual volumes of up to 250,000 tonnes, which may be extended in the future. The flat steel supplied by H2GS will be processed primarily by Klockner & Co’s subsidiary Becker Stahl-Service. The products will be offered to customers especially in the European automotive and domestic appliance industries.

Building on the partnership and its “Klockner & Co 2025: Leveraging Strengths” strategy, the company aims to become the leading digital one-stop-shop platform for steel, additional materials and processing services in Europe and the Americas as well as a pioneer of sustainability for the benefit of society, the steel industry and customers.
British Steel Unveils Low Carbon Roadmap with Net Zero Pledge

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
08 Oct, 2021, 6:07 am

British Steel has unveiled its Low-Carbon Roadmap, outlining its commitment to achieving net-zero status through the biggest transformation in its history. The company has pledged to invest in a range of technologies to deliver net-zero steel by 2050, and significantly reduce its CO2 intensity by 2030 and 2035. Its roadmap, which is in line with UK commitments to the Paris Agreement, will see the business adopt a science-based target in order to validate its reductions. British Steel Chairman and Jingye CEO Mr Huiming Li said “We firmly believe our products can play a central role in transitioning to a low-carbon, circular economy and we have ambitious plans to reduce the carbon intensity of our operations, with solutions that are globally recognised and accepted. Embracing new technology and ways of working will help our drive towards a phased reduction of CO2 emissions by 2030, 2035 and 2050. And while there is no doubt decarbonisation is a major challenge for our business, the biggest we have faced in 130 years of steelmaking, and we’re committed to creating a clean, green and sustainable future for British Steel.”

British Steel’s efforts to decarbonise the business are already underway, with a variety of projects being implemented to improve environmental performance. For example, it has recently increased the amount of scrap used in the integrated steelmaking route and plans to further increase this by 2023 and is progressing with the use of Hot Briquetted Iron and scrap in the iron making process. These will have an immediate and significant CO2 reduction.

To help achieve its net-zero targets, British Steel will use a range of techniques and innovations including:

Assessing and adopting several technology options such as Carbon Capture and Storage, hydrogen, increasing scrap utilisation and Electric Arc Furnace steelmaking

Steel product innovation to promote the material benefits to end users, for example through light weighting and life extension

Supporting recycling and reuse, for instance using increased levels of scrap in its steelmaking process and encouraging re-use of steel products at the end of life, where appropriate

Deploying circular economy and material efficiency methodologies

British Steel, which is a member of the Zero Carbon Humber partnership, said it is also committed to working with its customers, suppliers and community stakeholders on the road to decarbonisation.
‘Vroeger was dit oud ijzer, nu een sexy business’

De site van Galloo in Menen, waar het 100.000 auto's per jaar door de shredders duwt. ©ivan put/ID
Vandaag om 04:30

Het West-Vlaamse familiebedrijf Galloo - gespecialiseerd in de recyclage van auto’s, schepen en wasmachines - profiteert volop van de hoge metaalprijzen. Het investeert enkele tientallen miljoenen euro's in nieuwe installaties. 'Wat we doen, is baanbrekend.'

‘Hier liggen nu een paar Franse marineschepen, vissersboten uit IJsland en baggerschepen. Eerder kregen we ook de Tricolor (een vrachtschip dat in 2002 zonk in het Kanaal, red.) over de vloer’, zegt Rik Debaere, de CEO van het familiebedrijf Galloo, een van de grotere recyclagespelers van metalen in West-Europa.

Belgisch bedrijf knipt megaschip in stukken

De schepen zijn uit dienst genomen en liggen er te wachten tot ze door Galloo ontmanteld en met immense scharen in stukken worden geknipt. Het bedrijf verwerkt ook afgedankte auto’s, productieafval van staalverwerkers, staalconstructies van bruggen, spoorwegen en hangars, en massa’s consumptiegoederen zoals wasmachines, computers en televisieschermen.

Galloo haalt uit het schroot jaarlijks zo’n 1,3 miljoen ton staal, 50.000 ton plastics en 100.000 ton andere metalen zoals aluminium, koper, zink, lood, inox en brons. En een beetje goud uit printplaten van koelkasten of auto’s. ‘Als we een grote klomp goud zien, zullen we die ook niet laten liggen’, lacht Debaere.

Hij zit al 30 jaar bij Galloo, waarvan de laatste 10 als ‘externe’ topman. ‘Waarom ga je in het oud ijzer werken? Je hebt toch gestudeerd, vroeg een familielid me destijds. Nu spreken we over circulaire economie en secundaire grondstoffen. Wat ooit marginaal was, is sexy geworden.’

Familiebedrijf met hoofdzetel in Menen, opgericht door Joseph Galloo in 1939.
Een van de grotere recyclagebedrijven van metalen in West-Europa.
42 vestigingen in België, Frankrijk en Zeeuws-Vlaanderen.
Omzet (2020): 470 miljoen euro.
Brutobedrijfswinst (ebitda): 52 miljoen euro, zo'n 10 miljoen meer dan in 2019.

Dat wordt duidelijk in de groeicurve en de investeringsbudgetten van het bedrijf. Galloo investeerde vorig jaar 14 miljoen euro in Menen in een installatie – 30 meter lang, 3 verdiepingen hoog - om extra koper te recycleren uit de bekabeling van auto’s. Tot voor kort wist Galloo, noch andere bedrijven, zich geen raad met de allerkleinste partikels die overbleven na het verbrijzelen van de bekabeling. Het residu is een mix van waardevolle materialen zoals koper en rommel zoals stof en zand. Die mix belandde op het stort. ‘Nu kunnen we dat residu verder zuiveren en uit het stof nog 3.000 ton extra koper recupereren.’

Een volgende investering staat op de planning, een nog grotere van mogelijk 20 miljoen euro. De voorbereidende werken zijn bezig. ‘Er is landbouwgebied voor omgezet in industriegebied. Het wordt hier waarschijnlijk de laatste expansie.’

Er komt, normaal tegen 2024, een hal van meer dan een voetbalveld groot. Daar wil het bedrijf non-ferrometalen uit auto’s en consumentenproducten verder van elkaar scheiden. ‘De stukjes uit de shredder, tot 10 centimeter groot, zijn gemengd. Dat mengsel, goed voor 30 à 40.000 ton per jaar, stuurden we naar China om het handmatig te laten sorteren. China wil niet meer de vuilnisbak van de wereld zijn en doet de deuren dicht voor zulke stromen. Die gaan nu naar andere Aziatische landen, maar je voelt dat het niet klopt en dat er ooit een einde aan komt. Dus gaan we dat mengsel hier scheiden, niet manueel, maar met hightech.'

'Het gaat om machines die met sensoren, camera’s en X-stralen de kleur, vorm en geleidbaarheid van materialen inschatten. En luchtorgels die met een heel fijn straaltje de verschillende materialen razendsnel de juiste kant op schieten. Een proefinstallatie draait al, tegen zo'n 2 ton per uur. Dat moet sneller om rendabel te zijn.’

Debaere spreekt over ‘grote’ investeringen, die ‘niet zonder risico’ zijn. ‘Wat we doen, is baanbrekend. We hebben die installaties zelf ontwikkeld. Dat zit in ons DNA. Je kan wachten tot alles bewezen is en dan de technologie kopen. Wij proberen vooraan te staan en te blijven staan. We brengen bestaande technologie bij elkaar, en voegen experimentele zaken toe.’

‘Dat is wat het bedrijf altijd al heeft gedaan’, zegt Debaere. ‘We zijn gegroeid op de wegwerpmaatschappij. Eerst met oud ijzer, later met de verwerking van auto’s en consumentenafval. Die producten hebben een heterogene samenstelling, waardoor innovatie nodig was.’

Oorspronkelijk had Galloo bij autoschroot alleen oog voor het metaal, en de rest – zo’n 25 procent - ging naar het stort. ‘Nu recupereren we 97 procent. Een auto doorloopt tijdens de recyclage 107 stappen, van olie aflaten tot de batterij uithalen en onze recyclageprocessen. We recycleren al 50.000 ton plastics die hun weg terugvinden naar nieuwe auto’s. Dit is een boeiende business’, klinkt het.

Maar het is ook kapitaalintensief werk. Behalve in expansie en innovatie investeert het bedrijf jaarlijks zo’n 20 miljoen euro in het onderhoud van het machinepark: 100 vrachtwagens en 4.000 containers voor schrootophaling en 180 kranen op de sites. ‘Het is een keuze van de familie om de cashflow te herinvesteren. Ze kiest niet voor dividenden. We moeten investeren om in conditie te blijven.’

Vroeger ging zo’n 25 procent van een auto naar het stort. Nu recupereert Galloo 97 procent. Een auto doorloopt tijdens de recyclage 107 stappen, van olie aflaten tot de batterij uithalen en onze recyclageprocessen.
Tegelijk breidt het bedrijf zijn werkgebied uit met overnames. ‘Ophalen en verwerken van schroot is een regionale business. Met overnames kunnen we verder groeien’, klinkt het.

Vorig jaar kocht Galloo een sectorgenoot in Oost-Vlaanderen. Maar de voorbije jaren zat het vooral in Noord-Frankrijk, waar de expansie destijds op een bizarre manier begon. ‘Galloo lag in België, net aan de grens, in een bocht van de Leie. Toen in 1989 beslist werd die recht te trekken, kregen we er een lap grond bij om onze toegang te behouden tot het water. Maar die lap lag op Frans grondgebied. Nu nog zitten we daar op een site in twee landen, met twee vennootschappen. Dat was het begin van ons buitenlands avontuur’, zegt Debaere.
Deel 2:

Fantastische maanden
Galloo telt 42 vestigingen en boekte vorig jaar 470 miljoen euro omzet. De brutobedrijfswinst (ebitda) groeide tot 52 miljoen euro, zo'n 10 miljoen meer dan het jaar ervoor. ‘2020 was een heel goed jaar, maar door de pandemie wel eentje met twee gezichten.’

‘Er bleven door telewerk veel auto’s in de garage staan. Normaal duwen we er 100.000 per jaar door de shredders, dat was vorig jaar maar de helft. Ook de tijdelijke sluiting van containerparken liet zich voelen. De aangevoerde tonnages waren lager, maar we konden blijven draaien op onze voorraden en hebben een ongeziene stijging van de grondstoffenprijzen meegemaakt. We hebben enkele fantastische maanden gekend.’

In 2021 wordt die lijn doorgetrokken, zegt Debaere. ‘De metaalkoersen hebben tot nu hoge niveaus behaald en de aanvoer bleef redelijk. We hebben een heel goed oog op de afloop van het boekjaar.’
ArcelorMittal implements energy surcharge for EU longs

ArcelorMittal is telling its European clients in the long products segment that it is implementing a €50/tonne ($58) surcharge on new contracts due to surging energy costs, Kallanish learns from market sources.

The company is understood to be informing customers that it can no longer bear the increased energy costs alone. The steelmaker has been hit by the rally in both electricity and natural gas prices in recent weeks, which have added over €120/t to production cost, according to sources. Electricity prices are up to €160-200/Mwh from the usual €55/Mwh, while gas is at €100/Mwh versus €20/Mwh.

In addition to energy prices, European carbon emissions allowances have also reached new record-high prices of €64/t, severely impacting production costs for steelmakers across the continent. Moreover, ArcelorMittal’s ferroalloy suppliers have also levied surcharges of their own. The new energy surcharge is expected to remain in place until energy prices return to "normal levels", ArcelorMittal tells customers.

While the surcharge will effectively raise ArcelorMittal’s longs prices, it is not a price increase per se. The market is still assessing the latest scrap price volatility to understand if the recent longs pricing downtrend has already reached its end.

Emanuele Norsa Italy (Kallanish)
EC Opens AD Probe on Import of Electrolytic Chromium Coated Steel

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Oct, 2021, 4:40 am

On 24 September 2021, the European Commission initiated an anti-dumping investigation on imports of electrolytic chromium coated steel products from China and Brazil. The product subject to this investigation is flat-rolled products of iron or non alloy steel, plated or coated with chromium oxides or with chromium and chromium oxides The products subject to investigation are classified under HS code subheading 7210.50.00 and 7212.50.20. This investigation follows an application lodged by EUROFER.

The investigation of dumping and injury will cover the period from 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021. The examination of trends relevant for the assessment of injury will cover the period from 1 January 2018 to the end of the investigation period considered.

The European Commission received a complaint from European Steel Association EUROFER on behalf of the EU producers of electrolytic chromium coated steel on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Union, alleging that imports of electrolytic chromium coated steel products, originating in China and Brazil are being dumped and are thereby causing injury to the Union industry.
SAIL Rourkela Steel Plant Supplies API Pipes to IOCL & BPCL

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Oct, 2021, 4:45 am

Steel Authority of India Limited’s Rourkela Steel Plant has recently supplied around 3000 tonne of API grade electrical resistant and spiral welded pipes to Indian Oil Corporation Ltd & Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited. SAIL RSP supplied pipes with total length of 20 kilometres to various units of Indian Oil Corporation Ltd in Vijaywada, Vishakapatnam, New Delhi, Howrah, Kota, Durgapur and Chittorgarh. SAIL RSP also supplied total length of 20 kilometres pipes to Kanpur, Bokaro and other sites of Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

‘This is the first time that RSP is directly dealing with the sale of the products by participating in the tender as the unit is producing pipes as per customers' specifications. Third-party quality certification, validation and authentication were also provided as part of the pre-sale contract.
Swiss Steel Shareholders Approve Appointment of New Board Members

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Oct, 2021, 4:49 am

Global leader in special long steel Swiss Steel Holding AG announced that shareholders have approved the appointment of all new board members proposed by the Board of Directors. Swiss Steel Holding Chairman Jens Alder: said "I would like to thank the shareholders for accepting our proposal to appoint the three new Board members. With Ralf Göttel, Mario Rossi and Emese Weissenbacher, we have gained personalities with proven expertise in the areas of international management in an industrial environment, automotive supply, process optimization, efficiency enhancement, strategic realignment, and finance and accounting.”

He added “The newly formed Board of Directors covers all the specialist skills and knowledge of the markets and cultures relevant to Swiss Steel Group so that we can continue to work together with the Executive Board on the successful transformation of the company for a sustainable future."

Shareholders also approved the amendment of the Articles of Association regarding the number of Board members of 5 to 10 from the previous 5 to 9.

The Swiss Steel Group is one of the world's leading providers of individual solutions in the special long steel products sector. The Group is one of the leading manufacturers of tool steel and non-corrosive long steel on the global market and one of the two largest companies in Europe for alloyed and high-alloyed quality and engineering steels.
Metalloinvest’s Ural Steel Develops Ultra High Strength Steel

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Oct, 2021, 4:53 am

Metalloinvest’s Ural Steel specialists have developed and produced a pilot batch of ultra high-strength strip for the production of large diameter oil and gas pipelines that can operate at minus 60 degree Celsius. Ural Steel Managing Director Ildar Iskakov said “The enterprise is implementing a quality improvement programme, as part of which we reconstructed the steelmaking facility, replaced the KVATRO finishing stand at Rolling Mill 2800, commissioned an accelerated cooling unit and a heat treatment facility for producing rolled products. The implementation of modern technologies allows us to constantly broaden our product mix and to be a step ahead of customer requirements for flat products.”

An alloying system was employed to achieve the required mechanical properties of the rolled products which include a low carbon, sulphur and phosphorus content, manganese and molybdenum alloying, and microalloying with niobium and vanadium. This approach, in combination with use of considerable crimping in the KVARTO stand and intensive post deformation accelerated cooling, produced the required strength and plastic properties for K65 strength class, with high cold resistance of the rolled product.

Previously, Rolling Mill 2,800 had implemented strip production of up to strength class K60 with metal tensile strength of at least 590 MPa. The new product has strength class of K65, with metal tensile strength of at least 640 MPa.
Thyssenkrupp Participating in 3 Hydrogen Projects of BMBF

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Oct, 2021, 4:57 am

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research BMBF is supporting Germany's entry into the hydrogen economy with the hydrogen lead projects, its largest research initiative to date on the subject of the energy transition. Thyssenkrupp is involved in all three hydrogen lead projects and is testing the industrial production, use and system integration of green hydrogen. With these lead projects, the expertise in hydrogen technologies in science, business and civil society is bundled across Germany and thus given the initial spark for the development, conception and implementation of hydrogen solutions on an industrial scale. Within four years, Thyssenkrupp will continue to expand its technology leadership along the entire value chain of green chemicals by 2025. This involves

1. The series production of large-scale water electrolysers H 2 Giga

2. The production of synthetic fuels, green ammonia, green methanol and synthetic methane at sea H 2Mare

3. Hydrogen transport and conversion technologies such as ammonia cracking TransHyDE.

The BMBF will provide thyssenkrupp with almost 8.5 million euros in funding for research and development of large-scale production of alkaline water electrolysis. The aim is on the one hand to use scaling effects and thus to be able to reduce manufacturing costs. On the other hand, an expansion of the previous supply chain by 1 gigawatt electrolysis cells allows the implementation of larger project volumes, so that several gigawatt projects can be carried out at the same time every year.

The H2Giga project INSTALL AWE led by thyssenkrupp focuses on the industrialization of AWE, which is the most developed and marketable technology today and is mainly used for large scale industrial applications. The modular and standardized 20 MW module from thyssenkrupp is also advantageous from an economic and climate protection perspective. In contrast to the compact design of PEM electrolysers, with the AWE single element technology, selective maintenance work can be carried out on individual cells instead of having to replace the entire stack. This saves resources and lowers operating costs.

In the H To this end, thyssenkrupp will work together with its long-term partners such as De Nora and Hoedtke GmbH & Co KG, but will also build on new collaborations. In the H To this end, thyssenkrupp will work together with its long-term partners such as De Nora and Hoedtke GmbH & Co KG, but will also build on new collaborations. In the H2 Giga innovation pool with institutions, universities and small specialized companies with scientific and technical competence in the field of series production, broader research and development topics are examined, which should also drive Thyssenkrupp’s own development.

In the lead project H 2 Mare, the production of hydrogen and downstream products such as synthetic fuels, methanol, ammonia and synthetic methane is to be developed on the high seas. The Power-to-X processes handled by thyssenkrupp include all three of the last-mentioned products. In the H 2 Mare project "PtX-Wind", the company receives funding of 780,000 euros for the development of the fundamentals up to and including engineering.

Thyssenkrupp is also involved in the third lead project TransHyDE and, as an associated partner, considers the potential of the ammonia cracking process. Transporting ammonia as a hydrogen carrier is more profitable, especially over long distances. After green ammonia has been transported and liquid ammonia has been converted back into its components hydrogen and nitrogen at locations where hydrogen is required, the hydrogen produced in this way can be put to direct use. Possible applications are, for example, use in steelworks, as a green feed for chemical plants or in fuel cells in order to be converted into electrical energy.

Thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers offers world-leading technologies for highly efficient electrolysis systems. The company, a joint venture with Industrie De Nora, has already installed more than 600 projects and electrochemical systems with a total output of over 10 gigawatts worldwide. With the water electrolysis technology for the production of green hydrogen, it offers an innovative solution for the industrial scale.
Mechel Izhstal Expands Cooperation with Russian Auto Industry

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Oct, 2021, 5:01 am

Russian steel maker Mechel Group’s Izhstal plant has mastered the production of new types of products for car manufacturers. This year, the production of 10 new steel grades was mastered by orders of such large enterprises of the automotive and aviation industries as GAZ Group and UEC Saturn. Among the new products is stainless, tool, structural carbon and alloy grades.

For the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant, the technology for the production of calibrated rolled products with specific requirements for the microstructure and hardness of metal products has been mastered, which is used in the manufacture of fasteners for almost any elements of cars. After approbation of a pilot batch, UAZ has already placed new orders for such rolled products. In addition to calibrated steel, the plant supplies car manufacturers with hot-rolled and turned-rolled steel, from which transmissions, engines and suspension elements are produced.

In addition to GAZ and UAZ, the list of traditional consumers of Izhstal's metal includes more than two dozen manufacturers of cars and their components. Among them are the leading enterprises of the automotive industry: KamAZ, MAZ, MTZ, Ural, LiAZ, Avtodizel.
Ryerson Central Steel & Wire to Build Facility in University Park

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Oct, 2021, 5:05 am

Leading US service center Ryerson Holding Corporation announced that its wholly owned subsidiary Central Steel & Wire has signed a lease for a 900,000 square foot service center facility in University Park in Illinoi that will become CSW's headquarters and operational hub. Strategically located, the build-to-suit facility will offer a great customer experience across a broad geographical area.

Ryerson is a leading value-added processor and distributor of industrial metals, with operations in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and China. Founded in 1842, Ryerson has around 3,900 employees in approximately 100 locations.
Byelorussian Steel Implementing Pollution Control Project at EAF 3

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Oct, 2021, 5:08 am

Byelorussian Steel Works is implementing a comprehensive reconstruction of fume treatment plant 3 projects by reconstructing existing system capturing and cleaning off gases from EAF No 3. New additional bag filter and hood will be installed, as well as the system monitoring emission of pollutants into atmosphere. All the above mentioned would reduce emissions from electric arc furnace No 3 by 460.41 tonnes per year. Since the beginning of reconstruction of fume treatment plant 3 project implementations actual investments as of 01.09.2021 amount USD 12.042 million

To implement the project, electric arc furnace No 3 is stopped since October 5, 2021. Basic reconstruction related activities will be performed within October 2021 to February 2022.

General designing company Belpromproekt gained positive conclusions from environmental and construction expertise for the project. Water Group Ltd OY of Finland has delivered contractual process equipment.

Byelorussian Steel Works will still be in operation, using two out of three electric arc furnaces.
Dillinger Supporting Research on Microstructure of Special Steels

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Oct, 2021, 5:12 am

Saar Germany based steel plate pioneer Dillinger is continuing its strategic partnership with the Materials Science and Engineering Department at Saarland University and the Steinbeis Research Center for Materials Science. With this Steel Development 4.0, Dillinger is promoting the university’s research into the microstructure of special steels and is bolstering its position as an innovation driver in heavy plate production. The steel specialist has supported steel-related joint research projects with almost EUR 2 million since 2015. Dillinger will now continue the research partnership with almost EUR 1 million in funding over the next three years.

As part of the continuation, two scientific projects in the field of steel research will be made possible at the university. The experts at Dillinger are incorporating these two projects as components within the integrated approach of their own microstructure-based materials development. The focus of the scientific work is on the microstructure of the steel as well as its formation and the possibilities for selectively influencing the microstructure. It is the nature of this steel microstructure that determines the subsequent properties of a heavy plate. The aim of this integrated research partnership with the university is to advance the development of Dillinger’s special steels even more quickly and economically. It thus enhances the company’s ability to respond flexibly to customer requirements and to a wide range of applications.

The advanced high-performance plates manufactured by Dillinger are used, for example, in steel construction, mechanical engineering, or in the construction of onshore and offshore wind turbines. Steels used in the offshore wind power sector in particular must withstand extreme operating conditions like storms for decades while still guaranteeing safe operation. With highly advanced manufacturing recipes precisely adapted to the respective application, special steels from Dillinger are able to withstand these continuous stresses long term.

Aktien-Gesellschaft der Dillinger Hüttenwerke, founded in 1685, is a world leader today in the manufacture of high-grade heavy plate steel. High-tech plate from Dillinger is used to realize extraordinary and technically advanced projects all over the globe, including in the areas of steel construction, engineering, offshore, offshore wind power, and line pipe and boiler construction.
US Imposes CVD on Import of CR Steel from China & South Korea

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Oct, 2021, 5:18 am

US Department of Commerce determined that revocation of the countervailing duty orders on certain cold rolled steel flat products from China and South Korea would be likely to lead to continuation or recurrence of countervailable subsidies at the following rates:


Angang Group Hong Kong Co Ltd - 256.44%

Benxi Iron and Steel (Group) Special Steel Co Ltd - 256.44%

Qian'an Golden Point Trading Co Ltd - 256.44%

All Others - 256.44%

South Korea

Hyundai Steel Co Ltd - 4.04%

POSCO - 51.80%

All Others - 13.19%

On June 1, 2021, US Department of Commerce published the notice of initiation of the first sunset reviews of the Orders. US Department of Commerce received a notice of intent to participate from Cleveland Cliffs Inc, California Steel Industries and Steel Dynamics Inc, Nucor Corporation, and United States Steel Corporation as domestic producers engaged in the production in the United States of cold-rolled steel. US Department of Commerce did not receive a substantive response from any other interested party in these proceedings, and no party requested a hearing. On July 22, 2021, US Department of Commerce notified the US International Trade Commission that it did not receive an adequate substantive response from respondent interested parties. As a result, US Department of Commerce conducted expedited 120 day sunset reviews of these Orders.
British Steel & Ceramics Sectors to Cut Carbon Emissions

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Oct, 2021, 5:22 am

A consortium of companies from the steel and ceramics sectors in UK, led by the Materials Processing Institute, has investigated ways of improving waste heat recovery from furnaces leading to several opportunities to cut carbon emissions. The Institute worked with British Steel, Wienerberger UK, Heatcatcher Ltd and Low Carbon Europe Ltd as part of a project that is contributing to the National Energy and Climate Plan which includes Clean Growth Strategy requirements to improve business energy efficiency by 20% by 2030. With both the steel and ceramics industries using gas-fired furnaces in continuous operation at temperatures in excess of 1000 degree Celsius, the project sought to highlight best practice and investigate methods of waste heat recovery to improve energy efficiency and environmental practices.

It compared a British Steel reheating furnace with brick kilns operated by Wienerberger UK, examining combustion efficiency and heat flows. The project identified ways to reduce the amount of gas used in the process, including introducing clean-burning hydrogen to the fuel mix by making changes to the furnace burner.

It also identified opportunities to:

1. Reuse heat from cooling systems to pre-heat the combustion air in brick kilns

2. Generate electricity from excess heat in the furnace cooling system

3. Use of remnant heat in the steel furnace exhaust to generate electricity using organic rankine cycle turbine

4. Improve combustion efficiency through modern burner technologies

Both the steel and ceramic sectors have already made strides in reusing exhaust heat to pre-heat product. In addition, the brick kilns use further exhaust heat to dry product while the steel furnace recuperates exhaust heat.

The results are being shared across the foundation industries to encourage take up of improved technologies and waste heat recovery. This includes more than 40 other brick kilns and 20 steel reheat furnaces in the UK.

The project was partly funded by Innovate UK through the Fast Start Competition, a research and development initiative run by the Transforming Foundation Industries Challenge, providing up to £5 million for cross-sector, collaborative, feasibility studies and industrial research and development projects focused on common resource and energy efficiency opportunities.

Innovate UK, which is part of UK Research and Innovation, drives productivity and economic growth by enabling businesses to convert ideas into commercially successful products and services.
GFG Alliance Update on Restructuring & Refinancing Progress

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Oct, 2021, 5:26 am

Following the creation of LIBERTY Steel Group’s Restructuring and Transformation Committee in May 2021 and the sustained progress achieved to date, GFG Alliance and the Group’s Restructuring and Transformation Committee has reported further developments across the Group. Chief Restructuring Officer Mr Jeffrey S Stein said “I’m pleased to report a significant advance in GFG Alliance’s global restructuring. The debt restructuring we have agreed for LIBERTY Primary Metals Australia gives the business clarity and stability and secures a clear recovery plan for creditors. The funding we are injecting to LIBERTY Steel UK puts it in a strong position for business transformation and debt restructuring. The next stage in our global refinancing will be in Europe where a significant number of new lenders are expressing interest in refinancing our steel assets.”

UK - GFG will inject GBP 50 million of new funding into LIBERTY Steel UK to enable the restart of LIBERTY Steel UK’s core Rotherham electric arc furnace. Production ramp up will commence in October 2021 with a plan to reach 50,000 tonnes per month as soon as possible. The provision of funding will set the platform to refinance LIBERTY Steel UK operations in full, create a leading long-term GREENSTEEL hub, and support the RTC’s work of creating a profitable, restructured and focused business. Funds will be allocated to LIBERTY Steel UK through a new separate corporate entity LIBERTY Capital. LIBERTY Steel UK will run as normal with funding for growth in working capital approved through LIBERTY Capital. This arrangement will ensure fast and effective deployment of the GBP 50 million in initial funds in the UK, enabling LIBERTY Steel UK to restart its operations. This will allow time to prove the operations can run efficiently which will enable them to finalise longer term debt restructuring.

Europe - In Italy, the LIBERTY Magona mills have now fully restarted following the initial aspects of the integration into LIBERTY Galati, which is now Magona’s primary supplier of Hot Rolled Coil. In the Benelux, the management of LIBERTY Liège-Dudelange have informed the works council of LIBERTY Liège, which comprises two plants in Flémalle and Tilleur, of the main aspects of a possible future organisational structure. The potential new structure has been identified as offering the best long-term future for the company, making it more likely that potential investment will be obtained to support this future. The proposed restructuring project has no impact on the LIBERTY Dudelange site in Luxembourg, which is expected to restart shortly.

Australia - Marking a significant step forward on GFG’s path to recovery following the collapse of its main lender Greensill in March, GFG and Credit Suisse Asset Management have agreed a debt restructuring for LIBERTY Primary Metals Australia, which comprises its integrated mining and primary steel business at Whyalla and its coking coal mine at Tahmoor. The deal will provide a stable financial platform for our LIBERTY Primary Metals Australia business and secures a recovery plan for creditors. The strength of the LIBERTY Primary Metals Australia business will enable it to make a substantial upfront payment to Greensill Bank and Credit Suisse Asset Management, which has been closely involved in GFG’s work to refinance and restructure its portfolio following the collapse of GFG’s main lender Greensill Capital. Under the agreement, which represents the best of several options open to LIBERTY Primary Metals Australia to achieve refinancing, the balance will be paid in instalments to Credit Suisse Asset Management and Greensill Bank, through the amended maturity date of June 2023.
UK Steel Warns of Closure of Steel Mills on High Energy Prices

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Oct, 2021, 5:31 am

British industries, which are reeling under high energy prices, have called for UK government’s support and leaders of energy intensive industries met with UK’s Business Secretary Mr Kwasi Kwarteng last week. Mr Kwarteng told the business representatives he would continue to work with them to tackle the problem and the government would assess the options put forward by the industry, He said "We recognise the recent increase in global gas prices will be a cause of concern for businesses in the UK. We are in regular contact with Ofgem and business groups to explore ways to manage the impact of rising global prices."

But UK Steel Chief Mr Gareth Stace, after the meeting, said the British government has failed to find solutions to halt soaring energy prices. He said "Mr Kwarteng listened but had provided no immediate solutions or guarantees. He is baffled because governments in the rest of Europe had stepped in to support industry, although they faced lower energy costs than in the UK. If the government failed to act it could strangle steel production in the UK. We're pausing production already in terms of some steel producers in the UK and it's going to happen more often unless something is done, or the energy market corrects itself and I don't think that will happen any time soon. If the government does nothing then tomorrow, there'll be a steel crisis, and given in terms of what impact that could have on jobs, then that wouldn't be good, not only for the steel sector, for those regions where steel is, but for the UK economy as a whole. We can't wait until Christmas and beyond. Or even a few weeks. We need action now, it needs to be swift, decisive action.”

However, Energy Intensive Users Group Chairman Mr Richard Leese, after the meeting, said the government has made positive first steps to develop practical solutions. He said "EIUG will work with government to avoid threats both to the production of essential domestic and industrial products, as well an enormous range of supply chains critical to our economy.”

British Energy Intensive Users Group, which represents the UK's energy intensive industries, last week set-out the measures required to help ensure that the UK’s energy intensive industries continue operating this winter. Energy Intensive Users Group has called on the British Government and Ofgem for the immediate implementation of several emergency measures to help to ensure that the UK’s energy intensive industries continue to operate this winter. Energy Intensive Users Group Chairman Dr Richard Leese had said "We have already seen the impact of the truly astronomical increases in energy costs on production in the fertiliser and steel sectors. Nobody wants to see a repeat in other industries this winter given that UK EIIs produce so many essential domestic and industrial products and are intrinsically linked with many supply chains. Now is the moment for Government and Ofgem to take preventative action."

Wholesale gas prices have risen 250% since January. Prices have soared 70% from August alone. A cold winter in Europe last year put pressure on supplies and, as a result, stored gas levels are much lower than normal. There's been increased demand from Asia, which also suffered a cold winter, for liquefied natural gas.
Employment Minister Calls for Resolution to NUMSA Strike

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Oct, 2021, 5:36 am

South Africa’s Employment and Labour Minister Mr Thulas Nxesi has called for a urges all parties to resolve their industrial issues urgently through social dialogue especially in this sensitive period of massive unemployment and retrenchments. The Minister was speaking as one of the major employer organisation the Steel and Engineering Industries Federation of South Africa and the largest worker organisation, the National Metalworkers of South Africa are held in a deadlock over pay following the end of their wage agreement in June.

Mr Nxesi appealed to all social partners entering the wage negotiations to work through their issues on the table. He said hostility would not solve differences, instead risks escalating the severe economic and social damages that have been brought about by the Covid-19. He said “Our Constitution guarantees the right of association and the protection of worker rights and industrial action. We respect the fact that many people died for us to be able to enjoy these rights. But with the rights come the responsibilities and we would like to urge unions and other worker representatives to exercise this responsibility. It is common cause that the country is now going through one of the most difficult periods occasioned by the pandemic on one hand and the inclement economic conditions that prevailed even before Covid-19 on the other. It is against this background that we appeal to all the players workers and employers, unions federations and employer bodies to handle the sensitive talks with the necessary caution. Cool heads should prevail and the good of the country and our economy should always at the top of mind. After protracted industrial action, we still have to come and sit around the table to resolve our differences but it is not wise or advisable to play a zero-sum game. We are all invested in this country.”

This comes in the wake of the latest unemployment figures from Statistics South Africa which shows that the country has lost even more jobs in the second quarter. The number of unemployed persons increased by 584,000 to 7.8 million compared to the first quarter of 2021.

National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa embarked on a national indefinite strike last week following failed salary negotiations with major employer organisation in the engineering sector, the Steel and Engineering Industries Federation of South Africa. The strike may be worse than the 2014 industrial action in the steel industry, which lasted four weeks and cost the industry between ZAR 300 million and ZAR 500 million a day or ZAR 6-billion for the broader economy, as production stopped and the economy was starved of steel.

Numsa has demanded an across-the-board salary increase of 8% for one year (2021), then an adjustment of consumer inflation plus 2% for the following two years. This works out to increases of just more than 6% for 2022 and 2023. But employers are not entertaining Numsa’s salary adjustment demands. They have tabled a 4.4% increase for 2021, inflation plus 0.5% increase in 2022, and inflation plus 1% increase in 2023. Numsa rejected the offer by employers, triggering the national strike.
BHP Marks Official Opening of South Flank Iron Ore Mine

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Oct, 2021, 6:30 am

BHP has marked the official opening of its new South Flank mine in Western Australia at a celebratory event in the Pilbara attended by Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan, Banjima Traditional Owners and joint venture partners, ITOCHU and Mitsui. South Flank is Australia’s largest new iron ore mine in over 50 years and has been delivered safely on time and on budget. When fully operational it will produce 80 million tonnes of premium iron ore per annum, and together with the existing Mining Area C will form the largest operating iron ore hub in the world, producing 145 million tonnes of iron ore each year.

The USD 3.6 billion South Flank development created 9000 direct and indirect jobs during construction and will sustain more than 600 permanent ongoing jobs. South Flank’s workforce is diverse and highly skilled, with 40 per cent female and 15 per cent Indigenous operational staff.

BHP has already awarded more than AUD 4.6 billion of works for South Flank, including 78 per cent to Australian businesses, 41 per cent to WA businesses and 37 per cent committed in the Pilbara region.
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