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Afgeluisterd telefoongesprek van Russische soldaat in de Kherson regio ( Zuid Oekraine ) :


A serviceman of illegal armed formation of the Donetsk People’s Republic, being in Kherson direction, tells his wife about the breakthrough of Ukrainian troops



Freemoneyforever schreef op 20 september 2022 16:53:

Lokale politica uit St. Petersburg verzamelt 71 handtekeningen van andere politici uit St. Petersburg voor een petitie die de aftreding van Poetin bepleit.

Local Russian politicians sign petition demanding Putin's resignation | DW News

"We, the municipal deputies of Russia, believe that the actions of President Vladimir Putin are harming the future of the country and its citizens. We demand the resignation of Vladimir Putin from the post of President of the Russian Federation." This petition, demanding Putin’s resignation over the war in Ukraine, das been signed by dozens of local politicians in Russia.
One of them is Ksenia Torstrem, a deputy in St. Petersburg’s Semionovski District.

Knap werk! Maar Ksenia Thorstrom zou inmiddels in Finland zitten.
Zie www.iex.nl/Forum/Post/14415376.aspx

closer schreef op 20 september 2022 18:25:

Knap werk! Maar Ksenia Thorstrom zit inmiddels in Finland.
Zie www.iex.nl/Forum/Post/14415376.aspx
Dank u voor de update. De braindrain uit Rusland gaat door.
Our troops entered Lyman!
Cleaning up the city now.

Konrad Muzyka op twitter, Independent Defence Analyst focusing on Russia and Belarus / Director of rochan-consulting.com. :

This is my map and, no, I made no mistake. Lyman has most likely has already been liberated.


If correct and Lyman has been retaken - That does open the road to Kreminna, potentially threatening Severodonetsk and Lysychansk


Freemoneyforever schreef op 20 september 2022 18:36:

Dank u voor de update. De braindrain uit Rusland gaat door.
Dat bericht op CNN is van 16 september, de video van Deutsche Welle is van vandaag. Dus ik weet het verder ook niet...

closer schreef op 20 september 2022 18:41:

Dat bericht op CNN is van 16 september, de video van Deutsche Welle is van vandaag. Dus ik weet het verder ook niet...
Herkauwen van nieuws is wat de media doen, ik zie ook wel eens iets in de media, dat hier allang staat. Ik had het bericht van CNN 16 sept. niet gelezen, Deutsche Welle wellicht wel.
Zeldzaam Russisch commando- en observatievoertuig 1B1003 van het artilleriecontrolecomplex 1B198 Cannonada


Gevangen door het Skala-bataljon van de OK East "Rock" in de regio Kharkiv.
De machine is gebaseerd op de BTR-80 gepantserde personendrager op wielen
Daarnaast omvat het complex een 1B1004 commando- en personeelsvoertuig op het chassis van de Ural-auto.
De 1B1003-machine is ontworpen voor doelverkenning en geautomatiseerde vuurleiding van de reactieve of op een loop gemonteerde gesleepte artillerie van de divisie. Deze functie is beschikbaar voor vuurmissies en manoeuvres tijdens gevechten.
Het Russische "Cannonada" 1B198-complex is ontworpen om de vuurleiding te automatiseren van vat- en raketartillerie-eenheden die zijn uitgerust met geautomatiseerde geleidings- en vuurleidingssystemen.
De fabrikant van deze systemen zorgt ervoor dat de automatisering het mogelijk maakt het vuur op een gescout doel in niet meer dan vier minuten te openen wanneer het wordt ingezet in gevechtsformatie terwijl het onderweg is.
En bij het inzetten van vuurmiddelen van een artillerie-eenheid op voorbereide posities, is deze tijd niet langer dan 40 seconden.
Volgens Russische bronnen biedt de machine-uitrusting van het complex volledige automatisering van de vuurleiding voor maximaal vier artilleriebatterijen van verschillende typen.
Basischassis BTR-80
Het totale gewicht van de machine is 13800 kg
De maximale snelheid is 80 km/u
Het maximale verkenningsbereik
• televisiezender 6500 m
• warmtebeeldkanaal 5000 m
Bereik meetlimieten
• 100-10000 m afstandsmeter
Het aantal banen is 6
Aantal geautomatiseerde werkplekken 2
Berekening van KNM 4
Het aantal datatransmissiekanalen is 4
Maximaal communicatiebereik:
• via radio betekent tot 30 km
• langs toonaangevende communicatielijnen tot 1,5 km

Freemoneyforever schreef op 20 september 2022 18:45:

Herkauwen van nieuws is wat de media doen, ik zie ook wel eens iets in de media, dat hier allang staat.
Klopt. Maar niet alleen de media herkauwen, hier in dit draadje worden dezelfde berichten vaak ook herhaald.
The #US Department of Justice has asked Congress to legalize the transfer of frozen #Russian assets to #Ukraine in response to the announced "referendums".

At least $ 300 billion of such assets are blocked in the United States.

'60-ton beast': Ret. General describes tank US is looking to send to Ukraine

A senior military official says US tanks are on the table to send to Ukraine. Brig. Gen. Steve Anderson (Ret.) explains why he thinks the US should continue meeting Ukraine's requirements and whether the country should put contractors on the ground to help with logistics.
Source: CNN


Succes schreef op 20 september 2022 19:21:

'60-ton beast': Ret. General describes tank US is looking to send to Ukraine

A senior military official says US tanks are on the table to send to Ukraine. Brig. Gen. Steve Anderson (Ret.) explains why he thinks the US should continue meeting Ukraine's requirements and whether the country should put contractors on the ground to help with logistics.
Source: CNN

The USA considers transferring the tanks to Ukraine, but under certain conditions

The United States might be supplying Ukraine with modern tanks. However, first, the Ukrainian servicemen should learn to use and maintain them.

A senior US military official told CNN about this on condition of anonymity.

The issue primarily lies in Ukraine’s ability to maintain these tanks and ensure the training of crews for effective combat use.

Tanks are “absolutely on the table” for the US to provide to Ukraine in the future, according to a senior US military official, but are not an option for the immediate fight because of issues with training, maintenance, and sustainment.

“We’re looking at the entirety of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and considering for the future what capabilities they will need and how the US and our allies will be able to support Ukraine in building out those capabilities,” said the official.

“U.S. defense official said “tanks are on the table” for Ukrainian forces, but Ukraine will need to show the ability to maintain more modern variants to receive them. Western countries have already provided Ukraine with Soviet-era tanks,” the journalist wrote.

It is currently unknown which tanks the US government is ready to hand over to Ukraine in the future.

These can be American M1 Abrams tanks of early modifications or other models that the United States has already removed from the armament of its own military.


Singapore couple build free bomb-resistant homes for Ukrainians

SINGAPORE - On his second trip to Ukraine in August, architect Rudy Taslim, 38, almost wandered into a forest of pine trees, before he was yanked by his collar to a halt by his local guide.

Pointing to a nondescript sign with "mine" in Ukrainian written in black paint, barely visible amid the foliage and rubble of the war-torn countryside, Mr Taslim realised that he had nearly lost his life venturing into a field of landmines.

"Although I could have lost my life that day, this is just part of the everyday landscape for Ukrainians," he said.

He and his wife, Ms Lam Bao Yan, also 38, are two Singaporeans working in Ukraine to build new bomb-resistant emergency homes for the millions of citizens affected by the war with Russia.

To date, the couple have built 200 homes with local partners in the region since the war started in February.

The couple went to the country twice, in May and August, to assess the situation on the ground and build homes for a few weeks each time. They expect to roll out a total of 500 homes by winter in November.

With the winters in Ukraine getting as cold as minus 20 deg C or lower, Mr Taslim said: "If these homes are not up by winter, the cold could kill these people even before a bullet does."

Ukrainian forces sink Russian military barge on Dnipro River in Kherson Oblast.

Ukraine’s Southern Operational Command said on Sept. 19 the barge was loaded with military personnel, equipment, and weapons and was attempting to cross the river near Nova Kakhovka and Kozatske.

Ukraine's troops have been highly effective with the M777 howitzer, but US troops can turn it into a 'giant sniper rifle'

> The M777 floats like a butterfly, but stings like 14 pounds of TNT

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022, the United States has provided the embattled nation with some 126 lightweight M777 Howitzers, along with more than 226,000 rounds of ammunition for these 155mm cannons.

These weapon systems may look an awful lot like artillery found throughout history and all over the world, including the big guns leveraged by Russia's invading forces. The truth, however, is that the M777, or "Triple 7," has as much in common with technological marvels like the Mach 3+ SR-71 Blackbird as it does with 93,000-pound behemoths like Russia's 2S7 Pion self-propelled cannons.

Artillery warfare isn't just about putting rounds on target. To do it effectively, teams must be able to quickly reposition after firing to avoid being located and engaged by counter-artillery batteries. And as any warfighter will tell you, weight dictates a great deal of mobility.

And that's why the M777, which weighs in at one-tenth of the weight of the 2S7 at just 9,300 pounds, may be the best pound-for-pound artillery system on the planet. To put this gun in 1990's movie terms, it's the Noisy Cricket from "Men in Black."

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BRESL01 schreef op 20 september 2022 17:17:

Meduza-bronnen melden dat na de valse referenda in de bezette gebieden en de verdere voortgang van het Oekrainse leger Rusland een gedeeltelijke mobilisatie en de staat van beleg zal uitroepen.

Bron charter97.org
Kevin Rothrock, managing editor of meduza , podcaster @therussiaguy :

Putin is speaking on “live television,” but it’s all about the 100th anniversary of the Kabardino-Balkarian and Karachay-Cherkessian republics.

He’ll get to the Ukraine annexations and troop mobilizations later, when he feels like it




BRESL01 schreef op 20 september 2022 17:17:

Meduza-bronnen melden dat na de valse referenda in de bezette gebieden en de verdere voortgang van het Oekrainse leger Rusland een gedeeltelijke mobilisatie en de staat van beleg zal uitroepen.

Bron charter97.org
Hier de live uitzending van Putin's toespraak in het Russisch

Putin Welcomes Ambassadors

video live uitzending


Mogelijk komt later de Minister van Defensie Shoigu erbij en geven zij. mogelijk uitsluitsel over mogelijke maatregelen

luchtschip schreef op 20 september 2022 19:58:


Hier de live uitzending van Putin's toespraak in het Russisch

Putin Welcomes Ambassadors

video live uitzending


Mogelijk komt later de Minister van Defensie Shoigu erbij en geven zij. mogelijk uitsluitsel over mogelijke maatregelen
Laat ze lekker compleet de rambam krijgen, met Lavrov aan hun zij.
Uberhaupt aandacht geven aan (of afspraken met) verachtelijke terroristen is zonde van de energie en tijd.
Gewoon het land uit jagen, met zoveel mogelijk overdonderend geweld."
Of slechts vredesbesprekingen ingaan oplast van meerdere minimum-eisen;
Trek al je hyena's terug, direct, ook van de Krim.
Lever alle schoften en moordende verkrachters uit voor berechting.
Lever het 'top-management' zowel militair als in de regering uit aan Den Haag.
Lever alle kinderen die gedwongen werden afgevoerd terug, ook alle andere inwoners die zijn afgevoerd naar de zgn. filtratie-kampen.
Start met herstelbetalingen, direct.

Maar vergelijkbaar schreef ik al eerder ook.
Er valt gewoon niét te praten met tuig, afspraken zijn niets waard.
Schiet ze allemaal maar af, net zolang tot er geen hyena meer in Oekraïne slaapt.
General Staff of the Ukrainian Army :

Russia to transfer paratroopers from Syria to Ukraine.

Due to a lack of personnel, the Russian authorities have decided to withdraw units of the 217th Airborne Regiment from Syria and transfer them to the frontline in Ukraine, the General Staff said.


Dat de luchtmacht verzwakt wordt in Syrie maakt het land kwetsbaarder

Succes schreef op 20 september 2022 19:33:

Ukraine's troops have been highly effective with the M777 howitzer, but US troops can turn it into a 'giant sniper rifle'

> The M777 floats like a butterfly, but stings like 14 pounds of TNT

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine began in February 2022, the United States has provided the embattled nation with some 126 lightweight M777 Howitzers, along with more than 226,000 rounds of ammunition for these 155mm cannons.

These weapon systems may look an awful lot like artillery found throughout history and all over the world, including the big guns leveraged by Russia's invading forces. The truth, however, is that the M777, or "Triple 7," has as much in common with technological marvels like the Mach 3+ SR-71 Blackbird as it does with 93,000-pound behemoths like Russia's 2S7 Pion self-propelled cannons.

Artillery warfare isn't just about putting rounds on target. To do it effectively, teams must be able to quickly reposition after firing to avoid being located and engaged by counter-artillery batteries. And as any warfighter will tell you, weight dictates a great deal of mobility.

And that's why the M777, which weighs in at one-tenth of the weight of the 2S7 at just 9,300 pounds, may be the best pound-for-pound artillery system on the planet. To put this gun in 1990's movie terms, it's the Noisy Cricket from "Men in Black."

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