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Russian nuclear-reactor to India rated higher than others - NPCIL

A senior official of the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. (NPCIL) said that the VVER 1200 reactor that Russia would supply to India is rated higher than the reactors that India has bought and is planning to buy.

In a statement after talks with Prime Minister Mr Narendra Modi in Moscow, Russian President Mr Vladimir Putin said that "We have agreed on India's assigning another plot for the construction of Russian power units, where we intend to use the latest WWER-1200 reactors built with the application of the latest and safest technologies."

The WWER-1200 reactor is also known as VVER 1200 reactor.

The NPCIL official said that "The VVER-1200 reactors are said to be the upgraded and up-rated version of VVER-1000 reactors."

Official said that the VVER-1200 reactor has a rated capacity of 1,200 MW. Russia is setting up two VVER-1200 reactors at its Novovoronezh nuclear power plant complex and at two other locations.

Officials at the Novovoronezh nuclear plant complex said the VVER-1200 units will use 163 fuel assembly bundles similar to the VVER-1000 model.

The officials however, said that the fuel weight and the length of the fuel assembly would be longer than what is being used in VVER-1000 model.

According to Russian nuclear power sector officials, once the first unit goes on stream, it will be the largest unit functioning in the country.

Source : IANS
'Make in India' for affordable nuclear power - Expert

An expert said that more nuclear power could be generated if foreign suppliers make technology and products affordable for setting up reactors.

Mr Srikumar Banerjee former Atomic Energy Commission chairman "The stumbling block is economics, as installing a nuclear plant has to be affordable to sell its power at a competitive rate."

In spite of hype over the India-US nuclear deal and opening up of the civilian nuclear industry to foreign suppliers, barring two recent agreements on setting up two more units at the Russian-backed Kudankulam plant in Tamil Nadu and the French-backed Jatipur project in Maharahstra, not much headway has been made over the years.

As setting up nuclear power plants involves not only technology transfer and making components in the country, but also operating them by the state-run Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. (NPCIL), consensus has been eluding stakeholders owing to high cost and liability clause.

Mr Banerjee said that "If suppliers agree to shift production to India through joint ventures with private firms, its cost can be reduced to make and sell nuclear power viable."

Asserting that nuclear plants could be set up by resolving contentious issues, the nuclear scientist said it was important to assess commercial viability of nuclear reactors to be set up with help of international suppliers of technology and products.

He said that "If nuclear suppliers could shift equipment making activity to our country in a big way, then production cost will reduce substantially."

Observing that the Indian nuclear industry had come of age and was capable of growing fast, he said production had to be on convoy mode to meet the growing demand for cleaner, safer and cost-effective energy.

Source : IANS
Bangladeshis ask Russia not to build nuclear power plant at Rooppur

Russian state nuclear corporation Rosatom and the government of Bangladesh have signed a deal to invest USD 12.65 billion in a project to build two 1200 MWe nuclear power units at Rooppur.

The report said that the ink dried on the agreement on December 23.

Mr Kamrul Islam Bhyian, spokesman for Bangladesh’s Ministry of Science and Technology, said that Russia will finance up to 90 percent of the total cost of the project as credit with interest. Mr Bhyian added that Bangladesh will pay off the loan within 28 years with a 10-year grace period.

Bangladesh, with its population of 150 million people, is one of the poorest countries in Southeast Asia, and is often rocked by political turbulence, terrorism and attacks on foreigners.

But in keeping with Rosatom’s practice of padding its foreign order book, the Bangladesh project looks like another in a long list of reactor export deals relying on huge credits financed by Russian taxpayers to countries that have scant chanced of repaying them.

Russia has already earmarked $500 million in credit to Bangladesh, and the start of construction will still require a few more loans from the Russian budget. That may be a hard sell, given Atomenergoprom, Rosatom’s foreign reactor building wing, last year suffered an embarrassing credit rating downgrade to a “BBB –.”

Source : Bellona
French firm EDF signs deal to build 6 nuclear plants at Jaitapur in India

French utility EDF said that it had signed a MoU with Nuclear Power Corp of India Ltd (NPCIL) for the construction of six EPR nuclear reactors at Jaitapur, in the west of India.

With this agreement, EDF takes over the long-delayed project from French nuclear group Areva, which will sell its reactor arm to EDF later this year.

EDF in a statement said that the Jaitapur project is at the preliminary technical studies stage after getting initial environmental clearance in 2010. A contract for pre-engineering studies was signed by Areva and NPCIL last April.

It said that in the next few months it would continue work started by Areva and NPCIL to secure certification for the EPR reactor in India and to finalise the economic and financial conditions, and technical specifications of the project, supervised by Indian atomic organisation DAE.

Source : Reuters
Pakistan plans its first mega nuclear power plant with 2,000MW - Report

PTI reported that energy-starved Pakistan will set up a mega nuclear power plant with power generation capacity of 2,000MW, the first in the country’s history.

Mr Ahsan Iqbal, Minister for Planning and Development, said that “It will be the first time in the history of the country that a mega nuclear power plant would be set up with power generation capacity of 2,000 megawatts.”

Mr Iqbal said that Thar is enriched with natural coal deposits and the government is committed to utilising the resources for producing electricity, to overcome the power shortage in the country.

He said that “Super critical technology will be used in the coal power plant, which will be established with the financing of the Asian Development Bank in Jamshoro to ensure a safe environment.”

Meanwhile, Pakistan faces about 5,000 MW energy shortages and the government has launched several projects to bridge the gap.

Source : PTI
China to add 5 new nuclear reactors each year until 2030

Nuclear power currently delivers 2% of China's energy needs, and the country remains the world's largest energy consumer.

According to estimates in the draft 13th Five-Year Plan, China will probably add five to six nuclear reactors every year starting now, until 2030. That equates to over 110 new nuclear reactors in the next 15 years.

By this time nuclear power could supply 8% to 10% of the country's needs.

Source : Proactive Investors
Internetsector pleit voor kernenergie

•Rob de Lange

Gisteren, 06:00 Update: gisteren, 11:14

De Nederlandse internetbedrijven eisen meer energiezekerheid. Ze maken zich zorgen over de betrouwbaarheid van de Nederlandse stroomvoorziening voor de vele datacentra, hostingbedrijven en andere internetdienstverleners. Om de stabiliteit op langere termijn te garanderen is het noodzakelijk ook de mogelijkheden van kernenergie in de besluitvorming meenemen.

Daarvoor pleit Michiel Steltman, directeur van DINL (Digitale Infrastructuur Nederland) in het FD. ‘Alle aandacht voor vergroening en lokale opwekking is prima, maar het is buitengewoon onverstandig de optie voor centrale opwekking, bijvoorbeeld door middel van kernenergie, bij voorbaat uit te sluiten. Digitale economie betekent niet minder, maar meer energieverbruik. Dus we zullen alle vormen van opwekking hard nodig hebben.’

Nederland spil in het internet

Nederland vormt een steeds belangrijker digitaal knooppunt. Veel buitenlandse internetbedrijven besluiten zich in Nederland te vestigen, onder andere vanwege de stabiele energievoorziening. Zo maken grote partijen als Microsoft, Google en vele andere gebruik van Nederlandse datacenters om hun gebruikers in de rest van Europa en de wereld te bedienen. De opkomst van de digitale bedrijvigheid is zo groot dat de Tweede Kamer eind vorig jaar heeft besloten om naast Schiphol en de Rotterdamse haven de internetsector aan te merken als derde mainport.

‘Digitale economie betekent niet minder, maar meer verbruik’

De vraag naar stroom neemt daardoor toe. Alleen al de vestiging van datacenters in de regio Amsterdam hebben de afgelopen jaren gezorgd voor een stijging van bijna 16%, blijkt uit cijfers van het CBS. Netbeheerder Liander, verantwoordelijk voor het aansluiten van de datacenters op het elektriciteitsnet in de regio, voorspelt een verdubbeling van de groei in de komende vijf jaar. Wereldwijd neemt het elektriciteitsverbruik van ICT sneller toe dan het totale elektriciteitsverbruik. Ieder geopend mailtje betekent dat ergens IT-capaciteit in een datacenter wordt geactiveerd.

Betrouwbaarheid in het beding

De sector probeert zelf zijn stroomgebruik wel terug te dringen. Grote datacenters werken veel efficiënter dan de dataruimten in de kelder of bezemkast van een bedrijf. Ook het gebruik van groene stroom stijgt. Zo kondigde Google aan zijn nieuwe onderkomen in de Eemshaven te voorzien van op zee opgewekte windenergie.

Toch is Steltman er niet gerust op: 'Stroom moet in de digitale economie te allen tijde beschikbaar zijn, zeker als we straks allerlei apparaten op internet aansluiten en zelfrijdende auto's krijgen. Mijn zorg is dat de betrouwbaarheid in gevaar komt als we niet alle mogelijkheden open houden. Het systeem nu is simpel gezegd: vanuit enkele punten naar de eindgebruiker. De trend is echter decentrale opwekking: dus in plaats van twintig punten naar misschien wel een miljoen. Daar is het netwerk helemaal niet op ingericht. We moeten wel een alternatief hebben. Er wordt veel onderzoek gedaan naar decentrale opwekking. Waarom niet ook naar kerncentrales?'

Bron: FD.nl

EDF Energy to extend life of 4 UK nuclear power stations

EDF Energy, the British arm of French giant EDF, will extend the life of four of its UK nuclear power stations by up to seven years.

The announcement, revealed alongside annual results from its parent firm, comes with EDF yet to make a final investment decision over the construction of a vast new nuclear power plant at Hinkley Point in Somerset in southwest England.

It said in a statement that "EDF Energy has announced new scheduled closure dates for four nuclear power stations."

The four stations comprise Heysham 1 and Heysham 2 in Lancashire, northwest England, Hartlepool in Teeside in the northeast and Torness in East Lothian, Scotland.

Heysham 1 and Hartlepool were due to be decommissioned in 2019 but will continue to operate for another five years until 2024.

Power generation at Heysham 2 and Torness will be extended by seven years to 2030.

EDF added it had made the decision to extend operations following "extensive technical and safety reviews of the plants" that it has shared with the industry regulator the Office for Nuclear Regulation.

Together, the four power plants supply electricity to about one quarter of homes in Britain, according to EDF, employing a total of 2,000 permanent staff and 1,000 contractors.

Source : RTE News
De Windvogel sluit zich bij klacht tegen Belgische kerncentrales

UTRECHT – Windcoöperatie De Windvogel heeft zich aangesloten bij een formele klacht van een groep hernieuwbare-energiebedrijven tegen de levensduurverlenging van de Belgische kerncentrales.

De klacht is ingediend bij de Europese Commissie. Ook onder andere Belgische Ecopower, Wase Wind en het Luxemburgse Eida staan achter de klacht.

Volgens de initiatiefnemers bieden afspraken die de Belgische overheid maakte met Electrabel een economisch voordeel voor de eigenaren van de kerncentrales.

“De voorwaarden voor de levensduurverlenging zijn een vorm van illegale staatssteun”, zegt Tom Willems van Ecopower.

“De eigenaars van de kerncentrales krijgen de exclusieve rechten om de kerncentrales uit te baten na de levensduurverlenging, tegen een lage compensatievergoeding waarvan niet werd aangetoond dat deze marktconform is.

Weer miljardenverlies kernreactormaker Areva

Gepubliceerd op 26 feb 2016 om 10:40 | Views: 1.883

PARIJS (AFN) - Het Franse industrieconcern Areva heeft afgelopen jaar opnieuw een miljardenverlies in de boeken gezet. De fabrikant van onder meer kernreactoren zag de resultaten onder meer lijden onder hoge reorganisatielasten en kwam onder de streep 2 miljard euro tekort. Dat is wel fors minder dan een jaar eerder, toen het nettoverlies 4,8 miljard euro bedroeg.

Areva schrijft al jaren rode cijfers en is bezig duizenden banen te schrappen om kosten te besparen. Het bedrijf heeft een overbruggingskrediet van 1,1 miljard afgesloten om dit jaar zijn rekeningen te kunnen betalen. Extra investeringen door onder meer de Franse overheid en energiebedrijf Electricité de France (EDF), dat een deel van de activiteiten op het gebied van kernenergie overneemt, moeten de balans met in totaal 5 miljard euro versterken.

Het bedrijf zag wel wat lichtpuntjes in de jaarresultaten Zo is de omzet afgelopen jaar met een kleine 2 procent aangedikt tot 4,2 miljard euro. Ook de brutowinst is gestegen, van 471 miljoen naar 685 miljoen euro. Het bedrijf staat echter opnieuw een zwaar jaar te wachten, met opnieuw hoge kosten voor onder meer herstructureringen.

De vraag naar kerntechnologie staat onder druk sinds de nucleaire ramp in de Japanse stad Fukushima, in maart vijf jaar geleden. Daar bleek een kerncentrale niet bestand tegen een zware aardbeving, gevolgd door een tsunami. Ook kampt Areva met toegenomen concurrentie.
Managers kerncentrale Fukushima aangeklaagd

Door: redactie
29-2-16 - 13:16 bron: ANP

Vijf jaar na de ramp met de kerncentrale in het Japanse Fukushima zijn drie managers van het verantwoordelijke Tepcoconcern formeel aangeklaagd. De president en twee van zijn vice-presidenten van Tepco wordt verweten dat zij de centrale niet hadden beschermd tegen de tsunami die het gebied op 11 maart 2011 na een zeebeving trof. Dat hebben de Japanse autoriteiten maandag bekendgemaakt.

Door de gevolgen van de tsunami vond een zogenoemde kernsmelting plaats, waardoor uiteindelijk straling vrijkwam. Tepco informeerde de bevolking in het gebied veel te laat over de straling. Hoe het er momenteel in de afgesloten reactorkamers van Fukushma uitziet, weet ook vijf jaar na dato niemand.

Juist maandag werd een andere reactor in Japan na problemen stilgelegd. De kernreactor in Takahama, 400 kilometer ten westen van de hoofdstad Tokio, had problemen met een generator en kwam daardoor automatisch tot stilstand. Volgens de leiding van de reactor is dat proces veilig verlopen.

Naar aanleiding van de ramp met de reactor in Fukushima werden gedurende twee jaar alle 48 kerncentrales in Japan stilgelegd.

Transformer fire shuts unit of South Carolina nuclear power station

Reuters reported that a transformer at a nuclear power plant in South Carolina caught fire on Sunday, burning for about 30 minutes, but no nuclear material was in danger of being released.

Citing Oconee County fire officials, Greenville, South Carolina-based WYFF-TV reported that Unit 1 at the Oconee Nuclear Station was shut down as a precaution. The cause of the fire was under investigation.

The fire did not lead to any evacuations, the station reported, citing Scott Krein, director of the Oconee County Emergency Management agency. Krein added there was no threat to the public from the fire.

The report said that the plant is owned by Duke Energy, which will report the fire as an "unusual event," the lowest classification of emergency at a nuclear station.

Source : Reuters
Steady increase in nuclear power generation - Government

Lok Sabha informed that nuclear power generation has witnessed a steady increase over the past three years, with a marginal rise in production cost.

Mr Jitendra Singh, Minister of State in Prime Minister's Office (PMO), which looks after the Department of Atomic Energy, said that in 2012-13, the Nuclear power Corporation of India Ltd (NPCIL) generated 32,863 million units of power, followed by 35,333 in 2013-14 and 37,835 in 2014-15.

Mr Singh said that the generation cost too has increased marginally. In 2012-13, per unit cost was Rs 2.69, followed by Rs 2.71 in 2013-14 and Rs 2.78 in 2014-15.

In 2016-17, an estimated 41,500 million units of power would be generated.

However, this includes power from India's first Prototype Fast Breeder Reactor (PFBR), which is expected to start in September this year, and unit 2 of Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant.

Source : PTI
EDF vraagt om steun Franse overheid om Britse kerncentrale te bouwen

UTRECHT – Het Franse energiebedrijf EDF vraagt om financiële steun van de Franse overheid om de Britse kerncentrale Hinkley Point te bouwen.

Dit schrijft EDF-topman Jean-Bernard Levy in een brief aan de werknemers, zo meldt The Wall Street Journal.

EDF zou zonder garanties van de overheid, dat voor 85 procent eigenaar is van EDF, niet door kunnen gaan met het 18 miljard pond tellende project, aldus Levy.

EDF staat er financieel niet heel sterk voor met een schuldenlast van 37,4 miljard euro. Kredietbeoordelaar Moody’s zette de kredietwaardigheid van het bedrijf onlangs op review, wat betekent dat er mogelijk een verlaging inzit voor EDF.


Hinkley Point is om meerdere redenen omstreden. Zo snappen milieugroepen het niet dat de Britse regering inzet op kernenergie terwijl er veel windmolens en zonneparken juist worden tegengewerkt. Verder zijn er de enorme kosten.

Naast de financiële garanties die EDF van de Franse overheid wil, zijn er van de Britse overheid enorme bedragen nodig. Een korte berekening van de Duitse branchevereniging voor windenergie leverde op dat de kerncentrale relatief meer subsidie krijgt dan Duitse windmolens.

European nuclear plans in Jeopardy as finance chief quits EDF

Reuters reported that plans to build new nuclear stations in Europe have been thrown into disarray after the shock resignation of Mr Thomas Piquemal, the chief financial officer of EDF, the French energy company, believed to be over the final investment decision on a new plant in the UK.

EDF Energy in the UK has been planning to build a new nuclear station at Hinkley Point in Somerset, in the south west of England, for several years. Despite the British Government agreeing a 'strike price' with EDF Energy in the UK, which guarantees EDF a price of US$141 MWh for generating electricity over 35 years and a debt guarantee, the final investment decision has still not been taken.

The issue was discussed between UK Prime Minister David Cameron and French President Francois Hollande at their meeting in Amiens, north France last week. Although Chinese backers have signed up to fund two thirds of the Hinkley Point project, EDF is struggling to fund the remaining third, following the state bailout of Areva, which manufactures the nuclear reactor.

The project has suffered further delays because of problems at two other sites where nuclear stations based on a similar design to Hinkley are being built. The CEO of EDF, Jean-Bernard Lévy, in September announced a further postponement of the commissioning of the gigantic new nuclear power station at Flamanville in northern France and admitted the price has more than tripled.

Mr Levy said the first French third-generation European Pressurized Water reactor (EPR) with a capacity of 1650 MW will cost in the region of US$12 billion — more than three times the original projected cost of US$3.37 billion and fuel loading will not even start until late 2018, six years behind schedule.

Meanwhile, construction by EDF and Siemens of the Olkiluoto nuclear plant in Finland — based on the same design as Flamanville has also suffered many delays and cost over-runs.

Source : Reuters
Nuclear power in Japan post Fukushima

The Hindu reported that when the Fukushima accident occurred on March 11, 2011, Japan had 50+ nuclear power reactors which provided about 30 per cent of the country’s electricity. The World Nuclear Association (WNA) noted that this was expected to increase to at least 40 per cent by 2017. The devastating accident changed all that. Japan shut down all its reactors.

As on December 2015, Japan has 43 operable reactors with potential to restart; twenty-three of them have started the process to restart approvals. The first two restarted in August 2015 (Sandai 1) and October 2015(Sandai 2).

While Japan observes the fifth anniversary of the nuclear accident, there is slow and steady progress in examining whether some more of the nuclear power plants which are presently shut down comply with the new nuclear safety standards.

The Nuclear Regulatory Authority effectively approved on February 24, Takahama-1 and two other nuclear power plants — both of which have already been operated for more than 40 years — as compatible with the new regulatory standards.

The Japan Atomic Industrial Forum reports that these are the first such determinations for so-called aging reactors. They have to clear examinations and to get approvals for extensions of their operating lifetimes, for which the mandatory deadlines are in July.

On February 26, this year the Kansai Electric Power Co restarted its Takahama 4 (870MWe) nuclear power plant and Takahama 3 (870MWe) which they restarted on January 29 was returned to commercial service.

Industry and the ruling political class favour restart as they consider nuclear power as reliable, affordable and essential to ensure Japan's energy security.

Japan now constructs four reactors and decommissions or is set to decommission 15. It has planned (9) and proposed (4) new reactors with a total capacity of 17,092 MWe

In June 2014, three major lobbies of hard-nosed business men — the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren), the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Japan Association of Corporate Executives (Keizai Doyukai) — sought an early restart of all nuclear reactors.

The stark reality is that over 90 per cent of Japan’s primary energy needs are now met by import.

In 2010, Japan’s per capita annual power consumption stood at 7870 kWh dropping to 7480 kWh/capita in 2013. Though all nuclear power plants were shut down, the Japanese continued to lead an energy intensive life!

On May 11, 2015, four years after the Fukushima nuclear accident, The Japan Times reported that a panel of nuclear experts largely approved a government report saying that atomic power remains the cheapest source of electricity despite the rising safety costs triggered by the 2011 Fukushima core meltdowns. Though the Government expects a glut in solar power, it wants to make nuclear power account for 20 to 22 per cent of Japan’s electricity supply by 2030.

The daily reported that the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), estimates that atomic power would cost at least ¥10.3 per kilowatt-hour in 2030.

The daily quoted METI as saying that additional safety measures required to run a nuclear reactor would cost an average of ¥60.1 billion. The report estimates that the cost of coal-fired power is ¥12.9 per kWh; liquefied natural gas ¥13.4 per kWh; Wind power ¥34.7; solar power up to ¥16.4, geothermal power ¥16.8, and hydropower up to ¥27.1 per kWh, all of them much higher than nuclear.

The cost of electricity estimated by the Institute of Energy Economics of Japan in 2011 included compensation of up to ¥10 trillion ($130 billion) for loss or damage from a nuclear accident (WNA, Dec 2015), ¥0.2 for additional post-Fukushima safety measures and ¥0.5 for dealing with future nuclear risks. The ¥0.5 for future nuclear risks is a minimum, increasing by ¥0.1 for each additional ¥1 trillion ($13 billion) of damage.

The public perception in Japan may be against nuclear power. But in December 2012, the pronuclear Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) got 294 out of 480 seats with the anti nuclear group trailing behind with 57 seats in the lower house of Diet. The LDP and its pronuclear partner secured 144 seats in 242 in the upper house in the July 2013 election.

The Japanese Government pledged to reduce reliance on nuclear power and promote renewable energy as much as possible, while standing by nuclear as a key power source, citing the importance of a stable electricity supply to economic growth. Because of its economic importance, decision makers will benignly look at nuclear power.

Source : The Hindu
Leak at Kakrapar Nuclear plant located and isolated

Indian Express reported that an officials said that the leak that caused scare around 10 days ago at Kakrapar Atomic Power Station (KAPS) in Tapi district was “located and isolated” by experts on last Tuesday.

The officials said that the affected channel at Unit-I of the power station was located and isolated by a team of experts from KAPS, Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB) and Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC). Further investigation will now be carried out to ascertain the cause of the leak that occurred on March 11 in the primary heat transport (PHT) in one of the two 220 MWe units at KAPS.

The expert teams had earlier probed the radiation levels within the plant premises and outside in a 5-km radius.

Source : Indian Express
Florida nuclear power plant is leaking pollutants – Report

The New York Times reported that a nuclear power plant south of Miami is leaking polluted water into the fragile ecosystem of Florida’s Biscayne Bay. The leak was discovered during a recent investigation commissioned by the county government, which revealed that Turkey Point power plant’s old cooling canal system is leaking pollutants into a body of water that mingles with the open sea. A growing saltwater plume in the bay is pulling contaminated water several miles away toward wells that supply drinking water to millions of Florida residents.

The nuclear plant, operated by Florida Power & Light, is over 40 years old. Like many other nuclear power sites across the United States, Turkey Point has not been maintained to a standard that truly protects the surrounding environment. Water quality related to the power plant is an issue environmentalists have been struggling against the utility company over for years, and this scientific study revealed disconcerting levels of several chemical pollutants that prove the power plant is to blame.

Scientists found elevated levels of salt, ammonia, phosphorous and tritium in water samples taken at various depths. Tritium is a radioactive isotope that is found in nature, but also stems from nuclear power plants. Although the current levels aren’t high enough to pose a direct threat to humans, the test results show that the pollutants exceed the levels set by federal clean water regulations.

If Florida Power & Light doesn’t act quickly to remedy the pollution and stop its flow, environmental groups plan to file a lawsuit against the utility for violating the federal Clean Water Act. In the meantime, state lawmakers are calling for federal intervention, claiming that state regulators neglected their duties by failing to cite the utility for a slew of previous violations. The energy company has managed to avoid even a single citation, which Florida House democrat José Javier Rodríguez and others believe is due to the company’s significant political influence. He said the New York Times that “What’s happening at Turkey Point is a real danger to us, to our water supply, the fact that there is salt being dumped into the aquifer and the fact that there are contaminants in Biscayne Bay really should have sounded an alarm. But as of yet, we’re still waiting for state regulators to step up.”

Florida Power & Light spokesperson Mr Robert L Gould, defended the company, saying that it has worked to reduce salinity levels in its canals since October following a consent decree with Miami-Dade County. He also said salinity levels are now half of what they were at their peak, and blames algae blooms in 2013 and 2014 for the high salinity. That doesn’t explain the other chemicals, but Gould argues that a little radioactive tritium is acceptable because the amount in Florida’s bay waters is still lower than federal Environmental Protection Agency standards. Whether Florida residents find that news reassuring is another story.

Source : The New York Times
One third of nuclear power generation nears retirement in US

The New York Times reported that nuclear units responsible for generating one-third of America’s nuclear power generation face closure as their licenses expire. The Times reported that "From 2029 to 2035, three dozen of the nation’s 99 reactors, representing more than a third of the industry’s generating capacity, will face closure as their operating licenses expire.”

Nuclear power generates 19% of the electricity used in this country.

While a renaissance in new nuclear power plant construction has been said to be imminent for some time, projects have been delayed or scrapped as a result of an abundance of low-cost gas and surging renewables generation.

The Times said that “Many in the industry hope that extending the licenses of existing reactors will forestall at least some closings. Nuclear plants were originally licensed for 40 years, but almost all have sought and received 20-year extensions.”

One venture capitalist said that there is a decade for America to come up with a plan for keeping nuclear generation viable.

He said that “If we don’t get this fixed in the next presidential administration or so, we’ve missed it.

Source : The New York Times
'Beveilig kerncentrales beter tegen terrorisme'

Karlijn van Houwelingen
30-3-16 - 20:11

Amerikaanse expert pleit voor team met automatische wapens

Luchtfoto van de kernreactor in Petten © anp.

Nederland moet zijn kerncentrales beter beveiligen tegen terrorisme, stellen Amerikaanse experts. Zij roepen op zwaarbewapende bewakers in te zetten. Nederland is een van de weinige landen waar beveiligers van kerncentrales geen wapens dragen.

Terroristen hebben laten zien dat ze over automatische wapens en explosieven kunnen beschikken. Het is niet waarschijnlijk dat beveiligers met een pistool dat één kogel per keer afvuurt daartegen zijn opgewassen

Matthew Bunn
Als terroristen met geweld de kernreactors in Borssele of Petten proberen te bereiken, moet de bewaking gewapende versterking van de politie of het leger oproepen. Die kan wel eens te laat komen, zegt onder meer professor Matthew Bunn, autoriteit op het gebied van nucleaire veiligheid aan Harvard en in de jaren '90 adviseur van president Bill Clinton.

,,Een eenheid op afstand kan vertraagd worden. Stel dat aanvallers iets als scherpe pinnen of mijnen op de route leggen. Uit testen in de VS blijkt ook dat vijanden al in 2 tot 3 minuten bij de vitale delen van een centrale kunnen komen. Dan ben je te laat als je 10 minuten onderweg bent."

Bunn stelt dat minimaal een team uitgerust met automatische geweren op het terrein nodig is om aanvallers met vergelijkbare wapens direct weerstand te kunnen bieden. ,,Terroristen hebben laten zien dat ze over automatische wapens en explosieven kunnen beschikken. Het is niet waarschijnlijk dat beveiligers met een pistool dat één kogel per keer afvuurt daartegen zijn opgewassen."

In Nederland wil men dat alleen de overheid wapens draagt, niet de medewerkers van een bedrijf dat een kerncentrale runt
Matthew Bunn


Nederland vereist echter niet dat de eigenaar van een kerncentrale voor zulke gewapende bescherming ter plekke zorgt. Daarmee is ons land een zeldzaamheid in de nucleaire veiligheidsindex van de gerenommeerde ngo Nuclear Threat Initiative, opgesteld door internationale experts in de aanloop naar de Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) die donderdag in Washington begint. De top is een vervolg op de NSS-top die in 2014 in Den Haag werd gehouden. Meer dan vijftig landen werken aan maatregelen om te voorkomen dat terreurgroepen de hand weten te leggen op nucleair materiaal of een reactor saboteren.

NTI onderzocht 45 landen met nucleaire faciliteiten die gesaboteerd zouden kunnen worden. Alleen Argentinië, Brazilië, Slowakije en Spanje vertrouwen net als Nederland op gewapende beveiliging op afstand, zegt Page Stoutland, een van de samenstellers van de index. ,,Sinds 9/11 willen de meeste landen daar niet meer van afhankelijk zijn in het geval dat terroristen de centrale proberen over te nemen."

,,In Nederland wil men dat alleen de overheid wapens draagt, niet de medewerkers van een bedrijf dat een kerncentrale runt", constateert Bunn. België lost dat op met de oprichting van een speciale politie-eenheid, die op termijn de militairen aflost. De kosten komen voor rekening van de energiebedrijven die de kerncentrales exploiteren.

We hebben vijf beveiligingsschillen. Per schil wordt het steeds moeilijker om verder binnen te komen
Woordvoerder kerncentrale Borssele

Kerncentrale Borssele © anp.

Een woordvoerster van de kerncentrale in Borssele erkent dat er geen bewakers met machinegeweren voor de deur staan. Dat betekent nog niet dat terroristen zo binnen zouden zijn, benadrukt ze. ,,We hebben vijf beveiligingsschillen. Per schil wordt het steeds moeilijker om verder binnen te komen." NRG, dat de kernreactor in Petten beheert, wil geen uitspraken doen over de beveiliging.

Het Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie zegt aan alle internationale eisen voor beveiliging te voldoen. ,,Zodra er sprake van concrete dreiging is, wordt direct overlegd of andere maatregelen, zoals bewapende bewaking, nodig zijn," aldus woordvoerder Lodewijk Hekking.

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