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Mooi artikeltje Black Knight, gewoon uit nieuwsgierigheid, welke lithiumaandelen bezit jij momenteel??


StuYa schreef op 22 oktober 2017 22:19:

Mooi artikeltje Black Knight, gewoon uit nieuwsgierigheid, welke lithiumaandelen bezit jij momenteel??
Dat zijn Orocobre en AMG.
Galaxy heb ik verkocht.


Chinezen azen op miljardenbelang in lithiumbedrijf SQM

Toegang tot belangrijke grondstof voor elektrische auto's van cruciaal belang geacht voor China
You asked? :-)

Chinezen azen op miljardenbelang in lithiumbedrijf SQM

Luchtfoto van een lithiummijn van SQM in Chileense Atacamawoestijn.Foto: Ivan Alvarado/Reuters

Het Chinese staatsbedrijf Sinochem is een van de bieders op een belang van $4 mrd in Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile (SQM), een van de grootste producenten ter wereld van lithium. Dat is een belangrijke grondstof voor accu's in elektrische auto's. Dat schrijft de Financial Times maandag op basis van anonieme bronnen.

De Canadese kunstmestfabrikant Potash moet zijn belang van 32% in SQM SQM$59,46+0,27% verkopen om aan de voorwaarden van mededingingsautoriteiten te voldoen. Deze zijn nodig voor de goedkeuring van de fusie met branchegenoot Agrium.

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Tesla bouwt autofabriek in China

Naast Sinochem zouden ook de Chinese investeringsmaatschappij GSR Capital en de Chinese bedrijven Ningbo Shanshan en TianqiLithium in de race zijn. China is de grootste markt voor elektrische auto's. Daarnaast heeft de overheid een ambitieus plan aangekondigd om de komende jaren een leidende positie in te nemen op het gebied van elektrische auto's. Dit zorgt ervoor dat Chinese bedrijven proberen om de levering van belangrijke grondstoffen voor de productie van elektrische auto's veilig te stellen.

Kobaltmijn in Congo

Zo nam GSR Capital eerder dit jaar al de accudivisie van Nissan over. Daarnaast tekende de Chinese autofabrikant Great Wall Motor vorige maand een contract met de Australische lithiumproducent Pilbara voor de levering van de grondstof in de komende vijf jaar.

Ook Jianxi Special Electric Motor kocht eerder dit jaar een belang in een buitenlandse lithiummijn. En vorig jaar nam het eveneens Chinese Molybdenum voor $2,65 mrd de belangrijke koper- en kobaltmijn in Congo over. Kobalt is net als lithium een belangrijke grondstof voor accu's.
China wil niet alleen zelf elektrische auto's maken, maar ook de controle krijgen over andere essentiële onderdelen in de productieketen. Daarom wil het ook toegang tot grondstoffen hebben en de verwerking ervan tot accu's veilig stellen.

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Oliestaat Noorwegen omarmt de elektrische auto

Brandstofauto's in de ban

Om de transitie naar elektrisch rijden te versnellen, overweegt de Chinese regering een deadline in te stellen voor de productie en verkoop van traditionele brandstofauto’s. Eerder gaven landen zoals het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Frankrijk al aan dat vanaf 2040 benzine- en dieselauto’s worden verbannen. In het regeerakkoord van kabinet-Rutte III staat het streven om uiterlijk in 2030 alle nieuwe auto’s emissieloos te laten zijn.

Europa maakt zich zorgen
Europa kijkt ondertussen al een tijdje met argusogen naar de Aziatische en met name Chinese dominantie. Want terwijl de hoeveelheid elektrische auto's in Europa groeit, rijdt het grootste deel van de elektrische voertuigen rond met een Aziatische batterij. Slechts 2,5% van de ingezette accu's is Europees, becijferde persbureau Bloomberg.

'We kunnen die markt niet aan concurrenten geven', sprak eurocommissaris Maros Sefcovic van Energie eerder deze maand. Brussel wil daarom meerdere gigafabrieken in Europa bouwen waar accu's voor elektrische auto’s worden gemaakt.

Mijnbouw revival in Europa
Europa staat mogelijk ook aan de vooravond van een mijnbouw revival als gevolg van de opkomst van de elektrische auto. Zo liggen er rond het dorpje Cinovec, dichtbij de grens met Duitsland en het hart van de Duitse auto-industrie, enorme hoeveelheden lithium in de grond, goed voor 3% van de totale wereldvoorraad. Het Australische bedrijf European Metals, die de exploratierechten kocht in 2012 wil in 2019 beginnen met de productie ervan.

In de eveneens nog te ontwikkelen Jadar-mijn van Rio Tinto in Servië liggen ook grote hoeveelheden lithium. Volgens sommige schattingen gaat het zelfs om een van de grootste reserves ter wereld. Servië hoopt dat Rio Tinto die vanaf 2023 zal kunnen gaan produceren.
Lithium stretches from Congo to Cornwall

attery ingredient lithium is right now, look no further than Australia's AVZ Minerals Ltd. A penny stock until a few months ago, the mining hopeful has surged about 1,300 per cent this year. The proposition: recasting a remote, century-old tin mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo as a supplier of lithium needed to power electric cars.

While its rise has been dramatic, AVZ isn’t alone in the rush to position for a rechargeable-battery boom. In the U.K., a company founded by former investment banker Jeremy Wrathall is planning to tap thermal springs in Cornwall, a region more famous for its beach coves. Other companies are hunting for lithium deposits from Germany to Mali, and even Afghanistan plans to tender exploration permits.

Mr Paul Gait, an analyst at Sanford C Bernstein Ltd in London said that "You’ve got a scramble for deposits, a demand side that looks very impressive, the question is always around the supply. In the rush to meet demand there is a risk too many mines will be developed and too much metal supplied.” He added that "When the tide goes out, those that do not have good geology will always be found wanting."

Lithium, which is dominated by three large producers, has surged as demand increases for lithium-ion batteries used in electric vehicles and energy-storage systems.Bloomberg New Energy Finance projects that electric vehicles will make up more than half of new sales globally by 2040. And uncertainty about global production growth means car manufacturers are seeking to lock-in future supplies of the metal.

Source : Bloomberg
Texas Engineers develop new material for better lithium-ion batteries
Published on Thu, 02 Nov 2017

U Texas reported that batteries we use every day may soon become cheaper, smaller and lighter. Researchers in the Cockrell School of Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin have discovered a family of anode materials that can double the charge capacity of lithium-ion battery anodes. This means that the batteries that we use in everything from cellphones to large-scale energy storage systems could be more efficient in the future.

The new family of anode materials, which the researchers dubbed the Interdigitated Eutectic Alloy anode, saves time and materials by producing an anode using only two simple steps instead of the multiple steps traditionally required to mass-produce lithium-ion battery anodes.

The researchers created a foil material that is one-quarter of the thickness and half of the weight of the graphite and copper anodes used in virtually all lithium-ion batteries today. As a result, a smaller, lighter rechargeable battery could be made with the new anode in the future.

Mr Arumugam Manthiram, a professor and the director of the Texas Materials Institute, who led the team said that “It is exciting to have developed an inexpensive, scalable process for making electrode nanomaterials. Our results show that the material succeeds very well on the performance metrics needed to make a commercially viable advance in lithium-ion batteries.”

Recent efforts to improve lithium-ion battery electrodes have focused on building new nanomaterials atom by atom. Mr Manthiram and his team, which includes postdoctoral fellow Karl Kreder and materials science and engineering graduate student Brian Heligman, developed a new class of anode materials in which eutectic metal alloys are mechanically rolled into nanostructured metal foils.

Since the 1990s, the primary anode for mass-produced rechargeable lithium-ion batteries has been a graphite powder coated on a copper foil. The copper adds bulk to an electrode without improving the battery’s power and the anode requires a laborious, fastidious manufacturing process. By omitting the complicated slurry coating process, the manufacturing of the IdEA anode is drastically simplified.

Kreder, who is the lead author on the study, realized that a micrometer-scale alloy anode could be transformed into a nanomaterial using traditional metallurgical alloying processes. Kreder said that “The eutectic microstructure forms naturally because of thermodynamics. Then, you can reduce the microstructure by rolling it, which is an extraordinarily cheap step to convert a microstructure into a nanostructure.”

The team’s resulting anodes occupy significantly less space, overcoming a critical barrier to commercializing better batteries for use in portable electronic devices like cellphones and medical devices, as well as larger applications like electric cars.

The research was published in the journal ACS Energy Letters. It was funded by a grant from the US Department of Energy’s Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Materials Sciences and Engineering.

Source : U Texas
Electric cars set to increase world lithium demands
Published on Thu, 02 Nov 2017

Reuters quoted mining analysts and executives as saying that battery makers are increasingly turning to nickel to help power growing global electric car sales, but only half of the world's producers of the metal are likely to benefit. Lithium batteries containing nickel, which helps keep a charge over longer distances, are being installed in electric cars from Tesla's top-of-the-line Model X to General Motors Co modestly-priced Chevy Bolt.

According to analysts at UBS, the battery boom promises a new and growing market for miners producing high-grade nickel products. However, half the world's supply of the metal, comprised of so-called ferronickel and nickel pig iron grades, is unsuitable for battery production.

Some of the biggest producers of the higher-grade ores, including BHP Norilsk Nickel, Vale and Sumitomo Corp, are moving quickly to take advantage and seal long-term supply deals with battery producers.

Smaller producers with ores suitable for batteries, such as Australia's Independence Group and Western Areas also stand to win.

These producers are building plants to convert the metal into a powder-like sulfate that is particularly suited for use in batteries. Sulfate nickel regularly fetches a price premium over London Metal Exchange-traded nickel.

Mr Dan Lougher chief executive of Western Areas said that "Not everyone will be a winner. We've met with quite a number of battery manufacturers, and they are quite specific on their requirements. Nickel is an important component of these batteries."

Among those losing out would be lower-grade nickel mines like Cerro Matoso in Columbia, owned by South32 Ltd and Glencore's Koniambo in New Caledonia, as well as Anglo American's mines in Brazil producing ferronickel.

Mr Peter Bradford, chief executive of Independence Group Ltd, which is aiming to produce around 25,0000 tonnes of high-purity nickel this year from a new mine said that "The market dynamics will change in the coming years as a result of electric vehicles.” He added that "Battery growth is going to disrupt the market.”

The big companies are already moving.

Norilsk, the world's biggest nickel miner, in June announced a tie-up with the German battery maker BASF.

Within a few weeks, BHP unveiled plans to retool its Nickel West division to start shipping nickel to battery manufacturers beginning in April 2019.

The announcement marked a turnaround for Nickel West, which two years ago was in its death throes, with its workforce of 2,000 told that their jobs would end in 2019.

Meanwhile, Vale is looking for a partner in its loss-making New Caledonia nickel complex. It has been in talks with the Chinese battery maker GEM Co, the Financial Times reported.

Source : Reuters
Ontwikkelingen elektrisch vliegen. Met Li-ion batterijen. Stiller, zuiniger, efficienter.

Electric aircraft near take-off as Rolls-Royce and Airbus team up to build 'e-jets'

Paul Stein, chief technology officer at Rolls-Royce, said: "Aviation is the last frontier of the electrification of transport. It could lead to a step change in the way we fly with greater efficiency and less noise."
Desert Lion Energy starts production of first lithium concentrate

Desert Lion Energy Corp announced that the Company has begun production of lithium concentrate, on time and inline with management's Phase I production plan. The concentrate was produced from stockpiled material at the Company's lithium project in Namibia, which is located approximately 30 kilometres southeast of Karibib and 210km southeast of Windhoek, the nation's capital. There are approximately 700 thousand tonnes of stockpiled material and 100kt of fines located on Desert Lion's exclusive prospect license that will be processed over the next 12 months.

Mr Tim Johnston, president and chief executive officer of Desert Lion Energy Corp commented that "We are extremely excited about this milestone, which marks Phase I of the Company's production plan." He added that "With this first production of lithium concentrate, we transition from a lithium explorer and developer to producer, and we are well positioned to become Namibia's first large-scale lithium mining operation."

Following the production of lithium concentrate from stockpiled material, Desert Lion will commence production of lithium concentrate from in situ ore, which is expected to commence in the second half of 2019. This production schedule will be based on the results of a preliminary economic assessment, which the Company plans to publish in the second quarter of 2018.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Clean Commodities highlights key lithium assets in Canada

Published on Tue, 19 Dec 2017

Clean Commodities Corp provide the following update and particulars regarding the Corporation's principal lithium projects in Canada, as well as an outline of its 2018 exploration objectives.

Phoenix Lithium Project (Canada)
The Phoenix Lithium Project consists of six mineral claims encompassing 4,584 ha. The project is situated within 70 km of Rio Tinto's majority-owned Diavik diamond mine and less than 60 km from the existing winter road infrastructure. Within the Phoenix area, historic prospecting has identified at least eight spodumene-bearing lithium pegmatites with the two most advanced being the Bird Bird Lithium Pegmatite and the Curlew Lithium Pegmatite.

The Bird Bird Lithium Pegmatite has been mapped over a strike length of 1,200 m and is up to 80 m wide.

Past drilling at the Big Bird Lithium Pegmatite included:
09PX01: 34.3 m of 1.24% Li2O.

The Curlew Pegmatite has been mapped over a strike length of 400 m and is up to 20 m wide. Three drill holes were completed in 2009 across 315 m of strike, results are as follows:

09C01: 25.11 m of 1.37% Li2O
09C02: 8.57 m of 1.47% Li2O
09C03: 14.87 m of 1.72% Li2O & 6.65 m of 1.26% Li2O

The past drilling at the Big Bird and Curlew pegmatites was completed by North Arrow Minerals Inc. Additional drilling is required to confirm the orientation of the pegmatite(s) and true thickness.

Torp Lake Lithium Project (Canada)

The Trp Lake Lithium Project encompasses approximately 1,003 ha and is within 35 km to the west of tidewater at Bathurst Inlet. The project covers the McAvoy lithium pegmatite which has been observed over a strike length of 110 m, with widths of 10 to 15 m. Historic channel sampling returned:

6.0 m of 4.5% Li2O
7.0 m of 3.3% Li2O

Past work has included the liberation of spodumene from a bulk sample, which confirmed a high-purity lithium concentrate.

Juliet Lithium Project (Canada)

The Corporation's Juliet Lithium Project is located in Quebec, Canada and is situated adjacent to Critical Element Corp.'s Rose Lithium Project. The project is 9,544 ha in scale.

A summer 2017 exploration program at the Juliet Lithium Project successfully identified a spodumene rich, mineralized boulder field with up to 1.65% Li2O (see news release dated September 26, 2017, Clean Commodities Corp. Announces the Discovery of a Distinct Lithium-Rich Boulder Field Assaying up to 1.65% Li2O; Acquires 2,594 Ha of Additional Tenure in Juliet Lithium Project Expansion).

The discovery is located less than 5 km to the northeast of Critical Rare Earth Elements Rose Lithium-Tantalum Deposit and proximal to other known and recently discovered lithium-tantalum pegmatites. The Corporation believes the boulders to be sourced in close proximity and from within tenure held by the company given the abundance, characteristics and metre-scale size of the boulders.

Spodumene Lake and Dumont Lithium Projects (Canada)

The Corporation's Spodumene Lake and Dumont Lithium Projects (collective, the "Whabouchi Regional Lithium Project") covers two tenure blocks: the Dumont block, covering 14,548 ha; and the Spodumene Lake block at 4,848 ha, both located in close proximity to Nemaska Lithium Inc. Inaugural exploration work at this lithium project last summer identified surface samples up to 344 ppm Li2O (see news release dated October 27, 2017, Clean Commodities Corp. Discovers Lithium at Dumont near Nemaska, Quebec with Surface Samples up to 344 ppm Li2O).

The Corporation recently announced an option partner for the Whabouchi Regional Lithium Project (see news release dated November 30, 2017, Clean Commodities Corp. Announces Option Partner at Dumont and Spodumene Lake Lithium Projects Under $5 Million Exploration Earn-In).

2018 Exploration Objectives at Canadian Lithium Projects

The Corporation is currently developing plans for exploration programs at its Phoenix, Torp Lake and Juliet Lithium Projects.

During the first quarter of 2018, the Corporation anticipates completing a conceptual exploration model at its Phoenix Lithium Projects (the Big Bird and Curlew lithium pegmatites) to validate a potential tonnage model supportive of aggressive follow-on exploration.

During mid-2018, the Corporation intends to conduct field programs at the Phoenix Lithium Project and the Torp Lake Lithium Project to sample additional pegmatites within the area, as well as to further assess the Big Bird, Curlew and McAvoy lithium pegmatite bodies. Follow-up work may also include a diamond drilling program.

At the Juliet Lithium Project, the Corporation anticipates that a ground magnetic survey, trenching and rock sampling may form the basis of exploration at Juliet during 2018. Follow-up work may also include a diamond drilling program.

At the Whabouchi Regional Lithium Project, near-term exploration plans for the project by earn-in partner Cameo Resources Inc. are expected to be announced shortly.

Management cautions that past results or discoveries on adjacent properties may not necessarily be indicative to the presence of mineralization on the Company's properties. The Corporation cautions that exploration plans are subject to certain prerequisites including, but not limited to, the sourcing of exploration funds, community engagement, and permitting.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Prospect Resources report high purity lithium carbonate from Arcadia petalite ore

Mining News - Published on Wed, 20 Dec 2017

Prospect Resources Ltd announced it has produced ultra-high purity 99.8% lithium carbonate from Arcadia petalite ore. A purity of 99.5% lithium carbonate is required for battery grade lithium carbonate. As the purity level rises, more potential product applications become available and possible pricing rises.

A 0.8 kg sample of lithium carbonate was produced at the Company's laboratory in Zimbabwe and delivered to CSIRO Australia's Bentley laboratory in Perth WA. This sample was then purified to 99.8% lithium carbonate in cooperation with Prospect personnel.

The test work process was based on conventional methods of extraction of lithium from petalite concentrate followed by enhanced solution purification techniques to produce a high grade intermediate lithium carbonate ahead of ultimate purification. As previously announced, Prospect is establishing a lithium carbonate pilot plant in Zimbabwe using the same production techniques used to generate these results.

The Company has also previously announced that it is preparing a PFS for a lithium carbonate and hydroxide plant fed by the entire Li2O mineral concentrate production of the Arcadia Mine. The scope of this PFS has been amended to take into consideration the Conditional Placement and Framework Agreement with Sinomine. It is now expected that this PFS will be completed in Q1 2018.

Executive Chair Hugh Warner said that "The quality of this product far exceeds the requirements for battery grade lithium carbonate and supports Prospect's intention to become the first producer of premium lithium products in Southern Africa. An interesting point to note is that we believe Prospect may be the first ASX listed lithium company to produce its own battery grade lithium carbonate from its hard rock resources. In fact, we could not find any laboratory in Perth, other than CSIRO, who was set up to test for lithium carbonate purity."

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Atlas Iron enters lithium game with Pilbara Minerals mine gate deal

The West reported that Pilbara Minerals has announced a two year tantalum offtake agreement with Global Advanced Metals after striking an innovative mine gate sales agreement with Atlas Iron.Pilbara Minerals boss Ken Brinsden has reacquainted himself with the iron ore miner he once led, striking an innovative mine gate sales agreement with Atlas Iron.

Under the tantalum deal, Pilbara will supply GAM with 100,000lb of 4 to 5% tantalum concentrate from its Pilgangoora lithium-tantalum project in the Pilbara, covering a portion of the 321,000lb of estimated annual tantalite production based on a low grade concentrate.

Pilbara said that the balance of tantalum concentrate is expected to be sold as higher value 25 to 30% tantalite product.

The company said it remained engaged with tantalum buyers for the balance of its tantalite production and was encouraged by the strength of demand for stable western sources of high-quality concentrate.

Pilbara noted the price of tantalum concentrate had risen over the course of the year to between USD 85 to USD 90/lb, well above the USD 73/lb on which the company based its Pilgangoora feasibility study.

Under the terms of the Atlas deal, the iron ore miner will buy between one million tonnes and 1.4mt of direct shipping lithium ore from Pilbara over 15 months, transport it to its Mt Dove crusher and ship it using its existing Utah Point port facilities at Port Hedland.

First exports are scheduled for the June quarter of next year.

Atlas said it expected to generate an operating margin of between USD 15 a tonnes and USD 20/t from the deal after allowing for payments to Pilbara and its own transport and crushing costs.

Under the terms of the deal, Atlas will pay an upfront pre-payment of USD 3 million to Pilbara.

China’s Sinosteel is the expected buyer of the ore under an agreement to be entered into with Atlas.

The deal allows Atlas to diversify its operations from the increasingly marginal, low grade iron ore business and utilise excess capacity at its crushing and port facilities.

Source : The West
92 resources is aardig aan het uitbreken (bijna +50%....)
Ben vorige week ingestapt, helaas slechts overwogen....
Iemand een idee wat er aan de hand is met de lithium aandelen vandaag??? Albermarle 9% rood...????
AMG stort ook redelijk naar beneden inderdaad..... geen vreemd nieuws gevonden alsnog. Wellicht corrigeert het ook weer met dezelfde snelheid eerdaags...
Ja inderdaad AMG heb ik ook, alles wat lithium betreft geeft flinke klappen gekregen vandaag zonder enig nieuws...
Albemarle Announces Retirement of Matt Juneau, Executive Vice President, Corporate Strategy & Investor Relations; Names Eric W. Norris As Successor
23:05 (18/01) - Bron: PRN

For best results when printing this announcement, please click on link below:

Albemarle Announces Retirement of Matt Juneau, Executive Vice President,
Corporate Strategy & Investor Relations; Names Eric W. Norris As Successor
PR Newswire

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Jan. 18, 2018

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Jan. 18, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Albemarle Corporation (NYSE:
ALB), a leader in the global specialty chemicals industry, announced today
that Matt Juneau, executive vice president, Corporate Strategy & Investor
Relations, is retiring from the company in March 2018 and that it has named
Eric W. Norris as Albemarle's chief strategy officer, effective immediately.
As chief strategy officer, Norris will be responsible for both Corporate
Strategy and Investor Relations.

Juneau will be retiring after more than 35 years with Albemarle Corporation
and its predecessor, Ethyl Corporation. During his career at Albemarle, Juneau
has served in positions of increasing responsibility, including senior vice
president, president, Performance Chemicals, vice president, Polymer Solutions
and vice president, Global Sales and Services. "On behalf of the Board of
Directors and the leadership team, we thank Matt for his many years of
dedicated service to Albemarle," stated Albemarle Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer Luke Kissam. "We wish Matt the best in his

Norris joins Albemarle as a seasoned executive with over 20 years of diverse
experience in corporate development and business leadership. Prior to joining
Albemarle, he served in several roles with FMC Corporation over a 15-year
period. Most recently, he served as president, FMC Health and Nutrition, where
he was responsible for leading a segment with over $750 million of revenue, 13
stand-alone plants and 12 globally dispersed R&D centers, and over 1,000
employees. Prior to taking on that role, Norris served for five years in FMC's
Lithium segment, first as global commercial director before moving up to vice
president and global business director. Other roles at FMC included director,
Corporate Development, and in its BioPolymer segment, director, Healthcare

"We are delighted to welcome Eric to Albemarle," stated Kissam. "We look
forward to the leadership and contributions his wealth of experience will
bring to us. I am confident that his business experiences and insights,
combined with his leadership skills, will allow him to make significant
contributions to Albemarle's future success."

About Albemarle
Albemarle Corporation (NYSE: ALB), headquartered in Charlotte, NC, is a global
specialty chemicals company with leading positions in lithium, bromine and
refining catalysts. We power the potential of companies in many of the world's
largest and most critical industries, from energy and communications to
transportation and electronics. Working side-by-side with our customers, we
develop value-added, customized solutions that make them more competitive. Our
solutions combine the finest technology and ingredients with the knowledge and
know-how of our highly experienced and talented team of operators, scientists
and engineers.

Discovering and implementing new and better performance-based sustainable
solutions is what motivates all of us. We think beyond business-as-usual to
drive innovations that create lasting value. Albemarle employs approximately
4,500 people and serves customers in approximately 100 countries. We regularly
post information to, including notification of events, news,
financial performance, investor presentations and webcasts, non-GAAP
reconciliations, SEC filings and other information regarding our company, its
businesses and the markets it serves.

"Safe Harbor" Statement under the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of

Statements in this press release regarding Albemarle Corporation's business
that are not historical facts are "forward-looking statements" that involve
risks and uncertainties. For a discussion of such risks and uncertainties,
which could cause actual results to differ from those contained in the
forward-looking statements, see "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Report
on Form 10-K.
Zimbabwe government signed USD 1,4 billion lithium deal
Published on Thu, 08 Feb 2018

Herald reported that GOVERNMENT, through the Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation, struck a deal with a foreign investor to exploit lithium deposits worth USD 1,4 billion in Matabeleland North. A Cabinet minister said that feasibility studies are reportedly underway on two other lithium projects, one of which is similarly a target of an unnamed listed company. Further, a fourth project is currently being explored.

Speaking at an investors’ breakfast meeting on mining in Zimbabwe jointly sponsored by Sakunda Holdings and the Moti Group, Mines and Mining Development Minister Winston Chitando said an announcement on the new deal will be made “in a day or two”.

Most of the inquiries that have been received by the new political administration, he said, have been specifically on lithium.

Minister Chitando said that “There is lithium and it’s quite exciting. I can say over the last few weeks since my appointment as minister, most of the enquiries are on lithium. On Friday last week, Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation managed to close a deal with an investor for part of its lithium deposits, and I am sure an announcement will be made in a day or two it involves a quoted company.”

Mr Chitando said that “We have another quoted company, which is quite active on lithium assets, getting close to finalising a bankable feasibility study. We also have two other lithium assets, where some exploration work is taking place.”

In an interview with The Herald after the event, Minister Chitando said the lithium deal, which mainly involves the reprocessing of dump, would unlock more than USD 1,4 billion over the next few years.

It is believed that the investor will begin work on the site in March.

Government believes that the investment, which is part of the 100-day programme, will employ 500 people and have an “immense” impact on the local economy, especially for downstream and upstream industries.

Mr Chitando said that “Firstly, the investment is in Matabeleland North and the initial investment, involves reprocessing of dump, which has got USD 1,4 billion worth of lithium to be unlocked, and the investment has been struck with an investor who will come in with capital. We will see the investor coming in by March 1 and doing some infrastructural work relating to rehabilitation of schools, clinics to support the envisaged investment.”

Mr Chitando added that “And we envisage that directly this investment will employ 500 people in that particular project. But the downstream effects are quite immense.”

Zimbabwe is considered to be the fifth-largest lithium producer in the world after Australia, Argentina, Chile and China. The boom in global electrical vehicle manufacturing, which uses lithium-powered batteries, has been driving demand for the mineral.

Research findings forecast that the electrical vehicle market will be worth USD 100 billion in two year’s time. American car manufacturer, Ford, recently invested USD 11 billion into its “electric car” project.

Naturally, investors are scrambling for the mineral, whose deposits are largely undeveloped in areas such as Mberengwa, Mutoko and areas around Harare. But of late, Government has been driving towards value-adding to lithium mining.

In the 2018 National Budget, Finance and Economic Planning Minister Mr Patrick Chinamasa announced a 5 % tax on exports of unprocessed lithium with effect from January 1, 2019.

Minister Chitando noted that though this is obviously a concern for investors, they however remain committed to their investments.

Mr Chitando said that “It’s a concern which we are talking about but what is important is that there is seriousness to do value addition and its part of the discussion.”

Under the current agreements, lithium concentrates with a grading of between 5 % to 6 % lithium oxide are being exported at USD 600 per tonne, but upon beneficiation, the product is sold at prices between USD 15 000 and USD 20 000.

Source : Herald
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