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French RTE urges restart of EDF coal power plants

Reuters reported that French electricity grid operator RTE called for the restart of EDF’s Cordemais coal power plants, which have been halted by a strike, as a bout of particularly cold weather looms. Workers at French state-controlled utility EDF’s Cordemais 1,200 MW 4 and 5 units went on strike on Jan. 11, to protest against government plans to phase out coal-fired power generation by 2022. The RTE said the shutdown of those Cordemais units, and planned and extended outages at EDF’s two 1,300 MW Flamanville nuclear reactors, had led to an unprecedented tight supply in the west of the country in the heart of winter.

RTE said in a statement that “The weather conditions forecast in western France has led RTE to anticipate an increase in electricity consumption for the days of Jan. 17 and 18 in the region.”

The grid operator said the situation requires the mobilization of other power generation units in the area, including the Cordemais power plant, to ensure the security of electricity supply.

It said it had requested that the plant should be available on Thursday and Friday.

It added that “At any time, RTE may ask certain production plants to start or increase their production, including during the case of a strike, if this is necessary to secure electricity supply.”

Source : Reuters
Aurizon helps support demand for Australia high quality coal in Asian markets

World Coal reported that a shipment of 96 coal wagons recently arrived at the Port of Newcastle to support Asia’s strong demand for the Hunter Valley’s high quality thermal coal. Aurizon helps support demand for Australia's high quality coal in Asian markets. Ed McKeiver, Group Executive of Aurizon’s coal business said the company’s customers were helping power fast growing economies in Asia and on the Indian sub-continent with high energy, low ash coal from Australia.

He said that "Although Japan continues to be the nation’s largest trading partner of thermal coal, importing 80 million tonne of Australian thermal coal in the 2018 financial year (with around 80% sourced from the Hunter Valley), almost 10 million tonne was exported from Newcastle coal terminals to newer trading partners such as India, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand during the same period. To support export volumes, our new wagons can carry up to 98 tonne of coal, and with more than 80 wagons on every train, that means more than 8000 tonne of coal can be hauled to port on each load.”

He added that “We continue to see strong growth in our Hunter Valley business with our coal haulage growing by 10% in the past financial year, from 47.7 million tonne in FY2017 to 52.3 million tonne in FY2018. When we started operating here in 2005, we had less than 10 employees and we now proudly employ more than 450 people across our Hunter Valley operations.”

Mr McKeiver said the wagons in the consignment are part of a bigger order that will see the company's coal fleet expand to almost 9000 wagons – more than a third larger than Aurizon’s closest competitor. He said that "Our confidence in the outlook for Australia’s coal export markets is driving a national growth plan across our coal business. While the new wagons delivered on the weekend will enter service for our Hunter Valley customers, we have also ordered additional wagons to expand our rollingstock fleet in Queensland.”

Mr McKeiver said that “By increasing the number of our wagons, we can offer our customers more flexibility in their railings as well as additional capacity, which will help support the demand for Australia's high quality coal in Asian markets.”

Source : World Coal
RCT helps Hail Creek coal mine improve safety

RCT has announced its latest project with Glencore’s Hail Creek coal mine site in the Bowen Basin in Queensland (Australia). RCT installed an AusProTec™ LED numbering system to a fleet of seven surface mine water trucks to help improve positive identification of fleet numbering from the rear of the water truck. This numbering system was implemented when key site personnel visited Glencore’s Clermont coal mine and saw RCT’s LED numbering system in operation first-hand.

This initiative is just another way Glencore is safeguarding operators.

Source : World Coal
Over 10 illegal coal mines sealed in Williamnagar region

The Shillong Times reported that East Garo Hills district administration has sealed over ten illegal rat hole coal mines that were operating in the Rongrenggre reserve forest, on the outskirts of Williamnagar town, in the past two days, following a reprimand from the National Green Tribunal on the state government over illegal mining.

Special teams of the district administration accompanied by police personnel in a search of the vast reserve forest found close to a dozen illegal rat hole mines inside and sealed it.

At the same time, a crackdown on coal trucks transporting coal without valid challans and in violation of the Supreme Court ban has begun in Garo Hills.

Deputy Commissioner Swapnil Thembe said that "We have seized a fully loaded coal truck from Nengkra area on National Highway 62 that did not have any transport challans.”

He revealed that special joint operation teams had been formed in the district to check illegal coal mining and transportation.

Source : The Shillong Times
SCCL plans INR 10,000 crore capex

Financial Express reported that Public sector coal miner Singareni Collieries Company is planning a capital expenditure of INR 10,000 crore to be invested over the next five years. The investment would cover acquisition of new coal blocks, expansion in new mines and setting up of power plants. The management has set a target of 85 million tonne of coal production by the end of 2022-23 from 62.01 million tonne achieved in 2017-18. SCCL has 47 coal mines and has cash reserves of INR 6,000 crore.

Mr N Sridhar chairman and managing director said that “During the past few years, Singareni Collieries has witnessed a rapid growth in terms of output, revenues and profit, putting the company into a profitable path. To sustain the growth momentum, SCCL is looking at expansion, taking up new mines in the state and coal blocks in other states. SCCL will be taking up seven blocks in other states and 48 mines in Telangana to meet the power demands of the state and also the demand from other states. For this fiscal, the capex earmarked is INR 2,000 crore with coal production of 68 million tonne.”

The company has already taken up the Naini coal block in Odisha that has a capacity of 500 million tonne and is in the process of taking up a new one, New Patrapura block. Apart from this, Singareni is also gearing up to take six more new blocks in Odisha and Chhattisgarh states. Telangana’s chief minister K Chandrashekar Rao, who has special interest in the diversification of SCCL, has wrote a letter to the Prime Minister in this regard . Once these new blocks are taken up, SCCL will reach a total production of 100 million tonne.

The company’s thermal power plant has stood fourth nationally by producing 19,036 million units of power through its 1,200 megawatt, besides a 800 MW critical thermal power plant is also on the cards. Further, a 300 MW capacity solar power plant are also being taken up in 12 areas. This is expected to be completed by 2018-19 with an initial capacity of 130 MW.

Source : Financial Express
Romanian coal miners end strike after government hikes wages

The Associates Press reported that Romanian coal miners have ended a weeklong strike after the energy minister offered them wage hikes and other perks. Anton Anton met union leaders and miners at the Oltenia Energy Complex in southern Romania on Thursday and offered higher salaries, an Easter bonus and vacation vouchers.

Media and the ministry reported that miners agreed to resume work after the mining company also agreed not to punish them for the walkout, which began Friday in two coal mines and then spread to other mines in the area.

A local court declared the strike illegal on Wednesday. One of the company's three energy-producing units was forced to shut due to a lack of coal.

The complex provides brown coal for about 30 percent of Romania's electricity needs.

Source : ABC News
Workers at Wongawilli Colliery mine secure improved conditions at coal site

Australian Mining reported that contract workers at the Wongawilli Colliery in the Southern Coalfields of New South Wales have ended their industrial action against site owner Wollongong Coal ahead of schedule. The workers began their protected industrial action in relation to an enterprise agreement dispute between the workers and their contractor CAS Mining on January 14.

Wollongong Coal, a subsidiary of Indian company Jindai Steel and Power, employs a 100 per cent casual workforce at the colliery through CAS, some of whom have complained of poor pay and conditions.

Workers will now receive pay and working conditions in line with permanent employees at other mine sites in the district as part of the strike resolution.

The Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union was pleased with the resolution, with district vice president Bob Timbs calling it a “crystal clear example of union power”.

CFMEU general president Tony Maher added that “The conversion of permanent, well paid jobs into poorly paid, insecure jobs is a huge issue right across the country. What this win proves is that the trend is reversible. If labour hire workers join their union, we can turn this around.”

The strike was scheduled to involve periods of 24-hour stoppages over a one-week period, but ended early this morning in an amicable resolution, according to a statement released by Wollongong Coal.

Initially, the workers had announced plans to extend the action by an extra week before coming to a mutual agreement with Wollongong Coal and CAS.

Wollongong Coal chief operating officer Wayne Sly said that “We have offered to assist and support the labour hire contractor in meeting the contract miners’ demands to ensure the dispute comes to an early resolution and miners are not severely financially impacted as a result of a lengthy strike.”

Source : Australian Mining
German coal mining states might get more support for coal exit

Reuters reported that Germany's coal mining states might get more compensation than initially expected for the country's planned exit from coal, according to participants in a meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel. The meeting, which took place on Tuesday, was positive and could result in an agreement in the next 10 days on a roadmap for Germany's exit from coal, Saxony-Anhalt state premier Reiner Haseloff said. Mr Haseloff said that "I think that's possible.”

A government-appointed committee, dubbed the coal commission, is working on a plan on how to phase out brown coal mining and coal-fired power plants without leaving affected regions structurally weak and with thousands of job losses.

Operators of such plants include RWE and Uniper , which have asked for fair compensation should their plants be mothballed or closed ahead of time.

Manufacturers may also ask for compensation should electricity prices rise as a result of lower supply from comparably inexpensive coal-fired plants.

The commission pledged 1.5 billion euros (USD 1.7 billion) in support in a draft agreement published last year, while affected German states have called for several tens of billions of euros.

Mr Michael Kretschmer, Saxony's state premier, said that the message that more support was needed had sunk in during Tuesday's meeting, which was also attended by Finance Minister Olaf Scholz.

The commission plans to publish its findings on January 25 and no later than Feb. 1, including a timeline for when Germany's last coal-fired power station will go offline. Experts expect that date to land between 2035 and 2040.

Source : Reuters

33 Bhutanese Coal Trucks Stopped at Dawki check Post

The Shillong Times reported that SHILLONG Indian Customs law disallowed 33 Bhutanese coal-laden trucks at Dawki integrated check post in Meghalaya to transit to Bangladesh following a Supreme Court order banning the transportation of extracted coal in Meghalaya. Meghalaya International Exporters'Chamber of Commerce Secretary, Ms Dolly Khonglah, told IANS that "A total of 33 trucks transporting coal originating from Bhutan have been stopped at Dawki ICP (in Meghalaya's West Jaintia Hills district) from January 15 from transiting to Bangladesh citing the Supreme Court order ban on transportation of coal.”

Ms Khonglah said that she tried to convince the customs officials at Dawki ICP that the Supreme Courts order does not apply to a third country exports with transit through India but they refused to acknowledge it.

She said that "For the last two months, they have been exporting coal to Bangladesh without any hiccups. They have no right to stop them at best they can check the documents of each truck. All the coal-laden trucks are sealed covered by tarpaulin and adheres strictly to the specified weight as per the rules of the India.”

The Bhutanese Consulate in Guwahati is in touch with the Customs officials at Dawki ICP and Commissioner and Secretary for Mining and Geology, Tining Dkhar on the matter.

A Supreme Court bench of Justices A.K. Sikri and S. Abdul Nazeer on Tuesday banned the transportation of coal in Meghalaya till the next hearing fixed on February 19 for its failure to curb illegal mining in the state.

The ban on transportation of coal was of significance in the wake of a coal mine tragedy in the state in December 13, in which 15 miners were trapped inside an illegal 370-feet deep flooded mine in Ksan village in East Jaintia Hills district.

Source : The Shillong Times
World seaborne coal trade rose 3.7 per cent in 2018: German importers

Reuters reported that world coal seaborne trade grew 3.7 per cent last year helped by higher output in India, Indonesia and Russia. Germany's VDKI coal importers lobby said that imports and exports rose to 1.202 billion tonnes from 1.159 billion tonnes in 2017. Mr Franz-Josef Wodopia VDKI Managing Director in an speech made available to Reuters said that of the total, trade in steam coal used in power stations rose by 3.6 per cent to 920 million tonnes.

World demand was driven by India, where the start-up of new power plants pushed imports over 200 million tonnes, delivered largely from Australia and Indonesia.

China and Southeast Asia were other demand centres, served by Australia and Indonesia but also by South Africa, Russia, the United States and Colombia.

China, the world's leading producer, is currently restricting complementary imports to serve its power sector. It remains unclear how soon those import limits will be relaxed, Wodopia said.

The size of China's domestic coal production determines how much coal the country needs to import which in turn impacts the global trade balance.

Mr Wodopia noted that China's energy mix is supposed to include at least 10 per cent gas by 2020, which he said could also restrict its imports.

Source : Reuters
Northern Shanxi halts coal production after 21 killed in mining incident

Caixin Global reported that a city in China’s Northern Shanxi province will halt parts of its coal production that account for 4% of China’s total national steam coal supply, a local energy administration announced Tuesday. Steam coal is used for both power and heat and the city of Yulin will halt production of an estimated 150 million tons of it by Chinese New Year. The halt comes after a coal mine collapsed in the city on Jan. 12, killing 21 people. The reason for the collapse is still under investigation.

Source : Caixin Global
Two dead, two trapped due to gas explosion in Balochistan coal mine

Pakistan Today reported that two colliers reportedly died on Monday as a result of a gas explosion inside a coal mine in Dakki area of Balochistan. However, two were trapped inside the mine as a result of the explosion, while efforts are underway to recover them.

In September 2018, the Supreme Court (SC) was requested to inquire into deaths of 318 coal miners in Balochistan during the last eight years.

Mr Usama Khawar, a lawyer and labour rights activist, had stated in his plea that a commission headed by a labour expert and experts from relevant governmental and civil society organizations should be formulated to advise on precautionary measures to be taken by coal miners to prevent injuries and fatalities.

The petitioner had highlighted at least 45 isolated accidents since 2010 that resulted in the death of 318 coal workers. He requested the court to assign liability for those incidents to relevant officials and government agents for failing to protect the workers.

Source : Pakistan Today
Cokal inks agreements to develop Shallow Draft Barging on the Barito River

Cokal Limited announced the signing of a non-binding Heads of Agreement (HOA) with An PhatLoc General Trading Co. Ltd (An PhatLoc) from Nam Dinh Province of Vietnam to jointly develop shallow draft barging on the Barito River to transport metallurgical coal directly from the PT Bumi Barito Minerals (BBM) project area.

Cokal's CEO and two senior Cokal mining experts visited An PhatLoc in Vietnam in late December, to inspect a four barge tow in operation on the Red River in Vietnam. All barges and the push boat were built by An PhatLoc and are now operated by its logistics company. Cokal's team was impressed with the quality of the barges produced by An PhatLoc and confident that they can be relied upon to transport BBM coal from its mine adjacent to the Barito River.
An PhatLoc sent a team in early January to inspect the upper part of the Barito River adjacent and downstream from the BBM project. Following their site inspection at BBM, the An PhatLoc team met with Cokal's team in Jakarta and signed a Confidentiality and Non Circumvention Agreement.

From discussions in Jakarta, the teams agreed in principle on suitable specifications of the barges and push boat design. Barges built by An PhatLoc carrying 1,700 tonnes of coal can be designed to operate in 3m water depth. If the load is reduced to 1,000 tonnes they will be able to operate in 1.95m water depth. This will enable successful barging operations to be undertaken from Cokal's BBM mining operation over significantly longer periods than conventional draft barges currently used in Indonesia.

A proposed schedule was agreed to finalise boat specification and negotiate commercial terms to purchase four barges and a push boat with delivery to the Barito River by mid-2019.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Chinese domestic thermal coal prices may spike after holidays amid stringent checks: sources

Platts reported that Chinese domestic thermal coal prices may likely see a spike after the Lunar New Year holidays with the full impact of the recent mining accident taking effect. A coal mine in northeastern Shaanxi province collapsed earlier this month, claiming the lives of 21 people and prompting Chinese authorities to adopt stricter safety measures, including shutting down mines and conducting stringent checks on mines in other coal producing provinces as well.

Offers from domestic miners jumped as much as Yuan 50/mt since the accident in Shaanxi, while prices at Qinhuangdao port rose by a mere Yuan 3 per tonne since last Friday amid high stocks.

Stockpiles at both ports and power plants have remained elevated in recent times, with stocks at utilities enough to last for nearly 19 days of coal burn.

Chinese domestic 5,500 kcal/kg NAR grade of coal was assessed at Yuan 588 per tonne FOB Wednesday, up Yuan 8 per tonne since the start of the year, S&P Global Platts data showed.

A China-based trader said that “Right now, there’ll still be some restocking, but we don’t see much impact on prices yet as the accident happened when there had not been much buying activities.”

Market sources in China expect safety checks to continue until at least end-March, and this may provide a boost to domestic prices after the Lunar New Year holidays starting early February.

A buyer said that “We know prices will go up after Lunar New Year, but it’s difficult to restock a lot right now as we’ve more than enough stocks, especially with the continued arrival of import cargoes.”

The most actively traded May futures contract on the Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange rose 4% from its settlement of Yuan 560/mt on Friday to about Yuan 583 per tonne at 4 pm (0800 GMT) Thursday, following news of the mine accident.

The mining accident has also prompted some buyers to turn to the seaborne market pushing up import prices in recent days.

Energy consultancy firm Wood Mackenzie said in a recent note that “We understand that all privately owned mines in Shenmu county were forced to suspend operations the day after the accident. We have also heard that mines in adjacent Fugu county — another large coal mining area — may also be subject to suspensions.”

Source : Platts
Germany 2019 hard coal imports seen rising after mining ends

Reuters reported that Germany is expected to import 45 million tonnes of hard coal this year, up roughly 1.4 percent from 2018 despite mounting competition from renewable energy, as the closure of domestic mines reduces domestic supply. The total would comprise an estimated 30 million tonnes for power generation and 15 million tonnes of coking coal and coke, products used in steelmaking, data from lobby group VDKI showed.

Germany’s last two hard-coal mines, in the west of the country, closed at the end of December under a deal to stop unprofitable mining in favour of imports. The pair had contributed an annual 2.6 million tonnes of power station feedstock.

The coal importer lobby said hard coal usage would benefit from a court ban on logging in an ancient forest, a move that will impede the mining of domestic rival lignite, or brown coal, by utility RWE.

The court ruling curbs supply to RWE’s brown-coal power plants, and hard coal could cover part of the deficit.

The two types of coal accounted for a combined 38 percent of German power production last year.

Despite the forecast rise, there could be import losses in 2019 as a result of a long-term national plan, due within the next fortnight, on phasing out coal, VDKI said.

The projected increase would also be from a weaker base.

Volumes in 2018 declined by 13 percent year-on-year to 44.5 million tonnes as renewable energy gets priority on grids, elbowing out thermal plants’ output.

Steam coal imports for power stations alone fell 17 percent to 30 million tonnes.

Green power made up 40 percent of total generation in 2018, resulting from Germany’s politically driven process to replace fossil fuels.

VDKI estimated the addition of green power plants lost it 3 million tonnes of imports last year, while relatively high solar production in a hot year also played a part.

Source : Reuters
Watchdog groups sue to force review of Montana coal mine

Missoulacurrent reported that Watchdog groups are suing the federal government for failing to follow a court order to reassess how a Montana coal mine expansion might harm water and the climate. This week, the Sierra Club, 350 Montana and WildEarth Guardians joined the Montana Environmental Information Center in a lawsuit alleging that the US Office of Surface Mining once again rubber-stamped an expansion of the Bull Mountain Mine proposed by Signal Peak Energy.

The lawsuit asks the Missoula federal court to once again find that the Office of Surface Mining failed to conduct a proper environmental assessment of the proposed expansion. Therefore, the Bull Mountain expansion should be put on hold until OSM employees fulfill their duties as required by law.

Ms Anne Hedges, MEIC director said that “The judge was really clear on what they needed to do. And the process is really clear. But they didn’t do it. It’s frustrating that we have to keep fighting these guys to get them to do what they’ve been told repeatedly that they need to do. They like to paint us as the bad guys, but it’s like no, the law is pretty clear.”

Signal Peak Energy bought the Bull Mountain mine near Roundup in 2008 and applied to the Bureau of Land Management to mine coal under 2,700 acres of federal land adjacent to the mine. The federal lease would allow Signal Peak to access other coal deposits under nearby state and private land using a process called long-wall mining.

After Signal Peak opposed a more extensive environmental impact study, the BLM finished an environmental assessment in 2011 and approved the lease with the rationale that it would meet U.S. energy needs. But by 2014, 95 percent of the coal was being shipped overseas, according to the lawsuit.

After administrative challenges failed, MEIC and others sued.

In August 2017, Missoula US District Judge Donald Molloy found that the government’s 75-page environmental assessment was inadequate because it over-estimated the economic benefits of the mine and downplayed the environmental costs associated with climate change.

Molloy blocked the company from any mining under federal land until a new environmental study was completed. Signal Peak protested, prompting Molloy to agree to hear their arguments in November 2017. As a result, Molloy said Signal Peak could begin tunneling but could not mine any coal until the environmental study was done.

Four months later, OSM issued a draft EA and then took two months to decide no environmental issues were raised. The final report came out in August and the expansion was approved.

Around the same time, the Trump administration released its “Affordable Clean Energy” rule. Under Trump’s plan, coal plants that would have been forced into retirement under President Obama’s Clean Power Plan could instead continue operating indefinitely, with only modest modifications.

Source : Missoulacurrent
Meghalaya CM seeks exemption from coal mining Act

Morung Express quoted Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad Sangma sought Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh’s intervention in getting exemption from the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act and Coal Mines Nationalisation Act to restore mining in the northeastern state at the earliest. The National Green Tribunal (NGT) had banned coal mining in the state on April 17, 2014 citing unscientific practice.

During the meeting with Singh, Mr Sangma admitted that there is a need to regulate mining in Meghalaya with special focus on safety of miners and environment, according to a statement issued by the Chief Minister’s Office in the state capital.

He said that “The ban on mining has affected the socio-economic condition of the people, who are dependent on coal, as well as loss of revenue generation for the state.”

Meghalaya Mining and Geology Department Secretary C. Manjunath gave a presentation to the Union minister in this regard and stressed the need for issuance of Presidential notification pertaining to exemption from certain provisions of the mining Act.

In fact, the Coal Ministry has already exempted Meghalaya from the Acts, but the constitutional power to execute the provisions lies with the Home Ministry.

Mr Sangma also promised Singh that the state would adhere to all environmental and safety norms framed by the Centre if allowed to resume mining in the state. He also made clear that technical committee constituted by the state for approving mining plan shall have representatives of the Central government, and the Director General of Mine Safety would be free to inspect at any point of time, according to the statement.

Source : Morung Express
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CIL Eastern Coalfields output at 33 million tonne during Apr to Dec FY19

Economic Times reported that Eastern Coalfields a subsidiary of Coal India produced 32.9 million tonne of coal in the first three quarters of the current financial year, registering a growth of nearly 17 per cent as compared to the year-ago period. ECL said in a statement that "During the first three quarters of 2018-19, ECL has achieved 32.9 million tonne against an achievement of 28.1 million tonne in the same period last year, thereby attaining a...growth of 17.2 per cent in coal production.”

ECL despatched 34.6 million tonne of coal during April-December, against 29.5 MT in the corresponding period of the previous financial year. It said that "This way, ECL has made five million tonne more coal available for its consumers, especially thermal power houses, for meeting energy needs of the country.”

ECL removed 88.3 million cubic metre overburden during the quarters, compared 82.4 million cubic metre achieved in the year-ago period.

Source : Economic Times
Sixteen coal ash pits contaminating Texas groundwater - Report

Reuters reported that sixteen coal ash pits in Texas are leaking contaminants into groundwater, including arsenic, boron, cobalt and lithium, according to a report released by the Environmental Integrity Project. Coal ash is the residue left after coal has been burned to generate power, and can include sludge from plant exhaust stacks. Coal ash is placed in pits or ponds next to coal power plants. The report from the national environmental group also said a federal rule governing coal pits would not prevent groundwater contamination.

The report said that "A history of weak regulatory oversight has led to this problem, and only a stronger regulatory framework can fix it. Unfortunately, neither the federal Coal Ash Rule nor Texas's proposed coal ash program rise to that challenge."

The EIP report said that the pollutants leaking into groundwater from coal ash pits can potentially can cause cancer and damage the human brain, heart and lungs.

US President Donald Trump has pushed for looser regulations for coal plants as part of a campaign pledge to boost coal production.

A 2016 federal law allows states to develop their own coal ash regulations. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality issued a draft coal ash program in August.

TCEQ spokeswoman Andrea Morrow said that the agency does not comment on reports from other organizations.

The EIP was one of three environmental organizations that asked a federal court in September to invalidate a coal ash program adopted by the state of Oklahoma.

Source : Reuters
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