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Anglo American to Restart Moranbah North Coal Mine in Queensland

Australian Mining reported that Anglo American’s mining activities will return at the Moranbah North coal mine in Queensland this month, with the Grosvenor mine to resume in late-2021. After both mines suffered major setbacks following a respective gas threat and an ignition, Anglo American has undertaken significant precautionary steps to enhance the safety of both operations. Anglo American chief executive officer of metallurgical coal Mr Tyler Mitchelson said the road back to ramp up had been comprehensive. He said “I would like to thank our workforces at Moranbah North and Grosvenor mines for their patience and dedication in actioning a range of measures to ensure a safe return to mining activities. To ensure ongoing safety, as some workers enter the mines for the first time in over a year, height of technology will be deployed. We will continue our ambitious program of work in the automation, remote operation and the use of data science areas to deliver on further step changes in safety improvement in underground mining.”

Mr Mitchelson said “Following a substantive program of work that included permanently sealing the impacted area of the mine with five large, concrete seals and installing additional gas monitoring infrastructure, we completed a highly rigorous risk assessment process ahead of re-entry, drawing on both internal and external experts.”

Anglo American produced 3.3 million tonnes of metallurgical coal in the 2021 March quarter. This was down from 3.8 million tonnes in the 2020 March quarter.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Coal Mining in Indonesian Borneo Linked to Severe Flood

Mongabay.com reported that massive deforestation for coal mines may have exacerbated floods that recently inundated the eastern part of Indonesian Borneo, the country’s coal heartland. Fourteen villages in Berau district, East Kalimantan province, were flooded from May 13 to 18 after heavy rains battered the district, causing the Kelay and Segah rivers to burst their banks. Floodwater was as high as 2 meters inundated 2,507 houses. The local disaster mitigation agency called it the biggest flood in at least the last 10 years. The flood also caused the failure of a dike at a coal mine operated by PT Rantaupanjang Utama Bhakti on May 16, adding to the volume of floodwater.

The Mining Advocacy Network Jatam, an independent watchdog, said the flooding was likely exacerbated by the proliferation of coal mines in the region, both legal and illegal. Jatam identified 94 coal-mining concessions in Berau, 20 of them along the Kelay and Segah rivers. It says these companies have left a trail of destruction in their wake by failing to rehabilitate mining pits in their concessions. As of 2018, there were 123 coal mining pits in Berau. Jatam said “We suspect that the mining practices in the upstream areas of the Kelay River and the Segah River are the culprit behind the flood that happened this year in the district of Berau. Based on satellite imagery, it looks like there have been clearing and destruction of forests from the mining activity of Berau Coal in the upstream of the two rivers.”

The concession with the largest amount of abandoned pits, 45, is owned by PT Berau Coal. The 118,400-hectare concession, an area the size of Los Angeles, stretches from upstream of the Kelai River to the Segah River.

Provincial police have launched their own investigation to identify whether mining activity contributed to the scale of the disaster.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Two Coal Miner Killed in Accidents in West Virginia in US

Local media reported that two coal miners died in accidents in West Virginia last week. Mr Trenten Dille, 26, of Littleton died while working at a Marion County Coal Resources mine near Fairview as he was struck by the edge or rib of a coal support pillar. 43-year-old Mr Nicholas David Adkins of Racine died in an incident at a Raleigh County mine site after he was struck by an underground shuttle car at the Marfork Coal Co’s Horse Creek Eagle Mine near Naoma in in Raleigh County.

West Virginia Governor Mr Jim Justice said “This second tragedy in as many days is a terrible blow to all West Virginians and to our mining community. Please pray for this man and his loved ones, and for all of our miners and their families, just as Cathy and I continue to do everyday.”

According to the Mine Safety and Health Administration, there have been 21 fatal mining accidents in West Virginia since the beginning of 2017.https://www.cdc.gov/NIOSH/Mining/UserFiles/features/images/retreatwebfeature.jpg

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Workers Blocked Cerrejon Coal Mine Rail Line in Colombia

Reuters reported that former workers have again blocked Colombian coal miner Cerrejon's rail line, the latest protest to recently affect the beleaguered miner's operations. The company and the government had conversations with ex-workers blocking the company rail line and the Media Luna community, which was barricading a road out of Cerrejon's port. They made deals late last week to lift blockades and Cerrejon said it would gradually restart operations.

Cerrejon, jointly owned by BHP Group, Anglo American Plc and Glencore, has had repeated disagreements with nearby Wayuu indigenous communities and its largest union, which held a three-month strike last year. The company in late May declared force majeure and halted operations because of two blockades which prevented it from bringing in supplies of gasoline. One was mounted by former workers upset by recent job cuts and another by members of a nearby indigenous community which has made repeated environmental complaints about Cerrejon.

Cerrejon produced 12.4-million tonnes of coal in 2020, down almost 52% from 2019, and its exports fell to their lowest level in the past 18 years amid coronavirus restrictions and falling global demand for coal.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
RailTel to Implement Tele Connectivity at CIL BCCL Mines

Leading neutral telecom infrastructure providers state-owned, RailTel has bagged INR 120 crore order from Coal India Limited’s Bharat Coking Coal Ltd for implementation of MPLS-VPN services along with miscellaneous services at 340 locations of BCCL for the period of 60 months

RailTel has a pan-India optic fibre network on exclusive right of way along the railway track.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Indonesian Monthly Thermal Coal Benchmark Price Surges

Reuters reported that Indonesia has set its monthly coal benchmark price HBA higher in June at USD 100.33 per tonne, USD 10.59 or 11.8%, more than May's benchmark price for coal and the highest since October 2018, when it stood at USD 100.89

Indonesia’s Energy & Minerals Ministry spokesman Mr Agung Pribadi said "The increase in China's demand for its power plants is exceeding its domestic coal supply. The demand surge in China was due to a combination of ongoing industrial recovery' and limited domestic production during the rainy season in that country. “The rising power demand in China is exceeding the capacity of its domestic coal production.”

Source - Strategic Research Institute
US Steel Industry Dependent on Russian Anthracite Coal

Sputnik reported that US Secretary of State Mr Antony Blinken during a US House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing said that it is news to him that cheap anthracite coal from Russia allegedly undermines the United States' domestic supply and creates a national security threat for the steel industry. When Congressman Mr Dan Meuser asked him whether he was aware that 90% of anthracite coal used in the US steel industry comes from Russia, he said “No, I have to acknowledge this is news to me, not something I focused on and I very much appreciate you bring it to my attention.”

Congressman Mr Meuser described the situation with the coal supply in the United States as a threat to national security. He said “Over the past five years Pennsylvania anthracite production shrunk by 20% while the total sales of Russia anthracite increased from 6 million tones in 2016 to 22 million tones in 2020, or 12 times higher than the domestic usage in the United States. I am concerned Russia is attempting to undermine our domestic supply which creates a national security, as well as a threat to our economy, that does in fact need our attention.”

The congressman also called upon Blinken to look closer into the matter of allegedly very questionable and illegal dumping of Russian anthracite in the United States.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Indonesian Monthly Thermal Coal Benchmark Price Surges

Lethbridge Herald reported that USA Alberta’s Lethbridge City council unanimously passed a resolution to encourage the province to ban all future coal exploration in the Eastern Slopes, and to reclaim all lands disturbed by coal exploration this past year, before the February 8, 2021 moratorium brought in by the province, by no later than December 31, 2025. The resolution also called for a new coal policy which no longer distinguished any categories which would allow coal mining in the Eastern Slopes, and instead protects them as one category en masse known as the Eastern Slopes.

Mayor Mr Chris Spearman said “This is our opportunity to have input into the Alberta Coal Policy Committee as many other municipalities are currently doing by submitting letters. If we submit a letter, it will be part of the consideration by the Coal Policy Committee before they bring out their findings.”

Mr Spearman added “Our city, our agriculture and food production economy, tourism, recreation, human health and animal health may all be at significant risk due to coal mining activity. The headwaters and landscapes of the Eastern Slopes are essential to the future of Southwest Alberta and the City of Lethbridge.”

Alberta’s vulnerable South Eastern Slopes and the heart of southern Alberta’s water supply are being offered up to international coal firms intent on mountain top removal mining of the area’s metallurgical coal. An Alberta government decision to rescind the Coal Policy protections that have been in place since the 1970s has opened the door to intensive coal development in the region.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Vale Prepays Nacala Logistics Corridor Mitsui Stake inMoatize Coal

Vale announced that the concessionaires of Nacala Logistics Corridor, located in Mozambique and Malawi, have sent an irrevocable notice to the financing banks of the Nacala Corridor Project Finance confirming their intention to prepay the outstanding balance of approximately USD 2.5 billion, which will be settled on June 22nd, 2021 with funds provided by the Company. With the settlement of the Project Finance, all conditions precedent for the completion of the transaction for the acquisition of Mitsui's stakes in the Moatize coal mine and the NLC are fulfilled, which is expected to occur following the prepayment of the Project Finance.

After the closing, Vale will consolidate the Moatize mine and the NLC in its financial statements. Accordingly, the EBITDA will no longer be burdened with costs related to debt service, investment in maintenance of operations (which will be executed directly by Vale as sustaining capital) and others, financed by NLC's tariff, and that already discounting the interest received by Vale, impacted the 2020’s EBITDA by approximately US$ 300 million.

With the simplification of the governance and management of the assets, Vale continues the process of a responsible divestment of its participation in the coal business, based on the preservation of operational continuity of Moatize mine and NLC.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Soaring International Prices to Curtail Coal Imports into India

India Ratings and Research has published the May 2021 edition of its credit news digest on India’s coal sector. The report highlights the demand-supply scenario, price trends, imports in both India and China, encompassing non-coking coal and coking coal, while also evaluating at the impact of end-user industries on India’s coal sector. The report also covers the recent updates on commercial coal mining. Ind-Ra believes the domestic coal production and offtake shall be supported by the low inventory levels at end-April 2021 and elevated import prices, respectively, despite temporary headwinds due to the second covid wave led curbs leading to curtailed industrial activities.

Lower Domestic Offtake & Production: Coal offtake dipped 9.3% mom in April 2021, driven by a 2.3% MoM lower domestic power demand due to the second covid wave. However, the offtake increased 41.4% YoY in April 2021 to 59.5 million tonne on a low base last year when the country was under a complete lockdown. While domestic coal production dipped 46.6% MoM in April 2021 to 46.8 million tonne in line with past trend as highest production in a year happens in the month of March, it was higher 7.8% YoY due to limited covid-led disruptions in April 2021 compared to April 2020.

Sustained High Power Demand: Energy demand growth sustained momentum in April 2021 by 39.3% YoY on a low base, while thermal coal-based power generation improved 64.3% YoY. With covid-led infections rising again, the energy demand was marginally lower 2.9% MoM. As the total coal procurement was 4.36% mom lower, inventory levels at power stations dipped 15.1% MoM. The share of thermal coal-based power generation in overall electricity generated in April 2021 stood at 76.4% (April 2020: 64.5%). As the second wave led state-wise curbs in May 2021 have led to curtailed industrial activities, the power demand in the month is likely to have been lower mom despite peak-summer demand.

Rising Thermal Coal Import Prices: Import prices for Indonesian-origin thermal coal, primarily consumed in the power sector, increased further 26% mom up to end-May 2021 on production and supply disruptions due to heavy rainfall, a strong Chinese demand and re-stocking requirements ahead of the monsoon season. On the other hand, South Africa-origin thermal coal prices, primarily used in sponge iron manufacturing in the steel sector, increased by 9%-12% mom at end-May 2021 on the restrained port operations in India due to invocation of force majeure by various port authorities, limited stocks on Indian ports, rising Chinese demand and supply disruptions in the transportation services to the RCBT port in South Africa.

Thermal coal import prices have limited upside support. Owing to elevated import prices and prevailing demand uncertainty due to second-wave led curbs in various parts of India, partial thermal coal requirement is likely to be substituted by domestic coal. Also, as the supply regularises, global prices are likely to witness downward pressure, unless supported by strong Chinese demand.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Canada Curbs Future Thermal Coal Mining Projects

As G7 world leaders gather in the UK to combat global challenges, including climate change, and as the next step in Canada’s commitment to addressing harmful GHG emissions from coal, the Honorable Jonathan Wilkinson, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, announced the Government of Canada’s public policy statement on new thermal coal mining or expansion projects. The statement indicates that the Government considers that these projects are likely to cause unacceptable environmental effects within federal jurisdiction and are not aligned with Canada’s domestic and international climate change commitments. Accordingly, this position will inform federal decision making on thermal coal mining projects.

The best available science and economic analysis calls for countries around the world to address the global challenge that is climate change, and to fully seize the economic opportunities that it presents. For the good of the planet’s health, the world is moving off thermal coal for energy production, and Canada is leading the way.

Burning thermal coal, the fuel that powered an industrial revolution in a previous century, is the single largest contributor to climate change and a major source of toxic pollution that harms human health. Since co-founding the Powering Past Coal Alliance in 2017 with the United Kingdom and introducing regulations to accelerate the phase-out of conventional coal-fired electricity, Canada has helped set the pace for domestic and international action in addressing this source of greenhouse gas emissions. Last month Canada, alongside other G7 countries, stressed the need to immediately end international investments in thermal coal power generation projects that emit carbon pollution.

This policy announcement provides clarity and regulatory certainty for industry, investors and Canadians. It represents another critical step in our shared path to a cleaner and more prosperous future, and places Canada among the first G7 countries to adopt such a policy.

In parallel to announcement, Minister Wilkinson informed Coalspur Mines Ltd. that the policy announced today applies to the consideration of its proposed thermal coal mine expansions at the Vista Coal Mine near Hinton, Alberta.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
CIL Changes E Auction Policy to Allow Export of Coal

Coal India has made changes in its e-auction policy to allow domestic buyers, including traders, to export coal from India. The change will be effective from June 8. The requirement of complying with government rules and all statutory guidelines and legal obligations, however, will lie solely with the buyer and the exporter.

Coal India officials said this is a major development since the introduction of spot e-auction of coal in 2007. While Coal India will not directly export, consumers who procure coal can now look at the overseas markets. The miner in turn can get a better premium on coal if demand picks up.

The change was brought about by an amendment to the existing clause in the auction policy which said coal procured through e-auction could only be used within the country and not exported. This is effective for two categories – spot e-auction and special spot-auction.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
India Puts 67 Coal Mines in Auction

In the largest ever coal mine auction, India is bidding out 67 mines with a total resource base of 36 billion tonnes of coal and explored mines PRCs of about 150 million tonnes in the second tranche of commercial coal mine auctions. Of the 67 blocks being auctioned, while 37 are fully explored, the balance 30 have been partially explored. These mines are spread across Chhattisgarh. The commencement of sale of tender document started from 25th March 2021 and the bid due date is 24th June 2021

The two-stage auction process allows bidders to quote the percentage revenue share over the reserve price. Besides there will be no restriction on the sale and utilization of coal from the mines. Earlier, blocks were allocated to companies on payment of fixed amounts per tonne.

Also, the government is introducing a rolling auction mechanism wherein any un-auctioned mine shall remain available for auction on the portal, with more mines being added as and when available

India has the world’s fourth largest reserves and is the second-largest producer of coal. With global shift to green energy to address growing environmental concerns, the Indian government is trying to harness coal reserves within the next three decades.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Anglo American Demerges Thungela Thermal Coal Business

Anglo American plc announced the completion of the demerger of its thermal coal operations in South Africa. Thungela Resources Limited started trading today through a primary listing on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange under the abbreviated name “Thungela” and a standard listing on the London Stock Exchange. As a leading South African thermal coal exporter, Thungela offers investors access to a high quality thermal coal business with low cash cost and high-margin assets and a strong balance sheet, underpinned by a robust ESG framework.

The admission to trading of Thungela on the Johannesburg and London stock exchanges follows the completion of the demerger of Anglo American’s thermal coal operations in South Africa that was announced on 8 April 2021 and was approved by shareholders on 5 May 2021. The scheme of arrangement to implement the demerger was sanctioned by the UK High Court of Justice on 26 May 2021. The completion of the demerger took effect at 8.00pm (UK time) on 4 June 2021.

With the completion of the demerger and at the point of listing of Thungela, 100% of the issued share capital of Thungela is held by Anglo American’s shareholders who each received one Thungela share for every ten Anglo American shares that they hold. Each Anglo American shareholder also retains their existing shareholding in Anglo American. Thungela holds 90% of the thermal coal operations in South Africa with the remaining 10% held collectively by an employee partnership plan and a community partnership plan.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
NGT Issues Show Cause Notice to Government over High Ash Coal

ANI reported that India’s National Green Tribunal has registered its displeasure with Union Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and Ministry of Mines, Power and Coal, for not filing any response even after nine months in the petition challenging its notification regarding the use of coal with a higher ash content. The Bench headed by NGT's Chief Justice AK Goel said "No response has been filed by the MoEF&CC and Ministries of Mines, Power and Coal even after nine months. We give one more opportunity and direct the Centre that necessary response must be filed within one month failing which joint secretaries of MoEF&CC and Ministries of Mines, Power and Coal may remain present in person by video conferencing to show cause as to why adverse action be not taken for their failure, in accordance with the law.”

The Court's direction came during the hearing of a petition filed by a trust namely Say Earth challenging a notification dated May 21, 2020, issued by the MoEF&CC under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, permitting the use of coal with ash content higher than what was permitted earlier, to the detriment of environment.

Earlier, NGT in September 2020 had sought a response from the ministries of Central government concerned and directed them to clarify their stand on the issue.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
EC Joins Czech Case against Poland's Turow Coal Mine

Reuters reported that the European Commission would take part in the Czech Republic's lawsuit against Poland at Europe's highest court over the expansion of the Polish Turow open-pit brown coal mine near the two countries' border. A spokesperson said "I can now confirm that the Commission has today submitted its request to intervene before the Court of Justice of the EU in Case C-121/21 Czechia v Poland."

The Commission said in December that Poland had committed some infringements of European Union law that the Czech Republic had claimed in the case. Those included incorrectly applying EU laws requiring it to consult the public and neighbouring countries over extending the life of the mine.

The Czech government brought the case against its northern neighbour saying the mine's expansion was damaging communities on its side of the central European frontier. Environmental groups and Czechs living close to the border have complained that drinking water supplies have been affected by the mine and that they have suffered from noise, dust and subsidence. The Czechs have sought some compensation, including possible fines of five million euros a day for not immediately stopping the mining, and covering of costs for new water sources as part of the agreement they are seeking with Poland.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Source - Strategic Research Institute

Press Trust of India reported that a body was retrieved on Wednesday afternoon from the flooded coal pit in Meghalaya's East Jaintia Hills district where five miners were trapped since May 30. The body was retrieved from the bottom of the 152- meter-deep pit by divers of the Indian Navy and NDRF. It is yet to be identified but suspected to be of one of the trapped miners

The operation to retrieve the second suspicious object was called off as the visibility in the water was affected during the retrieval of the first body.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Grassy Mountain Coal Mine in Alberta’s Rocky Mountain Shot Down

A joint federal-provincial review has denied an application for an open-pit coal mine in Alberta’s Rocky Mountains, saying its impacts on the environment and Indigenous rights aren’t worth the economic benefits it would bring. In its 680-page report released last week, the panel questioned the ability of Benga Mining, owned by Riversdale Resources, to control the release of selenium from its proposed Grassy Mountain mine. The report said “In some cases the claimed effectiveness of the proposed measures was overly optimistic and not supported by the evidence. As a result, we are not confident about the technical and economic feasibility of some proposed mitigation measures. We find that this was particularly true for effects on surface water quality, westslope cutthroat trout (and fish and fish habitat more generally), and vegetation.”

The panel criticized Riversdale for using optimistic assumptions and relying on unspecified “adaptive management” measures if problems arose. It said its reclamation plans were vague and pointed out that much of the land wouldn’t be available for reclamation for 25 years after the mine closed. The review panel also concluded the mine would damage ecosystems and impair the cultural and physical heritage of local First Nations, even though most had signed agreements with the mine and didn’t object to it.

The panel advised federal Environment Minister Jonathan Wilkinson to turn the mine down. It has also denied the project’s permit applications under provincial laws.

Riversdale first filed its environmental impact assessment on the mine in 2016. Public hearings on the project in southern Alberta’s Crowsnest Pass region were held last fall. The mine, said Riversdale, would create about 500 jobs during two years of construction and 400 over its 23-year life. The company said it would pay CAD 1.7 billion in royalties and CAD 35 million in municipal taxes over that time. It was supported by many in the town of Crowsnest Pass. But concerns were raised during hearings about the chance the mine could contaminate headwaters of the Oldman River with selenium, an element commonly found in coal mines that is toxic to fish in large doses.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
China Cracks Down on Speculation over Surge in Coal Prices

China is looking to put soaring coal prices under control by starting an investigation into the market and coal prices to prevent speculation and hoarding of supply. Chinese state planner National Development and Reform Commission and the state market regulator have announced a probe into the coal prices. The Chinese authorities will check abnormal trading and speculation, as well as crack down on hoarding and driving up prices

Coal prices in China have surged in recent weeks as thermal coal power plants are hoarding supply ahead of the expected peak in summer demand. The surging price of coal is affecting the downstream sector and the real economy. Physical prices for coal of the 5,500 kilocalorie/kilogram grade hit a record high in May and have been sitting there since.

China’s coal market has been distorted since the Chinese authorities banned coal imports from Australia as part of the dispute between the two countries, which has affected coal supply into China. Australia used to be China’s second-largest thermal coal supplier before the geopolitical rift at the end of last year.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Coal Bed Methane Extraction to Start at CIL Jharia

India’s state owned Coal India Limited has given a go-ahead to a domestic firm for INR 1,880 crore coal bed methane extraction project. The coal behemoth has in the second week of June invited bids from both domestic and overseas companies for two more coal bed methane projects. CIL said "Stepping into a new era of coal bed methane extraction within its own leasehold area, CIL in a first has issued letter of acceptance to a CBM developer this month. This is for extraction of CBM, the unconventional form of natural gas found in coal seams.”

The bid for Jharia CBM Block-I of Bharat Coking Coal Ltd, the Jharkhand-based subsidiary of CIL, was won by the CBM developer through a global bidding process. To come up at a tentative capital of INR 1,880 crore as per the project feasibility report, BCCL will invest 20% of the capital, while the rest would be put up through the CBM developer.

In yet another development, accelerating its intent on CBM extraction, CIL in the second week of June floated global bids for two more projects having a combined resource potential of 2.7 billion cubic metre to look for developers. Raniganj CBM block under Eastern Coalfields Ltd, West Bengal, has 2.2 BCM resource; while Sohagpur CBM Block under South Eastern Coalfields Ltd has 500 million cubic metre resource of methane.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
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