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Chinese plant to provide solar energy to 7 lakh households in Andhra Pradesh

ET reported that one of the biggest solar power plants developed by SB Energy with a capacity to provide clean electricity for over 700,000 Indian households, has become operational in Andhra Pradesh within three months of commissioning. Commissioned on March 29 this year, the plant was designed and developed by SB Energy using the latest technology of module cleaning, site maintenance and security from global best practices. This 455 MW DC solar power plant is a joint venture between the SoftBank Group, Bharti Enterprises and Foxconn Technology Group and has used PV modules of the China-based company Trina Solar.

For Trina Solar, a global leader in photovoltaic modules, solutions and services, this was the largest single order that the company has ever closed in India. Founded in 1997 as a PV system integrator, Trina Solar drives smart energy together with installers, distributors, utilities and developers worldwide.

Mr Jifan Gao, Chairman and CEO of Trina Solar, said that "We are proud to be the trusted partner of SB Energy for its first large-scale solar project in Andhra Pradesh. This is part of our continued effort to contribute to India's national target of 100GW of solar generation capacity by 2022. We are committed to working with SB Energy in meeting the country's energy demands through clean sources and building a green and sustainable environment."

The PV modules supplied for this project were TALLMAX 72-cell polycrystalline panels. TALLMAX modules are recognised by industry professionals for their proven historical performance in the field and the high quality standard. It is one of the industry's most trusted products for large-scale solar projects.

Recently, Numaligarh Refinery Limited, an Assam based oil refinery, had ordered Ujaas Energy for supply, installation, testing and commissioning of a 1Mwp solar power plant at NRL. Ujaas Energy Limited is engaged in solar power plant operation business and manufacturing and sale of solar power system.

Source : Economic Times
Holland Solar: ‘Doel van 22 gigawattpiek pv in 2023’

‘In de komende 7 jaar moet er 20 gigawattpiek aan zonnepanelen geplaatst worden.’ Dit stelt Holland Solar-voorzitter Jaap Baarsma in de juni-editie van Solar Magazine.

De Nederlandse zonne-energiesector kent sinds half mei weer één krachtige branchevereniging. Met het opgaan van de stichting ZON in Holland Solar is Nederlands oudste branchevereniging weer in ere hersteld. ‘En dat is ook noodzaak om het doel van 22 gigawattpiek pv-vermogen in 2023 te kunnen halen', stelt Baarsma.

Met de toevoeging van de stichting ZON aan Holland Solar krijgt deze er 2 bestuursleden bij: Peter Desmet (Solarclarity en tevens oprichter van de stichting ZON) en Dennis de Jong (Solarcentury Benelux). De Jong en Desmet voorzien net als Baarsma een snelgroeiende markt. Zij verwachten dat zonnestroom binnen enkele jaren zonder enige vorm van ondersteuning op prijs kan concurreren met fossiele energie. ‘Door de salderingsregeling werd grid parity enige jaren geleden al bereikt, maar het moment dat zonnepanelen ook zonder de mogelijkheid tot salderen of SDE+-gelden concurrerend zijn komt steeds dichterbij.’ Gelijktijdig met de fusie van ZON en Holland Solar is mede om die reden ook de nieuwe ambitie uitgesproken. ‘Als deze prognose uitkomt, produceren wij met zonnestroom straks nog maar de helft van de hoeveel kilowattuur die door windmolens geproduceerd zal worden’, duidt Baarsma. ‘De ambitie van 22 gigawattpiek is niet alleen uitgesproken omdat het moet, maar ook omdat het kan.’

Rama Steel Tubes installs solar project at Khopoli

Rama Steel Tubes announced that it has installed a solar project at Khopoli facility, Maharashtra. The solar project will generate 1100 MWh/ year of energy, same amount of energy needed to power the installed and upcoming capacities.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Zonnepanelen draaien overuren: vandaag hoogste opbrengst ooit

RECORD Op de Nederlandse daken wordt vandaag waarschijnlijk een record geboekt. Dankzij de uitbundig schijnende zomerzon wekken zonnepanelen op de langste dag van het jaar meer stroom op dan drie gasgestookte energiecentrales.

Annemieke van Dongen 21-06-17, 08:39 Laatste update: 14:10

,,Een doorbraak,’’ zegt Lucien Wiegers van Eneco. ,,De felle zon en lange dagen zorgen deze maand voor een maximale zonopwekking. Het afgelopen jaar is het aandeel van zon in de totale energie-opwekking met 30 procent gestegen. Het gaat nu echt hard met zonne-energie in Nederland.’’

Als de weersvoorspelling klopt en wolken geen roet in het eten gooien, bereikt de dagopbrengst zonne-energie vandaag dus een nieuwe hoogte. Dat is overigens niet zozeer te danken aan de tropische temperatuur of grote zonnekracht. ,,De hoeveelheid uv-straling heeft geen effect op de energie die panelen opwekken,’’ verklaart Wiegers, directeur van de energiehandelsvloer van Eneco, ,,Maar het aantal zonne-uren wel. En dat is maximaal als de zon fel schijnt op de langste dag van het jaar.’’

De felle zon en lange dagen zorgen deze maand voor een maximale opwekking. Het gaat nu echt hard met zonne-energie in Nederland
Lucien Wiegers, directeur energiehandelsvloer Eneco
De recordoogst zonne-energie betekent niet dat vandaag een paar gas- of kolencentrales uit gaan. ,,Het waait niet zo hard,’’ verklaart een woordvoerster van hoogspanningsnetbeheerder TenneT. ,,In Noord-Europa wordt veel meer windenergie geproduceerd dan zonne-energie. Daardoor daalt de stroomprijs vooral als het waait. Energieproducenten zetten hun centrales dan zachter of uit. Nu is de stroomprijs relatief hoog. Dan stoken ze hun centrales juist wat verder op.’’
Op een hete dag als vandaag wordt bovendien zo’n 10 procent meer energie verbruikt dan normaal. Dat is te wijten aan de stroomslurpende airco’s die in kantoren op volle toeren draaien om werknemers het hoofd koel te laten houden. In Nederland wordt die stroompiek inmiddels echter ruimschoots opgevangen door zonne-energie, blijkt uit gegevens van de energiehandelsvloer van Eneco.

In Noord-Europa wordt veel meer windenergie geproduceerd dan zonne-energie. Daardoor daalt de stroomprijs vooral als het waait
Johanna Breuning, woordvoerster hoogspanningsnetbeheerder TenneT
Teruglopende meter
In een jaar tijd is er in Nederland het equivalent van een gascentrale aan zonne-energie bijgekomen, concludeert Eneco. ,,Zonneparken en panelen op bedrijfsdaken dragen daaraan bij. Maar de groei is vooral te danken aan huishoudens die zonnepanelen op hun eigen dak hebben geïnstalleerd.’’
Gezinnen met veel zonnepanelen zien hun stroommeter nu lekker teruglopen, mits ze geen airco laten loeien. Zij hebben sowieso een voordelig voorjaar achter de rug, volgens voorlichtingsorganisatie MilieuCentraal. ,,Mei en juni waren uitstekende zonnemaanden.’’

Overigens duurt het nog wel even voor we in Nederland alle energie die we verbruiken uit hernieuwbare bronnen kunnen opwekken. ,,Zon en wind zijn er niet altijd,’’ zegt Wiegers van Eneco. ,,Daarom hebben we nog steeds fossiele energie nodig.’’ Met batterijen als de Powerwall van Tesla kun je zonne- en windenergie opslaan. Die zijn nu nog erg duur, maar Wiegers verwacht dat de prijs – net als die van zonnepanelen – op termijn fors gaat dalen. ,,En dan zet de energietransitie vanzelf door. We staan nu aan het begin.

Zonneauto gaat voor record op Nederlandse bodem

Voor het eerst probeert het Nuon Solar Team met zijn Nuna-zonneauto een wereldrecord in Nederland neer te zetten.

Laura Kroet 15-06-17, 19:03

Het doel is om de 750 kilometer te halen, maar we hopen daar zelfs overheen te gaan
Sharon van Luik

,,We maken er een dag van in Australische sfeer, compleet met barbecue vooraf. Alleen moeten we het waarschijnlijk wel doen met iets minder zon", zegt Sharon van Luik namens het Nuon Solar Team.

Op 21 juni proberen de studenten met hun Nuna-zonneauto op het circuit van RDW in Lelystad een record neer te zetten. Het is voor het eerst dat ze dat in Nederland doen. In twaalf uur tijd hopen ze zoveel mogelijk kilometers te maken. ,,Het doel is om de 750 kilometer te halen, maar we hopen daar zelfs overheen te gaan", zegt Van Luik.

De Nuna gaat woensdag stipt om 05.19 uur van start; het moment dat de zon opgaat. ,,We zijn afhankelijk van het weer, maar het ziet er gunstig uit. Het is hoe dan ook een mooie voorbereiding op de World Solar Challenge in Australië waar we op 8 oktober van dit jaar weer aan meedoen", legt Van Luik uit.

Er wordt geracet met de auto die de vorige keer ook in Australië in actie kwam. Aan de nieuwe Nuna wordt namelijk nog gewerkt. De resultaten van 21 juni worden niet meer in het ontwerp van de nieuwe meegenomen; de race in Nederland is naast een technische test vooral een goede oefening voor het team.

,,We zijn allemaal nieuw dit jaar, dus voor ons is het ook meteen een mooie manier om de communicatie onderling te testen", aldus Van Luik.


Zie deze link voor video:

Tamil Nadu to increase installed capacity of solar energy

PTI reported that Tamil Nadu Government has floated tenders for generating solar energy to the tune of 1,500 MW as part of its proposal to increase the installed power capacity in solar energy to 5,000 MW in coming years. According to the policy note tabled in the state assembly by Electricity Minister P Thangamani, Tamil Nadu had a total solar installed capacity of 1,702.40 MW as of May 31, 2017.

It said that "Tamil Nadu has harnessed around 1,644 million units of solar energy during 2016-17 and considerable quantum of solar generation is being realised during day time for around 800 MW to 1,200 MW."

On March 27, 2017 an all-time high generation of 1,498 MW and the all-time maximum energy of 9.40 million units were achieved from solar generation.

It added that "It is proposed to increase the solar power installed capacity by further 5,000 MW in a phased manner in coming years. Tenders have been floated for procurement of 1,500 MW under reverse bidding route."

On generation of wind power, the policy note said, the installed capacity stood at 7,854.81 MW as on May 31, 2017.

Source : PTI
US wind, solar energy have not harmed power grid - Industry study

Reuters reported that with the Trump administration expected to publish an analysis that could undermine the US wind and solar industries, two renewable energy lobbying groups, their own study saying new energy sources pose no threat to the country's power grid. Wind and solar advocates said the government study's outcome appeared to be pre-determined to favor fossil fuel industries.

The new report, commissioned by the American Wind Energy Association and Advanced Energy Economy, said that cheap natural gas is behind most of the decline in the numbers of US coal-fired power plants in recent years, not government subsidies that have bolstered the growth of wind and solar power. It said there is no evidence to show that wind and solar energy are threatening the reliability of the electric grid.

The groups commissioned the report shortly after Energy Secretary Rick Perry in April ordered a 60-day study of the reliability of the grid and said Obama-era policies offering incentives for the deployment of renewable energy had come at the expense of energy sources like coal and nuclear.

With the 60-day deadline for the DOE study looming this month, AWEA and AEE released their own analysis of the issue performed by economic consulting firm Analysis Group.

Source : Reuters
Sterling and Wilson bags solar power project in Abu Dhabi

PTI quoted Sterling and Wilson as saying that it has bagged turnkey engineering procurement and construction along with operation and maintenance contract for the world's largest single location solar PV plant in Sweihan, Emirates of Abu Dhabi. A company statement said that "The project will deliver a capacity of 1177 MWp, easily surpassing the current largest 850 MWp single location plant in China."

According to the statement, with construction already underway, the prodigious plant, which is spread over a desert area of 7.8 sq km, is scheduled to be fully integrated with the grid in a record timeline of just 23 months. The project was awarded at the lowest ever recorded bid in the history of PV solar.

The plant is jointly developed by Marubeni, a Japanese integrated trading and investment giant, along with Jinko, a global leader in the solar industry, and Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority. The consortium has successfully bid a tariff of USD 2.42cents per kilowatt hour, marking the lowest cost ever for solar power.

Once commissioned, the plant would save around 7 million tonnes of carbon emissions every year, a number that would bea national landmark. The 1177 MWp can power around 1,95,000 homes.

Source : PTI
NHPC awards INR 287 crore for 50MW solar project order to L&T

PTI reported that state-run hydro power giant NHPC has awarded an order of INR 287.48 crore for setting up 50 MW solar power capacities at Theni and Dindigul district of Tamil Nadu to Larson and Tubro Ltd.

NHPC said that "An EPC contract for the development of 50 MW Solar PV grid connected project located at Theni and Dindigul district in Tamil Nadu has been awarded to Larson & Tubro, L&T Construction, Manapakkam, Chennai for an amount of INR 287.48 crore with comprehensive operation and maintenance for 10 years."

Source : PTI
Zomerweer zorgt ook in Nederland voor recordopbrengst zonnepanelen

Eneco meldt dat het zomerweer in Nederland voor een recordproductie aan zonnestroom leidt. De Nederlandse zonnepanelen produceren volgens het bedrijf meer energie dan ruim 3 energiecentrales.

Bij onze zuiderburen meldde PV Vlaanderen afgelopen weer dat het zomerweer in Vlaanderen heeft geleid tot een recordproductie aan zonnestroom. Vrijdag 26 mei leverden de Vlaamse zonnepanelen 2.256 megawattuur aan stroom.

In Nederland wordt door het zomerweer ongeveer 10 procent meer energie verbruikt dan normaal in deze periode. Dat komt overeen met 2 flinke energiecentrales extra van 1.500 megawattuur. De piekvraag ligt deze dagen op 15.000 tot 17.000 megawattuur. Momenteel wekken alle zonnepanelen in Nederland volgens Eneco in totaal dagelijks zo’n 2.400 tot 2.500 megawattuur op. De langste dag van het jaar zal dus tot een record hebben geleid. Door de gebrekkige statistiekenvoorziening in Nederland kan het energiebedrijf echter ook niet exact melden hoeveel zonnestroom er 21 juni op de langste dag is opgewekt. Het bedrijf baseert zich daarom op gegevens van de energiehandelsvloer van Eneco waar vraag en aanbod van energie zo goed mogelijk worden gebalanceerd.

Indian power ministry eyes INR 35,000 crore annual savings by making buildings green

Times of India reported that the power ministry has set its sights on achieving an estimated INR 35,000 crore annual savings by making all existing and future government as well as commercial buildings in the country energy efficient in the next few years and use the saved electricity to light up poor homes and energise irrigation pumps. The government is aiming to achieve this goal through the Energy Conservation Building Code-2017, framed by the Bureau of Energy Efficiency under the ministry and using Energy Efficiency Services Ltd to push application of energy efficient lighting and appliances.

According to government estimates, retrofitting of existing buildings with energy efficient lights, appliances and other initiatives has the potential of saving nearly 30-40 billion units annually by reducing power consumption for lighting and air-conditioning in these buildings. Designing new buildings in accordance with the energy code is estimated to achieve a reduction of another 300 billion units in power consumption each year by 2030.

Together, these measures are expected to shrink the carbon footprint by 250 million tonnes a year of CO2 equivalent.

Mr Piyush Goyal, power, coal, renewable and mines minister, said that “How much electricity does a poor household with a fan, a few lights and maybe we can give them a cooler need every month? Maybe 30-40 units? Now do your math. Just imagine how many poor households can be powered free of cost; how many farmers can be given free power for their pumps from the savings.”

The need to make government and commercial buildings more energy efficient has become important as primary energy demand in India has been growing at a rapid rate, rising from 450 million tonnes of oil equivalent in 2000 to 900 million TOE in 2015. This is expected to increase further to 1,500 million TOE in 2030.

Source : Times of India
45MW capacity solar power plants installed across India - NTPC

ANI reported that the National Thermal Power Corporation of India has recently revealed that India now hosts solar power capacity worth 845 MW, after the recent addition of the 225 MW Mandsaur Solar Power Project- a 250 MW solar farm located in Madhya Pradesh. The remaining 25 MW will be commissioned as soon as evacuation constraints pertaining to the solar park developer Rewa Ultra Mega Solar Limited are eradicated; PV Magazine quoted the Mercom Capital Group, as reporting.

Apart from this, Vikram Solar, BHEL and Tata Power also have 50 MW plants currently operating on the site. Solar power is being increasingly promoted as an alternative source of energy, the latest one being the installation of solar panels on the rooftop of all Kochi Metro Rail stations.

Apart from this, the Delhi Metro is also enabled with solar PV, and is set to further expand the capacity.

Source : ANI
KIOCL signs pact with CleanMax Solar for roof top solar plant

Express News Service reported that in a bid to move towards sustainable energy, KIOCL has partnered with CleanMax Solar, an Indian onsite solar power provider. The rooftop solar plant has been set up across the rooftops of six buildings at KIOCL’s pelletisation plant in Mangaluru. The rooftop solar plant installed with a capacity of 377.6 kWp is expected to reduce the company’s carbon dioxide emission by 524.4 tonnes per annum. According to company spokespersons, this would lead to a savings of INR 6.5 lakh per year.

Mr Malay Chatterjee, CMD of KIOCL, said “The energy that has been generated through this solar plant will be for captive use and will supply solar power directly to KIOCL’s operations at the same plant.”

He added “The company requires 6 lakh units of energy per day to meet its production requirement and the solar plant is now able to generate 1,100 units a day. By 2020, the company wants to reach a production of 4-5 MW to partially meet its energy requirement through solar energy.”

Source : Express News Service
Indian Railways to add 400 MW solar power capacity current fiscal

ET reported that the Indian railways, which is working on an ambitious plan to reduce its dependence on conventional fuels and cut down energy bill, is planning to award 400 Megawatt (of solar energy generation capacity in the current financial year. The transporter plans to award 200 MW of rooftop solar and 200 MW of land-based solar energy capacity in the current fiscal. Overall, railways has a target of installing 1,000 Mw of solar power and 200 Mw of wind energy by 2020.

Mr Ghanshyam Singh, Railway Board Member (traction), said that “In terms of solar rooftop installations, we have a target of installing 500 Mw till 2020. So far, we have commissioned 17 Mw rooftop solar with the latest being 750 Kw at Guwahati, Assan. Our target is to award 200 Mw of rooftop this financial year out of which 100 Mw will be through the PPP route.”

The national carrier is working with Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI) for setting up 150 Mw solar energy capacity in Assam, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Andhra Pradesh. He said that “The 150 Mw will be set up on solar parks. In addition to this, the Railway Energy Management Company Ltd is also finalizing setting up 50 Mw solar capacity on railway land by next year as well as 62 MW of solar rooftop, the tender for that will be issued in a week’s time.”

REMCL will also be setting up another 50 MW following confirmation of the Viability Gap Funding (VGF) from the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. In addition, Indian Railways is also working with Central Electronics Limited for installing 100 MW of solar energy capacity. A railway ministry official said “We aim to cover 770 stations under this. MNRE is yet to provide the Viability Gap Funding.”

The national carrier, under its ‘net zero energy’ plan is also planning to set up solar plants in a bid to run nearly 8000 stations on solar energy, as reported by ETEnergyworld. Mr Singh said that “We will be setting up solar plants in 800 stations. We have also begun sanctioning study for covering another 4,000 stations under the same category.”

Source : ET
US solar industry demand could drop 66pct if trade case succeeds - Report

Reuters reported that the US solar industry would see two-thirds of expected demand dry up over the next five years if a trade case aimed at propping up the domestic panel manufacturing industry is successful. The utility-scale solar industry, which accounts for more than half of U.S. installations, would be hit hardest if Washington adopts the hefty remedies sought by bankrupt solar panel maker Suniva. That is because large projects depend on being cost-competitive with natural gas-fired plants to spur buying, research firm GTM Research said in their analysis.

Mr Cory Honeyman, GTM's associate director of US solar, said in an interview, that "This is arguably one of the biggest downside risks to the future of U.S. solar."

In April, Suniva filed a rare Section 201 petition with the US International Trade Commission nine days after seeking Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. In the petition, the company asked for new duties on imported solar products to combat a global glut of panels that has depressed prices and made it difficult for American producers to compete.

Suniva was founded in Georgia but as of 2015 is majority owned by Hong Kong-based Shunfeng International Clean Energy . It was joined in the petition by another domestic manufacturer, the U.S. division of Germany's SolarWorld . The German company filed for insolvency last month.

According to GTM, Suniva is seeking a duty rate of 40 cents per watt on solar cells and a minimum price on modules of 78 cents a watt for the first year, levels unseen since 2012. Between 2018 and 2022, U.S. solar installations would fall from 72.5 gigawatts to 36.4 GW with a minimum module price of 78 cents a watt, GTM said. If a 40 cent cell tariff were implemented as well, installations would drop to 25 GW during the period.

The US ITC will decide by September whether imports are causing harm to domestic producers. If it does find serious injury to the industry, by November the commission will recommend remedies to President Trump, who then makes a final decision. Trump could accept the ITC's recommedation or do something else entirely. The final outcome could vary greatly from Suniva's suggested remedies.

The Solar Energy Industries Trade Association, the U.S. solar trade group, is opposed to Suniva's petition. The group said last week that an estimated 88,000 jobs would be lost if the trade protections Suniva is seeking are imposed.

Source : Reuters
BAM werkt aan wegdek van zonnepanelen

UTRECHT (AFN) - Op een stukje provinciale weg bij Kockengen (Utrecht) rijdt het verkeer vanaf dit najaar over een wegdek van zonnepanelen. De provincie Utrecht en bouwbedrijf BAM leggen er een rijstrook van 20 meter aan om ervaring op te doen met de nieuwe techniek. Ze willen er onder meer achter komen welk rendement de panelen opleveren en hoe de materialen zich houden op een drukke weg als deze N401.

De in Frankrijk geproduceerde 'zonnemat' heeft een beschermlaag die de zonnecellen bestand maakt tegen zwaar verkeer. BAM en de provincie gaan ook onderzoeken of door de mat minder onderhoud aan het asfalt nodig is en of het mogelijk is om met de opgewekte energie het wegdek te verwarmen. Dat scheelt dan weer strooiwagens als het glad is.

Het proefproject gaat twee jaar duren. De voorbereidingen zijn al begonnen, liet BAM donderdag weten.
Australia proposes rules to stabilise electricity grid, avoid blackouts

Reuters reported that Australia has released a raft of proposals designed to avoid cascading blackouts and stabilise the nation's power supply as it becomes increasingly dependent on variable wind and solar energy. The recommendations from the Australian Energy Market Commission are the latest in a series of measures taken by the government and regulators to shore up power supply in the wake of a string of blackouts, warnings of gas shortfalls and soaring energy prices.

Mr John Pierce, the commission's chairman, said the technical proposals would address risks to energy security created by the power system's shift toward renewable energy, which has introduced more complexity in running the grid when the wind and sun die down. Mr Pierce said that "Our reform package is looking at ways to stabilise the system as the generation mix changes, and new technology generators connect."

The commission called for the market to use new technology like batteries to back up the system when there is a sudden supply outage, among a range of technical measures to shore up grid security.

Networks could contract with suppliers of services like fast frequency response from emerging technologies like batteries, to help maintain minimum security levels, it said.

The commission also called for new connecting generators to pay for remedial action if they harmed the strength of the system.

Looking to prevent further outages and cap rising energy prices the federal government and states have announced plans to restart mothballed gas-fired power plants, fund energy storage and introduce gas export controls.

However the latest outlook from the Australian Energy Market Operator released earlier this month warned that despite those efforts to beef up supply, eastern Australia's power grid will be stretched again if fierce heatwaves hit over the next two summers.

It comes on the heels of a call from Australia's chief scientist for the federal government to set a "fuel neutral" clean energy target that provides an incentive to build new generation to cap soaring power prices, cut carbon emissions and keep the lights on.

Source : Reuters
Zon op Water: 3 drijvende zonneparken van 100 megawattpiek op komst

Tot en met 2019 worden in Nederland ten minste 3 drijvende zonneparken ontwikkeld. Elk zonnepark krijgt een omvang van 100 megawattpiek.

Dit worden, na een pilot met 4 systemen van 50 kilowattpiek, de volgende wapenfeiten van het nationaal consortium Zon op Water.
De argumenten om te kiezen voor drijvende zonnepanelen zijn volgens de betrokkenen bij het consortium Zon op Water de grotere schaal, meer- opbrengst door koeling, instraling en refl ectie en lagere kosten vanwege de relatief minder maatschappelijke weer- stand. Ook de fl exibiliteit (red. systemen zijn verplaatsbaar en kunnen gemak- kelijker tijdelijk geplaatst worden) en de combinatie met windenergie worden genoemd.

Lees het volledige artikel over de uitrol van de 3 drijvende zonneparken van 100 megawattpiek hier in de juni 2017-editie van Solar Magazine (noot: pagina 20 van de pdf, pagina 38 in het tijdschrift).

Rooftop solar to become norm by 2040 - Niti Aayog

PTI quoted Rooftop solar set-ups would become the norm in the country by 2040, according to government think-tank Niti Aayog's draft National Energy Policy. However, the draft NEP has maintained that in an increased electricity share and in the immediate run-up towards universal coverage of electricity, it may not be viable to tap rooftop solar for homes.

According to the draft, the share of solar and wind is expected to be 14-18 per cent and 9-11 per cent in electricity, and 3-5 per cent and 2-3 per cent in the primary commercial energy mix respectively, by 2040. The draft noted that the advent of Electric Vehicles will help curb a rise in share of oil. Environment friendly gas would substitute oil in many uses.

However, it said, "the share of oil and gas would have almost maintained their shares of 26 per cent and 6.5 per cent in 2015-16 to 25-27 per cent and 8-9 per cent in 2040, respectively."

The draft said that while coal would have risen in absolute terms (nearly double), but in relative terms, it would have reduced its contribution from 58 per cent in 2015 to 44-50 per cent in 2040. The overall share of fossil fuels would come down from 81 per cent in 2012 to 78 per cent in ambitious pathway in 2040.

Source : PTI
Mr Goyal says CIL betting big on renewables

Reuters reported that Coal India Ltd, the world’s largest miner of the dirty fuel, will generate 1 gigawatt of renewable electricity this year as part of its plan to produce as much as 10 GW clean power in total, a federal minister said. State companies such as Coal India and NTPC Ltd, the country’s biggest thermal power producer, are planning to aggressively spend on solar projects under Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi’s personal push for renewable energy.

Mr Piyush Goyal, Minister for Coal, Power and Renewable Energy, at an event, said that “This is a contribution towards a better planet, towards greening the country and greening the world. It’s a little bit of a contradiction that I have to keep the coal industry also going while I ensure large-scale outreach in the renewable sector.”

Mr Goyal did not give a timeline for Coal India’s 10 GW target. The renewable energy industry is already booming in India. Solar power generation capacity has more than tripled in three years to over 12 GW, as Modi targets raising energy generation from all renewable sources to 175 GW by 2022.

Source : Reuters
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AMG Critical ... -3,16%
Kendrion -2,75%
CM.COM -2,24%

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
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