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Staal produceren met waterstof: 'In 2016 dachten mensen dat we gek waren'
Caitlin Stooker 15:21

Met waterstof staal maken leek vijf jaar geleden nog wereldvreemd. Maar Zweden begon ermee en loopt nu voorop. Het FD sprak de Zweedse Vattenfallmanager Mikael Nordlander. 'We zijn vanuit het einddoel gaan rekenen.'

De proeffabriek van Hybrit in Zweden. Foto: Caitlin Stooker voor het FD

De Zweedse staalindustrie is in vijf jaar tijd veranderd van een kleine markt in een voorbeeld voor de gehele Europese industrie. Maar zelf blijft de industrie daar aardig nuchter onder. Mikael Nordlander is voor een flitsbezoek in Groningen. Het Zweedse consulaat heeft hem uitgenodigd om meer te vertellen over het maken van staal met waterstof. Sinds vorig jaar is de pilotfabriek geopend en de aandacht is enorm. Zijn agenda is overvol.

Nordlander is bij energieleverancier Vattenfall het hoofd van de R&D-afdeling gericht op decarbonisatie en hij is nauw betrokken bij het Hybritproject. Daarin werken staalbedrijf SSAB, mijnbedrijf LKAB en Vattenfall samen om staal te produceren met waterstof, in plaats van met kolen. Daardoor daalt de CO2-uitstoot fors: een revolutie in een van de meest vervuilende industrieën in Europa.

Waar Tata Steel in Nederland begin september heeft besloten om op termijn met groene waterstof te gaan produceren, onderzoekt Hybrit de opties al sinds 2016, drie maanden na het sluiten van het Klimaatakkoord van Parijs. 'Ik heb de eerste schetsen nog, gemaakt tijdens de kerstvakantie in 2015', zegt Nordlander in gesprek met het FD. 'Wat destijds als een paal boven water stond, is dat de industrie nú moet gaan veranderen. Hoewel ik denk dat veel mensen dachten dat we gek waren met onze waterstofplannen.'

Hoe anders is dat nu. Sinds de start van de proeffabriek vorig jaar is er veel aandacht voor het project. Ook kijkt de concurrentie serieus naar waterstof. 'Er is denk ik geen enkele grote producent in Europa die niet in ieder geval één project met waterstof heeft. Het is een bewezen technologie.'

De proeffabriek van Hybrit heeft in augustus het eerste staal aan klanten geleverd. Foto: Caitlin Stooker voor het FD

'Waterstof was de logische keuze'
Vorig jaar is de eerste proeffabriek van Hybrit, een afkorting van Hydrogen Breakthrough Ironmaking Technology, in gebruik genomen. In augustus heeft het bedrijf het eerste staal aan klanten geleverd. 'Dat was een mijlpaal. We onderzoeken nu de toeleveringsketen om op grotere schaal te produceren', zegt Nordlander.

Mikael Nordlander, hoofd R&D-afdeling gericht op decarbonisatie bij Vattenfall. Foto: Peter Knutson/Vattenfall

Hybrit loopt daarmee voorop. 'Maar als we naar de opties in Zweden kijken, was waterstof ook de meest logische keuze. Wij hebben geen gasreserves. We hebben wel veel mogelijkheden en ruimte voor waterkrachtcentrales en windparken. En we willen zelfvoorzienend zijn.'

Door de ruime aanwezigheid van hernieuwbare energie, kan het land goedkoper groene waterstof maken. Zweden profiteert daarbij ook van de kerncentrales die het land heeft, beaamt Nordlander. 'Dat de energieprijzen niet heel hoog zijn, heeft ons een vliegende start gegeven. En we hebben ook veel hernieuwbare energie, daarvan exporteren we nu nog een flink deel.'

Om niet alle overtallige groene energie te exporteren, en om een buffer voor de staalproducent aan te leggen, onderzoeken Vattenfall, SSAB en LKAB opslagmethoden van bijvoorbeeld groene waterstof. Zo zijn de drie in mei begonnen met een project om in een heuvel naast de fabriek groene waterstof op te slaan. 'Zodat de fabriek drie dagen kan doordraaien, mocht de energie-opwekking stilvallen.'

Maar de Zweden zijn er nog niet: om op dezelfde schaal te kunnen produceren als SSAB nu doet, is ongeveer 15 terrawattuur stroom per jaar nodig. 'Dat vereist ook dat vergunningen voor het uitbreiden van het Zweedse elektriciteitsnetwerk en het opwekken van energie sneller worden verleend.'

Ook cement en chemie
Naast de staalindustrie ziet de Vattenfallmanager soortgelijke mogelijkheden voor de cementindustrie en de chemische industrie. 'Hoewel bij die producenten de toeleveringsketen langer is en minder transparant. Bij staal is het makkelijker: je levert aan een autofabrikant en zij willen precies weten wat voor staal je levert. Maar er moet iets veranderen. Staal, cement en de chemie zijn goed voor 20% van de wereldwijde CO2-uitstoot. Zij zitten in hetzelfde schuitje.'

Wat volgens Nordlander bij Hybrit goed heeft gewerkt is dat ze zijn uitgegaan van het einddoel. Backcasten. 'We zijn gestart vanuit het gezamenlijke doel om fossielvrij te worden en hebben vervolgens gekeken naar wanneer de bedrijven weer moeten investeren of groot onderhoud moeten doen: dat zijn duidelijke punten om te handelen.'

Dat bleek volgens Nordlander een krachtig middel in de gesprekken met alle partijen en de overheid. 'In plaats van te zeggen “we kunnen nu starten met het ontwikkelen en dan hopen we dat we 2050 halen” hebben we duidelijk aangegeven: dit is ons tijdspad om in 2030 op grote schaal fossielvrij staal te kunnen produceren. Dít hebben we daarvoor nodig qua infrastructuur. En dat betekent dat we nú moeten gaan beginnen als Zweden de uitstoot op tijd terug wil brengen.'

Staal maken met waterstof?
Staal wordt gemaakt uit ijzererts. Hiervoor moet het ijzer uit de erts worden gehaald. Van de erts worden brokken, sinter, of kleine balletjes, pellets, gemaakt. Deze gaan traditioneel samen met bewerkte kolen, cokes, in een hoogoven. Daarbij komt veel CO2 vrij.
In Zweden gaat dat anders. Met hulp van waterstof wordt de ijzeroxide in de pellets omgezet in ijzer in vaste vorm. Dat zogenoemde sponsijzer kan daarna worden gesmolten in een elektrische oven, samen met gerecycled schroot.

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Interpipe Supplies Passenger Railway Wheels to GVB in Netherlands

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Oct, 2021, 3:56 am

Ukrainian producer of steel pipes and railway wheels products Interpipe’s NTRP shipped a pilot lot of 840 mm EN 13262 railway wheels to Gemeente Vervoerbedrijf Amsterdam GVB, the municipal public transport operator for Amsterdam. The plant is now preparing for production of industrial batch for new customer. Interpipe's railway wheels are going to be used for refurbishment of metropolitan transport cars produced by Alstom.

Interpipe Railway Products Division Director Mr Alexander Garkavij said “Interpipe supplied passenger railway wheels to the Netherlands for the first time ever. The increased requirements for metal microstructure are the feature of this order. The customer requested improved quality and strength characteristics of the wheels achieved from the optimal heat treatment mode. Deliveries for GVB are a good reference in the segment of passenger wheels for municipal transport in the European Union.”
US Raw Steel Production Capacity Utilization Slips in Week 40

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Oct, 2021, 3:58 am

American Iron & Steel Institute announced that in the week ending on October 9, 2021, US domestic raw steel production was 1,858,000 net tons while the capability utilization rate was 84.2%. Production was 1,549,000 net tons in the week ending October 9, 2020 while the capability utilization then was 70.1%. The current week production represents a 19.9% increase from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending October 9, 2021 is down 0.7% from the previous week ending October 2, 2021 when production was 1,872,000 net tons and the rate of capability utilization was 84.8%.

Adjusted year-to-date production through October 9, 2021 was 73,267,000 net tons, at a capability utilization rate of 81.2%. That is up 20.2% from the 60,931,000 net tons during the same period last year, when the capability utilization rate was 67.1%.

Broken down by districts, here’s production for the week ending October 9, 2021 in thousands of net tons:

North East: 181

Great Lakes: 638

Midwest: 191

Southern: 768

Western: 80
Tenaris & Sandvik Renew OCTG Seamless Pipe Supply Agreement

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Oct, 2021, 4:01 am

Tenaris and long time business partner Sandvik are extending their nearly 20-year alliance with the signing of a new five-year agreement for the supply of OCTG with premium connections and specialty steel alloys, including CRAs, to serve the oil and gas market. The renewed agreement combines Sandvik’s expertise in material technology and the development of corrosion-resistant steel alloys with Tenaris’s excellence in the manufacture of high-quality, high-performing OCTG and premium connections with Dopeless technology.

Tenaris Chairman & CEO Mr Paolo Rocca said “We continue to draw from our combined strengths in R&D and manufacturing to offer customers differentiated solutions, unmatched in the industry today. And, as the sector pivots with a greater focus on low-carbon solutions, we are best-positioned and have the know-how to execute projects for the energy transition such as carbon capture and storage, geothermal and gas production segments that require advanced materials and product technologies that maximize performance while reducing environmental impact.”

The strategic partnership between Tenaris and Sandvik started in 2003 to add value to the oil and gas industry through joint research, product development, and the manufacture of specialized tubular solutions for demanding applications.
Production Re Starts at Dahlerbrück CR Mill of Outokumpu

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Oct, 2021, 4:04 am

Stainless steel maker Outokumpu announced last week that it was able to restart the production in Dahlerbrück again and most of production lines in the mill are now back in operation. The heavy thunderstorms and record rainfall that Germany experienced in the mid of July had impacted Outokumpu’s cold-rolling mill in Dahlerbrück. Due to water ingress into the operating lines the production had to be temporarily stopped.

Dahlerbrück cold-rolling mill produces precision strip, employs some 160 people, and represents less than 1% of Outokumpu Group’s total production.
Metalloinvest Elects Directors & Creates Sustainability Committee

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Oct, 2021, 4:08 am

Leading Russian miner, HBI & steel maker Metalloinvest announced the election of a new Board of Directors at Management Company Metalloinvest and the creation of the Board’s Sustainability Committee. Mr Alexander Blumhardt and Mr Manfred Grundke were elected to the Board for the first time as independent directors. Mr Grundke became the head of the newly established Sustainability Committee, where he is joined by Nazim Efendiev, CEO of Management Company Metalloinvest, USM Deputy CEO Pavel Mitrofanov and Alexander Blumhardt.

Mr Blumhardt is Executive Manager CIS of Knauf Group since 2011. From 2005, he headed the Controlling Department of Knauf Group CIS. He graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Friedrich-Wilhelm University Rheinland in Bonn, Germany.

Mr Manfred Grundke has served as Managing Partner of Knauf Group since 2008. Previously, he was President and CEO of Bosch Rexroth.

The Board of Directors of the Management Company Metalloinvest has 12 members:

Ivan Streshinsky, Chairman of the Board of Directors

Vakhtang Kocharov, Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors, Executive Director

Nazim Efendiev, Chief Executive Officer

Irina Lupicheva, Non-Executive Director

Pavel Mitrofanov, Non-Executive Director

Maxim Poletaev, Non-Executive Director

Uluç Ergin, Non-Executive Director

Galina Aglyamova, Independent Director

Valery Kazikaev, Independent Director

Dmitry Tarasov, Independent Director

Alexander Blumhardt, Independent Director

Manfred Grundke, Independent Director
Metallurgical Corporation of China Interested to Revive PSM

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Oct, 2021, 4:14 am

According to recent reports, 3 Chinese companies including the Metallurgical Corporation of China have shown interest to revive Pakistan Steel Mills. As a state owned company in the iron and steel industry, Metallurgical Corporation of China is one of the earliest Chinese companies to operate businesses and projects in Pakistan. In 1990, Metallurgical Corporation of China managed the construction of the Saindak Copper-Gold Mine based on an engineering, procurement and construction contract. Saindak Copper-Gold Mine has made a steady profit for 18 consecutive years, becoming a major driver of the local economy and praised by governments on both sides as a model of China-Pakistan economic cooperation. Metallurgical Corporation of China Chairman Mr Guo Wenqing has met Pakistan’s Prime Minister Mr Imran Khan to discuss cooperation and prospects of joint ventures in energy, industrial and various other sectors.

Last year, six Russian firms including the METPROM Group, four Ukrainian entities including Ukrainian National Foreign Economic Corporation, one American firm and three Pakistani companies also expressed interest in running the facility.

Pakistan Steel Mills has the capacity to expand to produce three million tonnes of cold and hot-rolled steel annually. The plan includes creating a new subsidiary, Steel Corp Limited, on the premises of the Pakistan Steel Mills to offer the mammoth industrial unit to foreign investors. Instead of selling or privatising the Mills, the government aims to revive the operation and production of the unit with the help of foreign investors to meet the growing local demand for steel. Pakistan's annual steel demand stands at about eight million tonnes whereas local production fluctuates in the range of three to four million tonnes.
Brown Gibbons Lang Announces Sale of Grossman to Nucor’s DJJ

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Oct, 2021, 4:17 am

Brown Gibbons Lang & Company announced the sale of Grossman Iron and Steel Company to Nucor Corporation’s subsidiary The David J Joseph Company. Brown Gibbons Lang's Metals & Metals Processing team served as the exclusive financial advisor to Grossman in the process. The specific terms of the transaction were not disclosed. The transaction highlights the deep experience of the Brown Gibbons Lang team with businesses operating in ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal processing.

Headquartered in St Louis in Missouri, Grossman is the largest full-service scrap metal processor serving the greater St Louis metropolitan area and one of the leading scrap metal processors in the Midwestern United States. Grossman operates strategically located processing facilities adjacent to the Mississippi River, offering both river and direct rail access to its blue-chip consumer base. The company is well-positioned to continue benefiting from its tenured consumer and supplier relationships, access to premium, cost-effective materials, and premier reputation, built from 101 years of providing high-quality service.

DJJ is an operating subsidiary of Nucor. Together with its subsidiaries, DJJ operates six regional companies across the US with the capacity to sort and recycle over five million tons of ferrous and nonferrous scrap annually.

Brown Gibbons Lang & Company is a leading independent investment bank and financial advisory firm focused on the global middle market. The firm advises private and public corporations and private equity groups on mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, financial restructurings, valuations and opinions, and other strategic matters.
GFG Alliance Reports Positive Performance in Europe,US & Australia

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Oct, 2021, 4:23 am

GFG Alliance in the recent update on progress achieved by the Restructuring and Transformation Committee has highlighted positive results achieved at various units spread across Europe, US & Australia.

In Romania, for the quarter ended 30 June 2021, LIBERTY Galati achieved EBITDA of EUR 84 million, up more than 60% on the previous quarter, the best quarterly result since 2008. The plant reported strong growth in turnover of EUR 492 million, up 37% on the first quarter ended 31 March 2021, from shipments of around 566 KT, 7% more than in Q1. The business is currently in the process of increasing its production towards 3 million tonnes for the year, up from around 2 million in 2020.

In the Czech Republic, for the quarter ended 30 June 2021, LIBERTY Ostrava increased EBITDA to EUR 103 million up 35% on the previous quarter, the plant’s best quarterly performance since 2011. The steelworks shipped 684,000 tonnes of steel products, up 12% on the previous quarter to make it the best production quarter since 2017. Revenues generated were EUR 507 million, up 26% on Q1 2021 and more than double the same quarter in 2020. The business is in the process of increasing its production towards 2.5 million tonnes for the year, up from around 1.7 million in 2020.

In Poland, LIBERTY Czestochowa achieved positive EBITDA of EUR 7.1 million for July, and the plant’s highest monthly production levels since 2017. The GREENSTEEL plant produced more than 57,000 tonnes of slab in July, up from only 16,000 tonnes in January, while the rolling mills increased their production of heavy plate up to 42,000 tonnes in July from 12,000 tonnes in January.

In Italy, the LIBERTY Magona mills have now fully restarted following the initial aspects of the integration into LIBERTY Galati, which is now Magona’s primary supplier of Hot Rolled Coil.

In the Benelux, the management of LIBERTY Liège-Dudelange have informed the works council of LIBERTY Liège, which comprises two plants in Flémalle and Tilleur, of the main aspects of a possible future organisational structure. The potential new structure has been identified as offering the best long-term future for the company, making it more likely that potential investment will be obtained to support this future. The proposed restructuring project has no impact on the LIBERTY Dudelange site in Luxembourg, which is expected to restart shortly.

LIBERTY Steel US results for the half year ended 30 June 2021 show a significant step up over the past two years. H1 earnings of USD 28.1 million were up strongly from USD 5.8 million last year and volumes increased by around 40,000 tons, buoyed by strong markets, both in the United States and globally, as economies began to rebound from Covid-19.

LIBERTY Primary Metals Australia saw the business grow revenues from AUD 1.96 billion in FY 2020 to AUD 2.52 billion in FY 2021, and EBITDA grow from AUD 106 million in FY 2020 to AUD 729 million in FY 2021. The forecast for LPMA remains strong due to its ongoing operational efficiency drive, continuous improvement initiatives and favourable market conditions, underpinned by strong investment in infrastructure.
Thyssenkrupp Steel Secures DNV’s Seal for Bluemint Pure Steel

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Oct, 2021, 4:25 am

German steel maker Thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG has received an independent assurance statement from DNV Business Assurance B. for CO2eq emission savings achieved during the steel production process through use of Hot Briquetted Iron in a blast furnace. These savings are then allocated to a quantity of hot rolled coil steel products, which can then be sold with a greatly reduced C02eq emissions intensity, enabling customers to reduce their scope 3 emissions. Use of HBI in the blast furnace is not a new technology: what is innovative about the methodology developed by thyssenkrupp Steel for bluemint pure steel is the use of a combination of Life Cycle Analysis data and data from the operation of steel making assets.

The independent assurance by DNV is designed to ensure that thyssenkrupp Steel’s methodology used to calculate carbon emission savings is robust, and that the carbon emission savings are allocated to steel product quantities in an appropriate way. DNV performed a limited assurance engagement in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000, and used the WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol for Product Accounting and Reporting Standard as part of the criteria against which DNV made the assurance assessment.

Thyssenkrupp Steel’s use of LCA data, specifically focussed on a single impact category climate change, enabled thyssenkrupp Steel to prepare a detailed methodology document, based on the WRI/WBCSD GHG Protocol for Product Accounting and Reporting Standard. This methodology describes all materials and energy related flows, as well as climate change impacts from raw material supply until the product hot rolled coil and are included in a cradle to gate approach). DNV reviewed this methodology, and assessed how carbon emission savings have been allocated to quantities of bluemint pure steel, and the way in which upstream emissions have been included.

By definition, bluemint pure products have a specific CO2eq emission intensity of 0.60 kg CO2eq/kg hot-rolled coil, which represents the upstream impact of the conventional hot-rolled coil. DNV reviewed the basis for these calculations, and checked the system created by thyssenkrupp Steel for registering carbon emission savings and bluemint® pure steel certificates that are issued.

DNV’s work resulted in an Assurance Statement that will be made available to thyssenkrupp’s bluemint pure steel customers. DNV will now perform quarterly assurance on carbon emission savings, checks on the central record to review the amount of bluemint® pure steel certificate purchases and the corresponding certificates issued.
Danieli & Tolo to Develop Microalgae Based CO2 Capture & Reuse

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Oct, 2021, 4:28 am

Danieli Engineering & Systems formed a partnership with large producer of microalgae TOLO Green SrL to develop an innovative approach to carbon capture and utilization steel production. The agreement commits the partners to cooperate in deploying the technology using pilot plant based Photo Bio Reactors that allow high plant productivity and simultaneously high-quality steel products. This technology can convert 2 kg of CO2 per kilogram of algae produced and deliver the cultivation of a high quality product for different end-consumer markets.

Including Photo Bio Reactors responsible microalgal growth within the production process makes it possible to use the excess heat generated by steelmaking production, avoiding its dispersal.

This solution will be available primarily to steel producers, but it is also applicable to all sectors where there is high CO2 production including agriculture, fisheries, soil treatments etc.
Vallourec & Açotubo Launch Vallourec Tubos para Indústria

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Oct, 2021, 4:30 am

Specialized in tubes and tubular solutions for industry, more specifically for the automotive, energy, machinery and industrial equipment segments, Vallourec Tubos para Indústria is the result of the collaboration between Vallourec's Drawn and Profiled Tubes Unit and the Açotubo Group's Cold Drawn Tubes Division. The joint venture will focus on the domestic market, but exports are also part of the plan.

With VTI, customers will benefit from optimized management and operations, which will directly improve agility and flexibility.
Lion Industries Amsteel Sells Antara SteelMills Esteel Enterprise

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Oct, 2021, 4:33 am

Malaysian steel maker Lion Industries Corp Bhd’s 99% owned subsidiary Amsteel Mills Sdn Bhd is selling the latter’s 100% stake in Antara Steel Mills Sdn Bhd to Esteel Enterprise Pte Ltd for MYR 663.85 million (USD 158.82 million) under an all-cash deal that will enable Lion Industries to unlock the value of Antara Steel for a disposal gain of around MYR 403.1 million and finance Lion Industries’ planned expansion into the flat steel business.

Antara Steel operates a Labuan-based hot briquetted iron plant which produces HBI mainly for the export market. The unaudited net profit and net asset of Antara for the 12-month period ended June 30, 2021 are MYR 56.47 million and MYR 268.79 million respectively.

Esteel was incorporated in Singapore on Aug 18, 2017.Esteel and its subsidiaries namely BRC Asia Ltd is involved in prefabricated steel reinforcement steel products for use in concrete, trading of rebars and manufacturing and sale of wire mesh fences. Esteel’s other subsidiary Lee Metal Group Limited is involved in steel merchandising and fabrication of reinforcement steel products for the construction and building industry.
Metinvest & ?1-??? Join R&D for Processing Production Residues

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Oct, 2021, 4:36 am

Ukrainian steel maker Metinvest announced that the Group and Austria’s leading metallurgical competence centre K1-MET will participate in an international research project on sustainability and the circular economy for processing metallurgical production residues. The research will be conducted by an international consortium of industrial companies and research institutes. It will focus on the recovery of mineral and metallic products from steelmaking dust and slag for reuse in production, as well as the impact of different concentrations of recycled products on the quality of the final product. It will also explore methods for briquetting residues from gas cleaning in steel production.

Particular attention will be dedicated to finding a solution for the pyro metallurgical and mechanical treatment of fine-grained residues coming from the primary steelmaking off-gas dedusting of basic oxygen furnaces and electric arc furnaces. The on going transformation of the steel production sector from a carbon-based integrated steelmaking route (blast furnace – basic oxygen furnace) towards one that uses direct iron reduction and electric arc furnaces requires solutions to mechanically treat the dust coming from the off-gas treatment.

As part of this research, through the Metinvest Polytechnic metals and mining university, the Group plans to participate in the development and testing of new technologies and methods to assess their potential for commercial application in order to recycle waste instead of disposing of it. Researchers at Metinvest Polytechnic will be involved in the international consortium’s research, scientific work and other efforts.

K1-MET, as the consortium leader, intends to apply for project funding from the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG. The research itself is scheduled to take place between 2023 and 2027.

In July 2021, Metinvest signed a memorandum of understanding with K1-MET to implement joint projects aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the steel industry under the European Green Deal.

K1-MET (Austria) is one of the world’s leading competence centres for ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy. The centre has been cooperating with renowned Austrian and international steel companies in such areas as energy efficiency, the circular economy and carbon-neutral metal production for almost 20 years. K1-MET and its partners are working on process solutions to advance the transformation of the European metallurgical industry.
Bus Carrying Jingye Workers Plunges into River Killing 13

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Oct, 2021, 4:38 am

According to reports in Chinese media, at least 13 people are dead and one missing, possibly employees of Jingye Group steel plant, after a bus ran off a partially submerged bridge and into a swollen river in northern China on Monday morning. 51 people were on board the bus when it veered off Wangmu Bridge and into the Hutuo River in Pingshan county at around 7AM, about 40km from the centre of Shijiazhuang, capital of Hebei sheng province in north eastern China. The bus was taking workers to the Jingye Group steel plant about 10km away, and 37 people were rescued

The bridge was partially submerged because the Gangnan Reservoir upstream had discharged water over several days.

Jingye Group is located in Pingshan County. It is a multi-industry group mainly engaged in steel business, complemented by steel deep processing, international trade, powder metallurgy and 3D printing, tourism, and hospitality businesses. On September 28, 2014, the Group reorganized Inner Mongolia Ulanhot Steel Co Ltd; on March 9, 2020, the Group became a multinational enterprise group with the acquisition of British Steel Corporation.
Worldsteel Recognizes 6 Companies for Safety & Health in 2021

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Oct, 2021, 4:42 am

World Steel Association has recognised excellence in six of its member companies for delivering demonstrable improvements in safety and health for everyone that works in the steel industry. Worldsteel Director Safety, Environment and Technology Mr Andrew Purvis said “It is pleasing to see the application of engineering controls and digital solutions reflected in so many of the submissions received; this reflects the increasing maturity of safety management in our industry. The examples shown here demonstrate the application of contemporary safety science in the steel industry, including examples of reducing risk around the transportation of steel products, and facing COVID-19 using digital controls.”

The recognised companies this year are:

For safety culture and leadership

BlueScope Steel Limited, Global – HSE Evolution – Our human-centred approach

Qatar Steel Company, Qatar – SEE it, OWN it & SHARE it

For occupational safety management

Tata Steel Europe, Europe, USA – Zero Harm Logistics

Ternium, Mexico – Safe Forklift

For occupational health management

Tata Steel Limited, India – Mitigating COVID-19 risks

For process safety management

Gerdau SA, Brazil – Online gas monitoring

Partnering with industry experts, BlueScope is evolving its mind set and approach to health, safety and environment, building on its risk management foundations and seeking contemporary ways to continue to learn and improve. After piloting a human-centred approach across a number of business units, in 2021 BlueScope adopted its evolved approach across its global business.

The safety observation and feedback programme ‘SEE it, OWN it and SHARE it‘ was initiated in 2018 to transform Qatar Steel Company’s workplace safety culture from a reactive, compliance-based culture to an interdependent culture in which people look out for each other’s safety and wellbeing. With the concept of ‘Care for People’ at its core, this programme integrates principles of behavioural safety interactions and visible felt leadership by line management to achieve a step change in safety culture and performance. The introduction of the Behaviour-Based Safety Interactions and Visible Felt Leadership programme provided real impetus to the organisation’s cultural transformational efforts by positively influencing employee behaviours and attitudes.

Steel travels around the world using a variety of modes of transport and if it is not packaged correctly, handled safely, stored safely and moved safely, then many people are exposed to danger. A dedicated resource was established at Tata Steel Europe to develop engineered solutions and to provide guidance for application across the entire logistics network. The initial focus was road haulage safety, but the programme was expanded significantly to cover steel product banding and product storage; and other transport modalities. Perhaps the most technically demanding of the subjects tackled was that of coil banding to contain the ‘spring back’ energy of a steel coil. The stored energy in a steel coil depends on several critical factors. Mathematical models were developed and testing undertaken to produce a detailed code of practice specifying banding requirements to ensure product safety from mill to customer.

Ternium’s Safe Forklift project aims to reduce events with potentially severe consequences due to forklift operation, and to standardise safe practices for employees and contractors alike. Ternium set up a multi-disciplinary committee of operators, supervisors, safety technicians, managers and directors and ran workshops to identify the common causes of forklift operation incidents. Once the causes were established, Ternium implemented strategies for solutions revolving around three vectors: operational practices, human resources, and technology.

Unprecedented disruptions imposed by COVID-19 challenged business continuity globally, particularly for manufacturing industries. Two innovative interventions, the POD concept and Digital COVID Safety Tracks, rapidly implemented via the COVID Impact Centre, were the tipping point in Tata Steel’s response to COVID-19. These interventions established several eliminations, substitution, engineering, administrative and PPE controls, reducing the risk to an acceptable level (ALARP level). The direct positive impact on workforce safety and health metrics ensured delayed and minimal business impact of COVID-19 across company sites with no closure of manufacturing units or loss in production. The POD concept also effectively restricted the transmission of the virus from one POD to another. Both initiatives, implemented for the first time in Tata Steel, were also a first for the manufacturing industry.

Monitoring employees’ exposure to gases in the workplace is crucial to prevent serious injuries and fatalities. As a preventative measure, Gerdau developed an innovative online monitoring system for fixed and portable gas meters. The monitoring system covers the entirety of the connectivity infrastructure. It centrally tracks portable, mobile and fixed gas meters 24 hours a day, sending an alert email or SMS to designated people according to the type of exposure. The Values are measured in real-time in the main operating rooms and the Emergency Response Centre, with a standardised response routine for every kind of situation. The system produces reports/dashboards from stored data, enabling Gerdau to take preventative action on both processes and behaviour.
Advies van J.P. Morgan over Aperam
Beurshuis J.P. Morgan
Aandeel APERAM
Datum 13 oktober 2021
Advies Neutraal
Koersdoel 61,00 EUR

Detail advies
( - Op 13 oktober 2021 hebben de analisten van J.P. Morgan hun beleggingsadvies voor APERAM (APAM; ISIN: LU0569974404) herhaald. Het advies van J.P. Morgan voor APERAM blijft "neutraal".

Het koersdoel wordt door de analisten verhoogd van 56,30 EUR naar 61,00 EUR.

Op 28 juli 2021 publiceerde APERAM halfjaarcijfers.
Nog wat wetenswaardigheden over het Indiaas staalverbruik etc. (zie 4x bijlagen)
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Vertraagd 16 mei 2024 17:35
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Verschil +0,460 (+1,93%)
Hoog 24,420
Laag 23,620
Volume 3.937.932
Volume gemiddeld 2.557.654
Volume gisteren 2.345.565

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