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26 GW renewable energy tenders issued, says IREDA chairman

Economic Times reported that government is planning incentives to promote renewable power and it has already issued tenders for setting up 26-GW clean energy capacities. Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) Chairman K S Popli said India is planning to produce 50 GW (from clean energy sources) in the next few years. He said "Efficiency of solar cell is going up and we will witness commercial production in the next few years and policies are being relooked.”

He also said that payment security system needs to be enhanced and suggested that some financial institutions should tie up with state governments which would be a win-win situation for both.

Popli said quality issues are prevalent in some projects and added that technology prices, however, have now become competitive.

Source : Economic Times
Spain sets goal to achieve 100pct renewable electricity by 2050

Spain is making major changes to its grid. By 2050, the country plans to transition to 100 percent renewable electricity and it’s already shuttering multiple coal mines to get there. As The Guardian reports, the 2050 plan would slash Spain’s carbon emissions by 90 percent, when compared to 1990 levels. It calls for no new licenses for fracking wells, hydrocarbon exploitation, and fossil fuel drills, a move that builds on the country’s previous announcement that it would close most of its coal mines by the end of this year.

The government will have to install a minimum 3,000 megawatts of wind and solar power capacity each year over the next decade to reach its goal. To that end, Spain is also earmarking a fifth of the state budget for measures to address climate change. The strategy, as outlined in a draft law, would allow the country to decarbonize its economy soon after the 2050 electricity transition. It would exceed some of the EU’s current environmental targets in the process, potentially positioning Spain as a leader on climate action.

Ms Christina Figueres, a former executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, said in a statement that “The draft Spanish climate law is an excellent example of the implementation of the Paris agreement. It sets a long-term goal, provides incentives on scaling up zero emission technologies and cares about a good transition for the workforce. As an early mover Spain will gain economically and create new jobs in the renewables sector.”

Some of those jobs will likely go to former coal miners. The socialist government is promising a “just transition” for fossil fuel employees as it proceeds with a scheduled shutdown of 10 coal plants by the end of 2018. Miners over 48 will gain access to early retirement funds, while younger workers will receive training in greener industries.

Government and public sector agencies will also have to change the way they do business. The plan stipulates that they only lease buildings with nearly zero energy consumption, The Guardian writes. This plank feeds into a smaller target of improving energy efficiency by 35 percent in 2030 — a share that’s higher than the comparable 2030 EU target of 32.5 percent.

Mr Laurence Tubiana CEO of the European Climate Foundation, said in a statement that “By planning on going carbon neutral Spain shows that the battle against climate change is deadly serious, that they are ready to step up, and plan to reap the rewards of decarbonization.”

The draft law does not include concrete phaseout dates for dirty electricity. But, as The Independent notes, Spain will present its long-term climate plans to the European Commission at the end of November. That’s right before the nearly 200 signatories of the Paris Agreement are scheduled to meet in Poland over nearly two weeks in December. The countries will convene to set or adjust rules designed to implement the goals of the agreement and Spain may have just given them new ideas.

Source : Green Matters
Spain Endesa to boost investment in renewable energy

Reuters reported that Spanish energy group Endesa plans to raise investment in renewables over the next three years and trim the proportion of profits it will pay in dividends. In an update to its strategic plan, Endesa laid out proposals for 5 billion euros (USD 5.7 billion) in net capital expenditure, with investments in renewables like wind and hydropower taking the lion's share each year.

It committed to continuing an existing policy of paying 100 per cent of net profit to shareholders until 2020, but set an 80 per cent limit for payments in 2021.

Setting new forecasts for earnings in the period, Endesa said it expected annual net profit growth to pick up to around 7 per cent - versus around 6 per cent in its previous plan with the total hitting 1.8 billion euros in 2021.

Endesa's parent, Italian utility Enel, pledged to invest more in its green energy and network businesses to boost earnings and meet growing demand for electricity and new digital services.

Spurred by stricter government targets to contain climate change, Europe's power sector is increasingly turning to renewable energy as new technology helps drive down costs.

In Spain, investors are coming back to green power some six years after the government cut subsidies to balance a tariff deficit, leading many to flee the sector.

Source : Reuters
Enel 2019 - 2021 Strategic Plan

Global macro trends such as decarbonisation, coupled with electrification, urbanisation, and digitalisation are shaping the world of energy into a new ecosystem that is progressively transforming utilities’ traditional business model. Renewables, network infrastructures and new energy services are cornerstones of the sector’s transformation and, at the same time, of Enel’s sustainable and innovation-driven strategy, which has customers as its core. Enel’s new strategic plan is designed to maximise the opportunities created by the energy transition and to minimise the risks associated with unpredictability.

Industrial Growth: the Group is expected to deploy 27.5 billion euros of gross capex over the plan period, resulting in 3.2 billion euro incremental ordinary EBITDA, fueled by the full spectrum of investments in the three categories of Asset Development, Customers and Asset Management

Decarbonisation, in particular, paves the way for value creation, with renewables expected to generate a total of 1 billion euros of incremental EBITDA between 2018 and 2021; investments focused on markets with an integrated presence and on mature economies, enabling the Group to improve profitability and achieve its decarbonisation objectives. In 2021, 62% of Enel Group’s power production is set to be emission-free, vs. 48% estimated in 2018

Operational Efficiency: 1.2 billion euros of cumulated benefits from efficiencies planned by 2021, mainly from digitalisation

Simplification: Enel will continue to increase its economic interest in subsidiaries, advancing their integration into the Group and streamlining its portfolio via asset rotation, further optimising the overall return as well as risk profile

Human capital: SDGs commitment relaunched to 2030. Shared Value approach to communities and people embedded in Group’s core business processes; specific additional targets introduced for SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) and 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities)

Improved return on invested capital supporting dividend growth: investments skewed towards higher returns activities, efficiencies and focus on portfolio optimisation are expected to yield 400 basis points value creation on 6.2% WACC in 2021, with an over 1.5 times increase on 2018 yields

Shareholder remuneration: dividend pay-out confirmed at 70% of Group net ordinary income from 2019 onwards with a CAGR of the implicit dividend per share (“DPS”) of around +12%; a minimum DPS is extended for the first time over the next three years, ensuring a CAGR of around +9%

Francesco Starace, CEO and General Manager of Enel said that “Since 2015 we have delivered on all of our targets through a significant improvement in cash flow generation, which, combined with an acceleration on growth, has allowed us to increase our shareholder remuneration, raising DPS from 0.16 to 0.28 euros per share in 2018, and expand our pay-out ratio that is set to remain stable at 70% over the plan period.

Renewables and network operations drove our investment strategy that is focused on a shorter time to market and a higher degree of flexibility to better cope with the progressive transformation of the industry.

A sound industrial growth and the efficiency programmes implemented so far have enabled us to progressively increase our ordinary EBITDA to 16.2 billion euros by end 2018, a level we committed to reach back in 2015 and that we constantly confirmed. Moreover, in the last three years, around 8 billion euros were recycled through our active portfolio management, using funds to further simplify the company’s structure and to pursue acquisitions, the most recent being Eletropaulo that increased our customer base by another 7 million, reinforcing Enel’s worldwide leadership in distribution networks.

Today’s Enel is a more sustainable, efficient, profitable and lower risk organisation.

The transformation under way in our industry is presenting challenges but also opening new opportunities. We are well positioned to create value in this transformation. Enel’s strategy is at this stage inherently sustainable, having embedded Shared Value concepts and Open Innovation practices in all its core business processes.

The solidity of our 2019-2021 plan allows us to improve our ordinary EBITDA targets for 2019 and 2020 and introduce new upward targets for 2021. The robustness of this strategy will translate, for the first time, into a minimum dividend per share over the full length of our plan. We remain confident and motivated in pursuing our growth trajectory for the foreseeable future.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Al 70.000 huishoudens lid van lokale energiecoöperatie voor groene stroom
De hoeveelheid groene stroom die wordt opgewekt door lokale energiecoöperaties is afgelopen jaar sterk gegroeid. Buren investeren niet alleen samen in zonne- en windenergieprojecten, maar ook in gasloze verwarming, buurtopslag, laadpalen en deelauto's.

Annemieke van Dongen 23-11-18, 06:00
Het aantal energiecoöperaties steeg afgelopen jaar met 20 procent tot 484, blijkt vandaag uit uit Lokale Energie Monitor 2018 van Stichting HIER opgewekt. Bijna 70.000 Nederlanders zijn lid van een lokale energiecoöperatie. Opgeteld wekken die nu genoeg stroom op voor ruim 140.000 huishoudens. Op korte termijn staat er nog minstens een verdubbeling op de planning, blijkt uit de inventarisatie.

Particulieren en kleine ondernemers brachten bijna 100 miljoen euro bij elkaar voor collectieve zonneprojecten. Zij investeerden samen in zonneakkers of panelen op bijvoorbeeld daken van sporthallen of veestallen en profiteren vervolgens van de opbrengsten. Afgelopen jaar kwamen er in het hele land 173 van zulke projecten bij, waarmee de teller nu op 450 staat. Het aantal windmolens dat eigendom is van mensen uit de omgeving, groeit eveneens snel: afgelopen jaar met 40 procent.

Werk aan de winkel
Lokale energiecoöperaties zijn een cruciale schakel in het Klimaatakkoord. Komende jaren moeten op land honderden windmolens en zonneakkers worden bijgebouwd. Afgelopen jaren liepen zulke bouwprojecten veel vertraging op doordat omwonenden ertegen protesteerden. Door buren te laten meebeslissen en meeprofiteren, zijn bezwaarprocedures te voorkomen. In 2030 moet daarom de helft van alle windmolens op land en zonneprojecten eigendom zijn van de lokale omgeving.

Daarvoor is nog veel werk aan de winkel: de huidige collectieve windmolens zijn samen goed voor slechts 5 procent van de op land opgewerkte wind-energie. Het gros van de windmolens is eigendom van commerciële energiebedrijven. Bij zonne-energie gaat het nu om 2,6 procent van het totaal: verreweg de meeste zonnepanelen liggen op particuliere daken en in commerciële zonneakkers.

Elke coöperatie voert actief campagne in zijn eigen omgeving. Zo leveren ze een belangrij­ke bijdrage aan de energie­tran­si­tie

Katrien Prins, Klimaatbureau HIER
De feitelijke bijdrage van de 70.000 Nederlandse energiecoöperatieleden gaat echter verder, zegt woordvoerder Katrien Prins van HIER. ,,Elke coöperatie voert actief campagne in zijn eigen omgeving. Zo leveren ze een belangrijke bijdrage aan de energietransitie.” Zij signaleert dat energiecoöperaties met steeds weer nieuwe ideeën komen. ,,Zo komt coöperatief autodelen nu echt van de grond en zijn er tal van voorbeelden van coöperatieve laadpalen, buurtopslag en digitale energiehandel tussen bewoners.’’

Burgers organiseren zich volgens het Klimaatbureau HIER ook steeds vaker in collectief wijkverband om samen te zoeken naar alternatieven voor aardgas. De eerste warmtecoöperaties zijn opgericht in Den Haag, Amsterdam en Wageningen en in minstens 17 wijken zijn bewoners druk bezig met plannen. Daarnaast zijn de eerste twee biogasprojecten van start gegaan.

De meest energiecoöperaties zijn te vinden in Noord-Holland (77) en Gelderland (66). In 2018 zijn in Noord-Holland (15), Zuid-Holland (12) en Groningen (11) de meeste nieuwe coöperaties opgericht.

Kosovo shuts down 200 MW power plant unit due to boiler leakage

Reuters reported that Kosovo's power utility KEK had reconnected one 200 megawatt unit at its Kosova A coal-fired power plant to the grid but had been forced to shut down another 200 MW unit due to a boiler leakage. Kosovo, which relies on coal for most of its electricity generation, has been experiencing an electricity shortage and frequent blackouts since Nov. 21 due to outages which have halved its power output to 400 megawatt hours.

KEK told Reuters that "Our teams are doing their best while working in extremely difficult conditions to repair these defects and restore the A3 unit to production.”

KEK's ageing power plants have capacity to produce 800 MWh, while domestic demand due to colder weather has reached 1,100 MWh. A 264 MW unit at the Kosova B coal-fired power plant is also offline for a regular overhaul that is due for completion on Dec. 15.

The utility said it had informed all market players about the shortfall, adding that it was up to distributor KEDS to fill the gap.

Source : Reuters
ExxonMobil to power oil production using solar, wind farms

Business Amlive reported that ExxonMobil is looking to renewable energy sources to power its shale production in the Permian basin as it signs a deal with Orsted, a Danish renewable energy company to buy 500 megawatts of electricity produced by solar and wind farms. The electricity Exxon will be buying from Orsted will be produced at two farms, Sage Draw wind farm and Permian Solar farm, both of which are still under construction to be completed in early 2020s.

As solar and wind power become cheaper and demand for shale is soaring, it seems the time is apparently right for ExxonMobil to start looking to renewables.

An Exxon spokeswoman said in a statement that “We frequently evaluate opportunities to diversify our power supply and ensure competitive costs.”

The Permian is the shale play where production is growing the fastest and with it demand for electricity is growing, too. Bloomberg reports that just one part of the Permian, the Delaware Basin, consumed 350 megawatts (MW) of electricity this summer, which was triple the consumption three years ago. This amount is enough to power almost 300,000 households and it is set for another triple increase, according to utilities, in the next four years.

The company has been the target of a lot of criticism and lawsuits regarding its attitude to climate change and renewable energy use. Bloomberg earlier this year reported that Exxon was looking to seal a deal for the purchase of electricity produced from renewable sources. At the time, a source close to the company said it was looking for long-term contracts of 12, 15, or even 20 years, for the supply of at least 100 megawatts.

Source : Business Amlive
Poland plans new coal mine as climate talks loom - Mr Tobiszowski

Reuters reported that Poland will start investing in a new coal mine next year in the south of the country, Deputy Energy Minister Mr Grzegorz Tobiszowski said on Thursday, a few days before UN climate talks start there in one of the country's most polluted cities. "We're planning an investment next year in building a new coal mine in Silesia, as this could make sense," Tobiszowski told a press conference. He declined to give any further details.

Mr Tobiszowski also said, referring to Poland's increased coal imports, mostly from Russia as domestic production has fallen "Poland needs coal and either this will be our coal or from outside."

The most important UN climate conference since the Paris Agreement of 2015 opens on Sunday in Katowice in Silesia to try to work out a rule book for enforcing the pact. Ahead of the talks, the European Union's climate chief has called for the bloc to take the lead and aim for net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

Energy Minister Krzysztof Tchorzewski told the same press conference "I don't see that in 2050 there will be no coal-fuelled power plants in Poland. The life span of power plants will not end in 2050."

A draft version of Poland's long-term energy strategy lays out plans to reduce the share of coal in power production to around 60 percent by 2030 from around 80 percent now.

Source : Reuters
Indonesia Minister of Energy struggles to meet renewable energy target

Voa News reported that Indonesian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignasius Jonan is unlikely to meet renewable energy targets it set after the Paris climate agreement, causing critics to call for changes in government policy. At the recent Indonesia Clean Energy Forum (ICEF) in Jakarta, Indonesian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Ignasius Jonan said he is pessimistic Indonesia will be able to meet its target of having 23 percent of its energy come from renewables such as solar and wind by 2025.

Mr Jonan said that “I’m worried we can’t reach 23 percent. Maybe we will try until 20 percent more or less.”

According to Fabby Tumiwa, the executive director of Institute for Essential Services Reform, Jonan’s statement reflected the current condition where development of renewable energy is stalling. In July, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo launched two wind power plants in Indonesia, a 75 Megawatt plant in Sidrap and a 70 Megawatt plant in Jeneponto, both in South Sulawesi.

But even then, renewable energy is only 13 percent of the total electricity produced in the country, mainly from geothermal and hydro. Mr Tumiwa told VOA said that “And for the last three years, there hasn’t been a new and significant project for renewable energy that is being developed.”

Source : Voa News
GE keen to promote small fuel-efficient power plants

General Electric Power, the world’s leader in gas turbine technology, is keen to increase adoption of its cost-effective and fuel efficient aeroderivative plants for power production in Pakistan. Martin O’ Neill, the Aero/Gas Turbine Cross-Fleet Product Line Leader for GE’s Power Services business, told The News that aeroderivative plants are often seen as a good choice in smaller scale, for up to 100 megawatts of electricity generation, with up to 45 percent efficiency compared to up to 35 percent for heavier gas turbines.

“The turbines are also popular due to their fuel flexibility as they allow a combination of natural gas and liquid fuel operation,” Neill said. At present, there are close to a dozen aeroderivative units installed in Pakistan, mostly by independent power producers in south and southwestern region. GE’s existing clients include K-Electric and Engro Group.

GE’s marketing team is already in contact with potential customers and prospects of positive breakthroughs are high.

Neill said the ability of a gas turbine to operate on multiple fuels or to be reconfigured to operate on newer fuels means that a power plant is never locked-in to a single fuel. “If LM2500 machine (gas turbine) operates for 8,000 hours per year, switching to a fuel that costs one dollar less can generate a cost saving of $2.1 million per year,” he said. “From a local perspective, the electricity unit costs are approximately Rs8/kWh (kilowatt hour) on local gas fuel and Rs12/kWh on diesel fuel.”

An aeroderivative gas turbine is a jet engine modified for land and marine application (LM) to generate power or propulsion. These are a popular choice for energy generation because of reliability, efficiency and flexibility.

Based on advanced aircraft engine technologies and materials, they are significantly lighter, respond faster and have a smaller footprint compared with their heavy industrial gas turbine counterparts. GE has more than 40 years of experience with more than 3,000 aeroderivative gas turbines in operation globally.

Neill said GE offers a wide array of equipment options and models to meet the most challenging energy requirements. “We have the ability to guarantee outcomes for customers – cost, turn time, performance – and reduce or eliminate those risks for our customers.” Neill, citing a research company’s study, said, the global aeroderivative gas turbine industry is expected to grow at an annual rate of nearly five percent between 2016 and 2020.

“Aeroderivatives are likely to become the go-to technology to provide balancing services for renewable energy as there can be fluctuations in the production due to different factors,” he said.

Source : The News
Energierekening wordt volgend jaar 360 euro hoger

Stijgende tarieven en fors hogere belastingen drijven de energienota komend jaar omhoog. Een gemiddeld gezin gaat in 2019 liefst 360 euro meer betalen, becijfert energievergelijker Gaslicht.com.

David Bremmer 05-12-18, 06:00 Laatste update: 16:29

Helaas wordt de energieno­ta flink duurder in 2019
Stegen de energiekosten dit jaar al met gemiddeld 190 euro, in 2019 moeten consumenten nog dieper in de buidel tasten.

Eneco, één van de drie grote energiebedrijven, verhoogt op 1 januari zowel de stroom- als de gasprijs. Stroom wordt drie cent duurder per kilowattuur, gas 7 cent per kubieke meter. Een drie persoons gezin (3.500 kilowatt uur stroom en 1.500 kuub gas) is daardoor in 2019 ruim 200 euro extra kwijt, heeft Gaslicht.com berekend.

Eneco spreekt zelf over een stijging van gemiddeld 13 euro per maand. ,,De energierekening wordt vanaf januari helaas een stuk duurder,” zegt woordvoerder Kim Vogten. ,,De inkoopprijs van gas is momenteel zeer fors, CO2-emissierechten zijn duurder geworden, de energievraag is door de goed draaiende economie hoog.”

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Essent, Nuon

Wat niet meehelpt is dat meerdere Belgische kernreactoren door problemen stilliggen. Onze Zuiderburen kopen daardoor meer stroom in Nederland, wat de prijs opdrijft.

Geeft Eneco openheid, Nuon en Essent weigeren hun consumententarieven te onthullen. Gaslicht.com voorziet voor hen echter soortgelijke stijgingen.

Bij Essent wijzen de nieuwe zakelijke tarieven daar eveneens op. Die liggen beduidend hoger. Desgevraagd wil Essent toch summier reageren. ,,Goedkoper zullen de tarieven inderdaad niet worden,” erkent een woordvoerder.

Energie wordt duurder bij Eneco, Essent en Nuon zullen volgen, verwacht Gaslicht.com. © ANP XTRA

Duurzame energie
Naast de energietarieven nemen de belastingen ook hard toe. In 2019 betaalt een gemiddeld huishouden 160 euro meer.

Meer specifiek neemt de gastaks toe met 54 euro op jaarbasis. De zogenaamde ‘opslag duurzame energie’ - bedoeld om de overgang op groene energie te betalen - groeit met 68 euro. Het kabinet verlaagt verder de belastingvermindering op energie: huishoudens krijgen daardoor volgend jaar 61 euro minder korting.

Dan zijn er nog de netbeheerkosten: deze tarieven stijgen met 7 euro, een overigens zeer bescheiden toename. Een klein voordeeltje voor consumenten is er ook: de stroomtaks daalt net als vorig jaar met 30 euro.

© Thinkstock
Met name gas duurder
Ben Woldring, directeur van Gaslicht.com is niet verbaasd. ,,We zagen dit aankomen. De gasprijzen zijn flink gestegen dit jaar. En om de klimaatdoelen te halen zijn flinke investeringen nodig in groene energie en de elektriciteitsnetten.”

Al met al bestaat de energierekening inmiddels voor tweederde uit belastingen en netbeheerderskosten. Het valt Woldring op dat met name gas steeds duurder wordt. ,,De belasting op stroom blijft dalen, terwijl gas een steeds groter deel van de energierekening vormt.” De Groninger is kritisch op de steeds hogere gaskosten. ,,Het is logisch dat we van het gas af moeten, maar het gaat nu wel erg snel.”

Nieuws van 2016, state-of-the-art superhoogspanningslijn.

ABB levert transformatoren en uitrusting voor 1,1 miljoen Volt hoogspaningslijn Changji-Guquan link in China.
De lijn is 3000 km lang en heeft een capaciteit van 12000 MW

De lijn zou nu (2018) al klaar moeten zijn.

Voor de liefhebbers van superhoogspanningslijnen (UHVDC):

ABB en Siemens zijn volgens mij de hoofdrolspelers in de technologie.

Het Chinese Zundong Wannan projekt heeft een 1100kV lijn van 12GW over 3324km.
Als je 12 zulke lijnen aan elkaar knoopt heb je een hele aardomtrek.
Handig voor een www zonne-energienetwerk zonder batterijen.
12GW is genoeg voor 12 miljoen straalkacheltjes van 1kW.

Of 12 miljoen auto's kunnen dan 24kWh/dag laden. 24 kWh heb je nodig om je er 100 km mee te verplaatsen.
Floating power plant to be built in the Dominican Republic

Transcontinental Capital (Bermuda) has awarded a contract for the SCC-800 2x1C SeaFloat barge-mounted floating power plant in the Dominican Republic jointly to Siemens and the marine unit of ST Engineering. Under the contract, Siemens will provide its combined cycle power plant with a capacity of 145MW, while ST Engineering will provide services in engineering design, procurement and construction (EPC) of the floating power barge and the installation of the floating power plant, which is called as Estrella del Mar III.

Siemens Power and Gas Global Sales CEO Karim Amin said that “Our trendsetting SeaFloat technology combines state-of-the-art combined cycle power plant technology with the mobility and flexibility required by the current and future energy market. Our vision is a future with access to affordable but clean electricity and clean water for everyone. A tough challenge to achieve, but a necessity in light of climate change and the need to provide electrical energy for the world’s growing population.”

For this floating power plant, Siemens will also deliver its hybrid SIESTART solution, which is a mix of flexible (gas turbine) combined cycle power plant with a battery energy storage system.

Seaboard Estrella del Mar III will commence its operations in Santo Domingo in 2021.

ST Engineering Marine president Ng Sing Chan said that “This collaboration between ST Engineering and Siemens leverages each other’s strength and capabilities to design, build and deliver a technologically advanced floating power barge. We’re excited that in the end, the SCC-800 2×1 floating power plant will bring clean and green electrical energy solution to benefit more people in the Dominican Republic.

Transcontinental Capital (Bermuda), which is a subsidiary of Seaboard, chose an SCC-800 2×1 SeaFloat concept with two Siemens SGT-800 gas turbines and one SST-600 steam turbine due to constraints in free land and their earlier experience with power barges.

This concept enables the firm to raise its plant size as compared to a land-based power plant.

Furthermore, the gas and steam turbine generation sets are of one lift package design for floating applications and feature an integrated based frame design with a three-point mount.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
25MW Thermal Power Plant to Go on Stream in Gachsaran

In a bid to meet the increasing demand for electricity in Gachsaran, in Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad Province in the southwest, a small thermal power plant will be connected to the national grid by the end of the current fiscal (March 2019), said the managing director of Khuzestan Regional Electric Company.

According to the company’s website, Mahmoud Dasht-Bozorg said the plant built by the private sector will have a capacity of 25 megawatts and the KZREC has guaranteed to buy its electricity for five years.

Gachsaran is known as Iran's oil roof because of its lofty oil towers. It is home to the second largest oil field in Iran.

Located on the east of Behbahan in Khuzestan Province, Gachsaran has a population of 324,000 people and has 45,000 electricity subscribers.

Source : Financial Tribune
Four turbines at Kaduna Power Plant ready

This Day Live reported that the Minister of Power, Works and Housing, Mr Babatunde Fashola, has said four out of the eight turbines installed at the site of the 215 megawatts Kaduna power plant have been completed and ready to begin producing electricity to the national grid. Fashola, also said progress had been made at the plant since he last visited it about a year ago, noting that every megawatts of power that can be gotten from the plant would be added to the national grid. The minister stated this during his recent inspection of progress of work at the plant located in Kudenda area of Kaduna State.

Mr Fashola said about the progress of work at the plant that “We have also tested four of the turbines, preparatory for commissioning, so there are essentially four turbines that are ready to go. So, every megawatt we can deliver from this project, considering that each of the turbines is 25 megawatts, is additional power. Clearly this will boost our incremental power objective and we are on our way. It will just take those man hours and those challenges to get to our destination.”

Similarly, the Project Manager at Rockson Engineering which was contracted to build the plant, Mr Sunny Okwedi, stated that four out of the eight turbines in the plant had been completed and ready to be powered, but that the four completed turbines would not be switched on until the Power Control Motor was installed with the switch yard commissioned.

According to Mr Okwedi said that “We have done the cabling works, the pipe connection, the fuel tank with the switch yard and its control building almost completed. The PCM is already on site and from the discussion with our receiver managers, we are going to start the process of installation by next week.”

Meanwhile, the power ministry, in statement also stated that the federal government has signed a grant aid project with Japan for emergency rehabilitation and reinforcement of the Lagos electricity transmission substation.

It explained the grant was worth $21.088 million and the project would strengthen the power infrastructure and supply of Lagos as a commercial hub and industrial centre in Nigeria.

According to the ministry, the Minister of Budget and National Planning, Mr. Udoma Udo, signed the agreement recently in Abuja for the federal government, while Japanese Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Nigeria, Yutaka Kikuta, signed for the Japanese government.

It said, Udoma, explained that attaining some level of power sufficiency was one of the goals of the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan (ERGP) of the government.

He reportedly stated that “As you know, the ERGP sets out our four-year plan for the transformation of our country, the ERGP aims to restore growth, invest in people and build a globally competitive economy. But not just to restore growth, but a growth that is diversified, inclusive and sustainable.”

Mr Udoma, further said that “Amongst its execution priorities is the attainment of energy self-sufficiency in power and petroleum products.”

He said in 2016, Nigeria signed an Exchange of Note (E/N) for emergency improvement of electricity supply in Abuja with the government of Japan, adding that the project has been completed and ow contributing to improving power supply in Abuja.

Source : Thisday Live
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 EUR/USD 1,0753 -0,19%
 WTI 75,64 +0,50%
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer


ABN AMRO BANK... 0,00%
Accsys 0,00%
ACOMO 0,00%
ADYEN NV 0,00%


ABN AMRO BANK... 0,00%
Accsys 0,00%
ACOMO 0,00%
ADYEN NV 0,00%

EU stocks, real time, by Cboe Europe Ltd.; Other, Euronext & US stocks by NYSE & Cboe BZX Exchange, 15 min. delayed
#/^ Index indications calculated real time, zie disclaimer, streaming powered by: Infront