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Unit 6 of Leningrad NPP Commissioned for Commercial Operation

On March 22, 2021, VVER-1200 reactor-enabled Unit 6 was commissioned at the Leningrad NPP. Pilot operation with 15-day comprehensive tests preceded the unit’s commissioning. On March 10, following the tests, Russian nuclear watchdog Rostechnadzor confirmed the facility compliance with the design documentation, technical regulations, and energy efficiency requirements.

Leningrad NPP covers more than 55% of energy needs of St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region, which constitutes 30% of the electricity generation in the North-West of Russia. Despite the decommissioning of Unit 2, the Leningrad NPP with an installed capacity of 4,400 MW remains the most powerful nuclear power plant in Russia and the largest power plant in the North-West of Russia. Its VVER-1200 reactor-enabled units serve as references for a number of ROSATOM’s international NPP projects: Hanhikivi-1 NPP in Finland, Paks-2 NPP in Hungary, the Belarusian NPP.

The installed capacity of Leningrad NPP is 4,400 MW. By the start of its commercial operation, Leningrad NPP Unit 6 had already generated about 2 billion kWh of electricity. According to preliminary estimates, after the beginning of commercial operation, the economic effect in the form of additional taxes to the consolidated budget of the Leningrad Region will amount to more than 3 billion rubles (nearly 40,5 million dollars) annually.

Source - Strategic Research Institute

Cominak Uranium Mines Closes in Niger

African News reported that one of the largest underground uranium mines e Akouta Mining Company Cominak, a subsidiary of Orano Cycle a French multinational, which has been active in Agadez province in northern Niger since 1978, carried out its last blast on March 25 and ceased production on March 31. The closure of the Cominak mines, where 600 employees and 700 subcontractors worked with over 200 km of galleries exploited at a depth of 250 metres, was carried out under unsatisfactory conditions for concerned NGOs.

Niger has large deposits of uranium,- the fuel for nuclear power plants which is sought after by countries who possess them. However, the sector of the nation’s main mineral resource, which represented 60% of export earnings in 2010, is now in difficulty as the mines are reportedly less profitable. This current nature of the industry is due to a collapse in uranium prices in 2007 following the Fukushima nuclear disaster.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Japan gaat vervuild water van kernramp Fukushima in zee lozen

Japan heeft toch besloten om radioactief afvalwater van de nucleaire ramp in Fukushima van tien jaar geleden in zee te lozen. In totaal gaat het om meer dan 1 miljoen ton aan vervuild water.

Buitenlandredactie 13-04-21, 02:32 Laatste update: 05:29

Het water is onder meer gebruikt om de reactor van de kerncentrale mee te koelen, toen die in 2011 werd getroffen door een zware aardbeving en een tsunami. En nog altijd wordt daarvoor extra water gebruikt.

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Weer problemen Fukushima: opslagtanks stromen over

Het vervuilde koelwater zit, evenals vervuild grond- en regenwater, momenteel in enorme opslagtanks. Dat zijn er nu al meer dan duizend en de verwachting is dat er in de loop van volgend jaar niet genoeg plek meer is om meer tanks kwijt te kunnen. Iedere dag komt er namelijk nog zo’n 140 kubieke meter aan radioactief water bij.

Met de huidige hoeveelheid aan vervuild water kunnen ter vergelijking zo’n 500 zwembaden van 50 bij 25 meter worden gevuld. De jaarlijkse kosten van de wateropslag worden geschat op zo’n 100 miljard yen. Dat is omgerekend ruim 766 miljoen euro.

Het wegwerken van het water is een enorm hoofdpijndossier voor de Japanse regering. Al lange tijd werd er nagedacht om het water in zee te pompen, maar de beslissing stuit op enorme weerstand vanwege bezorgdheid over de veiligheid. De regering van premier Yoshihide Suga heeft nu toch de knoop doorgehakt. Suga noemde het lozen van het water in zee het “meest realistische scenario”.

Lang proces
Het water wordt waarschijnlijk op zijn vroegst over twee jaar geloosd. Heel het proces neemt mogelijk tientallen jaren in beslag. Het is de bedoeling dat het vervuilde water eerst nog gefilterd en verdund wordt. Japan verzekert dat het lozen van het water veilig kan. Ook het Internationaal Atoomenergieagentschap denkt daar zo over.

Michiaki Kai, een stralingsexpert van de Japanse universiteit in Oita, zegt tegen persbureau AFP dat onder wetenschappers er consensus is dat “de impact op de gezondheid minuscuul is”. Maar volgens hem “kan niet worden gezegd dat het risico nihil is, wat voor controverse zorgt”.

Buurlanden China en Zuid-Korea hebben al eerder hun zorgen over het plan geuit. Ook Japanse vissers voelen er niets voor. Zij vrezen dat zo’n maatregel slecht kan uitpakken voor hun beroepsgroep. Zo legde Zuid-Korea na de kernramp de import van vis uit het gebied bij Fukushima stil. ,,Ons was verteld dat ze het water niet in de zee zouden lozen zonder steun van de vissers’’, zegt Kanji Tachiya namens de lokale visserij. Volgens hem is die belofte door de regering gebroken.

‘Extreem onverantwoord’
Het besluit van Tokio “kan direct en indirect gevolgen hebben voor de veiligheid van onze bevolking en de omgeving”, zegt een medewerker van het Zuid-Koreaanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken. Het Chinese ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken spreekt van een “extreem onverantwoord” besluit. Volgens een woordvoerder heeft China bij Japan erop aangedrongen “het afvoerprobleem van afvalwater van de kerncentrale van Fukushima op een verstandige en verantwoorde manier” op te lossen.

Greenpeace is fel gekant tegen het besluit. ,,Met deze beslissing worden de mensenrechten en belangen van de mensen in Fukushima, de rest van Japan en de Aziatisch-Pacifische regio volledig genegeerd’’, aldus de milieuorganisatie.

Japan werd op 11 maart 2011 getroffen door een zware aardbeving en een tsunami. Ongeveer 100.000 mensen sloegen op de vlucht en er vielen bijna 19.000 doden. Als gevolg van het natuurgeweld raakte de kerncentrale in Fukushima beschadigd. Het was de ergste kernramp sinds die in Tsjernobyl in 1986.

Eigenaar Fukushima mag andere kernreactor niet herstarten
2 uur geleden

Tepco, het energiebedrijf dat eigenaar is van onder meer de rampkerncentrale van Fukushima, mag een andere kernreactor van de Japanse toezichthouder niet herstarten vanwege zorgen over de veiligheid, meldt persagentschap Kyodo. Het gaat om de grootste kerncentrale in het bezit van Tepco. Het besluit van de toezichthouder is een harde klap voor Tepco, dat 10 jaar na de ramp van Fukushima nog steeds op zoek is naar de weg terug omhoog.

Tepco is ook eigenaar van de rampkerncentrale van Fukushima.© AFP Tepco is ook eigenaar van de rampkerncentrale van Fukushima.

De Japanse Nucleaire Reguleringsautoriteit heeft woensdag formeel besloten om Tepco te verbieden kernbrandstof te vervoeren die ligt opgeslagen bij de Kashiwazaki-Kariwa-centrale in de provincie Niigata. Ook mag Tepco de brandstof niet in de reactors laden.

Tokyo Electric Power Company, zoals Tepco voluit heet, zag de herstart van de zeven reactoren van de Kashiwazaki-Kariwa-centrale als een van de belangrijkste voorwaarden voor een succesvolle herstructurering. In maart vorig jaar werd echter geoordeeld dat de centrale op vijftien plekken kwetsbaar was voor inbraken vanwege defecte anti-inbraaksystemen.

De huidige strafmaatregel tegen Tepco blijft naar verwachting langer dan een jaar van kracht, totdat de toezichthouder extra inspecties heeft afgerond. Hoewel twee reactoren in 2017 wel door de veiligheidsinspectie kwamen, moeten alle zeven tot nader order uitgeschakeld blijven.

Ondertussen hangen Tepco tal van hoge compensatiesommen en andere kosten boven het hoofd in verband met de ramp in Fukushima. Met de herstart van de Kashiwazaki-Kariwa-centrale wilde het bedrijf minder afhankelijk worden van zijn relatief dure kolencentrales.

ROSATOM Delivers Turbine Components to the Akkuyu NPP Turkey

On March 20, 2021 the first heavy component of the steam turbine set, the rotor of the high and intermediate pressure cylinder (HP and IP cylinder), which weighs above 107 tons and is more than 12 meters long, was delivered to the Akkuyu NPP construction site. The use of a combined HP and IP cylinder is a unique feature of Arabelle steam turbines to be installed at all four Akkuyu NPP power units. Such design enables to achieve the maximum possible turbine hall efficiency factor – up to 38%. This is the record high value of the NPP turbine set efficiency factor in the global nuclear power industry.

The NPP turbine set represents a high-efficiency rotary thermal engine. The cylinder rotor is one of the key components of such engine: the high-pressure steam flow produced by the reactor hall steam generators is supplied to the rotor blades. The potential energy of the compressed and heated water steam causes the rotor spinning and thus is converted to the mechanical energy, which is supplied to the turbine generator producing the electric current.

The HP and IP cylinder rotor was manufactured at the GE Steam Power factory (branch of US-based General Electric) in the town of Belfort (France). It took about 16 months to produce the rotor after obtaining a manufacture approval from the Nuclear Regulatory Authority (NDK). In January 2021, the representatives of the equipment supplier, AAEM LLC (a joint venture of Atomenergomash JSC and GE Steam Power), and AKKUYU NUCLEAR JSC carried out the acceptance of the equipment at the manufacturer's facilities and thus confirmed compliance with the production technologies according to the high quality standards. After acceptance the HP and IP cylinder rotor was stored at the factory for 2 months, and was then shipped and delivered by sea to the Akkuyu NPP construction site.

The joint venture AAEM LLC was established in 2007 for furnishing the turbine halls of Russian-design NPPs using the GE Arabelle steam turbine technology. Since 2017, AAEM LLC has been implementing the project on delivery of equipment of a complete turbine hall steam turbine set for the Akkuyu nuclear power plant. The operation on unloading the rotor – from lifting it out of the ship's hold to the delivery to a warehouse in the area of the Eastern construction base – took 6.5 hours. The heavy cargo was transferred with vessel cranes onto a special wheeled platform, which brought the HP and IP cylinder rotor to a sheltered storage area.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Czech Republic Bars Rosatom from Nuclear Plant Tender

The Czech Republic government has barred Russia's nuclear giant Rosatom from a multi billion euro tender to build a new unit at a local nuclear plant last week because of the diplomatic row with Moscow. Eighteen Russian diplomats identified by Czech intelligence as spies left Prague for Moscow, while 20 Czech diplomats were expelled by Russia in retaliation. Czech Industry and Trade Minister Mr Karel Havlicek told reporters "The Russian supplier Rosatom will not be addressed to submit documents for security assessment."

The decision to bar the Russian state atomic agency follows tit-for-tat expulsions of diplomats after Prague accused Russian secret services of being behind a fatal explosion on Czech territory in 2014. Citing an intelligence report, the Czech government has said Russia's military secret service GRU orchestrated a 2014 explosion that killed two people, followed by a smaller one the same year. Prime Minister Andrej Babis said the 2014 explosion at an ammunition depot near the eastern village of Vrbetice was not an act of state terrorism as it targeted goods owned by a Bulgarian arms dealer. He told "He probably sold these arms to entities fighting against Russia. But there's no way we could tolerate GRU agents carrying out such operations here.”

The decision leaves France's EdF, South Korea's KHNP and US based Westinghouse in play for a contract to build the new unit at the southern Dukovany plant by 2036.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ROSATOM Installs Core Melt Device at Unit 4 of Kudankulam NPP

ROSATOM announced that the case of the core melt localization device or the so-called core catcher has been installed in the design position under the reactor pit of power unit No 4 of Kudankulam NPP which is under construction in India under VVER-1000 Russian design. “The installation of the core catcher in the design position is an important step of the NPP construction, - said Vadim Khlivenko, Deputy Director for Projects in India, Head of Construction Division of ROSATOM Engineering Division at Kudankulam NPP Construction Site. – It is a unique system of NPP protection and the first large-size equipment item that is installed in the reactor building. Currently core catchers are installed at all the NPPs constructed under Russian designs”.

Core melt localization device is unique equipment developed by Russian nuclear experts, it is one of the most important NPP safety systems. The case of the device weighs over 160 tons. A heavy-duty crane was used for its installation.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ROSATOM & Burundi Sign MoU for Atomic Energy

ROSATOM and the Ministry of Water, Energy and Mines of the Republic of Burundi signed a memorandum of understanding on 21 April 2021 regarding cooperation in peaceful use of atomic energy. The document was signed by Nikolai Spassky, Deputy Director General of ROSATOM, for the Republic of Russia, and Abraham Uvizeye, Minister of Water, Energy and Mines, for the Republic of Burundi.

The Memorandum is the first document in the field of peaceful use of atomic energy signed between Burundi and Russia. The document provides the basis for cooperation in a wide range of areas, in particular, the development of the nuclear infrastructure in the Republic of Burundi; the development of programs to raise the population awareness about nuclear technologies; the use of radioisotopes and radiation technologies in industry, agriculture and medicine.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ROSATOM Starts Construction at Tianwan&Xudapu Nuclear Power Plants

A ceremony was held in China to mark the start of construction of power units 7 and 8 of Tianwan NPP and power units 3 and 4 of Xudapu NPP. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin and China’s President Xi Jinping took part in the event by teleconference. ROSATOM Director General Mr Alexey Likhachev said “The already built power units of Tianwan NPP are now reliably working for the benefit of the Chinese people and making a significant contribution to ensuring China’s energy security. So far, the units, which were built with Russia’s participation, have already produced more than 270 billion kilowatt-hours of power.”

Power units 7 and 8 of Tianwan NPP and power units 3 and 4 of Xudapu NPP will be equipped with VVER-1200 reactors. The VVER-1200 is Rosatom’s flagship Generation III + PWR-type reactor. Currently, there are five VVER-1200-equipped power units successfully operating in Russia and beyond. Rosatom’s international order book currently comprises 35 power unit projects at various stages of implementation in 12 countries

Russia and China’s joint nuclear energy project is being implemented as part a series of strategic agreements signed in 2018. The new power units will complement China’s existing nuclear energy capacity to ensure a reliable supply of clean electricity to the country’s grid.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ROSATOM Modification for Lower Uranium Enrichment for Loviisa NPP

Rosatom’s TVEL Fuel Company of has completed development of the new modification of VVER-440 fuel for Loviisa NPP in Finland. The new modification of VVER-440 fuel bundle with higher uranium load would enhance the efficiency of fuel usage and power plant’s operation in general. In particular, increasing the mass of uranium in one fuel rod would enable to lower uranium enrichment level without reduction of thermal power generation in the reactor. In turn, a lower uranium enrichment will reduce the cost of the nuclear fuel production chain, as well as facilitate handling irradiated fuel.

The project of developing and validating the new fuel has been accomplished with contribution from a number of Russian nuclear industry enterprises, such as OKB Gidropress (an enterprise of ROSATOM machine-building division Atomenergomash), Bochvar Institute (material science research facility of TVEL Fuel Company), Elemash Machine-building plant and Kurchatov Institute national research center. The new fuel passed a range of hydraulic, longevity and vibration tests at the OKB Gidropress research and experiment facility site

TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom (Fuel Division of the Rosatom State Corporation) includes enterprises for fabrication of nuclear fuel; conversion and enrichment of uranium, production of gas centrifuges. It also includes the research and development organizations. TVEL is the only supplier of nuclear fuel for Russian nuclear power plants; moreover, it supplies, in total, the fuel for 75 power reactors in 15 countries, and for the research reactors in 9 countries of the world, as well as for the fleet reactors of the Russian nuclear fleet. Every sixth power reactor in the world runs on TVEL fuel.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Russia & Costa Rica to Develop Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy

On 3 June 2021, ROSATOM and the Atomic Energy Commission of Costa Rica signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of peaceful uses of atomic energy. This is the first document in the field of peaceful use of atomic energy signed between the Republic of Costa Rica and the Russian Federation. The Memorandum creates the basis for the development of cooperation in a wide range of areas including the increase of public acceptance of nuclear technologies, development of nuclear infrastructure of the Republic of Costa Rica, and the non-energy use of nuclear technologies in industry, agriculture and healthcare.

The parties agreed to have extensive face-to-face consultations on first practical steps related to the cooperation, as soon as the pandemic situation allows.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Belarus NPP First Unit Gets License for Commercial Operation

On June 2, the collegium of the Ministry for Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus has taken a positive decision on amending the license of the "Belarus NPP" State Enterprise for the right to operate in the area of atomic energy use which allows starting the commercial operation of the Belarus NPP power unit No 1. The decision is based on the expert statement of the Gosatomnadzor of the Republic of Belarus, the positive outcomes of examination of the safety-justifying documents and on assessment of the applicant's compliance with the licensing requirements and conditions.

The stage of power unit No. 1 physical start-up was started at the Belarus NPP on August 7, 2020. November 3, 2020 was the date of the power start-up when the power unit was connected to the grid of the Republic of Belarus. On December 22, 2020, the trial operation of the power unit commenced.

The Belarus NPP equipped with two VVER-1200 reactors of 2400 MW total capacity is being constructed in Ostrovets (the Republic of Belarus). The Russian III+ generation design that is fully in line with the international standards and the International Atomic Energy Agency safety recommendations has been selected for the first NPP in Belarus. The Belarus NPP Unit 1 has become the first Gen III+ unit in operation built abroad based on the Russian technologies. Currently, four power units of the similar type are being successfully operated in Russia, including units at the Novovoronezh NPP and the Leningrad NPP.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Vattenfall Takes Stake in Estonian Fermi Energia

Vattenfall has signed an agreement with the Estonian nuclear energy start-up company Fermi Energia in order to become a minority shareholder of the company with a seed investment of Euro 1 million. In November 2020, Vattenfall extended its ongoing cooperation with Fermi Energia by signing a Letter of Intent to explore the possibilities for Small Modular Reactor deployment in Estonia. Vattenfall has now accepted the opportunity to become a minority shareholder of approximately six percent ownership.

The extended collaboration will further explore the maturity of SMR technology and the prospects for deployment of one or several such reactors in Estonia until 2035. In addition to Vattenfall the initiative involves other European energy companies. All participants gain practical SMR technology insights and contribute their own experience.

Under the agreement of the Letter-of-Intent from November 2020, Vattenfall is studying the potential for the deployment of small modular reactors in Estonia, especially addressing costing and constructability aspects, supply chain, operations/personnel/maintenance, and newbuild financing structure.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Reactor Pressure Vessel Installed at Akkuyu NPP in Turkey

Unit 1 reactor pressure vessel installation is completed at the Akkuyu NPP construction site. This is one of the key stages in the main equipment assembly. Prior to RPV installation, the “core catcher” was mounted at Unit 1, concreting of the support and thrust trusses was carried out, and dry shielding and thermal insulation of the reactor vessel cylindrical part were installed. Shortly before the RPV installation the support ring carrying the main weight load of the vessel was installed. The installation required special preparation of the on-site roads in order to transport the RPV to Unit 1 construction area. After filling and leveling the roads along the entire route, a special wheeled platform freely passed the way from the equipment temporary storage site to Unit 1 building site. Then, using a Liebherr LR 13000 self-propelled crawler crane with a lifting capacity of up to 3 thousand tons, the RPV with a mass of 330 tons, diameter of 4.5 meters and height of 12 meters was set to the upright position, lifted above the reactor compartment and installed in its regular place in the reactor shaft.

The progress of installation was controlled by representatives of the Nuclear Regulatory Authority of Turkey (NDK), the French Assystem engineering group as the independent construction control organization, OKB Gidropress (designer of the Akkuyu NPP reactor plant) and AEM-Technologies - the manufacturer of the reactor vessel.

The RPV installation was carried out under the Open Top technology, through the uncovered top of the cylindrical part of the reactor building. It enables to combine construction and installation operations in the best way possible and thus to start the equipment installation and pipelines assembly before the completion of the floors concreting. The technology has successfully proven itself at many NPP construction projects in China, Japan, Bulgaria and Russia, including the construction of the Leningrad NPP-2 power units with VVER-1200 reactors. Open Top technology is to be implied for installation of steam generators, pressure compensators, main circulation pumps and other main technological equipment of Akkuyu NPP reactor buildings.

After the RPV installation, construction workers will proceed with concreting the reactor shaft, install bearings for the main circulation pipeline (MCP) components and steam generators. After the installation of steam generators and casings of the reactor coolant pump set, it will be possible to start welding of the MCP, which connects the main equipment of the NPP primary circuit.

The RPV for Unit 1 was delivered to the Akkuyu NPP construction site by sea in November, 2020. After unloading the vessel at the Eastern Cargo Terminal, the RPV was transported to the storage site, where it underwent the incoming inspection procedure that confirmed the integrity and high quality of the vessel manufacturing.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ROSATOM Starts Construction of BREST-OD-300 Fast Neutron Reactor

The construction of a 300 MW nuclear power unit with an innovative lead coolant BREST-OD-300 fast reactor has begun at the site of the ROSATOM’s TVEL Fuel Company’s Siberian Chemical Combine in Seversk in Russia’s Tomsk region. According to the planned timeline, the BREST-OD-300 reactor should start operating in 2026. A fuel production facility will be built by 2023 and the construction of an irradiated fuel reprocessing module is scheduled to start by 2024.

The reactor will run on mixed uranium-plutonium nitride fuel (MNUP fuel), specially developed for this facility (it is considered to be the optimal solution for fast reactors). The power plant will make an integral part of the Pilot Demonstration Energy Complex (PDEC) – a cluster of three interconnected unique facilities, including the nuclear fuel production plant (for fabrication and refabrication), the BREST-OD-300 power unit, and the facility for irradiated fuel reprocessing. For the first time in history, a nuclear power plant powered by a fast reactor will be built alongside closed nuclear fuel cycle servicing enterprises on one site. After reprocessing, the irradiated fuel from the reactor will be sent for refabrication (i.e. reproduction into fresh fuel), thereby giving this system the means to gradually become practically autonomous and independent of external resources supplies.

The advantage of fast reactors is their ability to efficiently use the fuel cycle’s secondary byproducts (in particular, plutonium) for energy production. At the same time as having a high regeneration factor, fast reactors can produce more potential fuel than they consume and also burn out (i.e. use in the process of energy generation) highly active transuranic elements (actinides). The design of the BREST-OD-300 lead-cooled reactor is based on the principles of so-called natural safety. The features of the reactor made it possible to abandon the melt trap, a large volume of support systems, and also to lower the safety class of the non-reactor equipment. The integral design and physics of the reactor facility make enable to exclude accidents requiring evacuation of the population. In the future, such installations should not only enhance the safety of nuclear power, but also make it more economically competitive in comparison with the most efficient thermal power generation (in particular, steam-gas technology).

The BREST-OD-300 reactor will provide itself with its main energy component, plutonium-239, reproducing it from the isotope uranium-238, which has a relative abundance of more than 99% (it is the isotope uranium-235, which makes about 0.7% of natural uranium, that is currently used to produce energy in thermal reactors). The introduction of such technologies will increase exponentially the efficiency of natural uranium. Uranium has about a 86% share in the world reserves of energy resources, compared to coal at 8%, oil at 3%, and gas at 3%.

The experimental demonstration power complex is being built within the framework of Rosatom’s strategic project “Breakthrough,” (Proryv) which is aimed at creating a new technological platform for nuclear energy. Russia’s strategy in the sector entails the creation of a two-component nuclear power industry with thermal and fast neutron reactors and a closed nuclear fuel cycle. This envisages the widespread introduction of technologies for the recycling of nuclear materials, which would not only make it possible to expand the nuclear power industry’s raw material base many times over, but also solve the problem of accumulating spent fuel and nuclear waste, i.e. it would reuse SNF products instead of storing them and radically reduce the volume of waste generation in the industry.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Belarus NPP Power Unit Put into Commercial Operation

On June 10, 2021, the acceptance certificate of Belarus NPP power unit No 1 start-up complex was signed. Handover of the power unit was held in accordance with contractual obligations for BelNPP construction and the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. Pursuant to the Contract, the General Contractor is responsible for performance capability of the power unit equipment during the warranty obligations period.

The stage of Belarus NPP power unit No 1 physical start-up started on August 7, 2020, on November 3 the unit was connected to the grid of the Republic of Belarus and on December 22, 2020 - proceeded to the trial commercial operation. On June 2, 2021, the Board of the Ministry for Emergency situations of the Republic of Belarus issued the permit for commercial operation of the power unit.

Belarus NPP having two VVER-1200 reactors with the total capacity of 2400 MW is being constructed in Ostrovets (the Republic of Belarus). The Russian III+ generation design that is fully compliant with the international standards and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safety recommendations has been selected for the first NPP in Belarus. Currently, four power units of the similar type are being successfully operated in Russia: at the Novovoronezh and the Leningrad NPP.

On June 10, 2021, the acceptance certificate of Belarus NPP power unit No 1 start-up complex was signed. Handover of the power unit was held in accordance with contractual obligations for BelNPP construction and the legislation of the Republic of Belarus. Pursuant to the Contract, the General Contractor is responsible for performance capability of the power unit equipment during the warranty obligations period.

The stage of Belarus NPP power unit No 1 physical start-up started on August 7, 2020, on November 3 the unit was connected to the grid of the Republic of Belarus and on December 22, 2020 - proceeded to the trial commercial operation. On June 2, 2021, the Board of the Ministry for Emergency situations of the Republic of Belarus issued the permit for commercial operation of the power unit.

Belarus NPP having two VVER-1200 reactors with the total capacity of 2400 MW is being constructed in Ostrovets (the Republic of Belarus). The Russian III+ generation design that is fully compliant with the international standards and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safety recommendations has been selected for the first NPP in Belarus. Currently, four power units of the similar type are being successfully operated in Russia: at the Novovoronezh and the Leningrad NPP.
4th Tier of Inner Containment Completed at Rooppur NPP Unit 2

Concreting of the inner containment cylindrical part has been completed at Rooppur NPP power unit 2 reactor building which is being constructed in the People’s Republic of Bangladesh (its General Contractor being JSC. The specialists of the Trest RossSEM LLC branch have laid 976 m3 of the self-compacting concrete mix for 27 hours of the continuous concreting process. During the concreting process, 4 concreting booms were used to maintain fluidity and reduce defects.

The concreting of the fourth tier opens up several important fields of operations at the Rooppur NPP Unit 2, namely installation of the polar crane and erection of the fifth tier up to +44.100 elevation.

The inner containment is one of the major elements of NPP reactor safety system, which prevents release of radioactive substances into the environment.

The Rooppur NPP having two VVER-1200 reactors and the total capacity of 2400 MW is being constructed under the Russian design, 160 km from Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, in accordance with General Contract dated December 25, 2015.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Egypt NPPA Sends El Dabaa NPP Construction Licenses to ENRRA

Nuclear Power Plants Authority of Egypt handed over the licensing documentation for Units 1 and 2 of El Dabaa NPP construction to Egyptian Nuclear and Radiological Regulation Authority. This marked an important milestone in the implementation of El Dabaa NPP Project in the path forward to issue the construction permit for first two units. Once the permit is obtained Parties will be able to start full-scale construction.

The El Dabaa Nuclear Power Plant will be the first nuclear power plant in Egypt. It will be built in El-Dabaa city in the Governorate of Matrouh on the coastlines of the Mediterranean Sea. The El Dabaa NPP will comprise four units each of them has a capacity of 1200 MW, equipped with a Generation III+ VVER-1200 reactor, considered to be the latest technology for nuclear power plants and which has already been successfully implemented in two other countries. There are four units operating in Russia equipped with Generation III+ reactors, two of them are at at Leningrad nuclear power plant and the other at Novovoronezh nuclear power plant. Outside of Russia, one VVER-1200 reactor equipped power unit at Belarus nuclear power plant was connected to the grid in November 2020.

The construction of the Nuclear Power Plant is being carried out in accordance with the suite of contracts that entered into force on 11 December 2017. According to the underlying contractual obligations, the Russian Party will not only build the nuclear power plant, but will also supply nuclear fuel throughout the lifecycle of the Nuclear Power Plant. The Russian Party will also arrange for the training of the Egyptian personnel and will assist the Egyptian Party in the operation and maintenance of the Nuclear Power Plant for the first 10 years of its operation. In addition, the Russian Party will build a storage facility for storing spent nuclear fuel.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ROSATOM Begins Construction of Kudankulam NPP Unit 5 in India

On June 29, an official ceremony was held that was dedicated to the first concrete pouring into the foundation plate of the reactor building for Kudankulam NPP Unit 5 in India. The concrete pouring commemorated the official commencement of the main stage of the nuclear power plant stage 3 construction. First concrete pouring was preceded by continuous preliminary work: concrete bedding for foundations of the reactor building, auxiliary reactor building with the Main Control Room, turbine building and power supply building for normal operation, emergency power supply and safety control systems.

Russian enterprises are already manufacturing equipment required for the first priority installation, the equipment for the reactor facilities and turbine hall for Unit 5. Even today, on the construction horizon of up to two years, construction is provided with the detailed design documentation.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Bechtel Gets Extension for Sellafield Pile Fuel Cladding Project

Sellafield Ltd. has awarded Bechtel Cavendish Nuclear Solutions a two-year contract extension and added work to the Pile Fuel Cladding Silo project at the UK’s Sellafield Site in northern England. The team has been on the project since 2012, designing and installing access doors and remote-handling equipment to retrieve decades-old nuclear waste from sealed compartments in a building described as one of Europe’s most hazardous.

The waste consists of 3,200 cubic meters of radioactive cladding – pieces of metal tubes used for uranium fuel rods in some of the UK’s earliest nuclear reactors. The mission of the PFCS project is to deliver a system that allows Sellafield to retrieve the waste, package it safely, and dispose of it permanently.

The new scope calls for:

1. Procurement, manufacture, preparation, installation, and commissioning of additional equipment to allow Sellafield to retrieve waste from the remaining five silo compartments, once the first compartment has been emptied;

2. Extension and growth of off-site testing facilities, to develop future systems for use on the retrievals plant; and

3. Wstablishment of a new, centralized control building for all silo monitoring and waste retrieval operations.

Cavendish Nuclear, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Babcock International Group, is a leading nuclear services company.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
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