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Lev Parnas

Een "zakenman" die in Oekraine in de raad van bestuur van een Oekrains gasdistributeur zou komen. Vervolgens zou hij 100 scheepsladingen per jaar LNG vanuit de US naar Oekraine gaan regelen. Rudy Giuliani had de regie hierover.
Marie Yovanovitch was US ambassadrice in Oekraine. Zij was tegen dit plan van Giuliani.
Uiteindelijk heeft Giuliani via Trump bereikt dat zij werd ontheven uit haar functie.
Zij was een belangrijke getuige bij de House Impeachment Hearings.

Echter voordat zij ontslagen werd heeft een groep geprobeerd haar uit de weg te ruimen.

Dit blijkt uit documenten van Lev Parnas.
Lev Parnas is inmiddels gearresteerd en er loopt een rechtszaak tegen hem.
Hij heeft beloofd mee te werken.
Heeft documenten gegeven aan het House Committee dat onderzoek doet in Trump's impeachment.

Deze documenten betreffen telefoon gesprekken via sociale media door Robert Hyde
Robert Hyde wil zich selecteren voor de 11 augustus 2020 primary election als Republikeins vertegenwoordig voor de november house verkiezing namens een district in Connecticut.


Uit de documenten die Lev Parnas heeft vrijgegeven komen berichten voor dat Robert Hyde, samen met bondgenoten, US Ambassadrice Marie Yovanovitch uit de weg had willen ruimen.

Berichten van Robert Hyde
Zij (Marie Yovanovitch) is overgeplaatst naar een gebouw naast de ambassade. Staat onder speciale beveiliging.


Meerdere berichten van Robert Hyde

Robert Hyde zegt dan
They are willing to help if we/you would like a price
Guess you can do anything in Ukraine with money....what I was told

en dan
They will let me know if she is on he move


Het plan was om US Ambassadrice Marie Yovanovitch uit de weg te ruimen door haar om te brengen.

En deze bewijzen zijn nu in handen van het House Committee.



Ambassadrice Yovanovitch heeft getuigd voor het House Committee

Onder meer over haar plotselinge vertrek uit Oekraine
Ze kreeg te horen dat ze onmiddellijk Oekraine moest verlaten en terug gaan naar de US. Ze begreep er niets van
Hier haar uitleg bij de hearing van het House Committee
pagina 1

Plein777 schreef op 15 januari 2020 08:29:

Ik verheug mij op de John Bolton getuigenis.
Het zal je zoveelste teleurstelling zijn. Je verheugt je al 3 jaar om niets.

enwatnu schreef op 15 januari 2020 08:38:

[...]Het zal je zoveelste teleurstelling zijn. Je verheugt je al 3 jaar om niets.
Nee hoor het Witte Huis onder deze maffiabaas is nog veel beter geschreven dan de TV serie West wing en ook spannender dan de Netflix serie House of Cards :-)
Het (deel)akkoord tussen China en de VS gaat morgen getekend worden.

Het stelt niets voor, maar het biedt Trump zijn persmomentje en hij maakt er wel weer een "beste akkoord ooit" momentje van.
Al Kipone
Ukraine prosecutor offered information related to Biden in exchange for ambassador’s ouster, newly released materials show

New materials released by House Democrats appear to show Ukraine’s top prosecutor offering an associate of President Trump’s personal attorney, Rudolph W. Giuliani, damaging information related to former vice president Joe Biden if the Trump administration recalled the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine.

The text messages and documents provided to Congress by former Giuliani associate Lev Parnas also show that before the ambassador, Marie Yovanovitch, was removed from her post, a Parnas associate now running for Congress sent menacing text messages suggesting that he had Yovanovitch under surveillance in Ukraine. A lawyer for Yovanovitch said Tuesday that the episode should be investigated.

The cache of materials released by House investigators late Tuesday exposed a number of previously unknown details about efforts by Giuliani and his associates to obtain material in Ukraine that would undermine Trump’s Democratic opponents.

Al Kipone
Giuliani sought private meeting with Ukrainian president, documents show
The records, released by the House Democrats, also appear to show that former Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch was being monitored.


Rudy Giuliani wrote a letter requesting a private meeting with Volodymyr Zelenskiy, then the president-elect of Ukraine, with President Donald Trump's "knowledge and consent," according to records released Tuesday by House Democrats.

The letter was part of the evidence turned over to the House impeachment investigators by lawyers for Lev Parnas, the Giuliani associate who is awaiting trial on campaign finance charges. It bolsters Democrats' argument that Giuliani was doing Trump's bidding by trying to dig up dirt on political rival Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee.

Trump has previously tried to distance himself from his attorney's effort, saying in November that "I didn't direct him."

The records turned over by Parnas' attorneys also appear to show that former Ukraine Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch was being closely monitored by a Republican congressional candidate, her physical movements tracked in real time along with her computer and phone use.

A statement from House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and other top Democrats said the information would be forwarded to the Senate along with the articles of impeachment. "All of this new evidence confirms what we already know: the President and his associates pressured Ukrainian officials to announce investigations that would benefit the President politically," the statement said.

The letter, written on Giuliani's letterhead, was dated May 10, 2018.

"Dear President-Elect Zelensky: I am private counsel to President Donald J. Trump. Just to be precise, I represent him as a private citizen, not as President of the United States. This is quite common under American law because the duties and privileges of a President and a private citizen are not the same. Separate representation is not the same," the unusual letter begins.

He congratulated on Zelenskiy on his election win, and then requested a sit-down with him to discuss a "specific request."

"In my capacity as personal counsel to President Trump and with his knowledge and consent, I request a meeting with you on this upcoming Monday May 13th or Tuesday May 14th. I will need no more than a half-hour of your time and I will be accompanied by my colleague Victoria Toensing, a distinguished American attorney who is very familiar with this matter," the letter says.

The subject of the "specific request" isn't mentioned, but the letter came one day after Giuliani told The New York Times he was traveling to Ukraine to find out information about work Biden's son had done for a Ukrainian gas company. "We're not meddling in an election. We’re meddling in an investigation, which we have a right to do," Giuliani told the paper then.

Trump, in a July 25 phone call, asked Zelenskiy to investigate former Vice President Biden and his son Hunter Biden, as a well as a conspiracy involving Democrats and the 2016 election. That call led the House to launch a formal impeachment inquiry into Trump's dealings with Ukraine.

Al Kipone
Parnas Associate Tracked Ousted Ambassador’s Movements in Kyiv: Docs

“They will let me know when she’s on the move… They are willing to help if you/we would like a price.”

In one exchange from March 2019, Robert F. Hyde, a Trump donor and Republican Congressional candidate whose involvement in the Ukraine saga has not been previously detailed, sent a series of texts to Parnas that implied he had access to people tracking Yovanovitch's movements in Kyiv, according to the newly released documents.

They know she’s a political puppet,” Hyde texted. “They will let me know when she’s on the move… They are willing to help if you/we would like a price.

“Guess you can do anything in Ukraine with money… what I was told,” Hyde messaged. Parnas responded: “LOL.”

Shortly after the text exchanges were released Tuesday, a lawyer for Yovanovitch called for an investigation into the “disturbing” claim that she was being stalked while serving in Ukraine.

“Needless to say, the notion that American citizens and others were monitoring Ambassador Yovanovitch’s movements for unknown purposes is disturbing,” Lawrence Robbins said in a statement. “We trust that the appropriate authorities will conduct an investigation to determine what happened.”

A photo of Hyde on Parnas’ phone matches that of the Connecticut-based Republican running for U.S. House, and Parnas’ attorney, Joseph A. Bondy, confirmed to The Daily Beast that it is indeed the same Hyde. Up until this point, Hyde was best-known for an offensive tweet about Sen. Kamala Harris that drew widespread condemnation.

Reached for comment on the text messages by The Daily Beast on Tuesday night, Hyde texted, “Bull Schiff is a giant b*tch.”


NewKidInTown schreef op 15 januari 2020 00:09:

Het gaat nog veel "gezelliger" worden in de US.

"'Gulags Weren't That Bad': Sanders Staffer Says Trump Supporters Will Need To Be 'Re-Educated In Camps'"

"An undercover operative for Project Veritas has filmed a rabid Bernie Sanders field organizer who claims that "cities will burn" if President Trump is reelected this year, and that Trump supporters will need to be reeducated in literal gulags, similar to what Germany did to 'Nazified' Germans after World War II."

"Do you want to fight against the revolution? You're gonna die for it motherf**ker." - Kyle Jurek"

"The Sanders organizer also predicts violence if Bernie doesn't get the Democratic nomination, and that "Milwaukee will burn." "

Alleen wanneer je je exclusief interesseert voor "gezellige" nieuws media.
Met name de extreem rechts georiënteerde media, die graag een sensatie verhaal plaatsen om de Democraten ergens van te beschuldigen, liefst met een hoog conspiracy gehalte.

Laten we dit "gezellige" verhaal eens nader bekijken.

De link is van ZeroHedge en het artikel is geschreven door Tyler Durden.

WikiPedia over ZeroHedge :
Zero Hedge
Opgericht 2009

1 Zero Hedge of ZeroHedge is een Amerikaanse financiële nieuwssite, feedreader en collectie van blogs. De website bericht over de economie, Wall Street en de financiële sector.
2 De nieuwssectie wordt geschreven door enkele auteurs die tezamen het pseudoniem "Tyler Durden" gebruiken,
naar een personage uit de film Fight Club en het gelijknamige boek van Chuck Palahniuk waar de film op is gebaseerd.
3 Het motto van de site is "On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero."; dit komt ook daarvandaan.
4 Een van de schrijvers is de voormalige beurshandelaar Dan Ivandjiiski, die bestraft werd wegens handelen met voorkennis en niet meer op Wall Street mocht handelen.

ZeroHedge schrijft .... An undercover operative for Project Veritas has filmed...

WikiPedia over Project Veritas :

A Project Veritas is an American Right-wing activist group.
B The group uses "disguises and hidden cameras to uncover supposed liberal bias and corruption".
C The group is known for producing deceptively edited videos about media organizations and left-leaning groups
D In a 2018 book on propaganda and disinformation in U.S. politics, three Harvard University scholars refer to Project Veritas as a "right-wing disinformation outfit".

En welke nieuwsmedia nemen dit verhaal over en verspreiden het bericht van Project Veritas :
Washington Examiner, Washington Times, Breitbart.com
en pagina 2 van de zoekmachine
Daily Caller

Geen enkel gerenommeerde nieuws medium, zoals CNN, NBC etc heeft melding gemaakt van dit bericht van Project Veritas.

Het gaat nog veel "gezelliger" worden in de US.
We zouden het bijna geloven, ware het niet dat de bronnen van bedenkelijke aard zijn.

ZeroHedge plaatst een stuk geschreven door Tyler Durden.
Tyler Durden is een verzonnen naam. De naam is gebaseerd op de held van de film Fight Club.

Hoe serieus wil je je nieuws informatie hebben?


Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev submitted his resignation to President Vladimir Putin, hours after the leader's state of the nation address on the need for reforms to the Cabinet and constitution



Medvedev’s resignation followed Putin’s annual state of the nation address earlier Wednesday. During his speech, the Russian leader proposed amending the constitution to increase the powers of prime ministers and Cabinet members.

The proposed move is seen as part of Putin’s efforts to carve out a new position of power for himself to stay at the helm after his current term as president ends in 2024.

Officieel zit in 2024 Putin's termijn erop als President van Rusland.

Lijkt er sterk op dat hij niet wil opstappen en er mogelijk aan denkt President voor het leven te worden, net als Xi Ping in China.

Er is zelfs een oligarch in Rusland die Putin tot Tsar wil verheffen.

President Putin’s critics have long accused him of ruling Russia like an all-powerful tsar. Now, a Kremlin-linked tycoon is aiming to make it a reality.

Konstantin Malofeev, 45, is pumping funds into a new political party that aims to restore the Russian monarchy and crown Mr Putin as Tsar Vladimir.

Mr Malofeev owns the Tsargrad television channel, an ultraconservative media outlet that has been described as “Russia’s Fox News”.

Putin heeft de eerste stap al gezet. Medvedev stapt op als Prime minister. En hij heeft een State of the Nation speech gegeven waarin hij zegt dat er hervormingen moeten komen in het Kabinet en de Grondwet.
In de Grondwet staat dat in 2024 zijn termijn er op zit en hij niet herkozen mag worden. Een kleine wijziging in de Grondwet en Putin kan aanblijven. Gaat heel simpel in Rusland.

Uit documenten van de gearresteerde Lev Parnas dat blijkt het leven van toenmalig US Ambassadrice Marie Yovanovitch ernstig in gevaar was.

Het House Committee on Foreign Affairs wil nu opheldering van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken.

INBOX: House Foreign Affairs Chair Eliot Engel wants the State Department to provide "documents, information, and a briefing from senior officials" on potential threats to Ambassador Yovanovitch's security, as revealed in yesterday's Lev Parnas probe.


Al Kipone
Lev Parnas reveals a new Ukraine quid pro quo

From the start of the Ukraine scandal, Marie Yovanovitch has been something of a tangent. She was related to the whole thing in that she was removed as U.S. ambassador to Ukraine while all of this was going on. The manner of her ouster was particularly ugly, with witnesses describing it as a “smear campaign.” The easy theory — and one espoused by Democrats at impeachment hearings — was that it was all because she was an obstacle to the Trump team’s efforts to secure politically helpful investigations of former vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

New documents from Lev Parnas, though, suggest something more specific afoot: an effort to remove Yovanovitch as a favor to Ukraine in exchange for information on the Bidens — essentially, another quid pro quo.

Al Kipone
Lev Parnas and Rudy Giuliani have demolished Trump’s claims of innocence

New documents show why the president has been trying to hide evidence from Congress.

Americans who have been wondering why President Trump has taken the extraordinary step of trying to block every document from being released to Congress in his impeachment inquiry need wonder no longer. The new documents released Tuesday evening by the House Intelligence Committee were devastating to Trump’s continuing — if shifting — defense of his Ukraine extortion scandal, just days before his impeachment trial is likely to begin in the Senate. These new documents demolish at least three key defenses to which Trump and his allies have been clinging: that he was really fighting corruption when he pressured Ukraine on matters related to the Biden family; that Hunter Biden should be called as a witness at the Senate impeachment trial; and that there’s no need for a real, honest-to-goodness trial in the Senate.

The most basic principles of constitutional law require relevant information, including documents and executive branch witnesses, to be turned over to Congress in an impeachment proceeding. Particularly because sitting presidents cannot be indicted, impeachment is the only immediate remedy we the people have against a lawless president. For that remedy to have any teeth, relevant information has to be provided. That’s why President James Polk said that, during impeachment, Congress could “penetrate into the most secret recesses of the Executive Departments … command the attendance of any and every agent of the Government, and compel them to produce all papers, public or private, official or unofficial.” No president, not even Richard Nixon, thought he could just say “no” to impeachment. That’s why the House added Article II to Trump’s impeachment: “Obstruction of Congress.” It was a response to an unprecedented attempt by a president to hide the truth.

New evidence for impeachment keeps turning up. That's why we need a real trial.

The documents released Tuesday show what Trump has been so afraid of. For starters, they prove that his already-eyebrow-raising claim to have been fighting corruption in Ukraine was bogus. Notes taken by Lev Parnas — who is an associate of Trump’s personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani and is now facing federal criminal charges — show what his and Giuliani’s mission was when they got in touch with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky: “get Zalensky to Announce that the Biden case will Be Investigated.” Look hard at the real goal here: not to prompt an investigation of Hunter Biden, but to score an announcement of a Biden investigation. Pursuing an announcement, rather than an investigation, makes sense only if Trump’s objective was to dirty the reputation of Joe Biden, a leading political rival.

*Trump: een geweldige deal en een belangrijke stap naar eerlijke en wederkerige handel
*President Trump en vicepremier Liu He tekenen eerste deel handelsakkoord

Bron Binck

Putin heeft een nieuwe Prime Minister.

Putin puts forward little-known tax chief as new Russian PM: Kremlin

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday formally put forward Mikhail Mishustin, the little-known head of Russia’s Federal Tax Service, to be Russia’s new prime minister, the Kremlin said.

Een schoolvoorbeeld en een Master Class in de praktijk inzake :

Hoe help ik ,(Vladimir Putin), de Democratie om zeep en wordt langzaam maar zeker een dictator met absolute macht.

Stelt nu zijn het Hoofd van de Russische Belastingdienst aan als Prime Minister.
Deze man moet wel als een hielenlikker van Putin handelen, want Putin heeft zoveel belastend materiaal van deze man. Putin kan hem zo de bak in laten draaien.

Dit is een van de bekendste wapen feiten van het Russische Hoofd Belastingen

In 2009, Russian tax accountant Sergei Magnitsky died in a Moscow prison after investigating a $230 million fraud involving Russian tax officials.
Magnitsky was accused of committing the fraud himself and detained.
While in prison, Magnitsky developed gall stones, pancreatitis and calculous cholecystitis and was refused medical treatment for months.
After almost a year of imprisonment, he was allegedly beaten to death while in custody.
Magnitsky's friend Bill Browder, a prominent American-born businessman working extensively in the Russian Federation after the collapse of the USSR, publicized the case and lobbied American officials to pass legislation sanctioning Russian individuals involved in corruption.
Browder brought the case to Senators Benjamin Cardin and John McCain, who proceeded to propose legislation


Terwijl de nu aangestelde Prime Minister van het Kremlin, hoofd Belastingen was, verdonkeremaanden zijn ambtenaren $ 230 miljoen. Dit geld hoorde het Russische volk toe e komen, maar verdween naar het buitenland.

Hoe corrupt wil je het hebben.
Al Kipone
Lev Parnas wordt vanavond om 9 uur (EST) geinterviewed on The Rachel Maddow Show (MSNBC).....

Plein777 schreef op 15 januari 2020 08:29:

Ik verheug mij op de John Bolton getuigenis.
Momenteel is Bolton in Doha, Qatar gesignaleerd.


Dezelfde ring.



Aan de lengte van zijn broekspijp te zien verwacht hij hoog water in Doha.

Er is overigens niets mis mee wanneer hij in Qatar is. In Doha Qatar zit een grote luchtmacht basis van de US waar tussen de 10 en 15 duizend Amerikanen gelegerd zijn.

Of hij zich meldt voor het impeachment trial indien hij als getuige opgeroepen wordt moeten we afwachten.
Een vliegreis van Doha naar Washington is makkelijk te doen.
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