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Russische economie ligt helemaal op zijn gat en Rusland moet financieel aan de beademing, inkomens dalen en werkeloosheid gaat toenemen
Een tekort van euro 15 miljzrd afgelopen zomer

Government launches budget sequestration ( beslaglegging/inperking ) after biggest revenue collapse in 11 years

The finance ministry has told ministries that funding is being cut by 10% after a hole of 1.5 trillion rubles ( een gat van euro 15 miljard ) in the budget formed over the summer

Putin May Nothing To Left Gain In Ukraine (Besides Dead Russian Soldiers)

The highly successful but unexpected Ukrainian counteroffensive in the east has changed the battlefield situation in Ukraine in more than one way.

As a result of the Ukrainian blitzkrieg of last week, the Russian prospects in the Donbas, one of the main objectives of the Russian military in Ukraine, don’t look so good anymore.

The Situation in the Donbas

The success of the Russian efforts in the Donbas is now under question.

The Russian forces had been attacking from three directions: In the north from Izium, in the east from Lysychansk and Severodonetsk, and in the south from Donetsk City. The Russian strategy was to either push simultaneously from the three axes of advance or try to link two of them together and trap the Ukrainian forces. But now that is not possible anymore.

“The Ukrainian recapture of Izyum ended the prospect that Russia could accomplish its stated objectives in Donetsk Oblast,” the Institute for the Study of War assessed recently.

“The loss of Izyum dooms the initial Russian campaign plan for this phase of the war and ensures that Russian advances toward Bakhmut or around Donetsk City cannot be decisive (if they occur at all),” the Institute for the Study of War added.

When the Russian military launched its renewed offensive in the east in mid-May, the Kremlin came out with a new objective. Instead of overthrowing the Ukrainian government and capturing Kyiv, the new objective of the Russian military in Ukraine was to establish full control over the Donbas, which included the two pro-Russian breakaway territories of Luhansk and Donetsk, and also create and sustain a land corridor between the Donbas, south Ukraine, and occupied Crimea.

To be sure, the Russian prospects in the Donbas were always debatable, but the Russian military was making progress, though incredibly slow, and the cost of thousands of troops and materiel. Indeed, in three months of offensive operations in the Donbas over the summer, the Russian forces only managed to advance up to 12 miles (and in some locations, just 2 miles).

The Situation in the East

Meanwhile, in the east, the Ukrainian forces have redrawn the frontlines.

The Oskil River is now the natural barrier that divides the forces in the east. The Ukrainian forces occupy the east bank, and their Russian adversaries the west.

The war on that front now seems to have regained some “normalcy,” as the Ukrainian forces exhausted their offensive push and now have to regroup and recuperate, while taking consolidating their positions and making sense of the vast amount of equipment that the Russian military left behind.

“I think if anyone was surprised, just based on the reports that we’ve seen in terms of the Russian military’s response, it was probably the Russians,” Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder during a press briefing.

“Certainly, since the beginning of Russia’s invasion into Ukraine, we’ve seen the Ukrainians demonstrate a remarkable adaptability and their ability to use their warfighting capabilities to great effect. So, it’s not surprising to us that they have pushed as quickly as they have,” Ryder added.

This cartoon from the Financial Times is a brilliantly observed summary of the Putin-Jinping meeting.

With any luck, Xi will have told Vlad to get out of Ukraine if he wants to survive.

And, to not even think about using nukes.

cartoon :



tinus schreef op 15 september 2022 17:04:


ik zou zeggen meteen doen dan kunnen ze die brug bij de krim opblazen.
Helemaal mee eens.
Kijk eens wat die Russen zelf doen en dan zelf gaan dreigen. Ratten.
Overigens blijkt er niets uit te komen van hun dreigementen. Een grote hoop angst aanjagerij met hun prutsleger en prutseconomie.
Verpletteren die hap en wel zo snel mogelijk.
Ca 1 uur geleden :

Official reports another missile strike on Kryvyi Rih.

Russia has again hit hydraulic structures in Kryvyi Rih, Oleksandr Vilkul, the head of the city's


tinus schreef op 15 september 2022 17:04:

ik zou zeggen meteen doen dan kunnen ze die brug bij de krim opblazen.
10 redenen om van het opblazen van die brug af te zien:
Ik zal er 1 noemen:
Na het opblazen van die brug kan men er niet meer mee dreigen..
Nog 9:
The Crimean Bridge (also known as the Kerch Bridge) is a critical piece of infrastructure that connects Crimea to Russia. It connects civilians to the bigger country and allows Russia to transfer supplies and military equipment to the region. More than a half year into the war, Ukraine still has not targeted it. Why not? This video gives ten explanations, digging deeper into the underlying strategy of the conflict.

0:00 Why The Crimean Bridge Is Important
1:14 Military Difficulty
3:49 One-Time Cost
6:10 Tit-for-Tat Retaliation
7:29 Monitoring and Intelligence
8:31 Escape Route
9:33 Population Sorting
10:49 Civilian Casualties
11:12 Maintaining Moderates
13:29 Ukraine Wants the Bridge
14:43 Negotiated Settlement
16:59 Bonus Content


Nog steeds van mening, dat die brug kost wat kost per ommegaande opgeblazen dient te worden?
Another intercepted conversation with Russian soldier reveals cowardice of Kadyrov’s troops

Thu, September 15, 2022 at 1:41 PM·2 min read
The occupier also complained about constant shelling and
The occupier also complained about constant shelling and

In a new intercepted conversation released by the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine’s Defense Ministry, a Russian soldier calls Kadyrov’s soldiers “f***ing cowards.”

In the intercept, which the ministry posted on the Telegram messenger on Sept. 14, a Russian soldier can be heard telling his wife about how severely the Ukrainian army is beating them.

According to the invader, Kadyrov’s troops immediately retreat once the Armed Forces of Ukraine begin the shelling.


Lees verder:
Ukrainian forces have just discovered an abandoned Russian position, with fully functioning anti-aircraft systems, artillery pieces, a field kitchen, ammunition and a brand new drone.

Yet Russian sources still claim that this retreat is intentional & part of a 'greater strategy'.


Freemoneyforever schreef op 15 september 2022 18:30:


10 redenen om van het opblazen van die brug af te zien:
Ik zal er 1 noemen:
Na het opblazen van die brug kan men er niet meer mee dreigen..
Nog 9:
The Crimean Bridge (also known as the Kerch Bridge) is a critical piece of infrastructure that connects Crimea to Russia. It connects civilians to the bigger country and allows Russia to transfer supplies and military equipment to the region. More than a half year into the war, Ukraine still has not targeted it. Why not? This video gives ten explanations, digging deeper into the underlying strategy of the conflict.

0:00 Why The Crimean Bridge Is Important
1:14 Military Difficulty
3:49 One-Time Cost
6:10 Tit-for-Tat Retaliation
7:29 Monitoring and Intelligence
8:31 Escape Route
9:33 Population Sorting
10:49 Civilian Casualties
11:12 Maintaining Moderates
13:29 Ukraine Wants the Bridge
14:43 Negotiated Settlement
16:59 Bonus Content


Nog steeds van mening, dat die brug kost wat kost per ommegaande opgeblazen dient te worden?
nog steeds doen. waarom ze het nog niet gedaan hebben? de afstand.!!

Succes schreef op 15 september 2022 15:44:

Duitsland voorziet Oekraïne van raketwerpers en gepantserde voertuigen

Minister van Defensie Lambrecht kondigde aan dat Duitsland meer wapens naar Oekraïne wil sturen.

Volgens minister van Defensie Christine Lambrecht zal Duitsland nog twee Mars II meervoudige raketwerpers en 50 Dingo-pantservoertuigen aan Oekraïne leveren. Daarnaast zouden er ook nog 200 raketten overblijven voor de meervoudige raketwerpers, zei de SPD-politicus in Berlijn.

Het all-protection transportvoertuig Dingo is een gepantserd, draagbaar en gewapend wielvoertuig voor patrouille- en verkenningstochten.
60 Sekunden Bundeswehr: Dingo

Er zijn gepantserde voertuigen zoals de Dingo zodat de soldaten van de Bundeswehr beschermd kunnen patrouilleren. Het biedt bescherming tegen mijnen, explosieven en kogels. Bovendien heeft de Dingo een hoge mate van mobiliteit en wendbaarheid, zelfs in moeilijke weg- en terreinomstandigheden.


tinus schreef op 15 september 2022 18:39:


nog steeds doen. waarom ze het nog niet gedaan hebben? de afstand.!!
U heeft de hele video mogelijk niet gezien. Uw reactie 9 minuten na mijn post. De video duurt globaal het dubbele. Na het zien van die video zou u ook tot andere gedachten kunnen komen.

Freemoneyforever schreef op 15 september 2022 18:50:

U heeft de hele video mogelijk niet gezien. Uw reactie 9 minuten na mijn post. De video duurt globaal het dubbele. Na het zien van die video zou u ook tot andere gedachten kunnen komen.
deze brug is gebouwd door de russen. oekraine was hier fel tegen. een verhaaltje van deze yank veranderd daar niks aan.
Russia’s Energy Blackmail Is Backfiring


Uiteindelijk is Gazprom het zwaarst getroffen door het besluit van Poetin om de energiedruk op de EU te maximaliseren, aangezien het energiebedrijf het overtollige gas alleen in enorme fakkels kan verbranden, terwijl het in de winter veel productiefaciliteiten zal moeten sluiten waardoor belangrijke activa effectief worden vernietigd (Svoboda.org, 5 september). Het Kremlin mag dan fantasieën koesteren over het omleiden van gasstromen van de Yamal-velden naar China, maar het zal jaren duren om de nodige pijpleidingen aan te leggen, en Peking toont geen interesse in het financieren van deze projecten, zoals zelfs Moskou-commentatoren toegeven (Ru.valdaiclub.com, september 1). De economische vertraging in China ondermijnt effectief de energie-ambities van Poetin, aangezien de referentieprijs voor het Russische Oeral-oliemengsel is gedaald tot $ 65 per vat, ondanks de verlaging van de productiequota door het kartel van de Organisatie voor Olie-exporterende Landen (OPEC) (Izvestiya, 9 september). ).


Lees details/verder:
Oekraïne lanceert granaten gevuld met flyers die Russische troepen vertellen dat ze 'kanonnenvoer' zijn om hen te overtuigen om op te geven
Ukraine is launching shells filled with flyers telling Russian troops they're 'cannon fodder' to convince them to give up

Ukrainian forces in Kyiv are trying to encourage Russian troops to give up their fight by launching shells filled with flyers at the advancing troops.

"Russians use you as cannon fodder. Your life doesn't mean anything for them. You don't need this war. Surrender to Armed Forces of Ukraine," the flyers said, according to the Associated Press.

The move comes as Russia struggles to maintain a solid hold on captured territory in Ukraine. In the past week, Ukrainian forces have turned up the pressure on Russian troops in a blistering counteroffensive that has forced some Russian units into retreat.

According to the AP, Ukraine's border guard services said their army took back control of Vovchansk, a town two miles away from Russia that Russian troops captured on the first day of the war in March.

Russian troops have been pulling out of Kharkiv and Melitopol as well, the AP reported, citing reports from the latter city's mayor. Melitopol Mayor Ivan Fedorov reportedly said on Telegram the Russian troops were headed toward Crimea.

Russian troops have also recently vacated the village of Chkalovske, among others, in the Kharkiv region, the AP reported, with Svitlana Honchar, secretary of Ukrainian National Association Branch 96, saying they left quickly.

"They left like the wind," Honchar said Tuesday. "They were fleeing by any means they could." Some were left behind in the immediate exodus, left trying to catch up with fellow troops, Honchar said.

Other reports of recent Russian retreats in the face of the Ukrainian offensive said that some Russian troops tried to disguise themselves in civilian clothes and even stole bicycles from locals to escape from crumbling defensive lines.

A Ukrainian victory in the war remains an uncertainty, even with recent battlefield wins. That said, Ukrainian officials have released video of people burning Russian flags and tearing down posters that read "we are one people with Russia," the AP reported.

In an address to the nation, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said forces were carrying out "stabilization measures" in recaptured Ukrainian territories. He added that he wants to restore normalcy to the country.

"It is very important that together with our troops, with our flag, ordinary, normal life enters the de-occupied territory," he said.

Car checkpoint in Kharkiv region at the Ukraine border with Russia at Belgorod - Nekhoteevka checkpoint. A shell hit the customs building



vervolgens geo locatie op google maps en het is aan Russische zijde

This seems to be it. Russia side.


Tamozhenny Control Rossi ( grenskantoor van de douane van Rusland )

Japan offers support for Ukraine's economic recovery

Japan has offered Ukraine support for its economic recovery as the Eastern European country fights to repel Russia's invasion.

Japanese Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Nishimura Yasutoshi met with Ukraine's First Deputy Prime Minister Yulia Svyrydenko in Germany on Wednesday.

This comes before Nishimura attends a Group of Seven trade ministers meeting that is to open on Thursday. Topics at the meeting include ways to assist Ukraine's economic recovery.

In talks with Svyrydenko, Nishimura said his government will help Ukraine restore infrastructure and other items in line with local needs. He added that the government will call on Japanese firms to participate in that assistance.

He also said the Japan External Trade Organization will set up a special team to support exports by Ukrainian companies.

The Japanese side said Svyrydenko welcomed its offer and that the countries agreed to discuss details of the assistance.

After the talks Nishimura told reporters that Japan will also cooperate with other G7 members to support Ukraine.


#Ukraine: Another highly valuable Russian asset was captured by the Ukrainian army in #Kharkiv Oblast - with high confidence we can ID this vehicle as a R-381T2M 1.5-3000 MHz radio monitoring station from a modernized R-381TM Taran-M automatic signals intelligence complex.


tinus schreef op 15 september 2022 18:39:


nog steeds doen. waarom ze het nog niet gedaan hebben? de afstand.!!
Nog steeds doen. Ik hoop ook op een algemene mobilisatie en
Ik wil een een inval in Rusland van de Navo om die kloot uit het Kremlin te verwijderen.

Freemoneyforever schreef op 15 september 2022 18:30:


10 redenen om van het opblazen van die brug af te zien:
Ik zal er 1 noemen:
Na het opblazen van die brug kan men er niet meer mee dreigen..
Nog 9:
The Crimean Bridge (also known as the Kerch Bridge) is a critical piece of infrastructure that connects Crimea to Russia. It connects civilians to the bigger country and allows Russia to transfer supplies and military equipment to the region. More than a half year into the war, Ukraine still has not targeted it. Why not? This video gives ten explanations, digging deeper into the underlying strategy of the conflict.

0:00 Why The Crimean Bridge Is Important
1:14 Military Difficulty
3:49 One-Time Cost
6:10 Tit-for-Tat Retaliation
7:29 Monitoring and Intelligence
8:31 Escape Route
9:33 Population Sorting
10:49 Civilian Casualties
11:12 Maintaining Moderates
13:29 Ukraine Wants the Bridge
14:43 Negotiated Settlement
16:59 Bonus Content


Nog steeds van mening, dat die brug kost wat kost per ommegaande opgeblazen dient te worden?
Nog steeds en na lezing nog meer overtuigd.
Veel redenen zijn namelijk ook van toepassing op de Moskva .
Ik wil er nog niet eens de totale schade die in de vele tientallen mogelijk honderden miljarden loopt en door Rusland veroorzaakt tegenover zetten. Pak de tienduizenden doden, gewonden, gemartelden, verkrachtingen, deportaties en de grondstoffenchantage. Neem de getroffen, ziekenhuizen, scholen, kinderspeelplaatsen en ga zo maar door.
Waar lijkt het toch op dat dit volk een ander volk kapot mag bombarderen zonder dat men naar dat land mag schieten. Kijk alleen nu maar naar die vernieling van de electra centrales. Al waren het twintig bruggen. Eigenlijk het liefst het Kremlin.
The Ukrainian enemy is at the gates, according to Leonid Pasechnik, head of the "Luhansk People's Republic", but he insists "there's no reason to panic"

In fact he's so sure that he has to repeat himself

video 0:23 minuut Engels ondertiteld

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