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Battery Power

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BMW and Porsche unveiled a three minute charging station for electric cars

Bloomberg reported that BMW and Porsche unveiled a charging station that can charge electric vehicles with enough power to drive 100 km (62 miles) in less than three minutes, pushing ahead of Tesla in the race to make battery-powered cars more convenient. The ultra-fast prototype charger has capacity of 450 kilowatts, more than triple Tesla’s Superchargers. Test vehicles developed to take that much power were recharged to 80 percent capacity in 15 minutes. Tesla’s stations need about 30 minutes for a similar charge, according to its website.

Automakers, developing a wave of electric models to keep up with tightening carbon emissions regulation, are under pressure to overcome consumer turnoffs like slow charging times and patchy infrastructure. With demand remaining tepid, BMW, Daimler and Porsche parent Volkswagen are also building a fast-charging network along major highways in Europe.

The super-powered charging point in Jettingen-Scheppach, Bavaria was developed by a consortium comprising the two German brands, engineering giant Siemens and charging specialists Allego and Phoenix Contact E-Mobility. It was opened to the public on Wednesday. It’s free to use for existing models, BMW said Thursday in a statement.

One drawback -- the charger offers more power than current models can take on. The BMW i3 limits its power intake to 50 kilowatts, while the battery-powered iX3 will triple that to 150 kilowatts when it rolls out in 2020.

Source : Bloomberg
Dutch Lithium Werks considering European battery plant

Reuters reported that Dutch start-up Lithium Werks BV is considering Poland and other European countries for a storage battery plant alongside the 1.6 billion euro (USD 1.8 billion) one it plans to build in China. Energy storage is becoming increasingly important as the use of intermittent renewable sources of power grows. Combining wind, solar and battery technology would bring down cost of renewable energy and help power grids balance supply and demand.

Asian players such as CATL, Samsung and LG Chem have taken a lead in the market by locking in supply deals with manufacturers of electric cars, leaving Europe scrambling to catch up.

Sweden’s Northvolt is aiming to build Europe’s biggest battery cell plant in its home market and said earlier this year it had also partnered with South Bay Solutions, a supplier of U.S. electric carmaker Tesla, to jointly set up a plant in Gdansk in Poland.

Founder Kees Koolen told Reuters that Lithium Werks expects its Chinese project in the Yangtze River Delta to start operating in 2022.

The company’s focus is on lithium iron phosphate batteries which are the size of shipping containers. They are quick to charge and suitable for a variety of uses, including solar and wind farms, as well as in the shipping industry.

Source : Reuters
Wedloop om de nieuwe batterij

De echte doorbraak van de elektrische auto? De energietransitie? Dat gaat alleen lukken als er een betere batterij komt. Over de hele wereld werken technologen aan lichtere, goedkopere en krachtigere accu's.

Stik, batterij leeg. Jammer van dat belangrijke telefoontje of dat ene mailtje, maar zonder oplader en stopcontact heb je helemaal niets meer aan je smartphone of laptop. Het is een gevoel dat iedere smartphonebezitter kent, om over de bestuurders van elektrische auto's maar te zwijgen. Voor die laatste categorie bestaat in het Engels zelfs een aparte uitdrukking: 'range anxiety', de angst om onderweg stil te komen staan met een lege batterij.

En dat is niet het enige nadeel van de huidige generatie batterijen. Ze zijn relatief duur en zwaar, wat niet alleen voor elektronica een nadeel is maar vooral ook voor elektrische auto’s. Een Tesla Model S weegt bijvoorbeeld ruim 2000 kilo, grofweg 500 kilo komt voor rekening van de batterij. De kostprijs van die accu in de Tesla wordt door analisten geschat op $10.000, afhankelijk van de capaciteit. En dan zijn die batterijen voor elektrische auto's inmiddels al veel goedkoper geworden.

Zelfontbrandend of ontploffend
Schaarse grondstoffen vormen een ander probleem. De afgelopen 25 jaar domineerden lithium-ion batterijen de markt. Die zijn relatief snel op te laden en kunnen veel energie bevatten. Maar deze batterijen worden onder andere gemaakt van lithium en kobalt, twee metalen waarvan de prijs de afgelopen jaren spectaculair omhoog schoot door de opkomst van de elektrische auto.

En dan is er ook nog de veiligheid van de batterij. 'De huidige generatie batterijen kan in brand vliegen als ze beschadigd raken', zegt Erik Kelder, universitair hoofddocent aan de TU Delft. 'Daar hebben we al een paar voorbeelden van gezien, zoals de Galaxy Note 7, de smartphone van Samsung.’

Batterijen zijn gemaakt om zoveel mogelijk energie op te slaan, en bij mobiele apparaten bij voorkeur op zo klein mogelijke afmetingen. Als er iets mis gaat kan al die energie in één keer vrij komen, vandaar de beelden van de op spectaculaire manier in brand vliegende en zelfs ontploffende batterijen.

Zelf ontbrandende lithium-ion batterijen gelden zelfs als verdachte bij een aantal ongelukken met vrachtvliegtuigen, al is nooit helemaal vast komen te staan dat die de hoofdoorzaak waren van een brand aan boord waardoor een toestel is neergestort.

Martelkamer in Delft
Er wordt daarom volop gezocht naar alternatieven voor de huidige generatie batterijen, die de genoemde nadelen weg moeten nemen. Want zonder betere batterij geen elektrische auto en geen energietransitie. In Nederland gebeurt dat onderzoek bijvoorbeeld in Delft, in het vorig jaar geopende laboratorium in het gebouw van de nucleaire reactor van de technische universiteit.

Daar sleutelen wetenschappers, gekleed in witte jassen, aan nieuwe batterijen, gemaakt van andere materialen. Voor de leek ziet dat gesleutel er nog het meeste uit als knutselen met velletjes papier: batterijen zijn doorgaans opgebouwd uit verschillende ‘vellen’ materiaal.

‘Dit is de martelkamer,’ zegt batterij-expert Kelder met een glimlach als hij zijn bezoek rondleidt door het lab. We zien een grote kast waar de nieuwe batterijen op kunnen worden aangesloten. ‘Hier martelen we de batterijen die we ontwikkelen, door ze veel te veel stroom te geven bijvoorbeeld. Zo kunnen we zien hoe de techniek het houdt onder extreme omstandigheden.’

Magnesium in plaats van lithium
Het basisprincipe van een batterij, die chemische energie omzet in elektriciteit, is in veel gevallen hetzelfde. Een batterij bestaat uit een pluspool (de kathode) en de minpool (de anode). Deze twee polen, of eigenlijk elektroden, worden gescheiden door een elektrolyt, een tussenlaag die er voor zorgt dat er niet vanzelf stroom loopt van de minpool naar de pluspool. Dat gebeurt pas als er iets op de batterij wordt aangesloten wat energie nodig heeft.

Bij oplaadbare batterijen is het mogelijk dit proces om te keren. Als zo'n batterij op een energiebron wordt aangesloten, laadt die zich op. Tot nu toe is de lithium-ion batterij de populairste vorm van de oplaadbare batterij, maar die loopt dus tegen zijn grenzen aan. De pluspool is vaak gemaakt van lithium en kobalt, de minpool van grafiet, hetzelfde materiaal wat in potloden wordt gebruikt.

De batterij waar Kelder en zijn team hun zinnen op hebben gezet werkt niet met lithium en kobalt, maar met magnesium. 'Magnesium is een metaal dat ruim voorhanden is. Dat maakt de batterij goedkoper. We denken bovendien dat we een batterij kunnen maken die anderhalf keer meer energie kan opslaan bij dezelfde afmetingen. Hij is bovendien veilig, omdat we de elektrolyt op waterbasis willen maken. De batterij kan dan dus niet ontploffen of in brand vliegen’.

Het grootste technische probleem van de magnesiumbatterij is tot nu toe dat die wel veel energie kan opslaan, maar die maar mondjesmaat vrijlaat. ‘De batterij die we nu hebben zou geschikt kunnen zijn voor pacemakers, omdat die maar weinig energie nodig hebben. Maar we mikken op een volwaardige vervanger van de lithium-ion batterij’, zegt Kelder.

Batterij van zeezout
Honderdveertig kilometer naar het oosten, in het Gelderse dorp Wezep, gooien ze het over een heel andere boeg. Het bedrijf Dr. Ten, opgericht door oud-schaatser en chemicus Marnix ten Kortenaar, werkt aan een batterij die werkt met een elektrolyt van water met zeezout en polen van koolstof. Die batterij is veel zwaarder en groter dan lithium-ion batterijen, maar ook veel goedkoper en beter voor het milieu, omdat de batterij makkelijk te recyclen is.

‘In de toekomst wordt zeer veel energie lokaal opgewekt, denk maar aan zonnepanelen op het dak van huizen of windmolens', zegt Gerrit Miedema, die bij Dr. Ten is aangesteld om de batterij naar de markt te brengen. ‘Die energie wordt opgewekt als de zon schijnt of als het waait, maar dat is niet altijd het moment waarop je die elektriciteit nodig hebt. Dan is een goede, en goedkope batterij in huis onontbeerlijk om de pieken op te vangen’.
Deel 2:

De zeezoutbatterij van Dr. Ten bevindt zich nu in wat Miedema de ‘demo fase’ noemt. Hij is getest bij een windmolen en een veld met zonnepanelen en wordt nu op kleine schaal gebruikt in woningen, met subsidie van de overheid. ‘Het gaat niet alleen om de batterij, maar alles erom heen. Hoe zorgen we er bijvoorbeeld voor dat alle energie zo efficiënt mogelijk wordt verdeeld? Als ik een volle accu in huis heb staan en de buurman zijn elektrische auto wil opladen, is het handig dat mijn energie naar de buurman gaat. Maar dan moet ik er ook voor worden betaald’.

Waterreservoirs om energie op te slaan
Net als bij het onderzoek van Kelder aan de TU Delft, ligt ook bij Dr. Ten de concurrentie op de loer. Ook op andere plekken in de wereld wordt geëxperimenteerd met zeezoutbatterijen. Er zijn zelfs nog meer varianten in omloop om duurzame energie op te slaan, die heel anders werken dan de hierboven beschreven batterijen.

In de Verenigde Staten wordt bijvoorbeeld gebruikgemaakt van grote waterreservoirs, waarbij het water wordt opgepompt als er een overschot aan energie is. Als de vraag het aanbod overtreft, laat men het water weer zakken. Het stromend water drijft dan turbines aan die stroom leveren. In Californië biedt het bedrijf Amber Kinetics 2000 kilo wegende stalen vliegwielen aan: energie kan worden opgeslagen in de beweging van het vliegwiel. Ook het Duitse conglomeraat Siemens experimenteert met deze techniek.

Op dit moment is nog niet duidelijk welke techniek de beste batterij gaat opleveren, waarschijnlijk een combinatie van technieken en verbeteringen. Of, in de woorden van batterij-expert Erik Kelder: ‘Er komt geen batterijrevolutie, maar een evolutie’.

Voor infographs, zie link:

SECI highlights battery storage in planned renewables tender for Lakshadweep

Energy Storage reported that Solar Energy Corporation of India is planning to develop its own renewable energy projects at the Indian archipelago of Lakshadweep, with an eye on coupling the projects with battery energy storage. The aim is to power the inhabited islands in Lakshadweep partly or wholly through renewable energy sources. A tender document for the design, engineering, supply, construction, erection, testing and commissioning of the projects including 10 years of operations and maintenance will be available from 31 January.

In November 2018, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy came out with new guidelines for distributed grid-connected solar PV projects in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Lakshadweep, including an extension of the implementation timeline, increase of the target capacity and an opening for energy storage technology.

In November 2017, the Lakshadweep Energy Development Authority invited Expressions of Interest (EoI) for the development of 10MW floating solar plants on the islands.

Energy-Storage.News recently featured a guest article from Dr Rahul Walawalkar, executive director, India Energy Storage Alliance, looking back at how energy storage has progressed in India in 2018 and what is to come in the year ahead.

Source : Energy Storage
FPL announces plan to build large solar-powered battery

Florida Power & Light Company, one of the US's cleanest energy companies, announced a plan to build the world's largest solar-powered battery system – four times the capacity of the largest battery system in operation – as part of an innovative modernization plan that will accelerate the retirement of two fossil fuel generation units. The future FPL Manatee Energy Storage Center will have 409 megawatts of capacity – the equivalent of approximately 100 million iPhone batteries – when it begins serving customers in late 2021 and will be charged by an existing FPL solar power plant in Manatee County. By deploying energy from the batteries when there is higher demand for electricity, FPL will offset the need to run other power plants – further reducing emissions and saving customers money through avoided fuel costs.

The FPL Manatee Energy Storage Center is part of an innovative modernization plan to accelerate the retirement of two, 1970s-era natural gas generating units at FPL's neighboring power plant, and replace them with clean and renewable energy. In addition to the energy storage system in Manatee County, FPL is planning smaller battery installations across the state, numerous solar power plants and efficiency upgrades to existing combustion turbines at other power plants to replace the 1,638 megawatts of generating capacity. The project will save customers more than $100 million and eliminate more than 1 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Enel, Enertrag, Leclanche inaugurate 22 MW Cremzow battery energy storage system in Germany

Enel’s subsidiary Enel Green Power Germany (EGP Germany), the German renewable energy company ENERTRAG and the Switzerland-based energy storage solutions company Leclanché inaugurated the 22 MW Cremzow Battery Energy Storage System located in Cremzow, in the German state of Brandenburg. The system, which involved a total investment of approximately 17 million euros, is supporting the stability of the German electricity network by providing frequency regulation services to the country’s Primary Control Reserve market.

Mr Antonio Cammisecra, Head of Enel Green Power said that “The Cremzow project demonstrates how storage is increasingly becoming an integral part of renewable energy systems due to its enabling role in making them more reliable, flexible and stable. Leveraging on our expertise in the storage segment and the fruitful collaboration with our project partners, we launched this innovative storage system which allows us to contribute to the stability of the electricity transmission network around the clock in Germany, the heartland of the European PCR market.”

Mr Jörg Müller, CEO of ENERTRAG, highlights not only the project’s daily contribution to the primary balancing purposes but also its possible contribution to security of supply. “Cremzow BESS allows us to back up the renewable energy system in case a black start is necessary. Our consortium demonstrates that battery energy systems are profitable without subsidies. Renewable energy systems are mature.”

Mr Anil Srivastava CEO of Leclanché said that “Cremzow is a landmark project which clearly demonstrates how energy storage solutions are solving some of the key challenges faced by our electricity grids today. We are delighted to be working with forward looking partners Enel Green Power and ENERTRAG, to deliver this important energy storage project which ensures the grid’s stability and reliability, with the ambition of increasing the level of renewables in the grid and reducing curtailment.”

The Cremzow BESS is providing the grid with a real-time primary frequency regulation service contributing to its stability. When the grid’s frequency decreases due to high power demand, the battery is able to deliver its stored energy within 30 seconds, while in response to frequency increases due to low demand, the battery is charged with the surplus energy. Furthermore, the possibility to integrate the BESS with ENERTRAG wind farms, using the wind energy surplus to charge the batteries avoiding curtailments, is currently being studied.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Greenko raises USD 495 million Funding For 2.4GW of Storage Projects

Greenko Energy Holdings announced the signing of definitive agreements for a primary equity raising of USD 495 million from an affiliate of GIC and an entity that is ultimately wholly-owned by the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority. Post the investment, GIC will continue to remain as the majority shareholder of Greenko. These projects are expected to be completed and operational in the year 2022. These projects will have overall capital outlay of USD 2 billion. Greenko has also secured financial closure for the Pinnapuram Storage Project and are in advanced discussions for the Saundatti Project.

Greenko continues to scale up on its innovation and digitization efforts in the power sector working towards transforming renewable energy to reliable, schedulable and flexible energy through forecasting and digitization, building an intelligent energy utility platform as round-the-clock flexible renewable power is expected to replace fossil fuels. Greenko's investment in Storage Projects is the first step towards this direction and expected to deliver over 15 billion units of schedulable power generation.

Mr Anil Chalamalasetty, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Greenko said that "The proposed equity commitment from the existing shareholders shows Greenko's impeccable track record in creating long-term value to all its stakeholders. Greenko's innovative solutions have helped to place us at the forefront of the clean energy sector. Indian Energy Markets are transitioning from deficit markets to demand-driven contracts, requiring reliable, flexible and cost competitive energy. Greenko is focussing in building Integrated Renewable Energy assets with storage to address these markets by competing with conventional energy assets like thermal in quality, quanity and cost."

Source : Strategic Research Institute
ScottishPower Renewables To Build UK Largest Onshore Wind Battery

ScottishPower Renewables is set to build the biggest battery in the UK for use on a wind farm based in Scotland. Iberdrola, ScottishPower Renewables parent company, has revealed it received approval to begin construction on a 50MW lithium-ion battery storage unit at the 539MW Whitelees wind onshore wind development. The project was given the green-light by Scottish Government officials today to start the construction, with the battery due for operational use by 2020.

Mr Keith Anderson, Scottish Power chief executive, said that “This is a significant step forward in the road to baseload for renewable energy. By integrating storage technologies with onshore wind, we are blowing away one of the myths about renewable generation not being available when you need it. If we are to meet the bold target of net zero by 2050 and deliver the decarbonisation of our economy, transport and heating systems, large battery storage facilities such as this along with more wind farms like Whitelee are crucial.”

ScottishPower is the largest onshore wind developer in the UK.

Last year, the company officially opened its huge GBP 1.2 billion offshore wind farm off the coast of Germany.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Europa begint inhaalrace in batterijbouw

Het barst in Europa van de initiatieven om nieuwe batterijfabrieken te bouwen. Is dat zinvol? 'Waarom zouden we de Aziaten willen imiteren.'

Eén fabriek in Duitsland, eentje in Frankrijk, met vijftienhonderd banen per locatie. Prijskaartje: €5 mrd à €6 mrd waarvan zo'n €1,2 mrd aan staatssteun. Ziedaar wat de Franse minister van economische zaken Bruno Le Maire en zijn Duitse collega Peter Altmaier begin mei op tafel legden.

Voor die staatssteun hopen ze groen licht van de Europese Commissie te krijgen. Die besluit dit najaar. Eurocommissaris van energie-unie Maros Sefcovic geldt als aanjager van de EU-pogingen om de productieketen voor elektrische auto's in de EU te versterken. Rood licht vanuit Brussel zou dus een verrassing zijn.
'Verbranden geld belastingbetaler'
Maar dat signaal komt wel uit Duisburg, de zetel van de vooraanstaande Duitse autospecialist Ferdinand Dudenhöffer van onderzoeksinstituut CAR van de universiteit Duisburg-Essen. 'Een staatsfabriek voor de productie van batterijen komt neer op het verbranden van geld van de belastingbetaler', zegt Dudenhöffer. 'Er is toch ook geen Europees initiatief voor autobanden?'

Hij beschouwt batterijen voor elektrische auto's als een massagoed, waar Europa niet in hoeft te excelleren. 'Europese autofabrikanten kunnen voor batterijen kiezen tussen Koreaanse, Japanse, Amerikaanse en Chinese toeleveranciers. We verliezen niets als we die batterijen niet zelf maken. Waarom zouden we de Aziaten willen imiteren?'

Volgens hem is het zinvoller te investeren in betere materialen voor anodes en kathodes, de twee polen in batterijen. De autospecialist wijst erop dat bijvoorbeeld BASF vorig jaar besloot €400 mln te steken in de productie van dergelijke materialen. In het Finse Harjavalta zet het concern daarvoor een fabriek met het Russische Norilsk Nickel op.

En er is meer gemeenschappelijk onderzoek naar verbetering van de infrastructuur rond de productie van e-auto's en naar materialen die batterijen beter maken nodig, denkt Dudenhöffer. 'Dat is nu nog veel te versnipperd.'
Explosie e-auto's
Zijn scepsis ten spijt barst het in Europa van de initiatieven om nieuwe batterijfabrieken te bouwen, dan wel bestaande uit te breiden (zie kader). Dat is begrijpelijk: iedereen rekent op een explosie van het aantal elektrische auto's op de Europese markt. De productiecapaciteit voor de daarvoor benodigde accu's lag in 2016 mondiaal op 85 gigawattuur (GWh), stelde het Duitse Öko-Institut eerder dit jaar. Maar in 2030 is er tussen de 1000 en 1500 GWh nodig, en in 2050 6600 GWh.

'Batterijen zijn een cruciaal onderdeel bij de verdere ontwikkeling van mobiliteit via elektroauto's', zegt onderzoeker Simone Tagliapietra van de Brusselse denktank Bruegel dan ook. Europa kan daar niet achterblijven; hij heeft dus begrip voor het Frans-Duitse initiatief.

Bij het gemeenschappelijke plan is Opel, dochter van het Franse autoconcern PSA, betrokken, net als BMW, BASF en de batterijmakers Varta en Saft, een dochter van Total. Tagliapietra: 'De EU probeert hier niet om de achterstand bij de huidige lithium-ionbatterijen in te halen - die race met China is verloren. Maar het gaat hier om het ontwikkelen van de nieuwe generatie accu's. Op dat vlak doet China juist te weinig aan onderzoek en ontwikkeling.'

Hierbij gaat het bijvoorbeeld om zogeheten vastestofbatterijen, die sneller opladen en een hogere energiedichtheid hebben - je kan er dus langer mee rijden.

Technologische gok
Het Frans-Duitse initiatief voorziet overigens wel degelijk in het opzetten van een productielijn voor lithium-batterijen. 'Ten dele gaat het hier om het verder ontwikkelen van de huidige technologie, ten dele is de investering voor de nieuwe generatie batterijen', aldus Tagliapietra. 'Natuurlijk is het een technologische gok als overheden zeggen dat ze geld willen steken in de ontwikkeling van nieuwe batterijen. Maar zulke gokken neem je altijd bij industriepolitiek.'

Duitsland speelt bij de ontwikkeling een voortrekkersrol en is ook suikeroom. Op 25 juni maakt het Duitse ministerie van onderwijs bekend welk batterijproject op een half miljard euro steun kan rekenen. Daar komt ook nog eens steun van deelstaten bij.

Dat wil niet zeggen dat elke Duitse autobouwer bij die ene fabriek gaat inkopen. Bedrijven als VW, BMW en Daimler zijn bij meerdere initiatieven betrokken. 'Ze willen voorkomen dat één leverancier hen kan beheersen', zegt autospecialist Dudenhöffer.

Hij wijst er verder op dat BMW ook zelf een productielijn voor batterijen opzet. Maar daarvan is niet de bedoeling dat die de hele accubehoefte van BMW dekt. 'Dat initiatief is bedoeld om aan toeleveranciers te laten zien: dit is wat wij willen, kun je dat leveren?' BMW kondigde vorige week aan gezamenlijk met Landrover Jaguar te investeren in onderzoek naar elektromotoren waarvoor geen zeldzame Chinese aardmetalen nodig zijn.
Massaal banenverlies dreigt
Er zit een schaduwkant aan al die aandacht voor batterijen. Elektrische auto's betekenen dat er op grote schaal banen zullen verdwijnen in de auto-industrie. Met minder draaiende onderdelen zijn ook minder technici nodig. Dudenhöffer: 'Maar voor de fabrikanten is er geen keus: ze gaan morgen failliet als ze niet overstappen op elektrisch.'

De producenten zullen bereid zijn in de buidel te tasten om overtollig personeel vaarwel te zeggen, schat hij in. 'Toen PSA Opel overnam, betaalde het werknemers vergoedingen tot €300.000 om contracten af te kopen.'

Hij vervolgt: 'In de auto-industrie in Duitsland werken 850.000 mensen. Zo'n 250.000 zijn betrokken bij de motoraandrijving. Daar krijg je dus die nieuwe productieprocessen. Die mensen raken niet allemaal hun werk kwijt, maar zo'n 150.000 wel. Dat zal gaan via herstructureringen, stap voor stap, in meerdere jaren.'

Minister Altmaier hamerde er eerder op dat de batterijplannen nieuwe banen scheppen. Maar Dudenhöffer is niet onder de indruk. 'Dat is typisch werk dat steeds meer van industriële robots komt. Politici begrijpen de wereld niet. Ze zeggen dat ze een Europese kampioen willen. Maar Google is niet gefinancierd door de belastingbetaler.'

Han Dirk Hekking
Deel 2:

In het kort
Frankrijk en Duitsland willen met staatssteun twee batterijenfabrieken bouwen. Dit moet de productieketen in Europa voor elektrische auto's versterken. Duitsland speelt een voortrekkersrol en steekt er veel geld in. Volgens critici is het niet nodig dat Europa zelf accu's gaat bouwen en 'Aziaten gaat imiteren'.

Het Frans-Duitse initiatief voor twee nieuwe fabrieken is maar één van de vele batterij-initiatieven in Europa. Hier een kleine opsomming: •

De Chinese accumaker CATL bouwt in Erfurt een fabriek. Het bedrijf steekt daar zo'n €240 mln in, en denkt uiteindelijk een batterijproductiecapaciteit te ontwikkelen van 100 GwH per jaar. •

BMW werkt samen met Northvolt, dat in Skelleftea (Zweden) voor €1,6 mrd een grote fabriek met een capaciteit van 32 GwH per jaar wil bouwen. De Europese Investeringsbank leent daarvoor €350 mln uit. Er staat al een proeffabriek in de steigers in Vasteras. Maar Volkswagen werkt ook samen met Northvolt, en steekt €1 mrd in Salzgitter, om daar vanaf 2023 batterijen te produceren.•

De Duitse batterijmaker BMZ uit het Beierse Karlstein am Main heeft een meerderheidsbelang in het TerraE-consortium voor nieuwe batterijen genomen. BMZ steekt hier zo'n €300 mln in. De productiecapaciteit van TerraE is 8 GwH per jaar. BMZ werkt samen met Ford en het Belgische metaalconcern Umicore.•

De Zuid-Koreaanse fabrikant SK Innovation bouwt een fabriek in Komárom (Hongarije) voor lithium-ionbatterijen. Die moet volgend jaar gaan produceren. Klant is onder meer Daimler; doel is jaarlijks 250.000 accu's voor e-auto's te leveren; dat komt neer op zo'n 7,5 GwH. • Samsung SDI, ook al Zuid-Koreaans, heeft een productiefaciliteit in Göd, alweer Hongarije. Die moet jaarlijks batterijen voor 50.000 auto's (1,5 GwH) leveren. •

LG Chem (Zuid-Koreaans) opende in 2018 een fabriek in Wroclaw (Polen). Het gaat nog eens $571 mln investeren in uitbreiding van de productiecapaciteit daar. LG Chem wil jaarlijks batterijen voor 300.000 auto's leveren.

China Researcher Developed New Lithium Ion Battery

Chinese researchers have developed a high-energy Lithium-ion Battery technology, which could enable a running distance of 300 km per 10 minutes of charging. The debut of a passenger car loaded with the 50-kWh battery pack was held in Hangzhou in eastern China's Zhejiang Province. Mr Zhou Xiaoping, Professor of Chemical Engineering at Hunan University and Chief Scientist at Zhejiang Folta Technology Co Ltd said that "The key to this fast-charging technology is the R&D of fast lithium-ion conducting materials.” He added that the materials mainly consist of low-impedance ionic compounds that could not only raise power cell efficiency but bring down safety risks caused by lithium precipitation during charging and discharging.

A third-party evaluation report issued by the independent testing company TUV SUD showed that the life cycle of the power cells using the new technology has hit 5,000 times in a 150-ampere charge-discharge performance test and is expected to exceed 6,000 times since the cycle testing continues.

Folta has also finished joint tests on the new LIB products with a Chinese automobile manufacturer and is ready for industrial production, the company said.

Industry insiders believe that the breakthrough in fast charging technology will help popularize pure electric vehicles by providing a shorter charging time, a smaller battery load in limited spaces and more safety.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
8minute Solar And NV Energy To Build Biggest Solar Storage Battery

8minute Solar Energy, LLC the largest solar and storage developer in the US, NV Energy and the Moapa Band of Paiutes announced that 8minute has been chosen by NV Energy to develop the largest solar plus storage project ever built in Nevada and one of the largest in the world. The Southern Bighorn Solar & Storage Center will include a 475MW-dc (300 MW-ac) solar array with 540 MWh of Li-Ion battery energy storage and will be built in Clark County on the Moapa River Indian Reservation about 30 miles north of Las Vegas. The project will be the largest solar plus storage center in Nevada, as well as the largest solar plus storage center built on tribal land in the United States to date. Southern Bighorn’s power will be fully dispatchable; able to provide power throughout the day and evening peak times.

Southern Bighorn Solar & Storage Center will be built on non-agricultural land using environmentally sensitive construction near a retired coal plant. When complete, it will be the fourth solar project developed on the Moapa River Indian Reservation. The Moapa Band of Paiutes has become a national clean energy leader and will host over 1 gigawatt of solar on their 72,000-acre reservation.

Subject to final approval by the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, the project will commence construction in mid-2022, and be operational by the end of 2023.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Hyperdrive Innovation Opens UK Largest Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing Facility

Manufacturer of lithium-ion battery technology, Hyperdrive Innovation, has opened the UK’s largest independent battery manufacturing facility in Sunderland, which will support the Government’s industrial strategy and 2050 carbon neutral target. The new facility, named HYVE, will allow the company to produce up to 30,000 battery packs annually and also cater to the growing demand for battery energy storage.

The Sunderland based manufacturers which makes battery packs for electric vehicles and energy storage systems has invested GBP 7 million into its manufacturing capabilities since moving to the site in 2014. The new site also allows the TechTrack100 company to produce up to 30,000 battery packs annually and cater to the company’s growing demand from international customers.

Furthermore, it is hoped to accelerate Hyperdrive’s new product development and technology pipelines, maximising competitiveness on the global stage.

The partnership between Hyperdrive and JCB has recently been referenced in a government announcement on the country’s ambition to lead the world in zero emissions vehicles as part of its industrial strategy.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Wartsila Signs 100 MW Energy Storage System Project Deal In South East Asia

The technology group Wartsila has signed an Engineering, Procurement and Construction contract for a 100 MW/100 MWh total capacity energy storage project in South East Asia. The energy storage system facility, including the Greensmith GEMS advanced software platform and GridSolv, will be used for grid support purposes. The order was booked with Wartsila in Q2.

Wartsila is enabling the transition towards 100% renewable energy around the world by designing and building flexible systems that integrate renewables, traditional thermal assets and energy storage. In 2018, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations committed to meeting 23% of its primary energy needs from renewables by 2025. The region is aiming to leverage its abundant wind and solar resources and reduce its reliance on fossil fuels, especially as grid systems develop and economies grow. Wartsila’s 100 MW/100 MWh energy storage project will help provide some part of the reliability necessary to support South East Asia’s transition to carbon-free resources.

The Greensmith GEMS platform has the ability to react near-instantly to smooth the integration of renewables, enabling the grid to emerge more stable and responsive. Grid support applications of GEMS include voltage & frequency regulation, reactive power support, spinning reserve, ramp rate optimization, renewable energy output smoothing and energy arbitrage. GEMS will make it possible for grid operators to rely on renewables as baseload power.

This EPC contract is another endorsement of Wartsila’s EPC capability. Wärtsilä Energy Business has a strong track record of delivering more than 35 EPC projects totaling 1500 MW in the South East Asia region.

GridSolv is designed to complement the industry-leading Greensmith GEMS software platform in providing the most robust optimisation of grid assets, and in protecting energy storage investments for years to come.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
NextEra to Build Largest Combined Solar & Wind Storage Facility in US

NextEra Energy Resources will develop the largest co-located wind, solar, and energy storage project in the United States, which will boast total capacity of 700 MW when it is completed in 2023. The Skeleton Creek wind, solar, and energy storage projects were announced this week as the Western Farmers Electric Cooperative revealed it had signed a Power Purchase Agreement with NextEra Energy Resources for the power from the project.

The co-located project is the first of its kind announced in the United States’ Southwest Power Pool the electric grid region that includes 14 states in the central United States, and which covers 546,000 square miles (over 1,400,000 square kilometres).

The project will consist of three separate projects and will come online in two phases. The first phase, Skeleton Creek Wind which had already been announced will be a 250 MW onshore wind farm which is expected to begin operations by the end of 2019.

The second phase will consist of Skeleton Creek Solar a 250 MW solar energy project and Skeleton Creek Storage a 200 MW, 4-hour battery energy storage project both of which are expected to come online and begin operations by the end of 2023.

Mr John Ketchum, president and chief executive officer of NextEra Energy Resources said that “Pairing renewable energy with battery storage presents a tremendous advantage for Western Farmers and its customers.” He added that “With this combined facility, we can optimize and maximize the amount of low-cost, emissions-free electricity we provide, while helping Western Farmers diversify its power generation portfolio, reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and set a great example for others to follow.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Tesla Introduces Megapack - Utility-Scale Energy Storage

Less than two years ago, Tesla built and installed the world’s largest lithium-ion battery in Hornsdale, South Australia, using Tesla Powerpack batteries. Since then, the facility saved nearly USD 40 million in its first year alone and helped to stabilize and balance the region’s unreliable grid. Battery storage is transforming the global electric grid and is an increasingly important element of the world’s transition to sustainable energy. To match global demand for massive battery storage projects like Hornsdale, Tesla designed and engineered a new battery product specifically for utility-scale projects: Megapack.

Megapack significantly reduces the complexity of large-scale battery storage and provides an easy installation and connection process. Each Megapack comes from the factory fully-assembled with up to 3 megawatt hours (MWhs) of storage and 1.5 MW of inverter capacity, building on Powerpack’s engineering with an AC interface and 60% increase in energy density to achieve significant cost and time savings compared to other battery systems and traditional fossil fuel power plants. Using Megapack, Tesla can deploy an emissions-free 250 MW, 1 GWh power plant in less than three months on a three-acre footprint – four times faster than a traditional fossil fuel power plant of that size. Megapack can also be DC-connected directly to solar, creating seamless renewable energy plants.

For utility-size installations like the upcoming Moss Landing project in California with PG&E, Megapack will act as a sustainable alternative to natural gas “peaker” power plants. Peaker power plants fire up whenever the local utility grid can’t provide enough power to meet peak demand. They cost millions of dollars per day to operate and are some of the least efficient and dirtiest plants on the grid. Instead, a Megapack installation can use stored excess solar or wind energy to support the grid’s peak loads.

Tesla developed its own software in-house to monitor, control and monetize Megapack installations. All Megapacks connect to Powerhub, an advanced monitoring and control platform for large-scale utility projects and microgrids, and can also integrate with Autobidder, Tesla’s machine-learning platform for automated energy trading. Tesla customers have already used Autobidder to dispatch more than 100 GWh of energy in global electricity markets. And, just as Tesla vehicles benefit from continued software updates over time, Megapack continues to improve through a combination of over-the-air and server-based software updates.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Sunrun Introduces Brightbox Home Solar Battery to Greater Houston and Dallas Areas

As residents throughout Texas endure increasingly frequent weather-related outages, the nation’s largest home solar and battery provider, Sunrun Inc announced it is bringing its Brightbox home solar and battery service to households in the greater Houston and Dallas areas in Texas. Sunrun’s Brightbox home battery offers residents an affordable home energy solution that provides reliable backup electricity and greater choice for Texans to control how they power their homes.

Starting this month, households in the greater Houston and Dallas areas can get Sunrun’s solar-powered home battery, Brightbox, from as little as zero dollars down and at a consistent, low monthly rate.

Clean energy generated from rooftop solar panels is stored in Sunrun’s Brightbox battery throughout the day. When the grid goes down and there is an outage, Brightbox provides backup electricity to the home. For a typical customer, Brightbox can provide approximately 8 to 12 hours of backup electricity, helping residents power through the night until the following morning when the sun rises and recharges the battery. Brightbox will power four essential circuits of a customer’s choosing in their home. For example, circuits that many customers choose to backup include the garage door, kitchen, WiFi internet, and lighting.

Mr Lynn Jurich, Sunrun’s co-founder and Chief Executive Officer said that “Texans understand the value of energy choice. Sunrun is excited to offer Texans greater independence and control over how they power their lives with an affordable, reliable energy solution like our Brightbox solar-powered home battery.”

With aging electricity infrastructure at risk of increasingly common extreme weather events, power outages are forecasted to increase nationwide. Between 2008 and 2017, Texas has suffered from more than 1,600 power outages, impacting more than 11 million residents. In the past 2 months alone, thousands of Houston residents have experienced a power outage due to severe weather.

Modern technologies such as home solar and batteries offer residents the opportunity to create both a cleaner and more resilient energy system. These customer-sited energy resources are less vulnerable to power line outages and the energy generated from individual solar rooftops can be shared with the neighborhood, providing benefit to the greater community as well as the individual home.

Mr Jurich said that “Our nation’s energy future lies with empowering Americans to utilize rooftop solar and batteries to build a smarter, more resilient electricity system. Texas has long been the heart of American energy and we’re excited to bring cleaner, reliable energy to residents in the state.”

By expanding into the greater Houston and Dallas areas in Texas, Sunrun now offers its Brightbox service in nine states and Puerto Rico. Customers in Florida and Puerto Rico, which have experienced hurricanes in recent years, along with many others are benefiting from the resilience and back-up electricity afforded by Brightbox.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Four Pilots 16 MW Projects in Virginia

Dominion Energy Virginia announced four battery storage pilot projects to help pave the way for additional energy storage technology needed to support the company's increase in renewables and to improve grid reliability. The four utility-scale battery storage pilot projects totaling 16 megawatts are the largest projects of their kind in Virginia. The projects were filed with the State Corporation Commission for approval Friday and are enabled by the Grid Transformation & Security Act of 2018, which allows Dominion Energy to invest in up to 30 megawatts of battery storage pilot projects. As Dominion Energy continues to increase its solar fleet – currently the 4th largest of any utility holding company in the nation – the company is looking for new and innovative ways to store the renewable energy it produces and maintain reliable service to customers.

Mr Mark D. Mitchell, vice president – generation construction said that "Energy storage is critical to providing continued reliability for our customers as we expand our renewable portfolio. Battery storage has made significant strides in recent years, in both efficiency and cost. These pilot projects will enable Dominion Energy to better understand how best to deploy batteries to help overcome the inherent fluctuation of wind and solar generation sources."

Mr Joe Woomer, vice president – grid & technical solutions said that "These pilot projects will allow us to analyze the use of energy storage for grid stability support as an alternative to traditional upgrades of grid equipment, such as transformers. Battery storage has the potential to serve a key role in maintaining reliable service for our customers as we work to integrate renewables and improve grid resiliency."

The four proposed Central Virginia-based lithium-ion projects will cost approximately $33 million to construct and will provide key information on distinct use cases for batteries on the energy grid. Pending SCC approval, the pilots would be evaluated over a five year period once operational as currently expected in December 2020.

Two battery systems totaling 12 megawatts at the Scott Solar facility in Powhatan County will demonstrate how batteries can store energy generated from solar panels during periods of high production and release energy during periods when load is high or solar generation is low. It would also help optimize the power produced by the solar facility.

A 2-megawatt battery at a substation in Ashland will explore how batteries can improve reliability and save money on equipment replacement by serving as an alternative to traditional grid management investments such as transformer upgrades, necessary to serve customers during times of high energy demand.

A 2-megawatt battery at a substation in New Kent County serving a 20 megawatt solar facility will show how batteries can help manage voltage and loading issues caused by reverse energy flow, to maintain grid stability.
Separately, the company issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) seeking bids for up to 500 megawatts of solar and onshore wind generation in the state.

Source : Strategic Research nInstitute
Mercedes-Benz Energy and Beijing Electric Vehicle Start Development on 2nd Life Battery Storage

Daimler AG with its wholly owned subsidiary Mercedes-Benz Energy GmbH and Beijing Electric Vehicle Co Ltd a subsidiary of the BAIC Group have entered into a development partnership, intending to establish 2nd-life energy storage systems in China in the future. The partnership will see a consolidation of expertise and resources regarding the value-chain of automotive battery systems, while laying the groundwork for a sustainable renewable energy development. Together, Mercedes-Benz Energy and Beijing Electric Vehicle plan to set up the first 2nd-life energy storage unit in Beijing, making use of retired BJEV electric car batteries. This project will serve as the basis for other types of cooperation in the future.

Gordon Gassmann, CEO of Mercedes-Benz Energy, stated that “The extension of regenerative and thus high-fluctuation energy production is rapidly increasing worldwide. The tendency towards increasing distances between the site of energy production and the site of energy consumption also means huge challenges for today’s energy grids. This is creating wide-ranging opportunities for stationary energy storage systems worldwide. 2nd-life battery storage units are a very sensible supplement, as with the further utilisation of disused car batteries we are also making sustainable use of valuable raw materials.”

Mr Ye Xiaohua, Deputy General Manager of BJEV, emphasized that “The rapid electrification of vehicles has transformed vehicles from a traditional means of transport, to a new tool of energy management. BJEV is an expert in areas such as charging and battery swap infrastructure and battery 2nd-life usage. I believe our cooperation in energy management will bring long-term and stable benefits.”

As a subsidiary of Daimler AG, Mercedes-Benz Energy, which is based in Kamenz has been responsible for developing innovative energy storage solutions since 2016. These are based on the automotive battery technology, which is used in electric and hybrid vehicles from Mercedes-Benz and smart. The spectrum of large-scale storage applications by Mercedes-Benz Energy ranges from load peak compensation through black start (power system independent start up of the power plant) to uninterrupted power supply. The company’s focus is in particular on applications from the 2nd-life and replacement parts storage unit sector. Together with its partners, Daimler has already put three mass storage devices with a total energy of 40 MWh from car battery systems into the German grid. Just some weeks ago, Mercedes-Benz Energy also furnished proof together with the transmission system operator TenneT: automotive battery storage systems can take over tasks from large power stations and make a fundamental contribution towards grid stabilisation and system reconstruction following a power station outage. The cooperation with the Chinese partner BJEV is now paving the way for the Daimler subsidiary to go abroad. With extensive tests and simulations, the Mercedes-Benz Energy engineers will demonstrate in the coming months how electric automotive storage units will in future also be able to support the Chinese power grid efficiently and sustainably with regard to fluctuation and power outage management.

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